Something About Mixels (In Pr...

Par CandyLovely148

160 2 0

Not your average Mixels episode: Mixels fighting other mixels or something idk. Plus


Part 1

89 1 0
Par CandyLovely148

(A/N: I will be finishing the "Introduction Chapter" soon, just wait!)

A simulation is being booted up, and to show it, the Mixelverse and Planet Mixel are loading. When they stop loading, we cut to Mixel Land. Various mixels load onto the scene (Rad Fun, Volc, Nrp-Nat, Dig-Dig 3: The Diggening, Gox, Rat, Camelot, Seis, & Dig-Dig.). However, Dig-Dig and Seis were loading too closely, causing Seis' left leg to be stuck onto Dig-Dig's body going through through Dig-Dig's mouth.

(A/N: It's not impaling Dig-Dig, it's just stuck to him.)



Rad Fun: Rad fun.

Cut to Mines, where again, more mixels load onto the scene (Tung, British Controversy, eg, Tes, Krog, Hoog, Long Legs, & Protect The Child). Cut to the Magma Wastelands where even more mixels load (Hamlonga, Flur, Slumbrrr, Red Sanic, Snof, Gurggle, Jaw, Throwback Thursday, & NEEEEEEEEERD). Red Sanic and Snof look at NEEEEEEEEERD and rush over to him.

Red Sonic and Snof: NEEEEEEE- *NEEEEEEEEEERD snorts slime from his nose onto Red Sanic and Snof.*

Red Sanic and Snof: DISGUSTANG!

Throwback Thursday grabbed Red Sanic and ate him, and then he ate Snof. However, before he could eat NEEEEEEEEERD, he snorted slime from his nose onto Throwback's mouth, causing him to scream while his mouth was covered in slime. However, Thursday grabbed NEEEEEEEEERD and ate him instead. Gurggle and Flur looked at the cannibalistic Muncho in fear, and then they ran/flew away from the beast.

Thursday: (Homer's voice) If I can keep down Arby's, I can keep down you!

Cut to Frozen Volcanoes where you get the idea (GUN, Sputnik, Lonk, Boogly, Big Brain, T-Rex, Jam, Tap, & Doot). T-Rex sneezes on Big Brain, causing Big Brain to slap him, causing T-Rex to slap Big Brain back, causing Big Brain to slap T-Rex, and it keeps going on. Meanwhile, Sputnik and GUN notice the fight. While GUN cheers on the fight, Sputnik flies over to the fight so he could prevent it.

Sputnik: HEY! SHUT UP!

Big Brain and T-Rex now notice Sputnik and say "no u" in a text-to-speech voice and then go back to slapping each other. This, however, made Sputnik realize that he and GUN need to use the Orbiton Cubit to stop the two from fighting. Then again, he and GUN couldn't use the cubit to max since Nrp-Nat was not with them at the moment.

Sputnik: (TF2 Soldier's voice) Dammit.

Sputnik then pulled out a cross and a Bible, but it does not affect T-Rex or Big Brain. Sputnik then decides to read the Bible for more effect.

Sputnik: *Japanese dub of MMM*- *gets slapped by Big Brain*

GUN then shoots T-Rex, causing his eyes to disappear and fall over. This, in turn, causes Big Brain to run away while screaming as GUN flies towards him. Also, Gob slams Sputnik with a Totem pole he made an hour ago, and then he throws the Totem pole (not with Sputnik stuck to it) at GUN, which lands onto Big Brain, which rolls down a hill. Meanwhile, the Mixies have a jam session so hard, it literally blows Lonk and Boogly away so hard that they crashed into Mines, where they see Long Legs and Hoog screaming with Long Legs' legs tangled in Hoog's arms, Tes attempting to attack Tung and British Controversy, and Krog attempting to beat up eg like a game of Whack-A-Mole.

Boogly: Boogly suggests we say hello some other time.

Boog and Boogly then slid out of the Mines while all of the chaos continued to ensue, except the rolling log from earlier suddenly hit them, causing them to be stuck on the log as it rolled down into the war that was happening in the Mines.

(A/N: This chapter ain't done yet so just wait.)

Continuer la Lecture

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