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By murcidies

4.1K 42 2

๐ž๐Ÿยท๐Ÿ๐ž๐ซยท๐ฏ๐ž๐ฌยท๐œ๐ž๐ง๐ญ: vivacious and enthusiastic More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

273 9 0
By murcidies

Walking through the door and closing it behind her, Trish looked over her shoulder and asked, "What took you so long? I thought you were right on my heels."

With a sheepish expression, Nora replied, "Jeff stopped to talk to me."

Trish regarded her with an amused smile, clearly entertained by the situation.

Trish raised an eyebrow with amusement. 'He did?' she asked. "Yeah," Nora replied shyly, "He just wanted me to know he was glad nothing happened to me during your match."

Trish remarks, "Jeff has never taken the time to check on anyone except for Lita or Matt."

"Especially since he had just met you this morning," she continued while she busily packed up her belongings.

Nora looked down at her fingers, a warmth spreading across her cheeks.

Trish couldn't help but smile as she watched her younger sister's cheeks flush a soft pink. "Do you want to catch Jeff's match?" she asked.

With her eyes downcast, Nora shyly asked, "Can we?" Trish responded with a teasing smile, "Of course, we can!"

With a soft smile lighting up her face, Nora followed Trish out of the locker room and headed toward the gorilla position to watch Jeff and Matt's match.


Nora and Trish positioned themselves in front of a monitor, anticipation building as they awaited the start of Jeff and Matt's match.

Upon hearing the Hardy Boyz theme play, Nora's eyes immediately locked onto the monitor, fully captivated by what was to come.

Nora watched Jeff's entrance dance, a smile blossomed on her face, prompting Trish to giggle softly beside her.

When Nora spotted Edge and Christian, she nervously bit her lip.

The blow that Edge delivered to Jeff as the bell rang, sending him sprawling to the ground, caused her to wince slightly.

Nora's eyes widened at the sight of Edge preparing to spear Jeff, she held her breath. Just in time, Jeff darted out of the way, causing Edge to collide with one of the poles of the ring.

Nora jumped out of her chair, cheering as Jeff executed a Swanton Bomb on Edge in the final minutes of the match.

Nora's joyous reaction to Jeff and Matt's victory over Edge and Christian was simply infectious. Trish let out a laugh as she watched Nora finally sit back down beside her, clearly aware of the attention her enthusiastic cheering had drawn.

Nora had settled down from her cheering frenzy and watched as Jeff, Matt, and Lita made their way out of the arena. She turned to Trish, who gave her an encouraging nod, silently urging her to go congratulate Jeff. Rising from her chair with a smile, Nora called out his name as she approached. When she finally reached Jeff's side, her face lit up with joy as she said, 'You did an incredible job!"

Jeff glanced at Nora, a smile broke across his face. "You watched my match?" he asked, his voice filled with joy.

Nora beamed, "Trish suggested we come watch you guys, and I'm so glad we did!" Trish chimed in with a teasing grin, "You should have seen her during the whole match!" as she joined Nora.

Nora blushed from Trish's teasing, Jeff let out a small laugh. "She sprang out of her seat the instant you landed that Swanton Bomb on Edge," Trish continued to poke fun.

Jeff's smile grew even brighter as he noticed the girl trying to cover her face, clearly flustered by the embarrassment.

"I really appreciate your support, Nora," which led the girl to remove her hands from her face and meet his gaze.

With her lips curling into a warm smile, she responded, 'You're welcome."

After a brief pause, Jeff nervously blurted out, "Is there any chance we could get dinner together?" His question caused Nora to widen her eyes in surprise. She glanced at Trish, who mouthed a delighted, 'yes,' before turning her gaze back to Jeff. "I would like that," she replied shyly.

Jeff was bursting with excitement but managed to keep his cool. "Cool! I need to take a shower, so I'll meet you outside in about an hour," he said.

"Okay, I'll see you in an hour," she said, exchanging one last warm smile with Jeff before they turned to walk in opposite directions.

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