By AYMari0

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Rose has had a sad life for the past 7 years, just eating away her depression, until one crazy night she gets... More



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By AYMari0


                                                                                        THANK YOU

                                                                                           3rd POV

Abaddon sat by the window staring out into the night sky, thinking of the plan he has been trying to put together. The island has a king. For the first time in vampire history there is a vampire king. And it wasn't him. He was going to do everything in his power to kill Kane. 

Even if he had to kill his beloved Rose. But first he had to find that dog. Chain her up once again. He missed his dog. So did his men. They wanted to play with the dog again, they loved the way she felt. He never got to touch her; he was always with Rose. 

Abaddon stared out at the moon, pain settling in his cold dead heart, he'll have to kill Rose to get to Kane. It broke his heart; he wasn't all a monster. Maybe he didn't know how to love, but he did love Rose. He didn't care about the mate thing; he didn't give a single fuck about it. Mating and loving are two different things. 

Mates tend to fall in love within time, once they meet, they aren't instantly in love it takes time and patience. He did however fall in love with Rose. She was perfect. She's sweet, and beautiful. Her long hair waved and crashed to her hips and her blue eyes dragged him in more. Her soft milky skin drove him insane. Yeah, there are more glamorous vampires out there. Lidia being one of them. 

But Rose just captivated him. She made his cock hard. 

He felt his eyes blurry with tears that will never spill, thanks to his father vampires could never shed tears. For the dead cannot cry. Yet somehow, we are spirits in the form of humans, stuck with his father's curse. 

Souls are immortal, and that's what every human being has inside of them, once they died their soul would be reincarnated, on and on, searching for their other half. Vampires are dead souls that have taken the form of human with heighten powers. They were created because my father fell in love with a human created directly from God himself. 

But it's all bullshit, all of it! Abaddon's mind babble was interrupted by muffled cries. Dinah had woken up and the knifes he had put all over her had begun to fall out of her. The chains scratched the floor with each movement she made. She tried to beg to Abaddon, but it only made him angry. He hated hearing her voice. 

Dinah's neck was tightly wrapped with a chain that would dig its claws each time she moved. Although she didn't need the air it hurt her a lot. Dinah wanted to scream out so everyone could hear but she knew they wouldn't care. They loved and followed Abaddon. She held her pain inside as she watched him enjoy every minute of her pain. 

Abaddon was the man she has always loved, but he was a monster. She knew secrets about him, secrets no one knew. She has been with him for thousands of years. She has many times spied on him and listened to many of his conversations. 

She knew about his mother, Lilith never died. She was brought to the depts of hell when God flooded the earth, she then became the mother of demons. For thousands of years, they have been planning to overtake earth and make it theirs. Letting the demons that have been chained up free. Vampires have been roaming the earth for thousands of years but because they were born from Lilith who was purely created by God, they aren't all that evil. They do have their choices like a normal human, and they are immortal like the soul. But they aren't as evil as Lilith thought. 

Some of them like everyone living on the hidden island are good. They do drink the blood of humans. Stolen bags of blood donation but they try not to kill humans at all. Sometimes they slip up and kill someone.

Those who follow Abaddon are purely evil, just like him. They enjoy torturing others for fun and killing, oh they thrive on killing. 

Dinah had killed for fun before, until she met Rose and Lexi, something in her began to change, not all completely, she only helped free Rose and Lexi because she was becoming very jealous of Rose. 

But something in had been wanting her to run to Rose, to seek help and to put distance from Abaddon. He has changed even more. He has always been a monster, but Dinah has noticed something else different. Something that made her very uncomfortable. He has always beat her and chained her up. But this time there was something different. She just couldn't put her finger on it. 

Abaddon left the room and left her alone; she still couldn't breathe at all since the chains around her neck had cut any type of air way. 

"Dinah?" Dinah moved her eyes to the sound of the voice. It was Gabriel! Gabriel was just 100 years younger than Dinah; he was maybe the 10th vampire ever created. Gabriel only followed Abaddon with fear. He knew Abaddon would find him and kill him if Grabriel ever betrayed Abaddon.

Dinah tried to speak out but couldn't. Grabriel gasped in full horror and fear upon looking at Dinah. Grabriel began to unwrap the chains from her neck. They air began to flow through her lungs she spoke in rash whispers.

"You can't be here, if Abaddon catches you releasing me, he will kill you!" Dinah spoke with fear in her voice. 

"I know, but i hate seeing you like this! You haven't even had blood in 2 weeks." Gabriel began to take out the knifes from her body. Dinah's cut healing instantly. 

"Gabriel stop, you can't get caught." Dinah says trying to stop Gabriel.

"No, i don't care what happens to me, i won't let him hurt you like this anymore." Gabriel says. "We need to think of something."

"We can go to the island. Trade information with Kane. Hopefully Rose would forgive me, maybe we would be safe there." Dinah says.

"Information? What kind?" Gabriel stops unwrapping Dinah.

"Everything! Abaddon is a monster! He must be stopped." Dinah says.

"I couldn't agree more." Gabriels eyes widen i pure fear. Dinah looks up and see's Abaddon standing there with 2 of his favorite men.

"Abaddon." Dinah basically screams. "Wait please." 

Before Dinah could blink Abaddon had his hand wrapped around Gabriels's neck. "You are such a little pussy aren't you. Well let's make you one shall we."

"Abaddon stops!" Dinah cried out.

"Abaddon i am sorry." Gabriel says in a panicked voice.

"Hold him." Abaddon demands his men. His men grab Gabriel and lay him on the ground his arms stretched from his body.

"Wait!" Gabriel screams.

Abaddon rips Gabriels pants clean off revealing his cock. 

"Abaddon please i beg you!" Gabriel screams.

"I will teach you what happens when you act like a bitch!" Abaddon says, he then turns and looks at Dinah. "When i am done with him i will be dealing with you!" Abaddon says in deadly voice. 

Dinah shook in fear. She watched as Abaddon cleanly rips off Gabriels dick off, Gabriel screams filled her ears, and all she could think is everyone he has ever tortured. Everyone he has ever made cry out in pain. 

She watched as Gabriel cried out in pain, Abaddon flipped him on his belly and stuck a knife up his ass. Gabriel scream louder as his body shook in pain.

"This is what you get for acting like a little bitch! You will be treated like a bitch!" Abaddon yells.

He pulled the knife in and out fucking him in the ass, blood splattering everywhere. 

"You will become a sex slave for my real men." Abaddon says laughing. "They will fuck your bloody ass!" Abaddon signals one of his men, Judds lets go of his arm and whips out his cock, he jerks it a couple of times until his cock is hard. Judd then stuck his cock inside Gabriels bloody ass and fucked him grunting at the pleasure. Gabriel cried out in pain. Judd grabbed Gabriel's arm and twisted it behind Gabriels back. He picked up his speed as he fucked Gabriels's ass. 

Once Gabriels injury healed Abaddon pulled Judd off, of Gabriel and once again fucked his ass with the knife making Gabriel scream once again. Abaddon looked back at Dinah.

"Where the hell is she?" Abaddon yells.

All the while Abaddon's focus was solely on Gabriel, Dinah managed to take the chains off quietly. She then got up quickly and escaped out the basement. Its feeding time so she knew most of the vampires where out hunting, feeding. 

She ran fast, and far not stopping or looking back. She then stumbled in front of the beach. She didn't know where she was, she then jumped in the ocean and swam. Swam fast and far, until she reached land. She looked around. The sky was dark, there was no one around. She could tell it was probably way passed mid night on a Wednesday night, Dinah got out of the water and looked around. She was a sign 'Lely Barefoot Beach'. She was on the west side of Florida. That means she must have been held somewhere in Mexico. 

Dinah couldn't stop. Abaddon must have sent his men after her. They would be looking for her everywhere. She kept running up. She found a homeless man and drank every last of his blood. She found a car parked by the beach, there must be some couple camping nearby. She could hear their hearts beating, in a slow rhythm, they are asleep. Dinah opened the tent and found the lady's bag. She quickly found clothes and changed into them, throwing her old clothes in the fire. 

Dinah then ran north, not ever stopping. Not even for blood, even though she craved it so. She knew she wasn't safe. She ran until she reached the apple city, New York. 

Just a couple of hundreds of thousands of miles furthest from Croatia. In a Island hidden from humans, Kane paced back and forth in the newly built large house. He missed his mate; he knew he fucked up. He should have told Rose everything, but instead he kept it all to himself. 

Marcus had come and seen him. He was worried about the girls. Apparently Rose finally opened up about everything, Marcus said its pretty bad, they haven't left the beach, Marcus said they have been sitting there watching the sun set and rise over and over again.

Kane needed his mate. His cock was driving him crazy, but he also wanted to hold her and care for her. Kane couldn't stop pacing across the room. He filled it with things he knew would make Rose happy, would make her smile. Like he knew Rose loved reading, so he built her a beautiful shelf full of books, just for her. Also, he noticed the flowers she tends to look at the most, Orquids especially the white ones. Right next to the books. He had also made the living room into a gorgeous set up, mostly everything white and yellow. He had read that they were lively colors somewhere in a magazine.

He wasn't done yet with the house set up. The house he had been building for him and Rose was a lot bigger than most houses here in the island. The front had beautiful large roman columns, and a wide set of double doors, with windows on the side and a very large one on top of the front doors, from the top of the stairs you can see out at front. 

The stairs made a large curve, made of glass and metal, it made it seem like they were floating. The house still being built will have 10 large rooms and 11 bathrooms. The master room will have it all. Everything for his Rose, hot tub you name it. Kane had all the money he needed for it. Years of living he had saved a lot, he had it saved up in a Switzerland account. He had about 89 million, probably more. Lidia deals with most of it. She talks about stocks, but he never really pays attention. She says she is 1 million dollars richer than him. Whatever that meant, he made Lidia his appointed accountant. She knows better how to deal with money, she is even a great dealer. She likes going to the casinos. 

He looked at the plans. He made 3 large rooms enough to fit at least 4 vampires in, he needs men living there with him, to protect the house in case of anything. Lidia and Marcus will have a room whenever they visit. They love traveling and going to the states a lot, when they come, they always stay at the hotel like building. 

He also made a big office for himself, a dark cherry wood desk sitting in the middle of the room, shelves in the back full of books full of history, books he has collected over the years. A computer which he doesn't really need, but it will have his bank account. 

Kane looked at the almost finished house. He hopes it should be built by the end of the month. Hopefully he will have his mate next to him before then, he just had to apologize for fucking things up. He hopes that Rose will forgive him, he just needed to know what he should do, throw himself on the ground and beg, run across the world on his knees? He would do anything just to have his mate next to him. To call her queen. 

Lidia walked in, she watched as Kane walked back and forth. He seemed distraught.

 she could tell he wanted to run to his mate but wouldn't to give her space. She then remembered everything that Rose told her. Lidia had only thought that she was only raped, she thought she could help her forget that, but no. What Abaddon put her through was much worse, but Lexi! That poor girl. That girl went through actual hell. That poor girl will be scarred for life. She could imagine her screaming for her big sister, asking her to help her only to be ignored, over and over again. To have your big sister sit there and watch you get hurt get used, and feel lonely for so many years, Lidia wanted to go look for Lexi and hold her and make things better for her. But she knew it wouldn't happen like that. She needed therapy she needed help. She had to go and look for her, talk to her. Although she doubts, she would ever want to talk to a vampire after all of the years of abuse. Lexi will be full of fear and worry.

"Kane." Lidia spoke up making Kane stop on his tracks.

"Lidia, how is Rose doing? I was told she talked to you, told you everything." Kane says taking slow steps towards the woman who has acted like his mother since his change.

"She needs you; she needs his mate. You need to sit down with her and let her talk to you, Kane if i would have known what i know now, i would have never suggested you to be king." Lidia said. Now she sees why Rose didn't want to be queen. She wasn't ready, she would never be ready. Unless she finds the right type of help. Lidia planned on searching for Lexi and searching for the best Psychologists. Someone that will help her and her sister as well. She will pay with her own money.

"What do you mean?" Kane asked full of worry.

"I cant tell you, only Rose can. But what i could tell you is that its bad. Its really bad." Lidia cried out.

"Oh." Kane said. It was the only thing he could say. He was now worried. Very worried for what he was about to find out. What the fuck did Abaddon do to his mate?

"I will bring her to you, but you must be gentle and take your time with her, let her feel comfortable first." Lidia says. "I will be heading to New York to look for Lexi, and then do some research, they both need some serious therapy." 

Kane nodded his head, he completely agreed with Lidia. They must do everything they could for Rose, whatever he was about to hear he knew would shake him. By the way Lidia was acting, it scared him the way he would he react. 

Lidia walked back to the beach and found Rose and the girls still sitting where she left them. She sat next to Rose and sat in a position where she could look at her in the eyes.

"Rose, i think its time to go to him, he needs you and you need him." Lidia says with calmness in her voice she worried how Rose would react. Was she still angry, was she still going to keep staying away from her mate?

Rose looked at Lidia with her light blue eyes, her dark hair had been dancing in the wind making her hair stay away from her face, but now when she turned her head and her hair played with the wind more, covering her face. 

Lidia fixed Rose's hair putting it behind her ear. She smiled at her, she has always thought of Kane as her son, she has been taking care of him as if he were hers, and now she had Rose. Her beautiful girl. 

Rose looked back at the sea, she closed her eyes listening the waves crash with the land, she felt the breeze all over her skin, the wind may be invisible, but she could see the wind in the waves. 

"Rose?" Lidia whispered.

Rose looked up and cleared her throat. She then got up and dusted herself, the girls did the same, they all looked at each other, Rose felt a little bit better now, she had them. She would never feel lonely. 

They all walked beside Rose; they lead Rose to the newly built home. Rose gasped at the beauty of it. Kane was talking to Marcus pacing across the front, he then stopped as he stared at Rose, she felt her body beam with joy, Kane didn't wait, he couldn't wait, he ran to her and pulled her against his body, he had missed the way her body pressed against his, the way he her hips curved and her ass so nice and big. He smelled her hair and scent. He wanted to bite her, it felt like the time he had rescued her from Abaddon, but that was worse. 

"I am sorry." Is all Kane could say. "Please don't leave me again. I can't take it."

Rose looked around to see everyone had left and had given them their privacy. Kane grabbed her face and stared at her beautiful blue eye. He stared at her with longing eyes. He had missed her so much. He had missed seeing that beautiful face. The one face that brought pure joy to his heart. 

"Rose?" Kane asked as he stared at her in wonder.

"You hurt me Kane. You kept that from me knowing that i didn't want it." Rose said with sadness in her eyes.

"I was an idiot. Ok, plus i didn't know the rest of the plan. Ok i was sure nothing was going to happen to Abraham, I was positive. Don't hate me for that part of the plan that i didn't know." Kane said.

And it dawned on Rose, he didn't know the full plan. She was angry at him yes, but she could tell he was being honest. He didn't tell her about Abrahams will, but he didn't know that everyone else had another intention.

In that moment Rose felt terrible for completely hating him, for being so harsh with him. Yes, that day they almost fought but Kane was very scared of her going back out there were Abaddon could be waiting, and then she realized the pain she had put on him. Kane suffered as well during all those years. Not knowing where she was or if she was even alive. He knew Rose was raped and it hurt him very much. 

Rose grabbed his face in her small hands and pulled him close to her, she softly kissed his lips and she felt instantly safe, being in his arms, feeling his love. 

Kane let her inside and showed her everything around, from the little library to the smallest closet in the house. She loved the house, It was majestic. It was beautiful and classical. 

Rose walked out and looked at the house from the outside. She admired every detail. Kane stood next to her and smiled at her, she then talked to him, told him everything. Kane listened with a heavy heart but stayed strong for her. Kane felt anger and hatred deep inside of him he wanted to scream and to cry, but he held it in. He grabbed Rose and held and kept listening to her. 

He promised to himself that he will make Abaddon pay he will pay for all of the damage he has done. 

Dinah walked all around the city. She was full, and well dressed. She kept her eyes open for Abaddon's followers. She walked through tall buildings until they started to become smelled and duller, and broke. She walked past barking dogs and men tripping on their own feet. 

She then caught a familiar scent; she followed the scent. Into a hidden bar. The smell was strong yet masked by similar scents. And it dawned on her. 

There were more wolfs in the planet, hidden. Dinah spotted Lexi, she walked with a tall handsome wolf, with shaggy black hair. Lexi was safe, Dinah worried that it wouldn't last, especially if she stayed longer. 

And if Abaddon's followers ever caught her scent, it would lead them to Lexi. Rose would never forgive Dinah. She had to make sure Abaddon never catches Lexi.

"2 birds 1 stone. Abaddon is going to be very happy." Judds voice made Dinah jump. Judd had found her. 

Judd grabbed the back of Dinah's head and slammed it against the cold metal post. The loud bang made all of the wolfs stand in attention. They smelt the scent of death, Vampires. 

Lexi came out with Ace in her heels. He had his hand safely on her shoulder, but also made sure to not make her feel uncomfortable, he had fallen for Lexi, although she was a lot older than him. There was something about her that attracted him. She had sadly cut her long hair and it freely waved just below her shoulders. Ace made sure to keep her safe, Vicky stared at them in full jealousy, she has always had deep feelings for Ace, Vicky had always admired his beauty. The way he was so sweet as well too. Ace was perfect, and Lexi took him with the snap of her fingers. 

She was jealous of Lexi but didn't hate her. She couldn't force him to love her. She had tried but nothing ever worked.

Dinah fought Judd, but he was a lot stronger than her. She felt eyes on them but ignored it. She had to kill Judd before he kills her and gets his hands on Lexi. A growl made them stop; Judd stared at the 3 large wolfs baring their large teeth at them. Dinah then took her opportunity and stroked Judd; she kept hitting him. Judd saw he would lose, if not by her than by the wolfs. He kicked Dinah off and threw her to the wolfs and then ran. Abaddon will have a party started once he finds out about the hideout. 

Dinah landed in front of the large wolfs, Lexi let out a loud gasp as she stared at Dinah, her capture for many years. Lexi grabbed Ace's arm without thinking and squeezed hard in full fear. Abaddon had founded her.

"Wait Lexi! I promise i mean no harm, Judd is now on his way to tell Abaddon about your location, you need to run far, he is coming to get you!" Dinah said in a rush. Lexi stared at her with fear. 

"You know that evil creature?" Glenda asks as she walks out of the bat.

"She follows Abaddon." Lexi says.

"I used to, until the coronation, Abaddon is angry he is going to kill Rose!" Dinah yells. 

"Who is Rose?" Glenda asks Lexi. 

"My sister." 

"Brandy's eldest daughter?" Glenda asks. "But she is not of wolf decent." Lexi stared at Glenda and then at Dinah, Glenda then put the dots together. It saddened her. Brandys oldest daughter was a vampire. 

"Lexi i am sorry." Dinah says.

"Silence you demon!" Miguel yells. "What are we going to do with her?"

"Let me go, i need to go to Rose and warn her. and you need to hide, Abaddon will kill you all. But he will put you back in those chains Lexi."

Like hell will Dinah let Abaddon put his hands on Lexi. 

Lexi stared at Dinah with fear. Ace pulled Lexi towards him putting his arms around her, he was full of worry. It's only been a couple of weeks since he has known Lexi, but he remembered when he first laid eyes on her. She looked so frail, so scared. He felt the need to care for her and protect her. 

"If Abaddon ever shows it will be your fault you demon! You have led him here!" Glenda says. 

"I am so sorry about that, i didn't expect to stumble upon you all here, i was only trying to get away." Dinah says. "I didn't know he was hot on my heels."

"What should we do?" Miguel asks Glenda.

"We have to fight back."

"You can't fight him; it won't be that easy. He has probably learned about you now and might be making plans." Dinah says.

"Yeah, we know, now with that king." Glenda says.

"You are wrong. Kane would never, Rose especially. They hate Abaddon just as much as you." Dinah says.

"I don't believe that you are all demons." Miguel says pointing his forefinger at Dinah and sneering.

"Rose would never let anything happen to Lexi." Dinah says.

"Well Lexi suffered at the hands of Abaddon for years, and what did Rose do?" Glenda asks. Lexi looked down tears falling down her cheeks. She didn't know what to think. All she could think is of Abaddon and what he would do to her once he gets his hands or her once again.

"Rose did try to fight! Lexi you know that! She tried but no vampire can fight that obsession, that compulsion." Dinah says her eyes widening. She tried to get up and walk up to Lexi but the growls of the three wolfs made her stop on her tracks.

"Should we kill her?" Miguel asks.

"No! I have to warn Rose!" Dinah panics. "But Lexi i need to make sure you run as far as you can somewhere else!"

"Lies!" Miguel yells. "Probably trying to get Lexi killed." 

"No, I swear!" Dinah looks at Lexi. "I called Kane and told him each location i tried to beg him to let you both go, he never listened! I fed you i made sure you ate!"

"You were there?" Ace asks. Anger filling his whole body. 

"I am sorry!" Dinah cries.

"Shut up you demon! You can't even cry." Miguel yells. "Kill that thing!" Miguel commands.

"No!" Lexi finally yells out. "No, my sister can deal with her." 

"Lexi?" Ace looks at her.

"She was around when i was suffering at the hands of Abaddon, but she is also right, my sister and her mate also hate Abaddon. Abaddon is a monster in our world and theirs. If they chose Kane as king, it must have been for a reason." Lexi says. 

"I don't believe none of that." Miguel says. "They are all snakes, and snakes cannot be trusted, you may think you have tamed them but when you least expected they will strike." 

"Not Rose. She is my sister." Lexi says. "I want to come with you."

"What?" Ace looks at Lexi. "No, you aren't going with her."

"I need to run! If Abaddon gets me, he just won't kill me." Lexi begins to breath hard.

"We won't let that happen." Ace says.

"You don't get it! Abaddon has a large following! He can make an army in less than a minute and will be on the way here as soon as they are told. Judd was one of his many loyal followers." Dinah says. 

"Don't worry about us, we have already made plans incase anything like this ever happens." Glenda says. "Lexi you will be safe with us." 

Dinah rubs her eyes and paces. "You are understanding this! Abaddon knows Lexi isn't the only wolf, he knows there are more, he will not stop! Not only that he will be very angry! He is more than angry! Lexi Abaddon has this weird obsession with your sister. He hasn't tasted her blood, but he wants her badly. Kane not only has Rose but also, he is now king! It made him angry he beat me and chained me for weeks."

"At least you weren't chained for years." Lexi throws in Dinah's face.

"Thats only because i managed to escape." Dinah says. "He would have kept me there for a hundred years if he wanted, or even killed me. Lexi we are losing time! You all are!" 

Glenda looks at Lexi, who seems to be in a trance. Glenda didn't want to believe that demon but looking at Lexi she could see the fear in her eyes and each breath she took. 

"The longer we stand here talking the less time you all have to escape, Abaddon is coming, and he will be coming for blood." Dinah says. 

"Enough, we will figure it out, but you need to leave." Glenda says.

"You are letting her walk away?" Miguel asks. "They have killed our kind for hundreds of years." 

"We will figure it out!" Glenda says. She walks up to Lexi and grabs her hand.

"Glenda." Miguel says begins to say angry that Glenda is going to let that demon walk away. They need to kill her and all of her kind.

"I said enough." Glenda says she then turns and looks Lexi. "What do you suggest?"

Lexi looks at Dinah and lets out a long sigh. "Go and warn Rose, I'll make sure the pack hides. Once i am sure they are safe I'll go and look for Rose."

"You aren't going anywhere." Ace says. 

"Excuse me?" Lexi looks at Ace. 

"You can't go with them. What if something happens to you?" Ace says.

"I can take care of myself." Lexi says anger taking over her. "I still have the phone with Rose's number, when everyone is safe ill call it and then be on the way." Lexi says to Dinah, Dinah nods her head and begins to walk away. A growl made her stop.

"You can't seriously let her walk away!" Miguel yells.

"I said enough Miguel!" Glenda yells at Miguel, Miguel then begins to breath hard his body shaking in anger, his eyes turning yellow. He stares at Dinah with pure hate and disgust.

"Dinah run!" Lexi yells as she tackles Miguel their bodies transforming into their wolf form as they hit the ground. Dinah with so much fear runs as two of the three transformed wolfs chase after her. Dinah runs as fast as she could. 

Back at the bar Ace transforms into his wolf and attacks Miguel as he protects Lexi with his body, but Lexi kept trying to attack Miguel, Miguel was furious how could they trust that demon! They have lost family and friends do to them!

"Stop it!" Glenda yells as she watches them fight. Vicky tries to get in between but she is hurled across the street. "Vicky!" Glenda screams, but Vicky stands up and turns into a wolf with beautiful copper fur. 

At the same time Lexi had Miguel by the throat with her long sharp teeth. She was waiting for him to give in, but he just wouldn't stop trying to fight her, but what he didn't realize is that she wouldn't stop either. 

Ace stood waiting as Lexi held tight squeezing Miguels throat by the second. Until Miguel began to whine, yielding. Lexi gave one last squeeze before she finally let go and growled at Miguel. Miguel bared his teeth but lowered his head. He felt embarrassed that a young wolf overtook him, not just a young wolf but a wolf whose sister was a vampire, yet he had to also understand Lexi was in chains beat and tortured for years, but it still angered him that she was willing to trust that demon. 

"Enough! Vicky go get Wade and Christian! Lexi and Ace head to the back and change i'll bring you some clothes." Glenda throws demands at everyone. "The rest of you go inside so we can make plans about our next move." 

Everyone agreed and began to get ready. Ace and Lexi went to the back and changed to their human form waiting on Glenda to bring them clothes, Miguel laid on the ground waiting for Vicky to bring his brother and friend. He didn't want to see anyone at the moment either.

"How many?" Abaddon asks. 

"More than 30 i am guessing, they have been hiding there for who knows how long." Judd says on the phone. 

Abaddon hangs up and smiles to himself, this is going to be very fun. 

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