To Be The Greatest Heroes / I...

By JesseLikeAFox

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This story follows the coming of age of superhero Mark Grayson / Invincible, a Viltrumite and first-born son... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

694 17 1
By JesseLikeAFox

Next Day

At school, Mark walks down the hall, not caring if he bumped into anyone. "Hey, Mark. Are you okay?" Mark hears his friend William making Mark look at him. "Oh, no. Did you tell Jesse about how you feel about her but she doesn't like you back." William said to him. "No, it's something else. My dad, um...he got attacked." Mark said to him. "What? You're kidding." William said to him making Mark look away from him. "Oh, god, you're not kidding. Is-Is he okay? What happened?" William asks him. "He's in the hospital. They're doing, uh...They're doing their best, but it's...It's messed up, William. He's really hurt." Mark said to him explain to his friend. "Jesus, Mark. I'm so sorry. Did they catch who did it?" William asks him. "No, not yet." Mark said to him. "Speaking as someone who's been attacked in this stupid city, I'm here for you. Whatever you need. You wanna talk, I'll listen. You and Debbie need a lasagne, I make a good one. Actually, I make a great one." William said to him making Mark smile a little. Then Mark's attention drifted onto someone else, it was Jesse making him smile a little. "I need to go." Mark said to William who follows his eyes to see Mark looking at Jesse. "Okay, I will see you later." William said to him then Mark walks over to Jesse. "Hey, Jess." Mark calls her making Jesse look at him. "Mark." Jesse said as she walks up to him. "How are you doing?" Jesse asks him making Mark pull her into a hug. "I'm happy you are okay." Mark said to her holding her tightly. "Do you know this guy, Jess?" Mark hears someone making him look up to see Eve Wilkins. "Yes, I do know him. Mark this is Eve Wilkins." Jesse said to him while Mark realizes who she was. "Um...thanks for saving my butt back there. Y-Yesterday, I mean." Mark said to Eve while letting go of Jesse. "Yesterday?" Eve asks very confusedly. "He was the one in the blue and the yellow." Jesse said to her making Eve realize it. "Oh." Eve said while looking at Mark. "Yeah. That was me. I'm, um..." Mark said to Eve then he looks around. "Invincible." Mark whispers to them. "God, that sounds dumb when I say it like that." Mark said to them while Jesse leans onto Mark. "It sounds a little optimistic maybe." Eve said to him then she looks around. "I'm Atom Eve, but the rest of the team just calls me Eve. So does everyone else." Eve said to Mark. "Right, since it's kind of a normal name, and not something like..." Mark said and Eve cuts him off. "Invincible?" Eve said to him. "Invincible, yeah." Mark said to her making Jesse look at Mark. "Do you want to talk about yesterday?" Jesse asks him making Mark look away from her. "You look like you need to talk about yesterday." Jesse said to him and the three walked down the hallway.

On The School's Rooftop

"I never recognized you before." Mark said to Eve while he sits down next to Jesse. "No one does. It's a psychology thing. If you don't expect to see a superhero in your school, you don't see a superhero in your school." Eve said to him while Jesse leans onto Mark's shoulder. "Hmm." Mark said while he starts playing with Jesse's hair. "I even follow Teen Team on Instagram." Mark said to them. "That's us. Everyone's fourth favorite superhero team." Eve said to him. "I like you guys way better than Fight Force." Mark said to the two making Jesse look at him. "Oh, we're definitely better than Fight Force. Those guys are the worst. They got their asses kicked by the Lizard League last year." Jesse said to him. "Oh, I remember seeing that on TV and I remember seeing Captain Immortal and Immortal saving them." Mark said looking at Jesse. "What can I say, I love working with my dad." Jesse said to him. "And working on her own." Eve said to Mark with a smile. "'re new to this, right?" Eve asks Mark who looks at her. "Uh...I just got my powers. That was my first big fight." Mark said to her. "Ah, okay. That explains a lot. Still, not bad for a rookie." Eve said to him. "Are you kidding? I froze out there. People got hurt." Mark said to her making Jesse look at Mark. "People escaped because of you, and everyone freezes their first time." Jesse said to Mark who gives her a smile. "I used to throw up before every fight. Barf my guts out." Eve said to him making Mark chuckle. "Really?" Mark asks her. "Like a fire hydrant. You'll get used to it. The fights, not the barfing." Eve said to him with a smile. "Ah...I just...It wasn't what I expected. I figured I'd punch some aliens, and they'd go home." Mark said to the two girls. "It's not how it looks on TV." Eve said to him. "No shit. Thanks." Mark said to the two girls making Eve smile while Jesse shows Mark her hand. "We charge 250 an hour." Jesse said to him while Eve stands up. "What?" Mark said to her making Jesse laugh a little. "I'm kidding." Jesse said to him making Mark give her a hug. "Jesse, after school why don't you take Mark to meet the Team?" Eve asks Jesse making Mark look at her. "Teen Team? I dunno...I heard they were only everyone's fourth favorite." Mark said to the two girls as the school bell rings. "Meet me out front after class, Invincible." Jesse said to Mark as Eve leaves the rooftop. Jesse kisses Mark's cheek then she jumps off the roof making Mark look down to see a blue portal.

At The Guardians HQ

Jesse looks around to see she was now at the Guardians HQ and not in her history class. "What?" Jesse said to herself while a figure was behind her. "Captain Immortal." Jesse hears someone making her turn to see Damien. "Damien, what..." Jesse said then Damien puts his hand over her mouth. "Give me some good news, Donald." Jesse hears Cecil. "Whoever did this cut the power and the backup. They killed the cameras and the security systems. Forensics, frankly, is stumped. I told them to start over and try harder." Donald said while Damien and Jesse walks into the room and hide in the shadows. "That's not good news. That's not good news at all! I asked you for some good news, Donald!" Cecil yelled at Donald while Jesse looks at Damien. "Why did you...?" Jesse said then the two hear Ceil say. "Get the hell out. Everyone." Cecil said making Jesse look at Ceil. "Come on, you heard the director. Move it!" Donald said and everyone leaves the room but Donald and Cecil. Jesse hears Damien growl making her look at him. "Come on out. I know you're there." Cecil said to him then Jesse finds herself next to Cecil. "Jess." Cecil said as Donald takes out his gun and points it at Damien. "No, wait." Jesse said while she lowers Donald's gun. "Wasn't hiding." Damien said to Cecil while Jesse watched Damien touching the blood on the floor. "Sir, who the hell..." Donald said and Cecil cut him off. "Damien Darkblood, demon detective." Jesse said to him. "Huh...Seven superheroes murdered. Strongest man on the planet almost dead. No suspects. No leads." Damien said to them. "How does he..." Donald said and Cecil cuts him off. "I don't know. Demon magic or something." Cecil said to him while Jesse walks over to Damien. "If you're asking if we need your help..." Cecil said to him. "Wasn't asking." Damien said to him while he hands Jesse Green Ghost's green amulet that was in pieces. "Fine. Knock yourself out. Help us solve the case, oh, Great-horned Holmes." Cecil said to him. "Sir...are you sure?" Donald asks him. "You got a problem with the demon? I thought you were an atheist, Donald." Cecil said to him. "Th-theoretically." Donald said to him as Damien growled while Cecil looks over at Jesse. Jesse was looking at the green amulet, Ghost tell her what it can do and all but why is it growing green in her hands? "Jesse, you need to go back to school." Cecil said to her making Jesse stand up and she puts the amulet in her hand. "Right." Jesse said to him and she makes a portal but before she leaves she looks at Damien, why did he take her here? Was it for the amulet?

So many questions ran through her head.

At The School

When Jesse enters the laboratory, she places the broken amulet on the table. Jesse examines the fragments and realizes that the amulet is broken and there is nothing she can do with it. Jesse begins assembling the components to restore it to its original, flawless form. "I see you still have it." Jesse hears Damien making her turn to see him. "Yeah, and I don't know why I have it." Jesse said to him as Damien walks over to her. "I can put it back together again but you need to be the one to have it." Damien said to her making Jesse look at him. "What?" Jesse said to him making Damien look at her. "In addition to Green Ghost, it will also contain the power of all the Guardians." Damien said to her. "I hurt magic." Jesse said to herself while Damien gets to work on the amulet. Jesse watches as the amulet puts itself together again but it was no longer green but something new.

The New Amulet

Later that day, Jesse was waiting for Mark while she was looking at Amulet. "Hey, Jess." Jesse hears Mark making her turn to him. "Ready, to meet the team who are like family to me?" Jesse asks him. "If I can keep up." Mark said to her making Jesse laugh a little.

Later the two were in their superhero outfits while flying in the sky. Mark flies next to Jesse who looks at him. "Try to keep up." Jesse said to him and she fly faster than Mark who keeps up with her. Mark was doing fine keeping up with Jesse until she stops making Mark fly right past her. "You are perfect fast." Jesse said to him as she flies past Mark who follows her. Mark follows Jesse behind a building then she was gone from his eyes. "Jesse?" Mark calls her while looking around for Jesse but he can't find her. "Jesse!" Mark yelled as he turns and he sees a billboard. "Whoa! Shit!" Mark yelled as he crashes into the billboard and then into a blue portal. Mark then see he was in front of Jesse who was laughing a little. "Okay. Let's try this again." Jesse said to him and she flies away from Mark who follows her closely. The two fly together having fun until Jesse flies over to the bridge and lands on it. Mark lands in front of Jesse who was giving him a smile. "Now what?" Mark asks her then the bottom of the floor opens up and the two float down. "Why didn't you make a portal that can take us here?" Mark asks Jesse who looks at him. "Where the fun in that." Jesse said to him as the two lands on the floor. Jesse sees Eve, Rex, and Dupli-Kate playing ping pong while Robot was using the computer. "Oh, hey guys. You made it." Eve said making Kate and Rex stop playing ping pong. "There my sister from another mother." Rex said to Jesse while walking over to her. "You need to stop saying that." Jesse said to him as Rex gives her a hug. "I know you love it." Rex said to her and he kisses Jesse's forehead. "Okay, fine." Jesse said to him. "Jesse, do you want to join? Kate 3 is getting tired." Kate 1 said to her. "Of losing." Rex said to them while he puts his arm around Jesse hugging her. Rex is encircling Jesse as Mark glances at him, making Mark envious and enraged. "Oh, hey! It's the iceman." Rex said jokingly and playfully while looking at Mark. "Rex." Eve said to him. "Couldn't have won that fight without you. Oh! Except we did." Rex said to Mark in his normal stuck-up tone. "They got old." The original Kate said to Rex who looks at her.  "And ran away." Second Kate said to him. "Still counts." Rex said to her while Jesse walks over to Mark. "You'll get us to him." Jesse said to Mark. "Hopefully." Mark said to her with a smile. "Welcome, Invincible. My name is Robot. Apologies for Rex Splode. He's..." Robot said to him making Rex cut him off. "Unbelievably awesome." Rex said to them very confidently. "Incorrigible."  Jesse said to Mark. "And rude." Eve said continuing after Jesse. "And bored of this." Rex said to them while raising one of his hands up. Kate walks over to Mark with a smile. "I'm Dupli-Kate." Kate said to him. "Invincible." Mark said to her then he the three Kates in front of him. "Which one of you do I look at when we talk?" Mark asks her while looking at Kate and her duplicate. "Look at the one who is talking to you." Jesse said to him. "Hey, Robot, find anything at the site?" Eve asks Robot who was by the computer. "The Flaxanscome from a dimension with a faster temporal rate." Robot said to them then he walks over to the group. "As a result, the tachyons they emitspin more rapidly than our own. I've created this detector to warn us if they return." Robot said to them. "Ah..." Rex said interrupting Robot. "Because we almost missed all the explosions and the screaming and the chaos." Rex said to him. "Never forget the chaos." Jesse said to herself. "It should give us a few minutes of early warning. Cecil and the GDA have also requested to call on us for any possible emergencies. Since the Guardians are apparently indisposed, Invincible, may we count on you in the future?" Robot asks Mark making everyone look at Mark. "You sure you want my help?" Mark asks him with a hesitant expression, Robot just stared at Mark emotionlessly. "Don't worry Robot, Invincible here will help us." Jesse said to him then she looks at Mark. "Right?" Jesse asks him giving Mark a smile. "Yeah, I mean, of course. Just text me, I guess. Oh, right, you need my number." Mark said to them with a smile while everyone stared at him. 

Later that day, Mark was back at the GDA Medical Center to check up on his dad who was still unconscious. "I know you don't like teams much, but they were all pretty cool. Except Rex Splode. I do not know what that guy's problem is." Mark said to his dad as Debbie walks into the room. "It's nice of Jesse to let me meet her friends, it makes me feel happy." Mark said to him as Debbie walks over to him. "Heh, so did you tell her how you feel about her?" Debbie asks him making Mark look at her. "Uh, no not really." Mark said to her while Debbie puts her bag down. "Hehe, Okay. Anyways, Did you find the dinners in the freezer?" Debbie asks him making Mark look at his feet. "Yeah. Thanks, Mom." Mark said to her, Debbie started to notices that Mark was still upset to see his dad like this. "Oh, Mark, I'm sorry." Debbie said to him as she approaches him and hugs Mark.  I've been so focused on your dad that I've forgotten about you. Are you okay? Donald said you saved a lot of lives." Debbie said to him while letting go of the hug. "Yeah. It was just, um...harder than I thought. Dad didn't talk about this part of being a superhero." Mark said to her while looking at his dad. "Your dad's good at a lot of things. Talking about his feelings isn't one of them...but we can talk." Debbie said to him making Mark smile at her. 

Sometime later, Mark leaves the room to go home until he sees Jesse walking into a room. Mark follows her to the room to see Jesse was looking over the old lady he save. "Is, uh..." Mark said making Jesse turn to him as Mark walks into the room. "Is she okay?" Mark asks her while standing next to Jesse. "Her name's Maya." Jesse said to him while Mark looks at Maya. "Doesn't she have any family?" Mark asks Jesse while looking at her. "The doctors had contacted them, but this is a secure facility. She's not strong enough to be transfer her to a normal hospital." Jesse said to him. "But she'll be okay?" Mark asks her. "She is severely injured, but I'm attempting to help but I have limitations." Jesse said to him. "I understand, thanks for helping her." Mark said to her making Jesse smile at him. "Mark, it's been a long day. Why don't you go home?" Jesse said to him while making a portal that will take Mark to his house. "Thanks." Mark said to her before entering the portal and gives Jesse a kiss on the cheek. Jesse turns to Mark who enters the portal before she can say anything.

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