Golden Flower -KGF

Від Tweetykriti

42.6K 1.9K 583

This story is set up in the late nineties and early 2000s and, I have changed the storyline a bit this story... Більше



858 41 17
Від Tweetykriti

I guess its a long chapter and Sorry in advance if its boring.

Thanks for voting in my previous chapter.

Reena's eyes fluttered open as the sun slanted into her room. She looked around to find Rocky but she found his note , she read it and kept it safely inside her diary and got up to freshen up. After a warm shower was selecting her outfit for the day. "Rocky loves to see me in saris but I have to go to many places today , a sari might make me uncomfortable", she thought and picked up a kurti .

She came down humming a song and the aroma of delicious food hit her nostrils , she understood that Sheela ma has started the preparations for lunch in the morning itself.

She found her father poring over the morning paper , she went near him and kissed on his cheek and wished him , "Good morning , Papa". Rajendra Desai looked at his daughter with a smile and said , "Good morning dear , Rocky told that he'll be coming in the afternoon to go for wedding shopping , and I must discuss about the wedding plans with him."

"Yes Papa , Rocky told me and I am going to my salon now and I'll be back for lunch." Said Reena sitting down. Govind came with coffee for the father and daughter. Reena noticed him and asked , "Govind anna , where is Sheela ma ?"

"Sheela akka is busy cooking , shall I call her ?, mam" said Govind placing the mugs of coffee on the tepoy. "No anna I'll meet her later" replied Reena picking up her mug and turning toward her father and said in a complaining tone , "Papa , I think Sheela ma loves Rocky more than she loves me , she cares for him a lot." Rajendra Desai chuckled and said , "I will even believe that the sky will turn will turn green but I will never believe that Sheela loves someone else other than you."

Reena pouted and finished her coffee and hopped to the kitchen to find her Sheela ma. "Ma , Maaaaa where are you ?" called Reena. "Here Beti , in the store room" answered Sheela ma. Reena waited for Sheela ma in the kitchen , while Sheela ma came with two jars.

"Sheela ma , What's for breakfast?" asked Reena sweetly. "Oh , I completely forgot to make breakfast for you" said Sheela ma shocking Reena.

"Then all this", pointed Reena at the stove and the kitchen counter where lots of bowls and vessels were kept. "Oh beti , its for Rocky beta ,he is coming for lunch na". said Sheela ma opening a jar.

"I'll tell Govind to make poha for you" said Sheela ma bustling around the kitchen. That's all for Reena tears streamed from her eyes and whimpers escaped her lips , she felt alone . Sheela ma immediately turned towards her hearing her whimpers and understood her insecurity , ran towards her and wiped her tears and engulfed her into a hug.

"Reena baby , I love you a lot , I love and care Rocky as he is the reason for your happiness, you will be my only darling and no one can fill that place dear". Said Sheela ma rubbing her back to soothe her.

Reena hugged her tight and found solace in the embrace , they broke the hug as the sound of the pressure cooker startled them., "I'll make your favorite PBJ Sandwiches for breakfast." Sheela ma said and opened the bag to take out bread. "No ma , I'll have cornflakes , please don't stress yourself thinking about me , I just got in secured , I am fine now." Said Reena wiping Sheela ma's tears away.

After breakfast, Reena with a couple of extra guards appointed by Rocky left for her salon picking Aditi on the way and both were selecting designs for mehandi and hairstyles for all events all morning. After three hours of selection and deselection they okayed the designs and styles, one of the guards appointed by Rocky came near Reena and whispered to her that Rocky was waiting outside , Reena immediately ran outside and got into the backseat of the car and found Rocky sitting with a stern face , she immediately threw herself on him and closed her eyes feeling his presence and Rocky immediately forgot his work tension as he was embraced by his shona , he buried his face on the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent which brought him peace. Aditi came out and found Farmaan leaning on one of the security cars with a smile. She smiled at him politely and got into her car.

Rocky and Reena came out of the hug as they heard Rocky's mobile ringing , Rocky checked his watch and said "Its almost one o ' clock , shona lets go to your house."

Rocky called the driver and instructed him to drive them to Desai mansion. "Oh, Aditi , she was with me in the salon " said Reena. "Don't worry Reena , Farmaaan is driving her to your mansion."

Desai Mansion

Rocky , Reena , Farmaan , Aditi , Andrews and Rajendra Desai had the delicious lunch prepared by Sheela ma. Sheela ma was very careful not to make Reena in secured again.

After lunch Rocky, Andrews and Rajendra Desai met in Rajendra Desai's study and Reena , Aditi and Farmaan were playing board games in the living room.

In Rajendra Desai's Study

"We discussed about the wedding with Guru pandian beta ,so far he has no problem with the wedding unless KGF functions smoothly said Rajendra Desai. "But we can't trust him" said Andrews.

"Mmm, I expected this uncleji" said Rocky. "We can neither oppose him nor accept him" said Rajendra Desai. "But we can replace him" said Andrews.

They were interrupted by a knock , Rocky opened the door and found a furious Aditi , she took him by his arm and led to the living room and said in a complaining tone , "See, Rocky bhai your brother is bullying me in monopoly." Farmaan looked at him with a frightened look on his face as his love life was hanging in the mid air and Reena was laughing her head off at her little sister's antics.

Rocky had zero idea and knowledge about Monopoly and looked at Aditi and asked "What did Farmaan do dear?". "He is building a resort in Goa, the place I was planning to buy and he knows it very well."

"What, Farmaan when did you build a resort in Goa" asked Rocky in confusion and shock. Reena fell from her seat and laughed till tears came from her eyes hearing Rocky. Rocky immediately went to he side , on the way he accidently knocked the table and the board along with the cards fell down making Farmaan shout. "Oh my Resort" cried Farmaan trying to catch the board. "Resort where is it ?" asked Rocky truly confused. This statement and the dislodging of the board melted Aditi's fury and she joined Reena's laugh.

Rajendra Desai and Andrews arrived at the scene, in between laughs Aditi and Reena told them about the incident. They too joined the laughter while Rocky stood there in confusion and Farmaan stood there in sorrow as he lost his resort and his love life is in danger.

Rajendra Desai and Andrews explained about the game to Rocky. And he stood in shock learning that his kill lady was interested in building resorts on board while he is ready to build her resorts in real.

Later Rocky , Reena , Aditi , Farmaan reached the boutique to select their wedding dress. "Rocky, where is Fatima ma? , I asked her to come for selecting our wedding clothes" said Reena. "Relax , Shona she is on her way here with Khasim Chacha by car, Farmaan and I reached Bangalore by mid morning by chopper.

They waited for the head of the boutique.

Farmaan's costume

Aditi's costume

Reena's costume

Rocky's costume

I think I messed up bit in the end , I wrote it in a hurry I promise you I'll compensate this with my next update.

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