Innocent Intentions || Voltur...

By Squishycheekanon

20.9K 753 91

Ariana Elwood gets more than she bargained for when fresh out of university she decides to travel the world a... More



2.4K 91 13
By Squishycheekanon

a/n: all translations will be in italics

"I would very much like you to meet them." Marcus  ignored her question moving his shoulders uncomfortably, this was the most nervous he has ever been in his life, he was sure of it. Trying to introduce his human mate to not only his 3000 year old brothers but to the entire world of vampires.

Ariana was about to ask why once more when two men came bursting through the big doors. A very tall man, hulking too, almost as tall and large as Marcus but not quite there. His hair was black and face was pale, his features were sinister beyond belief. The smaller man who stood next to him had sharp features that held a mischievous glint to them along with golden brown hair.

"Master Marcus, Master Aro is looking for you." The smaller man said eyeing Ariana suspiciously, she shrugged and popped her sketch book back in her bag. Marcus gave her a look as if to say 'are you coming?' She let a sigh escape her knowing this was probably a really stupid idea but nodded anyways.

Something inside her was pulling her towards the building and she was determined to find out what.

"Splendid." Marcus grinned holding out his arm for her to loop with his, "This way piccolo, Demetri grab η βασίλισσα σου bags." {your Queen's}

The smaller man paused for a moment his eyes widened as he nodded quick to grab the suitcase and follow behind, head bowed along with the taller man.

"Wow it's so beautiful in here." Ariana commented looking at the space around her.

"Wait until you see the rest of it." Marcus smiled patting her hand gently as he lead them towards the elevator, opera music playing quietly in the background.

"I hope you're not leading me to my death." Ariana joked but Marcus could see the worry behind her eyes, could feel it through the bond

"Certainly not Tesoro, I would never do anything to hurt a pretty little thing like you." He smiled, again the red eyes not helping his case though he was rather interested that she hadn't mentioned them yet. Did she know?

"That's what the bad guy says right before he kills the girl." She smirked at him watching his face light up with amusement.

"You won't have to worry about that from me, Caius may be a little short tempered," Demetri snorted at that covering it up with a fake cough however it didn't phase Marcus at all, "but I know for a fact that he'd never hurt you either."

"Caius?" Ariana felt a pang in her heart at the name, the same exact feeling that she felt when she first saw Marcus although this was a little duller.

"My brother." Was all Marcus divulged to her before the elevator doors opened and the group made its way through the dark hallways. They winded sloaping downwards slightly until they arrived at a set of double doors that had been carved to look like scales. The brunette king paused for a moment to listen if the trials had finished, concluding that they had when all he heard was Aro and Caius talking about where he'd gone off to, he walked inside proudly with his mate on his arm.

Immediately all attention was on the couple while Ariana's eyes darted around until they landed on a blonde man. He looked celestial, a red scarf wrapping around his neck matching his red button up shirt a sheer contrast to his black slacks and smart shoes. A big black cloak covered his entire being wrapping him in darkness, the same darkness his eyes emitted. His facial feature were sharp yet delicate, just like Marcus he too looked like he had been crafted by the gods himself.

Her heart felt that pang again and she internally prayed she wasn't having a heart attack, when her brown eyes switched to the raven haired man in the middle of the room she felt like everything had fallen into place. She felt whole, complete.

His black hair was straight, and pulled back out of his face, he was dressed completely in a black suit, Ariana instantly recognised it as Prada's latest design, Sophia wouldn't shut up about it. He looked overly excitable almost like a puppy, but this was no puppy, more like a hungry wolf ready to strike at anytime. His features were soft yet they held a dangerous tinge to them, his eyes screaming maniac.

"Brother who is this lovely creature?" Aro asked but received no reply, Marcus simply held out his hand for him. Aro took it hungrily his red eyes glazing over as he took in his soul brother's memories.

"η αδελφή ψυχή μας." {our soulmate} Aro was mesmerised, almost in a trance as he spoke.

"Our?" Caius frowned from where he sat on his throne, instantly standing up to descend the steps onto the marble flooring. He didn't stop walking until Ariana's brown orbes met his red ones, then he froze like a statue in the middle of the room.

"δικος μου!" {mine} He growled ferociously, speeding to grab his mate in his arms only to be stopped by Marcus who stood protectively in front of her, his chest puffed out, stance defensive.

"μην μπαίνεις στο δρόμο μου αδερφέ." {Don't get in my way brother} Caius snarls, the blonde kings rubies fading to obsidian as he goes to lunge at Marcus who pushes him back effortlessly watching his soul brother fall back only to be back on his feet before he could even touch floor.

"ξέρουμε και οι δύο ότι θα χάσεις." {We both know you'll loose} Marcus scoffs while Aro looks on bored, this isn't the first time and definitely won't be the last his brothers have fought. The only difference is Marcus is actually participating.

"Enough!" Aro shakes his head in disappointment at the two, "εσείς οι δύο συμπεριφέρεστε σαν παιδιά." {you two are acting like children}.

"What's going on?" Ariana peaks out from behind Marcus, trying to figure out what the hell she'd gotten herself into.

"Nothing to worry about my dear." Aro smiled and although he looked absolutely crazy, she found herself so at ease, so comfortable that she came out from behind Marcus despite his disapproving grunt, and walked over to Aro. The raven haired king straightened up immediately, his eyes searching over her intensely.

"I'm Ariana, but my friends call me Aria, I don't know why I said that that's stupid." She rambled out only to be stopped by Caius showing up beside her, his cold fingers pushing her hair behind her ear. The action caused her to stumble back only to bump into a hard body behind her, tripping a little.

But of course in a room full of vampires, one of them gracefully catches her. Caius' red eyes searched hers for something she didn't know, but she didn't care as long as he kept his large hands on her back and waist, she was quite content to stay like this forever if she could.

"τέτοια τελειότητα και είναι όλη δική μου." {such perfection and it is all mine.} The words rolled off his tongue melting her into a puddle, leaving her to feel all floopy, but that was okay the gorgeous blonde king staring down at her was strong enough to keep her up.

"Ours." Marcus sighed, realising that they were most likely all feeling jealous of each other right now, Caius growled possessively proving him correct. Ariana surprised herself when she pressed her small hand to his cold cheek gently pushing his face back so their eyes met once more.

"My name is Caius Volturi carissima." The blonde king reluctantly brought her up slightly and watched as she steadied herself on her feet, she smiled softly up at him in thanks.

"I am Aro Volturi, it is a pleasure to meet you." He bowed slightly and Ariana almost choked at the sight. A Lord bowing to her? Shit it was like her very own version of Pride and Prejudice.

"That is all really lovely but I've got a seriously important question." Ariana bit her lip nervously, more interested in her shoes than how the three red gazes on her had darkened.

"And what might that be my dear?" Aro asked intrigued, hands itching to take hers and answer her question immediately. Marcus brought his hand under her chin, cupping her jaw efficiently to bring her head up. The action caused heat to pool in her stomach leading her to rush out the words;

"Why the fuck are all your eyes red?"

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