By shellyraichand

174K 6.2K 108

A heart surgeon but knows nothing about heart. A civil engineer who keeps on trying to build a bridge betwee... More

1. Ishitha singh
2. The party
3. Arjun Dahiya
4. subash Nagar
5. I Like him
6. I am not virgin
7. Engaged
8. Trust
9. Mrs.Dahiya
10. Hoodie
11. perfect
12. Alone
13. Home
14. period
15. pregnant?
16. secret
17. Abdhul Goni
18. Date night
19. Heaven
20. Day off
21. Australia
22. Babe
23. He is a Gentleman
24. paratha
25. come soon
26. Forty eight hours
27. Roja Mahal
28. Don't unfold
29. pendrive
30. Haldhi
31. Stay
32. Angel
33. cupcake
34. Are you drunk?
35. Enemies
36. Marriage
37. I don't wanna talk about it
38. papa
39. pizza
40. Green Diary
41. shot
42. what about him?
43. where to pretty lady?
44. Barcelona
45. I am here wifey
46. My feelings are true
47. I love you
48. My home
Bonus chapter.

49. Forever

4.1K 120 8
By shellyraichand

Arjun's pov :

    Something is moving, I don't know whether it's in the dream or in real but it is disturbing my sleep.

I opened my eyes to see the culprit , it is my beautiful wife snuggling into me like a kitten, the room is so cold ,that's might be the reason behind her snuggling. I pulled her on to me to keep her in  heat zone oozing from my body and these thick sheets, my sleep was long forgotten.

My life had been boring before her, it's just me and my job, mom always supported me but I never felt this urge in me to do things for others, to care a lot for others, to be so eager to go home,to buy things. But now everything is for her and cause of her. Wow what a change.

I had been a man of less words or I should say I don't speak at all, even now I don't like talking much to people except her, she made me feel things that I never ever felt, I hate being emotional so I never expressed much to people before .,But with her every thing is so damn cool and easy.

Falling for her is easy, loving her is easy. I still ponder on how this beautiful woman on me fell for me, a man with countless flaws.

Now I understood it must have been hard for her to love me cause which person like to be in a love less relationship.

Did she really thought that I am the one for her ,on our first meeting?

She already knew that I was her soul mate? Cause I came to know that after realising my feelings for her.

"What are you thinking arjun? " Her groggy voice asked for my attention

"You awake?"

"Yeah, since you pulled me
on to you"

"Good, cause now I have some important things to do" I said dropping her onto mattress

"Like what?" She whined, her eyes are completely open now, hair is messy but damn she can look hot even  in a potato sack .

"Like arranging plane,to go back home" I said getting up

She got up hastily and held my wrist.

"I need to tell you something"
I alarmed, sat on bed and pulled her closer to me

"What is it baby? " She sighed and nuzzled her face into my neck, her being clingy is my favourite thing besides her jealously.

"I can't come back to India, not yet"

"What?" I pulled her from my neck to look at her face.

"I signed on project papers arjun, it will take at least six months to complete my work here" She pouted unknowingly waking up my junior, not now boy.

"That's not at all a issue, just six months, your husband is a doctor but can pull off a house husband role pretty well" I winked pulling her against me, this time she snaked her arms around my neck.

"What about your patients?"

"There are so many doctors to take care of patients hearts, what about my heart? " 

"Who is the doctor of your heart arjun?" She mumbled on my shoulder, raising a little to adjust her body in my lap.

"Don't you know the
answer?" She hummed.

"I still feel like this is all a dream, a beautiful dream" I smiled

"You are my cure Mrs. Ishitha Dahiya, only you can keep my heart at peace"

"Stop making me cry arjun"
I pulled away to look at her face again , this time it's all wet with tears.

"You are an emotional freak" I laughed looking at her now furious face

"Enough ,I am not an actor like you arjun"

"I am an actor?" I asked feigning shock, cause I know what she was implying. Mr. Pitt! I laughed inside.

"Yes" She relaxed into my touch.

Life is full of surprises indeed, if one problem ends another one blooms out, there will be no peace forever for human mankind!  But  am happy to stay right beside my queen forever.

I was afraid to put myself out, to put my heart at sleeves, now with her I can't keep my heart inside but at her feet.

I have nothing to confess, she knew about my past incident which I am not at all fond of  to talk to cause there is nothing to talk in that.

For now I am so excited to explore the coming future with her, to see the world in a new angel with her.

"What are plans for today?" I asked, she is busy swaying our bodies like a kid, an adorable kid.

"Jin and her boyfriend are coming over for dinner but till then we will make a baby" She purred the last words.

"Not gonna happen"

"Why?" She sat up straight

"Cause I am still mad at you"

"I thought you love me"

"Yes I love you, but you  should better know not to leave me for the rest of your life" I got off bed after placing her on mattress.

"Arjun" She too followed me into the  bathroom

"I am sorry, and I am horny"
Even I am horny sweet heart, but what's fun in a quick fuck?

"So? Let me freshen up first, you no hungry?" I asked picking up a new brush from the drawer

"Of course I am hungry but for you" She cooed  side hugging me, she is making it hard by being adorable.

"Your cute antics won't work on me right now" She huffed and left the bathroom.

"I will do what ever you wanted please forgive me my Lord" She shouted through the peek of the door while standing outside the bathroom. I chuckled

"Go get me some clothes from the next flat"

"Okay" She flew away smiling. This is the sight I wanna see for the rest of my life. Her smiling and me being the reason.

I wore a bathrobe after taking a shower, and walked out.

"What the fuck" She cursed.

"What happened?" I pinched her red cheeks and started rummage  through the bag to pick out a dress to put on

"You are deliberately exposing your skin to turn me on" She laid on bed, limbs wide like an eagle.

"Don't blame me for being sexy, wifey" I started putting on clothes in front of her, she placed her palms to her eyes, groaning aloud.

"Take a cold shower and meet me in the kitchen"  I said while leaving

"The audacity to put on boxers" She mumbled, luckily I heard it.

She is still looking weak and pale, I have been talking to her doctors, he said she still needs to gain some more weight besides blood. And her gynecic asked for a check up. She should follow her healthy diet from now on.

"What are you cooking? " She literally dumped all her weight on my back. My heart melts everytime she talks and does something so loving for me.

"Tempeh tacos" I replied chopping on fresh Cilantro stems.

"No, I hate tempeh"

"I will make it delicious baby" I started mixing the powders and gravy in a bowl whilst the small sticks of tempeh are frying in avocado oil.

"Will you?" She lifted her toes to kiss me on my cheek

"Short stuff" I Snickered

"But you fell for this short stuff" She laid her cheek on my back and again started swaying us a little. I put everything into the pan and placed a lid over it for them to cook for a while.

I turned around, she pushed her lips out for me to kiss,not wasting a second I captured them.

"Which chapstick this time? "

"Blue berry" She moaned into my mouth.

"Okay sit there I will bring food" She nodded and sat on the table. I did the last arrangements and placed food on table beside her.

"All greens" She scoffed before taking a bite. I stood between her open legs.
"Umm yum arjun yum" She is moaning

"Told ya, complete em all" She nodded busy putting on gravy on tacos, I smiled looking at her eating, never ever thought that a sight of girl eating happily will light up my whole world.

"What's next? " She asked after we are done with the dishes.

"Let's talk to our family"

After five minutes, the tablet screen is filled with our parents ,ishaan and asha.

"Guess who is with me" Ishitha gushed

"Arjun of course" Her mom said busy writing something on a file.

"You are not happy for us" Ishitha asked accusingly

"We all know that you two will end up together for the rest of your lives" Ishaan said, his hand around the shoulders of asha

"So you all knew about this? "

"Ishu beta relax, we are so so happy for you. Now tell me when are you coming back? " Mom asked her

"We are on honeymoon for the next six months" Everybody stopped whatever they are  doing and gave us their full attention.

"Yes, we will stay here for a while" Ishitha said in her low voice.

"Okay but we will come there to celebrate your anniversary" Her dad said.

"Yes, sounds like a vaccination" Asha announced.

The rest of the conversation went eventfully with my over energetic mom and wife.

"Arjun let's have babies? "

"First you need to see a doctor ishitha, if you are perfect we will try okay? " I said pulling her onto my chest, this is the best feeling ever.

"When is the ball?"  Change of topic.

"On Monday"

"Okay don't wear that dress, we will buy a new one tomorrow"

"Possesive much" She chuckled but nonetheless nodded her head. "You know my mom slapped me when I announced about the divorce" She looked up.

"I should thank her later" We both chuckled

We lazed around talking anything and everything till it's time for preparing dinner.

Ishitha helped me in cooking, she chopped all veggies as I was busy in cooking and baking both korean and indian styles food. I should admit we cooked a lot. She said how much that jin guy supported her and is meant to her.

"How do I look?" She came out of the bedroom in a gorgeous simple red saree, damn!

"What are you trying to do?"
I asked placing a hand over my fast beating heart.

"I am just being a good host" She said twirling.

"Come here"  I patted on my open thighs,she obliged shying a little

"What? " She asked when I keep on staring at her face

"Something is missing"

"What is missing? "

"Wait let me go grab that for you " I placed her on cough, and made my way inside her bedroom. It's at the vanity. The holy powder placed in the partition of women head after marriage.

I walked back and saw her checking her face in phone camera.

I placed it in her partition and smiled proudly at my wife, she is my godess.

"Now it's perfect" I kissed her forehead

"Make love to me tonight" She mumbled looking into my eyes, they are intense, dark.

"Depends on your seducing skills" I attached our foreheads, the door bell rang disturbing our moment.

We both invited jin and his boyfriend inside.

"Ish he is my boyfriend, Kim taehyung"

"Nice to meet you Kim" Ishitha shook his hand

"Tae, it's ishitha and arjun"
Kim and I shook hands.

"You both are looking adorable" Ishitha pinched their cheeks, making them blush like no tomorrow.

"What is in there?" I asked when Kim handed me a shopping bag, one is given to ishitha by jin already.

"See for yourself" Jin clapped excitedly.

First ishitha opened the bag , took out a tiffany  jewelry box and inside are two couple rings.

"You don't have to do this" Ishitha said looking at them with a soften gaze.

"But we wanted to" Kim said, took the box and handed us the rings to slip on each other fingers.

"Now you open let's see what's in your bag arjun" Ishitha said just after we slipped on the rings.

I pulled out a soft fabric, it's an adorable kids outfit with matching socks and gloves.

" Aww "

"I am waiting to be a uncle" Jin said pouting at the dress in my hand. The dress is so cute, I am waiting for my child to put it on too.

"Come let's talk over dinner" I urged them inside the dining room

"Woah! It's a feast" We laughed at kim's comment.

"When are you two planning on tying the knot? "  I asked passing a big bowl of kimchi udon noodle stir fry towards Kim.

Kim looked at jin, love is pouring out of his orbs. Jin is all shy.

"Maybe next year" Kim said kissing jin on cheek.

"In Korea?" Ishitha asked serving  dumplings to all of us.

"Yes, and you have to be there a month before" Jin answered, picking up a garlic naan.

The remaining dinner is filled with joy. I didn't felt suffocated with this people.

My wife is looking so happy talking to them, knowing about their country, culture and more ,seems like Jin is already her best friend.

After eating to our fullest, we all shifted to living room.

"Who is up for an ice
cream?" Ishitha bought a tray of cups with scoops of ice cream.

"It's so creamy" Kim licked the spoon

"It's new England style" Ishitha sat beside me across them.

"So are you going back? " Jin asked her

"Yes, but after six months" Jin's face instantly paled.

"Come on don't be sad we will go on vacations Jin" Ishitha rushed to explain

"He is so attached to you" Kim said, ruffling his boyfriends hair who is looking at ice cream. 

They left around nine.

Ishitha planned a trip tomorrow with them.

"Baby, come here" She is calling for me from the bathroom.

"What happened?" I rushed inside

"My hair is stuck in blouse and I can't open it cause of sweat"

"Let me help you"  I did what I could.

"See it's so easy" I turned her around to hug her properly.

"Arjun? "


"You will get bored here all alone when I go for work"

"I will join as a temporary doctor in a hospital" She lifted her head, her eyes glossy, a lovely smile creeped onto her face.

She pulled my face down to place her lips on mine meanwhile I pulled out her saree pleats.

"Let's continue on bed" I said.
She nodded ,her eyes are hooded with lust already.

I ravished her the whole night, my forty seven days celibate body worshipped her body to the fullest.

She is my paradise

My love

My ishitha

My wifey.

"So I am forgiven? " She asked breathing quickly, beside me.

It's dawn and yet our desire for each other hadn't lessen.

"Yes now you are forgiven" My breathing was no different.

"Want a ride Mr. Dahiya? " She asked straddling me

"Yes Mrs. Dahiya" I smiled and pulled her face down to kiss her with love

                    The end

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