Red Roses:Vale Saga(Ruby Rose...

By stonebud05

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(Volumes 1-3) You have known Ruby Rose for as long as you were both were kids and have been together since ha... More

Vol. 1 Episode 0:Intro
Vol. 1 Episode 1:Ruby Rose
Vol. 1 Episode 2:The shining Beacon part 1
Vol. 1 Episode 3:The Shining Beacon Part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 4: The First Step
Vol. 1 Episode 5:The first step part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 6:Emerald Forest
Vol. 1 Episode 7:Emerald Forest Part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 8:Players and Pieces
Vol. 1 Episode 8.5:Special Episode
Vol. 1 Episode 9:The Badge and the Burden
Vol. 1 Episode 10:The Badge and the Burden part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 11:Jaunedice
Vol. 1 Episode 12:Jaunedice part 2
Vol.1 Episode 12.5:Special Episode 2
Vol. 1 Episode 13:Forever Fall
Vol. 1 Episode 14:Forever Fall part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 15:The Stray
"Blue" Trailer
Vol. 2 Episode 1:Best Day Ever
Vol. 2 Episode 2:Welcome to Beacon
Vol. 2 Episode 3:A Minor Hiccup
Vol. 2 Episode 4:Painting the Town...
Vol. 2 Episode 5:Extracurricular
Vol. 2 Episode 5.5:Special Episode 3
Vol. 2 Episode 6:Burning the Candle
Vol. 2 Episode 7:Dance Dance Infiltration
Special Episode:Bios
Vol. 2 Episode 8:Field Trip
Vol. 2 Episode 9:Search and Destroy
Vol. 2 Episode 10:Mountain Glenn
Vol. 2 Episode 11:No Brakes
Vol. 2 Episode 12:Breach
Vol. 3 Episode 1:First Round
Vol. 3 Episode 2:New Challengers...
Vol. 3 Episode 3:It's Brawl in the Family
Vol. 3 Episode 4:Lessons Learned
Vol. 3 Episode 4.5:Special Episode 4
Volume 3 Episode 5:Never Miss a Beat
Volume 3 Episode 6:Fall
Vol. 3 Episode 7:Beginning of the End
Vol. 3 Episode 8:Destiny
Vol. 3 Episode 9:PvP
Vol. 3 Episode 10:Battle of Beacon
Special Episode:Grimmdark Bios
Vol. 3 Episode 11:Heroes and Monsters
Vol. 3 Episode 12:End of the Beginning
Announcement:Mistral Saga out now

Vol. 1 Episode 16:Black and White

72 3 0
By stonebud05

Opening time:

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Afternoon

(Y/N) pov:

I was walking around the city trying to find Blake. It's been 2 days now since we last saw her. I decided to go to a cafe nearby to get some energy. I went in and ordered some coffee. As I sat down to drink my coffee, I looked over to my right and saw Blake and Sun on the Balcony. I decided to walk over and talk to her.

(Y/N):Hey, Blake.

Blake then looked up in surprise at me standing there.

(Y/N):Don't worry, I'm not going to drag you back to Beacon if you don't want to.

Blake:Thanks, (Y/N).

Sun:So now she talks! It's been two days!

Blake:(Y/N), sit down for a second.

(Y/N):Sure, what's up?

Blake:Alright, first of all. Do you know who the White Fang is, Sun?

Sun:Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me!

Blake:Well, I was once a member.

I nearly spit out my coffee in surprise but managed to keep it in.

(Y/N):Wait, what?

Sun:You were a member of the White Fang?!

Blake:That's right. I was a member for most of my life. I guess you could say, I was born into it.


Blake:Alright. Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between Humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference. But I was just a youthful optimist.

(Y/N):What made you leave then?

Blake: Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly, our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor. And the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect... out of fear. So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am: a criminal hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little black bow.

(Y/N):That... that was intense. Sorry to hear that.

Sun:So... have you told your friends about any of this.

We continued to talk for a couple of hours. We planned on going to attack some white fang members and stuff. Sun then left so me and Blake could talk.

(Y/N):*sigh* This has been some really crazy shit. Why hide that your a Faunus? Besides from Cardin, no one there would discriminate. You could've talked to me, Ruby, Yang, and maybe Weiss. I don't know.

Blake:I still can't believe you threatened her.

(Y/N): I feel a little bit bad about it. It was kinda in the heat of the moment. Besides, I hate discrimination against people different from me. It makes no fucking sense that people could hate others over stuff they can't control.

Blake:Ruby didn't really take your whole thing with Weiss, well. She seemed worried. I'm not going to get involved to much with this but. Is this normal?

(Y/N):No, I hate that she had to see that. Sometimes, I think if she deserves better than my dumbass. I mean, she is so amazing. I would kill and die for her. Me, on the other hand. What's so amazing about me. Nothing, I get angry easily other the dumbest shit. I basically brutalize any Grimm and any other enemies. I don't know, Blake. I just fear that, I would do something bad. And Ruby, gets affected by it. I don't think I could live with myself if she got hurt from something I did, You know?

Blake:Kinda. But, listen. From Ruby has told us, you're one of the greatest people she has ever known. There are times she'll just talk about you. She loves you very much.

(Y/N):I know, and I do too.

Blake:We should get going. Sun is probably getting bored.

(Y/N):Let's go.

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Afternoon

Ruby pov:

Ruby:Blake! Where are you!?


Me, Yang, and Weiss were out searching for Blake. Hopefully (Y/N) found her and that she is okay. I noticed that Weiss wasn't doing anything.

Ruby:Weiss, you're not helping!

Weiss:Oh! You know who might help? The police!

Ruby:Really, Weiss?

Weiss:It was just an idea!

Ruby:Yeah, a really bad one.

Yang:Yeah, Weiss. I think we should hear her side of the story before jumping to any conclusions.

Weiss:I think that when we hear it, you'll see I'm right!

Penny:And I think Weiss' hair looks beautiful today!

We turned around in surprise to see Penny behind us.

Ruby:Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?

Penny:Hey guys! What are you up to?


Yang:We're looking for our friend, Blake.

Penny:Oh, you mean the Faunus Girl!

How did Penny know that Blake was a Faunus?

Ruby:How did you know that?

Penny:She has cat ears.

Yang:What cat ears? She wears a bow. Oh.

The realization that Blake used bow to hide her identity shocked us into silence.

Ruby:She does like tuna a lot.

Penny:So where is she?

Yang:We don't know. She's been missing since Friday.

Penny:That's terrible! Well, don't you worry, my friend! I won't rest till we find your teammate!

Ruby:Uh, that's very nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right, guys?

I then looked around and saw that both Yang and Weiss were gone. I see a tumbleweed then passed us.

Penny:Very windy today!

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Afternoon

(Y/N) pov:

Me, Blake, and Sun were walking through this Alley. Why? I don't know. All I know is that Blake is focused on these dust shop robberies.

Sun:So what's the plan?

Blake:I don't think that the White Fang are robbing the dust shops. They've never needed this much dust.

(Y/N):But what if, someone else did. Or, like some big ass operation!

Sun:Yeah, and what if they did need them for themselves. I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there! Right?

Blake:Problem is that I don't know where we could start looking.

Sun:Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a huge shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas.

Blake:How huge?

Sun:Like, A Schnee Dust Company Freighter.

(Y/N):Not a bad spot to check out.

Blake:If things go south for us, could we use Team VMAV for help?

(Y/N):Is it possible, yes. However, in a tactical viewpoint. No, because we don't want a giant explosion in the side of Vale due to Incendiary Explosives. That would cause fear. Fear causes Grimm. So, unfortunately. No VMAV.

Blake:Damn, then we'll have to do it ourselves.

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Afternoon

Ruby pov:

Me and Penny have been walking around Vale for about 20 minutes now. While I have been searching for Blake. Penny kept asking questions.

Penny:So, Blake is your friend?

Ruby:*sigh* Yes, Penny.

Penny:But you're mad at her?

Ruby:Yes. Well, I'm not. Weiss is.

Penny:Is Weiss friends with Blake?

Ruby:Well that's on debate right now.

Penny:But why?

Ruby:*sigh* Well, you see. Blake might not be who we thought she was.

Penny:Is she a man?

Ruby:What?! No! No, Penny. She's...*sigh*. I don't know what she is. She didn't really tell us anything before she left.

Penny:I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would try to talk to them about things.

Ruby:*sigh* Me too.

Location:City of Vale Docks
Time of Day:Evening

(Y/N) pov:

Me and Blake were keeping watch on any White Fang activity at the Docks. Sun then came back with food.

Sun:Did I miss anything?

Blake:Not much, they're just unloading the crates off the Ship. Now they're just sitting there.

Sun:Also, why the fuck do you have food in your hands?!

Sun:I stole it for us.

Blake:Do you always break the law without a second thought?

Sun:Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?

Blake then looked at him with an angry glare as I facepalmed myself.

Sun:Okay, too soon!

(Y/N):You know what! I'm eating these apples! I don't give a damn if they were stolen. I haven't eaten Breakfast or Lunch and I'm hungry!

Blake looked back into her binoculars and she then looked concerned as we saw a Bulkhead land and people walking out from it.

Blake:Oh no...

Sun:It them?

Blake:Yep. Here take a look.

I took the binoculars to check. I then saw their logo.

(Y/N):I'm pretty sure that's White Fang.

Sun:You didn't really think they were behind this, did you.

Blake:No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right.

Blake then heard a familiar voice as I saw what she was hearing. It was Roman Torchwick.

(Y/N):It's Torchwick, me and Ruby stopped him from robbing a dust shop a little bit ago before school.

Blake:What's a human like that working with the White Fang?!

(Y/N):I'm guessing some type of business operation. Possibly Weapons, Dust, and Lien. Those are my guesses.

Blake:Then let's stop them.

Me and Blake then went down to stop them.

Roman:No, you idiot! This isn't a leash!

Blake then grabbed his head and put her blade at his throat.

Roman:What the fu... Ah come on!

Blake:No one move!

Before the White Fang Soldiers could react. I appeared out from a shadow and held a White Fang Soldier at blade point with my Weapon's Hidden Blade.

(Y/N):First person who moves! This guy Fucking dies!

Roman:Whoa! Take it easy there, little lady. And Blue! Is that you! How long as it been since you and Red met me. How is Red anyway?

(Y/N):The game is over, Torchwick! Me and Ruby stopped you before! Me and Blake can easily stop you again!

Blake undid her bow to reveal her faunus ears.

Blake:Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?

The Soldiers then lowered their guns.

Roman:Oh, I'm sorry didn't you get the memo? The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!

Blake:Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation.

We then heard turbine engines and looked up to see three bulkheads.

Blake:Oh no...

Roman:I wouldn't call this a little operation...

Roman then used his cane to cause an explosion underneath of Blake.


I slit the Soldier's throat and transformed my weapons into gun mode and got into cover. I started firing at them as they were firing back. Blake then started to get up from the explosion.
She appeared to be dazed from it.

(Y/N):Blake! Get the hell out of there and into cover!

I then saw her use her semblance to dodge incoming missiles. Roman then began to approach her.

Roman:Here, kitty, kitty.

Before he could reach her. Sun distracted Roman just in time.

Sun:Leave her Alone!

Before Sun could do anything, a swarm of White Fang Soldiers appeared ready to back up Torchwick.

Roman:You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are you, kid?

A couple of Soldiers charged toward Sun but then was able to make short work from them.


Sun then pulled out his weapon and used it to take out the Soldiers.

Meanwhile, I was also using all of my weapon's forms and abilities to take out as many Soldiers as I could. I couldn't keep tabs on what the other two were doing since I was fighting for my life. I then heard another familiar voice.

Ruby:Hey! Leave them alone!

Roman:Little Red, isn't past your bedtime. You already missed the reunion between me, you, and Blue.

Penny then appeared from behind her.

Penny:Are these people your friends, Ruby?

Ruby:Penny, get back! AUGH!

Roman sent Ruby flying using his Cane. Before she could fall. I caught her in my arms.

(Y/N):You alright, Ruby?!

Ruby:Yes, my Knight in Shining Armor.

Ruby kissed my forehead as I put her down on the floor to sit.

The two of us saw Penny prepare to get ready to fight Roman.

Ruby:Penny,Wait! Stop!

Penny:Don't worry, Ruby! I'm combat ready!

Out of nowhere, swords appeared from Penny's backpack. She then used them to take out the White Fang Soldiers and the bulkheads. I look over at Ruby to see her in Awe.

Ruby:Whoa! How is she doing that?

Roman then ran over to the last remaining bulkhead and got on. He looked back before entering.

Roman:These kids keep getting weirder and weirder.

He then left on the Bulkhead.

(Y/N):We did it!


Later on, Me, Ruby, Blake, Sun, and Penny we're waiting around as police cars came to clean up the scene. We then saw Yang and Weiss come up to us.

(Y/N):Hey Yang! Hey Weiss! It was crazy here! You should've seen it! Also, don't worry about all those White Fang soldiers. I acted in self defense so I can't get in trouble if they die or not!

Ruby:Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute...

Blake:Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the-

Weiss:Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you? Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided that I don't care.

Weiss: You said you're not one of them anymore, right?

Blake: No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-

Weiss:Ah-bahp-bahp-bahp! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some... Someone else.

Blake:Of course.

Ruby:Yeah! Team RWBY back together! You too, (Y/N).


Ruby:Just because it's just us four. Doesn't mean you aren't a member. You're like a honorary member.

(Y/N):Yay! Group hug!

I grabbed RWBY and pulled them in for a hug. The five us then group hugged.

The five of us then stopped hugging. Ruby then looked around to see Penny was gone.

Ruby:Where did Penny go? She was just right here.

I got up behind Ruby and hugged her from behind. She then began to blush and she put her hand on my cheek.

(Y/N):I love you. So very much.

Ruby:I love you too, (Y/N). Can I sleep in your room tonight.

(Y/N):As you wish, my lady.

The two of us then kissed.

Credits time

(Writer's note:Sorry this took longer than usual. I was very busy. As payment, I will post the first episode of Volume 2 and the Blue trailer(a trailer like how team RWBY does. I forgot to add this at the beginning)

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