Always & Forever

By mindhackglitch

32.7K 2K 216

Third part of original series A thousand years ago a family swore a vow, always and forever. Throughout a m... More

That day is not today
Five years
Gather up the killers
She's struggling
Your natural state
I hate math
Its not natural
We have to go back
Haunter of ruins
Keeper of the house
Diving into a past life I
Diving into a past life II
Family protects family.
Thats not my daughter
You're a warrior ..
The feast of sinners
Act II
Where I left my heart I
Where I left my heart II
One wrong turn on bourbon
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea II
What will I have left?
The kindness of Strangers
This place is a curse
We have not long to love
You're the very best of her
This is my fault
The tale of two wolves I
The tale of two wolves II
Battle of survival

Gods gonna trouble water

822 48 5
By mindhackglitch

Mystic falls
Salvatore school

Hope woke from her sleep before shooting straight up from the bed "Mom?" She turned but saw a familiar face standing with their hands clasped behind their back..

Hope's eyes watered "Mum?"

Kara offered her daughter a small smile "Hello."

Hope jumps from the bed but stops "You're not really here are you?"

Kara sighed sadly "No.. I cannot be." She whispered"However given the recent events and what lead you to such actions. I've reevaluated a few things." She walks around the room and noticed the paintings "You're becoming better, have you employed the techniques I told you about?"

Hope shuffled over to her painting corner "Mm.. doesn't really help though.. I'm still struggling to get the perfect shade.."

Kara reached out only to stop "If I had let your uncle Nik taken this part of the hollow I could have been there, seen you every weekend, taken you to the art galleries .. I could've done so much more.."

Hope bit her lip "why didn't .. why didn't you let him do it?"

Kara shook her head "You've heard the stories , while mine are not as widely known, your uncle was plenty of peoples boogeymen. There is a darkness  in him, one that would have become worse and worse with the hollows influence, being with Camille as he is now, he's changed, he laughs more, he smiles more, less intent on plotting a city wide massacre  .." she snorted "Besides what kind of parent would I be if I did not defend my firstborn?"

Hope wiped her tears "I just needed you to be here.. to hug me , to kiss my cheek on birthdays.. do you know that I've never spent a single birthday with you.?"

"The last birthday I spent with you was when you turned two.." Kara said regretfully "I never wished to cause you such pain Hope, I've always only wanted to keep you safe.."

Hope stared at her mum sadly "and I need more than some half version of you! I need you ! I've always needed you! But you're never there!"

"I am searching for a way for us to be together again. Seven years and I've never stopped, I want to be by your side, to pick you up when you are down .. but until this evil is done away with.. my hands are tied Hope."

Hope turned away from Kara and went to her bed "I'm tired." She mumbled despondently "You can go now."

Kara closed her eyes "I love you hope."

Hope snuggled deeper into her pillow , she didn't say it back when she turned her mum was gone and only then she sobbed into her pillow unawares of the boy sitting outside the door listening to her cries.

His own tears rolled down his cheeks hearing his sisters heartbreaking sobs.


"How did it go?" Freya asked staring at her sister.

Kara wiped away her tears "As well as can  be expected, my daughter will start to hate me the longer we're apart and maybe she has every right to, if I could've been selfish and left Niklaus to suffer this curse then I would be able to hold her.."

"And you never would have been able to live with the guilt knowing that klaus is suffering while you don't."

Kara went to respond but her eyes went to the plant in the finer "Unless that plant is gasping for air, another Mikaelson is in the City."

"Kol and Rebekah know to stay away from each other , Hope is in mystic falls.." Freya said

"Elijah, I thought I got rid of him when I ripped his heart from his chest and sent him on his way." She spat furiously.

"He doesn't remember us Kara, you can't blame him for his actions while having no memory of always and forever" Freya countered

Kara grit his teeth in annoyance and Frustration "He would have stood there while those purists destroyed my wife , I have every reason to be mad, if they found white oak stake I could have been made a widow and my brother their accomplice. So yes, this time I will drop him in the sea and make him sink to the damn ocean floor." She yelled and left the compound.

Penthouse suite

"My mother was extreme but she didn't deserve this fate." Antoinette muttered "she's nothing but ash."

Elijah put a hand to her shoulder "We will have our revenge."

"Can we really? You are no match for your sister and from what you said, she is far more than just a hybrid."

Elijah blinked rapidly trying to grab hold of the fuzzy memories but everything was a struggle. "I .. there is a way to make her suffer in agony, we only need find the blade."


"Find them yet? There's gotta be a whole bunch of them." Josh said to his guys

"Well where ever they are they're hiding out, and until we have our daylight rings back we can only search at night." One vampire said to their leader

Josh rubbed his head "Fine, you've got one night—"

"Actually there's no need for that Joshua." Kara said entering the bar "The faction of purists who's infected this city with their beliefs are mine to deal with. I'll make sure to catch every single one of them .. rest easy." Kara told the the boy "I'm only here to give a warning." She turned to the vampires "If any of you attempt to touch my daughter, my wife, my son.. you will wish for the sweet release of death when I'm through with you .. is that clear ?" She asked flashing her hybrid face.

The vampires nodded

"Good, now I've got an annoying amnesiac to deal with." Kara said leaving the bar, Josh almost laughed at the fearful looks on the vampires faces, yeah he didn't envy those purists whatsoever.

Penthouse suite

Kara reached the doors of the hotel, she ignored the receptionist and walked to the lift. She allowed for the first time the hollow to lead her to its soul. Quite useful if used properly she thought, the lift reached the uppermost floor and stepped out, every flower pot she passed, the leaves  and flowers wilted before shriveling up.

When she saw a plain white door, she heard multiple heartbeats.

Hollow/Mikael" I suppose you'll kill him? With your hidden white oak stake? He did play a part in your wife being tortured."

Kara eyed the apparition of her step-father before smirking "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

The hollow/Mikael glared "You're weak.."

Kara hummed and pushed the door open "Believe what you wish."

As she entered the room of vampires stilled immediately, her eyes fell onto Elijah , standing beside a woman. "ah.. here you are brother, I knew following the dead plants would lead me here." She eyed the purists "and you've even brought friends , lovely."

Elijah stepped in front of his fiancé "This is between us , leave the rest out of it."

Kara barked a sharp laugh "Au contraire brother, this has everything to do with them, they believe my family are perversions after all. But I am not with mercy." She clasped her hands behind her back "Give yourself up.. and I'll not kill everyone in this room."

Elijahs jaw clenched "Do I have your word?"

Kara smirked "you do."

Elijah nodded and stepped away from Antoinette "it's okay, nightfall, you go, and you get as far away from here as possible."

Antoinette shook her head "No please.. don't."

Kara rolled her eyes "Come now, Elijah. The longer you take , the thinner my patience gets."

Elijah walked over to Kara giving himself up , Kara smiled "Good." She flashed her hybrid features and sunk her fangs into his neck, expelling her venom and let him drop to the ground "I said I wouldn't kill them, but .." she blurred through the room and snapped necks, some fought futilely  but she got all of them and approached Antoinette "I spared your brother out of pity, you'll have no such reprieve." She said before biting down into Antoinette infecting her with her werewolf venom.

" well what to do now.." she asked Elijah who was  struggling to remain conscious..


"Vincent?" Ivy called

Vincent sighed "Okay, I know that face and I don't need that right now,I've got kara in the city, getting rid of her brother and Greta's nazi vampires, we got Hayley back.. but I don't need bad news."

Ivy shook her head "You're going to want to hear it,  , this dark magic that happens when that family is together has been nagging at me. Blood rain, serpents, maggots, and now I hear there's hail at the edge of town."

Vincent groaned "Please don't tell me the end is nigh, I don't need to hear that today. It was supposed to be celebration."

"Nothing biblical, but there is something in some of the old teachings from the Ancestors that I remembered. It's a grimoire of a powerful seer from 1718 who prophesied the destruction of this city's supernatural communities. Here. "And thou shall know the signs of blood from water, vipers from the rivers, larvae from the soil, ice rain from the skies..."

Vincent grabbed the book "Lemme me see that."

Abandoned train depot

Kara stood beside Josh "So what now? We got most of Greta's nazis sealed up in the garden? What are you going to do with her?" Josh asked pointing to Antoinette.

"I was thinking that having Elijah watch as she dies would be rather be poetic no?" Kara asked back.

Josh grimaced "Man, you really hate these vampires don't you?"

"They treated my wife like a cancer, lured my daughter into a trap.. they'll receive no mercy from me, they're lucky they're not being strung up by their entrails.." she trailed off when her phone rang "It's Vincent."

Josh shrugged "Take it, she's not going anywhere and neither is Elijah."

Kara hummed and walked a little ways away to take the call "I'm dealing with Elijah okay?" She said before he could rant at her.

"No listen, he needs to leave, go, be gone completely, things are wore, remember that prophecy? Well it's not only about your little girl, it's about all four of you. The signs are getting worse and the last one is all firstborns die, Freya , Hayley—""

Kara's eyes widened "Hope.."

"Exactly, so do what you need to do and get your brother out of town." Vincent said urgently.

"Okay." She ended the call and walked to Josh "Seems like we don't have the pleasure on enjoying their agony." She looked to Elijah "I'll compel him to remember and then I need you to organize a trip to as far as possible."

Josh didn't question it and immediately went to his phone booking the next available flight from America.

Kara walked over to Elijah "Now , I wish to have you suffer the same agony I was when my wife was gone but there are more important things." She flashed her gold eyes gripping Elijahs jaw "You will remember everything, always and forever , the vow we swore a thousand years ago, including the memories and feelings attached , you'll remember how much you love your niece and nephew that you offered to give up your life to save them. And you'll remember just who Hayley was to you at a time and the feelings you had for her until you realized that she could never have loved you the same."

Elijah's mind played a reel of memories , he screamed as they all crammed inside of his head ..

A few moments passed and Kara stared at her brother,unlike before the was a glint of recognition.

"Kara?" He asked desperately "What have I done.."

Kara smiled sadly "I'll forgive you but you need to leave this city, the longer we are in proximity , the more danger we put Freya, Hope and Hayley in.. so please Elijah go."

She bit her wrist and gave him her blood, the hybrid bite healing immediately..

"I'm so sorry.." he whispered pressing his head to his sisters "I never would .."

Kara nodded "I know.. it wasn't you, not the real you .. now go."

Elijah nodded and blurred away.. Kara looked back the dying Antoinette.

"Seven years is nothing compared to a thousand years of memories.. tell me, how does it feel to lose the man you love.. how does it feel?" Kara asked

Antoinette struggled "Painful."

Kara hummed "Now imagine how I felt when you and your nazi followers planned to do that to me and mine? My wife, my daughter , my son.."

"Kill me ... just kill me .."

Kara's eyes flashed in pity "Perhaps , it would be a mercy." She turned from the vampire "But I'll offer you none, but I do hope however, you rot ." She said walking away from the vampire ..

Mystic falls
Salvatore school

"Hope?" Heinrik knocked on the door "hey moms here, she says she wants to take us out of school for the week?"

Hope looked up eyes red rimmed  "Hope."

"I've gotta fix this, fix our family.." Hope muttered hoarsely "Help me.. you're smart and you've spent some time traveling with mum.. to all sorts of covens.. there has to be a way."

Heinrik looked down at his feet "There is.. well it's not a permanent fix.. but if you want to get out family back.. uh.. I heard mum talking to a shaman.. in Namibia once.."

Hope perked up "What?"

Heinrik walked over to Hope's bed "Mum shot it down immediately because then we'd be back where we started but maybe.. I don't know, I don't want you to do it but there is a way."

Hope's eyes widened   "You'll help?"

Heinrik smiled sadly "Well either we both do it or not at all."

Hope pulled him into a hug "I'm supposed to protect you."

Heinrik held Hope tightly "Mm.. well we protect each other , always .. now come on, we better do it at home. We can't have Miss Tig notice ."

Hope pulled away "Wait how are we going to get them all together ?"

Heinrik smirked "Uncle Kol taught me how to do the chambre de chasse.."

Hopes giggled "You're a genius"

Heinrik smirked "Thanks.."

Hopes door opened and they saw Hayley standing by it smiling at them "Come, on let's get home, we have some peanut butter whip cream milkshakes with our names on them."

Hope smiled weakly "That'd be great mom."

With Josh

"Okay , there's your flight, and uh for what it's worth I'm sorry.." Josh said handing over a bag.

Elijah shook his head "I should—"" was as far as he got before he slumped unconscious

"Elijah?!" Josh tried shaking the vampire but there wasn't any response, he tried calling Kara her phone rang twice before it was picked up


"Vincent what you're doing with Kara's phone?"

"Well she's kinda preoccupied at the moment." Vincent said looking at the unconscious original. "is Elijah gone?"

Josh looked down at his own unconscious vampire "Uh .. well.. his kinda unconscious?"

Chambre de chasse

Kara woke in the abattoir and tried moving to the door "Dammit."


Kara turns in surprise.. "Elijah.."


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