~Sweet Treat~ Hongjoong x ATE...

Autorstwa akumasu

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After a break up with his fiance of 2 years, bang chan, hongjoong is devastated and hurt. After spending days... Więcej

Bitter tea
Friends and brownies
Starting a New
Back with a Bang
Boys Day!

Collecting Friends

153 9 6
Autorstwa akumasu

Hongjoong couldn't help the small smile that practically glued itself to his face as his friends dragged him across the street to the boutique that had started it all. The soft ding of the door chime instantly bringing back memories of utter nostalgic bliss. He let his mind womder to the countless sweet memories of him and his best friends,browsing through the sea of pastel colors while talking about the latest drama going on at hobi's studio. 'i still cant believe how damn petty dancers could be. Id almost be scared of them if joonie didn't exist'. Hongjoong chuckled at the thought as he let the two boys drag him to the sugary pastel racks of clothes. The lavender haired man looked around at all the different clothes, jewelry and shoes, each design and style being cuter than the last. He felt a flood gate of new ideas and patterns for the comeback line fill his head as he let himself fall back into the person he had spent so long trying to get rid off.

"Welcome in!" A cheerful voice greeted from the counter, the Australian accent taking the group off gaurd for a hot minute.

"Thank you!" Felix yelled back cheerfully as the group turned back to the racks.

"Was that just me or did you guys think that was chans voice too?" Hongjoong chuckled as the other two froze, waiting for any sign of distress to leave the other.

"For a hot second. Its probably the accent."

"Hey! Not all Australians sound alike you know!" Felix exclaimed as he directed a mock glare at the two.

"lixie, you know i didn't mean it like that." Hongjoong said as he enveloped the small man in a hug as a giggle slipped past his lips, leveling the other with the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. "Can you forgive me?"

"How dare you use those eyes on me! Ugh fine but i swear thats not gonna work on everyone you know!" Felix said as he lightly poked the others forehead.

"i beg to differ. If that look can persuade Hyuckie of all people then that look could take over the damn world." Namjoon chuckled softly as he began to look through the racks in front of them,the other two joining him.

"Aw this place brings back so many memories! I cant believe we ever stopped coming here!" Felix exclaimed as he held up a heart patterned sweater to his body

"I can't either. After all this was the frist place we would always take eachother to get new outfits for dates.Hell, you guys even took me here for my first date with chan." Hongjoong chuckled softly as he pulled out a pleated purple buckle skirt while his friends held their breath for any sign of sadness to slip past his happy facade.'Do they honestly think im that delicate? Sure im still sad about what happened but i have clearly entered my i hate men era!' Hongjoong sighed softly as he turned to face his best friends with a stern look. "Don't do that."

"Don't do what!" Namjoon and Felix exclaimed in unison as they tried to play off their concern as obliviousness.Completely ignorant of the fact that they were still frozen solid with clothes in their hands. Judging by Hongjoongs annoyed sigh and stance, their "attempt" didnt work.

"That! Dont freeze up every time i mention chan like im gonna burt into tears at any syllable. I know how bad our break up was and i know how bad it hurt me. Ive come to terms with that. Im not gonna waist my time crying of what could have been. I already did that. Im ready to move past it. All of it. Today is about us and me healing. Not chan. Id really appreciate it if we could keep it that way!" Hongjoong scolded the two as his friends finally let hesitant smiles spread on their faces while nodding their heads. Hongjoong sent one last glare their way for effect before he let a sweet smile flood his face as they continued to search through the racks on racks of cute clothes. The sweet pastels and hardcore punk clothes making the small man feel nostalgic. He remembered when he would feel cute and cuddly one day and then feel like curb stomping his friends shitty ex's the next. 'well i guess thats one thing that never really changed.' The lilac haired man thought as he pulled out a black velvet dress with silver accents, holding it up to his frame with a small smile.

"That would look absolutely gorgeous on you." Hongjoong jumped, dropping the dress in his fear, as his head snapped toward the voice in front of him. "Im sorry, i didnt mean to scare you." the man chuckled as he kneeled down to pick up the fabric.

"Oh no worries i just get scared easily. I honestly thought my friend was still next to me." Hongjoong rambled as a soft blush painted his cheeks. The blush only intensifying as the man looked up at him, giving the a full veiew of his full lips and sparkling doe eyes. Hongjoong gasped softly as the man grabbed his hand softly before placing a small kiss on the back, the warmth from his soft lips sendimg waves of complicated feelings through him

"Well i cant say i wouldnt want to be friends with a beautiful creature like you Mr.Kim." The man said softly as he stood up from the ground, the small mans hand still in his. "But id also be lying if i said thats all id want."

"Oh,s-so you know me. I a-assume your a fan of fashion designs?" Hongjoong stuttered as the man pulled him closer, making the air in his lungs feel awkward and his stomache to feel flutters.

"Of course,who wouldn't be. You really are a god when it comes to fashion. I used to stay up late just to see your runways during fashion week. Even time i saw your clothes ce down the catwalk all i could rhink about was what it was like to really be there, basking in your creativity. Back then the only way i could learn about was through interveiws and i only used to see you as someone who made beautiful clothing and had a gorgeous personality, not that you looks are anything short of magnificent, but then after finally meeting you in person i couldn't help but admire everything about you. But back then i was just a kid.Now though," He lifted the others hand to his lips again to place a even softer kiss then before. "i realized that your not just a pretty face but you are gorgeous down to your core as well."

"Y-you really have a way with words. I dont think anyone has even said anything like that to me before. Im overjoyed that i was able to gain your admiration way back then. I apologize for not remembering our first meeting at all. But you really should be careful with that flattery of yours. You almost made me believe that you had fallen for me."

"And how would you feel i told you i did?" The man chuckled as he wrapped a strong arm around the smaller man pulling him flush against his body.

Hongjoong felt his heart start to race as he took advantage of the closer proximity and started to admire the mans soft and boyish features. His chipmunk cheeks boing worders to complement his beautiful doe eyes and his full lips. His short brown hair falling perfectly like he had step straight out of a k drama. Even the way he held him made this overwhelming sense of safety and security flood his body and corrupt his core. The lilac haired man desperately wanted to tell the man to take him somewhere far away to build a life together. His heart hammered in his chest as it had when he had first met chan, he desperately wanted to chase the feeling that he had missed so much even as he head screamed at him that it is far too soon to be giving up on the whole 'Men are trash' thing. 'God he makes it really hard to stay in a hating men mindset. We just met and he's already making my heart race just like chan did. Did chan ever feel this good when he held me. probably he used to make everything ok. I mean this guy did say he wanted me. I guess no even chan was that forward with me. Maybe.... If we try something with this guy then he could make me forget about chan just a little quicker.' Hongjoong instantly came to senses the second the cruel thought had reared its ugly head. He gently placed a hand on the mans chest pushing him away,feeling thankful that the others grip on him loosened until fully letting him go.

"Not good i assume?"

"No,god no, nothing like that. You really do seem like a great guy, very forward, but great none the less. You see i just had a really bad break up with my ex finance or 4 years. Im just now realizing that im not as over him as i thought i was. Besides im also not in the right space in multiple aspects of my life right now to give your very deep feelings the time and effort they deserve. If i hop into a relationship with you now i cant guarantee that i wouldnt be using you to get over him. You deserve so much more than that. So the only thing i can really say is i apologize but im not ready for something like that right now." Hongjoong said as he tried to hold back the kives in his stomach that threatened to fill his head with the worst scenario possible. He risked a glace at the others face, feeling a sense of relif flood through him as he saw a sweet understanding smile there.

"I knew i admired you for a reason. I really appreciate your honesty and i believe your ex made the worst mistake in his life to let tou go." The boy said as he handed the long forgotten dress back to the other. "I completely understand that it will take a lot of timw to recover from something like that. Just so you know i am very willing to wait for you but i wont push it so no worries. But i did meant it when i said id love to be your friend. I haven't destroyed that possibility with my boldness have i?"

"Of course not,if anything you just made me a little happier my group got separated." Hongjoong chuckled softly as he pulled out his phone and handed it to the man while the other quickly did the same. "Do you mind if i get a picture for the contact ummmm...." Hongjoong looked at the new contact name "Jongho?"

"As long as i can get the same Hongjoong." The two chuckled softly as they snapped some simple pictures of eachother before going there separate ways, Jongho to the counter to pay for his things and Hongjoong back to the rack.

'That could have ended badly. Maybe i shouldnt hate ALL men just yet. There are still some good ones out there' Hongjoong thought as looked at his phone then at the black dress in his hand as a soft blush covered his cheeks. To get his mind off the handsome stranger that had frankly whisked him off his feet, he dived back into the clothing rack , looking for anything that screamed cute but deadly. But, if his best friends words were anything to go by, no matter what he wore he was still considered the scary dog that if befriended you could conquer the world. 'Back then i even felt i could conquer the world. Before i decided to hide myself away.' The lilac haired man sighed softly as he felt his heart start to sink at the memories. The memories of when he covinced himself that chan had liked him more if he lock away this part of himself. The part of himself the was kind but sassy, caring but bitchy, passionate and determined. All the parts of his personality that didnt match the other mans brand he had put in a cage and dunked it into the sea.

'God what did i become with him. It wasnt healthy. For either of us.' the small man shook his head at the thoughts. ' But its over now. We can both heal and figure out where we both went wrong. Later. But right now today is about you getting yourself back and having fun with your best friends regardless of the sexy men that come onto you!.' As if on cue namjoon had grabbed the man by his arm making him jump.

"God Damnit,joonie! Stop doing that you're gonna give me a heart attack!" Hongjoong scolded the taller man as he just rolled his eyes before dragging the man towards the front counter.

"Yeah, yeah i know. But if showed up earlier id be interrupting your little flirt sessh with that hot guy a minute ago." Namjoon teased, a fiery blush crawing from the others cheeks to his ears.

"We were not flirting! He was just teling me that he admired me and my work and he wanted to be friends." Technically he wasnt lying.

"Yeah because someone wanting to be friends kisses your hand, pulls you in by the wasit and whispers sweet nothings in your ear. Totally a platonic thing to do."

"Hey he was very charismatic! It was hard not to go with hia pace! Thats not the point, we are just friends. We gave eachother our numbers and went our separate ways. Besides didnt you want me to put myself out there again!"

"Okay you got me there i did say that. But still im just saying that he was laying it on hella thick. Anyway i need you."

"Not the first time. What do you need me for now? If it has anything to do with talking you up to get another boyfriend, im not doing it. You're just hogging all the talented pretty men at this point."The small man chuckled softly at the others dramatic eye roll.

"God that was one time! Besides it didnt even work that well, Jin is way too picky for his own good. But no thats not what i need tou for, Felix is trying on shoes and is too much of a coward to ask for a dressing room for me. So naturally your coming with me." Namjoon told the man only causing him to smile softly, thankful for the simple distraction. The two fell into there normal chit chat as they looked through the clothes the taller man wanted to get, each one more scandalous from the last. Just as the two had gotton closer to the cashier they were broken from their own world by a mans voice.

"Jake i never would have guessed that youd work in a place like this."

"O-oh ye-yeah well my parents took over the shop after my grandma so it just turned out being an easy job." Hongjoong and Namjoon quickly looked at each other before turned their curious eyes towards the front. Right in front of them was 2 boys dressed head to toe in blacks and reds, the chains they wore jingled softly everytime they shifted. The two men behind them tryed to look over the others to try to spot the nervous cashier to no avial.

"It's just a little new seeing you dressed like this. Not that its a bad look on you at all." The boy with red hair said as he leaned over the counter finally revealing the cashier to the two behind them. The poor boy looked like he was boiling in a oven. His cheeks were flushed bright red and he seemed like he couldnt keep his hands still even as he tried his hardest to remove the clothing sensor from what looked like a roughed up black denim jacket. Hongjoong and Namjoon looked at eachother in understanding as they tried there hardest not to chuckle at the scene in front of them.

"O-oh um thank you. Its just kind of the uniform. You know make everyone feel welcome and all that. All black and chains dosent exactly scream friendly right of the bat you know."

"Oh jakey are you saying we arnt friendly." the other man with blonde hair teased as he leaned closer to the cashier as well, his face somehow getting even redder.

"N-no thats not what im saying at all!" Hongjoong couldnt help but feel sorry for the flustered cashier. 'looks like im not the only one that gets swept up when pretty men flirt with me. Still they could ease up a little. The poor kids gonna implode on himself if he gets any redder.'

"Sure, you arnt Jakey. Are you only friends with us because your scared of us?"

"N-No of course n-not. I dress ju-just like you guys outside of work! You know that. I-its just Un-uniform. really!" Jake stuttered.

"Well i think you should wear this uniform more often. You look so much cuter in white then black, jakie." The man blonde hair chuckled as his words made the already flustered boy drop the garment he was holding before he quickly picked it up and shoved it in a bag before placing it on the counter.

"I-I'll keep that in mind, Sunoo. Maybe next t-time. But anyway your total is um 18.32." The two boys just seemed to chuckle at the struggling man as they payed for the clothing before bidding their goodbyes to the cashier and leaving the store with a soft chime sounding behind them. Hongjoong and Namjoon couldnt help but feel bad for the boy as he collapsed against the counter as he rubbed his face roughly. As if the blush overtaking his face could easily be wiped away as easily as it had came.

"Not used to being hit on huh?" Namjoon teased as the cashier jumped before sighing softly, a hand against his chest. Hongjoong lightly hit the other boy on the arm as they both sent glares at eachother. "What! You saw the same exact thing i did."

"Dosent mean you need to point it out like that! Give him a break!" Hongjoong whisper yelled at the other before giving the cashier a apologetic look. "Im sorry for him."

"Oh no its ok. I usually make a fool of myself anyway whenever those two are thrown into the equation. Besides its actually not like that. They're just some friends from outside of work." The boy said as he ran his hand through his soft black hair. "They just found out that i work here somehow and decided this was yet another thing they're never gonna let me live down. I wouldn't be surprised if they tell the rest of our group so they can tease me too."

"Well i wouldnt exactly say calling you cute in your uniform is not letting you live it down. Or even really teasing but thats just me!" Namjoon chuckled as Hongjoong lightly hit the man in the arm again before sending another apologetic look to the boy.

"Oh no it is, they do that to me all the time. After they found out that i get flustered really easily stuff like that has been a daily thing. Besides even if they were hitting on me itd just be as a joke or dare like it usually is." Hongjoong felt a small pang of sadness in his heart as the boys face dropped slightly at the mention. 'Oh no. This poor kid. I really hope his friends arnt as cruel as i think they are.'

"Besides They are way out of my league in more ways then one. Trust me, they would never gi for me like that." The boy chuckled softly as he seemed to force a smile back on his lips while the two men just sent eachother the same concerned look before turning their attention back on the boy.

"If you say so,hun. Also for the record i speak for both of us when i say they would be stupid nit to want you." Namjoon said softly as he placed a comforting hand on the others shoulder,squeezing softly as the cashiers smile grew a little more genuine as he nodded softly.
"On another note, we were wondering if we can get a dressing room? Some one has a little bit of a shopping addiction and needs monitoring at all times. " Hongjoong said softly as the cashier chuckled softly before reaching into his pocket, a panicked look taking over his face as he quickly pat down his body for his keys. The small man hid a small giggle behind his hand at the boys victorious expression as he finally fished the keys out of his back pocket.

"Finally found it, mom would have killed me! Anyway, I'll get ya set up in the dressing room right away! Follow me!" The two quickly followed the boy behind the counter and down the the pastel pink and creme stripped hallway before turning into a room filled with the soft scent of shortcake, large floor length mirrors that wouldnt be out of place in a dance studio, even the creame chairs had matched perfectly to the whole room. The whole vibe of the room doing wonders for the fashion designers imagination, clothing patterns and fabric textures instantly making themselves known and stapling themselves to the forefront of his mind. Hongjoong was pulled from his brainstorming as the samll aussie lead them to the wall lined with dressing stalls, each creme door having beautiful array of pastel stars painted on each door. Jake quickly knocked on one of the doors softly before unlocking it and turning back towards the men. "Alright you can go ahead and set up shop in here. Ill be at the front counter if you need anything." The boy said with a sweet smile as Joonie said a quick but kind thank you before heading into the stall. However just before jake was able to make his way back out to the front counter Hongjoong had grabbed the mans wrist softly.

"Oh did you need one too? Im sorry i didnt see anyclothes with you so i just assumed it was only for your friend-"

"No its not that. You're doing your job just fine, great even. I just wanted to ask you a quick question about earlier." Hongjoong chcukled softly as he let go of the small australian boy as he turned towards him with a look of curiosity.

"Um sure! What would you like to know?"

"Im positive this isnt my place and of course tell me if im intruding but do you by any chance have a....crush on your friends that were in here earlier?" The lilac haired man chuckled softly as the aussie's face erupted in a bright pink blush as he fiddled nervously with the keys in his hands.

"Its that obvious huh?"

"Just a bit. Personally it seems like they have a thing for you too."

"oh no they could never! Besides ive seen who they have dated before and im nothing like them." Hongjoong felt his heart drop slightly as the young boy in front of him let his face drop slightly. "They like pretty people. Im not nearly on that level. Besides im fine with the friendship we share now i cant really just give that up even if i did have a chance."

"Thats fair i suppose but i do have one more question, you said that they would only flirt with you as a joke or a dare. Do your friends put them up to that at all?"

"Well sometimes, but i swear they never mean anything by it! I dont think anyway. They have all been friends for a long time and i kinda just joined their group because my older brother used to mentor them a while ago. So ueah they tease me a little more then each other but they just said that its just their love language." Jake rambled as an unsettling feeling started to set in his gut as the boy struggled to justify his friends behavior.

"Do they know how you feel about the two that were in earlier?"

"Well yeah. I told one of them a long time ago and they said they'd keep it a secret but then the rest of them said that hiding something like that from them meant that i didn't trust them. I didn't want them to be mad at me so the rest of them know now, except Sunoo and Jungwon. Their the two that were in a while ago."

"So they know you like them but still use that against you. Dont you think thats a little mean?"

"Sometimes, it does hurt a little more then it should but don't all kinds of friends go a little too far sometimes?" Hongjoong felt his heart drop to his stomach as the boys eyes started to well up with tears. 'Oh god its worse then i thought. They are putting him through hell. Felix and Joonie wouldn't mind one more member would they?' the lilac haired man thought as he pulled the boy into a soft hug, his heart-breaking just a little as he felt the boys silent tears soak his shoulder.

"Sometimes,hun. But not so much they make you cry like this. You might need to find some new friends sweetheart. Friendship shouldn't hurt. It should be comforting."

"I dont even know where id find new ones, even if i did who would actually want be friends with a shy kid from Australia?" the boy said as he returned the others kind embrace while Hongjoong stroked his hair softly.

"I would."


"Of course, you seem like a sweetheart and absolutely like someone id love to get to know and spend time with. Ive also been told that im one hell of a wingman." The lilac haired man smiled softly as the boy chuckled into his shoulder. "So what do you say, how about we become friends and at the very least i can help you build up some confidence to help you get over them. Both your old friend group and your crushes, if you truly believe that you guys would never work out." Hongjoong tried to hold back a small chuckle as Jake pulled away from the embrace,a look of pure surprise and happiness on his face.

"Really!? You really mean it!" Hongjoong chuckled at the boys excitment as he nodded his head. "Yes i would love to! You are so cool!" Jake exclimed as he quickly dug through his pocket and handed the other his phone while Hongjoong did the same. Hongjoong felt a sweet smile spread on his face as they each took a quick picture of each other for the contact before sharing another quick hug. 'Three new friends in one day. I think im winning hardcore at this breakup. Suck it Chan!'

" Remember, you can text me anytime. Im always willing to help you out or just talk if thats all you need." Hongjoong smiled softly as he placed a comforting hand on the boys shoulder as the pulled away from the sweet hug. Jake couldnt help the sugary smile that spread on his face as he gave a small thumbsup to the other, trying his best to hold back tears of happiness.

"Why do i feel like im being replaced?" The two jumped out of their skin as Namjoon stood in the dressing room doorway, a kind smile on his face and clothes wrapped in his crossed arms. "I swear me and Felix leave you alone for 5 minutes and your catching friends like pokemon!"

"Hey its not my fault im easy friend material! Besides with all the shit we've been through i could never replace you. You know way too much." The three boys chuckled softly as they all migrated back to the front of the shop. Hongjoong smiling softly as Joonie made surento include jake in their banter, sending a knowing look his way they maid it back to the front counter.

"There you two are! Jesus i almost had a heart attack! when i turned around, you two just disappeared!" Felix exclaimed as he collapsed on the counter like a over dramatic husky being told they can't go on a walk yet. "You cant just leave me alone like that and think I'll just be okay. What if i ran away?!"

"Then we could easily call your boyfriend. I swear that man can track you down in fucking seconds." Namjoon chuckled as he set his things on the counter while Jake began to ring him up with a smile on his face. "Besides your real concern should be on getting replaced soon. Hongie dosent like us anymore. Little jakey here has seemed to steal his heart away from us." Hongjoong couldnt help but chuckle and roll his eyes at the blondes offended gasp while Namjoon placed a gentle hand on the cashiers shoulder.

"How dare you!"

"Calm down, I can make more friends then you 2 you know. Besides i think jake will be great addition to our gang of drama queens. He could be the one that helps me mellow you two out." The lilac haired man teased as the Aussie chuckled softly at the statement.

"I'd honestly love to, I haven't made many friends since my family moved here." Jake said sheepishly as the 3 leveled him with a curious and sympathetic look.

"What about the boys that were in here earlier? you seemed close with them." Namjoon asked causing the small Australian to blush softly.

"Oh them. I wouldn't really say we are friends per say. They are friends with my older brother, since I'm shy, I don't really leave the house much so whenever he goes to hang out with them, he just drags me along with him. they are friendly with me absolutely, but we aren't really friends. There whole friend group included" Jake explained as the three friends looked at each other, telepathically confirming with each other that the small cashier was now under their protection.

"Well then I guess it's a good thing our little Hongies efforts to replace us was a success. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we'd love to get to know you more Jake. Besides use Aussies gotta stick together." Felix said, giggling softly as the other face lit up with unadulterated excitement.


"Of course, since Hongie has your number, he can add you to our little group chat. I will warn you though we are chaos incarnate on a good day." Namjoon chuckled as he paid for his new wardrobe.

"Oh no problem I've dealt with my brother when he's drunk beside with Hongjoong helping me I'm sure I can survive. "The group smiled softly as the cashier handed them their goods before Hongjoong grabbed the man's hand softly.

"You are already starting to become my favorite. Remember what I told you OK, never be afraid to reach out first. We'll keep in touch." Jake smiled softly as he nodded at the others sweet words before wishing the others a safe trip as the group headed back to the car. 'Today was one of the best ideas ever! Maybe all of this is really gonna be ok.'

"Well Jake was nice!" Felix said as the other two nodded in agreement.

"Oh absolutely, that kid is sweet enought to give anyone cavities. That kind of thing needs to be protected at all cost." Namjoon said as he pulled his phone out of skirt pocket.

"Oh yeah, trust me he really needs us. Its his story to tell but lets just say his "friends" are like the ones i had while in the industry."Hongjoong explained, causing the other two to shiver at the mere mention of the toxicity. Just as the boys began to buckle up to head to their next stop Namjoon let out a loud groan as threw his phone into the cupholder.

"Shit. I swear he always forgets what he needs at the worst of times."

"What's wrong joonie? Did something happen with the pickup from the library?" Hongjoong asked softly as he leaned over the middle console to squeeze the other mans hand softly.

"No, the kids won't get there till after we drop you off to meet your future roommate. Kookie forgot the key ring for the parlor at the house, he just texted me that he needs them to open a piercing case or something."

"Do we need to head to your place to go pick them up? It's not a big deal. your place is like a 5-minute drive from here and the tattoo shop even less then that." Felix said as Hongjoong rubbed the taller boys' arm in both agreence and reassurance.

"No, we can just head straight to the tattoo shop. I always carry copies of everyone's keys in case something like this happens. I swear for people that don't forget a single holiday and birthday, they sure as hell forget everything else!" Hongjoong chuckled softly as Felix booked it to the tattoo parlor, completely unaware of the typhoon of emotions he had just sent a group of men into just five minutes away from him.

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