Awakened as a Fine Female Can...

By SheijiHiei

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In every book, there's always a female cannon fodder who seeks death - the ones who are arrogant and tyrannic... More

Chapter 1 - The female lead with plot armor was snatched by her childhood friend
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Elite female characters
Chapter 12 - Snatching away the golden trump card childhood best-friend
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26 - End
Chapter 27 - The Sudden Transformation of the Female Star with no Talent
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 - End
Chapter 35 - The unveracious Heiress out of your league
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - End
Chapter 55 - Be hated by everyone in the love variety show
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74 - End
Chapter 75 - A sickly cousin in the care of others
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 25

5.2K 94 23
By SheijiHiei

Huo Wei's words were like a hammer hitting on the heads of the Huo Family's father and son as if splitting their heads apart. The two of them were unable to refute at all.

Why were they blaming her? Huo Wei had made it clear that she was a genius, and her abilities were far better than that of Huo Ming's. She wanted to work in Huo Company and develop their robotic systems. She made a preliminary plan and proved her strength in the meeting.

At that time, Huo Wei didn't want shares at all. She had just graduated. She was disappointed with her brother and wanted to enter the company. She just thought that if Zhao Sijia was in her family's company, she should be there too. She was able to find out so many of Huo's robots' defects, which meant that she had a good understanding of Huo Company's products, right? She truly did want to push Huo Company's technology forward.

She also pointed out that there was something wrong with the two leaders and suggested that they should correct it in time. She wasn't bitter with them at the time and must have wanted to push Huo Company to the top with them.

But what did they do?

They suspected that she was cheating and were not satisfied with her attitude. They wanted her to be obedient. They didn't take her sadness seriously just because she was good to them. As a result, they pushed her towards joining Huo Company's rival.

Thinking about it now, did they truly never realized how Huo Wei was treating them so well? They knew it very well. That was why they did whatever they wanted. They didn't think she would do anything. It was not until today that they recalled what had happened in the past year that they realized that Huo Wei was really decisive. Since the day she stopped recognizing Huo Ming as her brother and was disappointed in her father, she had made up her mind to not look back.

It was ridiculous that they were putting on airs before, thinking that just because she was a member of the Huo family, that all her efforts were just to fight Huo Company and that she would come back to the Huo family sooner or later.

It was such ridiculous self-confidence and arrogance that made them miss the opportunity to get her back. By now, it was too late.

Huo Wei's refusal to their help was like a signal telling everyone that whether or not Hou Company falls, she wanted nothing to do with them. In other words, she didn't care.

She was still quite reputable, not to mention that she had the support of Lou Xiao. Many people who had been watching Huo Company and didn't know whether they should do something to Huo Company or not at first immediately took action after they got the signal. They were afraid that it would too late to take a bite.

Huo Company's situation immediately worsened.

Huo Tingwei and Huo Ming had been running around the city from morning to night. But the business world was cruel. Once there was no exchange of interests, no one would save them no matter how friendly they had been in the past. In addition, several directors of Huo Company were in a hurry to stop the losses and took the ideas of several projects that Huo Company could make money from.

Huo Company finally went bankrupt because of internal strife and external strife!

The directors had already escaped without much loss, but Huo Tingwei and Huo Ming are in deep trouble and couldn't get out. After clearing his assets, Huo Tingwei still had to pay several billions of debts!

On the day when Huo Company was emptied, the media scrambled to report the stubble-faced look of Huo Tingwei and Huo Ming which shocked the whole Internet. All of a sudden, the public realized that rich people can't always be rich and they can go bankrupt by accident. Now, the two are no better than ordinary people.

Thinking about the arrogance of these two people before, they had become role models in the world of scumbags and unexpectedly fell into such a disgraceful state. Life really is fickle. Don't be arrogant. Otherwise, one will end up miserable like the Huo Family's father and son.

All of a sudden, it occurred to some people that they had envied Huo Ming. He was a genius who had finished his study ahead of time, a super-rich second generation, a handsome man with a cold personality, and a beautiful twin sister. He was a typical winner of life.

At that time, he was a role model for many people. Many parents would say when they taught their children – look at Huo Ming. If their child was as good as him, they wouldn't have to worry about anything.

At that time, Huo Wei didn't have a sense of existence at all, because it was said that she didn't like learning and was very fond of playing. She studied painting, which was so different compared to her brother.

As a result, Huo Wei made a big splash and proved that she was no worse than Huo Ming with her absolute strength. She just didn't want to steal the limelight from him all the time. Of course, there is still a big gap between them, but the situation is just the opposite. Now Huo Wei is superior, and Huo Ming is stained.

But shockingly, it turned out that she wasn't worse than him at all. She just didn't want to steal his thunder. Of course, the gap between them was still huge, but the situation was just the opposite. Now it was Huo Wei who was superior, and Huo Ming was the one covered with stains.

Some people ridiculed him. Since he was a genius, why didn't he start his own business? Wasn't he good at it? Why didn't he use his strength to prove himself like Huo Wei did? Why did he stick to Huo Company? If he went bankrupt, he should make a comeback.

These words are more or less ironic now. Facts speak louder than words. Huo Ming is in a state of depression now. No one can see where his genius is. People now think that at least 80% were lies and he was, at most, good in his studies only and was slightly smarter than the average person.

Not only did the netizens say such words, but even the people who didn't get along with him in the past were taunting him. In the past, he relied on his intelligence and was arrogant. To say it in a nice way, he said that he was cold, but to be blunt, he thought he was better than everyone else. At that time, he had looked down upon them a lot. Now seeing him like this, they were all happy.

Huo Ming was so irritated that he drank too much in his room. He also regretted that he didn't leave Huo Company as soon as he ran into Huo Tingwei and Zhao Sijia. At that time, he still had shares in Huo Company, and he could have gotten a lot of capital to start his own company.

And now? As the successor of Huo Company, the company went bankrupt in his hands, and his ability was in absolute doubt. He wanted to work for others, but no one would want him. If he wanted to start his own business, he couldn't even afford one hundred thousand. How could he start his own business?

It's not so easy to make a comeback. If it was, why would there be people who couldn't bear the losses and jumped off of a building? Now he was in a desperate situation, unable to start a business or work. All the mockery and curses made him unable to resist. He could only drink to drown his sorrows, hoping to temporarily forget this nightmare.

The person in more pain than him was Huo Tingwei. Because Zhao Sijia couldn't accept the fact that Huo Company had gone bankrupt. She kept questioning him at home why he had become like this, asking him when he would save Huo Company, and urging him to find a way to deal with the assets she had put as collateral.

She had given all her wealth to Huo Tingwei. She married Huo Tingwei and was about to give birth to his child. She couldn't have lost everything and still need to pay back his debts, right?

She was annoyed to see Huo Tingwei smoking at home. She couldn't help but grab his cigarette and threw it to the ground to stubble it out. She asked in a sharp voice, "Do you still love me and our child? Have you ever thought about the baby's health after smoking so much? How can you call yourself a father?"

Huo Tingwei hadn't slept well for a few days. Frowning, he stared at her and said, "I'm not a good father. If I was, Huo Wei wouldn't have left Huo Company. Is this the first time you've known me? Besides, if you don't want to smoke second-hand smoke, don't come to my study!"

Zhao Sijia choked when she heard his words and suddenly realized that what he said was true. For Huo Wei, he had never been a good father. She had been complacent about this before, because she was the one who was favored, and the one who benefited. But now, he has become her child's father, she suddenly from the one who benefited to one who was not loved.

Zhao Sijia had no time to argue with him anymore. She grabbed his hand and said anxiously, "Is it true when they said that they will close down this place in seven days? That can't be possible? You are so powerful, there is no way that you can't even keep a villa, right? What about my apartment? What about my car and my stores? Those are all my premarital property. Will they be returned to me?"

Hearing her words, Huo Tingwei stopped smoking and raised his head to look at her. "What did you say? Premarital property?"

That's her premarital property, yes, but it was all given to her by him. He never thought that she would bring up the topic of marital property at this time!

Huo Tingwei watched her in silence for a long time. After all, he had been in power for a long time. His serious look was very frightening. Zhao Sijia was so frightened that she unconsciously let go of her hand and stepped back two steps, with panic on her face.

Only then did Huo Tingwei looked away. He lit a cigarette and said, "You are not as good as Wanyun."

Zhao Sijia's eyes widened. She grabbed her dress with both hands and asked in a sharp voice, "What do you mean? Huo Tingwei! I'm your wife. Why are you mentioning my mother? Who do you take me for?"

Huo Tingwei waved his hand and said, "Your things were used as collateral and can't be taken back, but I won't treat you and our child badly. Get out."

Zhao Sijia's questions were stopped by this sentence. She didn't dare to make a scene for fear that she would not get anything in the end. Now she didn't dare to ask for anything else. She just hoped that Huo Tingwei would return her the 100,000,000 plus yuan of assets and give her a sense of security. She was still holding hope that Huo Tingwei and Huo Ming would make a comeback. They would. In her eyes, they have always been the most powerful.

After she left, Huo Tingwei subconsciously opened the drawer partition and wanted to touch the photos inside. After finding nothing, it took a moment for him to remember that Cui Jing had taken away Zhao Wanyun's letters and photos. Now he can't even see the letters and photos and think of Zhao Wanyun.

He pictured Zhao Wanyun's appearance in his mind. Although more than 20 years had passed, he still remembered her gentle and graceful appearance. Perhaps it was because of the divorce with Cui Jing and Zhao Sijia's immaturity because of her age that he was missing Zhao Wanyun so much.

If Wan Yun was by his side, she would not quarrel with him. She would bring a bowl of soup to persuade him to take care of himself and tell him that everything would pass and the two of them could overcome all the difficulties together.

With his head propped up, Huo Tingwei forced a smile, imagining such a beautiful scene. Why didn't he insist on their relationship at the beginning? Why did she leave this world so early? Why did the two of them, who were so compatible with each other, couldn't be together due to such circumstances then? As a result, he fell to the bottom, and no one could accompany him.

The Huo family's villa finally quieted down, giving off a sense of decline. The servants had left. There were only two people left in the big villa, Huo Tingwei and Zhao Sijia. In the dead of night, when Huo Tingwei felt hungry, he found that Zhao Sijia couldn't cook. Without any disturbances, he made food for himself and ate alone.

Huo Tingwei had to recall the cooking steps he learned in university and tried to cook for himself. After so many years, of course, his skills were rusty. He just took a bite and then vomited the food out.

With a look of disgust on her face, Zhao Sijia forced a smile and reluctantly laughed to persuade him: "It doesn't matter. You can find a friend to help you get through the difficulties and hire the servants to come back. You are so powerful. You will definitely recover soon and set up another Huo Company. Just endure it for a few days. "

Huo Tingwei's face darkened. He deeply felt that women like Zhao Sijia were only suitable for amusing and relieving boredom, like a flower in a vase. If there was a crisis, she would not be able to help, and would only show her stupidity and ignorance.

The two of them had just gotten married. Before the wedding was even held, the tenderness and sweetness had disappeared. Before Zhao Sijia got married, she thought that Huo Tingwei fell in love with her and was very kind to her. But now, Huo Tingwei didn't want to say even a single word to her and always asked her not to disturb him. She couldn't accept the contrast, and her morning sickness was getting worse. She felt wronged, but unfortunately, no one will comfort her.

Huo Company's bankruptcy was big news. Even Cui Jing, who was traveling abroad, received the news. She immediately halted her trip and booked the latest flight back to b city. As soon as she arrived home, she was surprised to see Huo Wei. "Is Huo Company really going bankrupt? Is there nothing that can save it?"

Huo Wei nodded. "Mom, there was something wrong with the distribution of interests in Huo Company. Both of them thought they could always be the leaders in the industry, but the problem with their robotics project destroyed the whole company. What's more, the two of them can't convince the public. They are not of the same mind. Their own directors were acting like they cared but were secretly working against them. Due to their greed, they were like a broken water tank, unable to save any water in the end."

Cui Jing was stunned and sat on the sofa slowly. Huo Wei came to her and asked her tentatively, "Mom, are you unwilling to give up on Company? Do you still want to help them?"

"What?" Cui Jing looked at her and realized what Huo Wei was asking her about. She shook her head and said, "No, I just think it's like a dream. How is that possible? Huo Company is one of the most powerful companies in China. Now it's gone."

Before Cui Jing came back, Lou Xiao was having dinner with Huo Wei. Now Lou Xiao poured water for Cui Jing and said, "before Huo Company went bankrupt, Huo Tingwei and Huo Ming came to find Weiwei."

Cui Jing immediately grabbed Huo Wei in surprise, "What are they doing here? Did they bully you?"

Huo Wei smiled, hugged her mother's arm, and said, "It's OK. I won't listen to them."

Lou Xiao reported seriously: " They wanted to use you to pressure her and force her to take over Huo Company. Mrs. Huo, you should know that Huo Company is a mess now. Huo Wei is good at research and development, not management. If she took over Huo Company, she would be too busy to focus on research and development. If she found someone to take charge of the company, it would take a lot of effort for such a big company to survive. And there were still many chances for Huo Tingwei and Huo Ming to tamper with her efforts. After all, Huo Company is under their control. For Huo Company, she is an outsider."

"Yes, yes!" Cui Jing nodded repeatedly, " Wei Wei, don't pay attention to them. Shame on them!"

Cui Jing stopped thinking about Huo Company's bankruptcy. Instead, she became vigilant, afraid that the two men would harass Huo Wei. She asked carefully about what had happened during this period of time, and then grabbed Huo Wei's hand and said, "Mom will solve this problem. You just need to do what you like. Don't care about anything else. You don't have to be unhappy because of them. "

She also gratefully thanked Lou Xiao and praises him: "You are so considerate, thoughtful and reliable. Fortunately, with you by Wei Wei's side, they have to think twice if they want to bully her." She suddenly remembered that when she came back just now, the two of them were having dinner. She suddenly remembered that when she came back just now, the two of them were having dinner. She said anxiously, "Have you two finished eating yet? Come on, let's heat up, or we'll just cook it again... "

When Cui Jing saw the simple and warm two dishes and one soup on the table, she suddenly lost her voice. It was wholesome, but the food didn't look very good. It was obviously not made by the servants. She can't help looking at Lou Xiao. A rare trace of embarrassment appeared on Lou Xiao's face. He said shyly, "Aunt, I made them."

Huo Wei said in a hurry: "Mom, don't think it doesn't look good. It's really delicious. Lou Xiao learned them from a private chef. If you don't believe me, you can sit down and have a taste. I'll heat it for you. "

"Mom, don't think it doesn't look good. It's really delicious. Mike has learned it from a private chef. If you don't believe me, you can sit down and have a taste. I'll heat it for you. "

Huo Wei pushed Cui Jing to her seat and started to serve the dishes. Lou Xiao hurriedly picked up the dish and said, "I'm going to heat it up. You haven't seen Aunt for a long time. Talk to her for a bit."

When Lou Xiao walked into the kitchen with the dishes in his hands, Cui Jing was still looking back and muttered in a low voice: "Good girl, I haven't left for a long time but I feel like I've intruded into you and Lou Xiao's home. It feels like I'm a guest now."

Huo Wei's face is a little red, "Mom, what are you talking about? It's not like what you said."

Cui Jing turned to look at her and teased, "My daughter is so shy. Are you two are together? When did it happen?"

Huo Wei quickly pressed her hand, carefully looked into the kitchen, and whispered. "No, we are not! He came to have dinner with me because I felt lonely at home. "

"Then why did he learn how to cook from a chef? I thought he already knew how to cook."

"That's... I like the food from Siheyuan Restaurant. Our house is too far away from there and I don't have time to eat it. I don't know when he learned how to cook their food."

Cui Jing smiled in surprise, "Then he must really care about you!"

Huo Wei lowered her head and fiddled with the plate. The corners of her mouth rise, and she can't help but feel happy. She didn't expect that Lou Xiao would do such a thing. She thought he wouldn't chase girls. Now thinking about it, in fact, he had already integrated how he treats her into the small details of his life. He wants her to be happy in everything.

The readers were right. With his personality, if he didn't like something, he wouldn't care at all. But if he did like something, he would keep everything in his heart and engrave them in his bones.

"It's done." After putting the dishes on the table and adding a pair of chopsticks for Cui Jing, Lou Xiao sat down politely and said, "Auntie, have a taste."

Both Cui Jing and Huo Wei noticed that there was a hint of nervousness hidden in his calm expression. Cui Jing smiled, picked up the dish, and tasted it carefully. Then she said in surprise, " Lou Xiao's cooking really has the essence of that chef! It's delicious. How did you persuade him to teach you? Was it a secret? "

Lou Xiao said lightly, "I spent some energy and finally convinced him."

The lesser the details mentioned, the more difficult it was. That's right. Why would the chef pass on his recipes to an outsider? Lou Xiao must have spent a lot of money, entrusted someone, and earnestly asked many times to get this done. Maybe he had paid something else, just because it was Huo Wei's favorite.

Cui Jing had been very satisfied with Lou Xiao before, and this time, she said nothing more. She excused herself that she was tired due to her flight. After a few bites, she went back to her room to have a rest, letting the two of them enjoy their dinner.

After returning to her room, the smile on Cui Jing's face disappeared. Huo Company went bankrupt, she doesn't know how to explain how she felt. She didn't want Huo Wei to worry and now she was left alone, her mood became complicated.

She took a shower and steamed in the bathroom for a while. When she came out, she felt clear-headed. Thinking of Huo Company, she felt much happier now.

Didn't Huo Tingwei abandon Zhao Wanyun for Huo Company? Wasn't the marriage between the two of them for Huo Company? Wasn't it because of Huo Company that he neglected Huo Wei? Huo Company was the most important thing in Huo Tingwei's life. Now it's gone because he drove Huo Wei away and missed the chance to develop high-tech robots.

It felt great.

Cui Jing thought of Huo Ming again. Her son was just like his father, ten out of ten. He must be very sad this time. As a mother, of course, she felt sorry for him. But on second thought, she knew that there was something wrong with Huo Mings's personality. It was good for him to suffer some setbacks when he is still young. As long as he could work hard to get up and fight hard in the future, he would definitely achieve a lot.

After putting on a facial mask, Cui Jing went to the cloakroom to choose clothes one by one. She decided to go see the situation tomorrow. She didn't expect that Huo Tingwei had married Zhao Sijia. Of course, she would give him a gift. It was time to reveal the truth and wake him up!

The second day, when Huo Wei saw the glamorous Cui Jing, she was stunned. "Mom, why do you look so young? You look like you're only in your early thirty's. Compared to Huo Tingwei, it's like you're younger than him by a whole generation!"

Cui Jing immediately smiled and narrowed her eyes, "You little child, since when were you so sweet? But mom loves this. You're right!"

The two sat at the table and had breakfast together. Huo Wei asked curiously, "Mom, do you have a date today? Why are you dressed up so beautifully?"

Cui Jing said with a smile: "I'm going... to see the one who lost his power today. Huo Tingwei has cheated me for so many years. I must get my revenge!"

"Then I'll go too. You don't know what they will do when they go crazy. I'm worried about them. I'll accompany you. Let's take two more bodyguards with us just in case." Huo Wei immediately sent a WeChat message to Lou Xiao to say that she would not go to the company. This was not the real world. It's a novel about a traditional arrogant chairman and his little wife. Who knows whether they will hurt anyone once they start to act stupid? She has to accompany her mom.

Cui Jing said in surprise, "Isn't it too much to call bodyguards? Is this necessary?"

"Yes! Besides, it's more impressive to have bodyguards. Mom, listen to me. Let's go together later." Huo Wei has bodyguards. She had developed such high-tech robots, which must have touched other people's interests and took away their money and power. What's more, she had even surpassed top foreign technologies, which naturally attracted attention from all walks of life. She had to be watched over and monitored even in the country.

These two bodyguards were arranged by the country for her. They were very reliable. With them, whoever wanted to hurt her would not only suffer, but also be taken to the relevant departments for interrogation.

The two bodyguards were both dressed in plain clothes. When Huo Wei and Cui Jing led them into the Huo Family's house, it was as if they had brought two assistants. They were not eye-catching at all.

Zhao Sijia first noticed them, and immediately covered their protruding belly vigilantly, shouting: "Tingwei! Tingwei, come down quickly!"

Cui Jing was somehow amused by the way Zhao Sijia called him and laughed. When Huo Tingwei came down in pajamas, the first thing he saw was his beautiful ex-wife with a bright smile. He unconsciously stopped in the middle of the stairs, as if he had returned ten years in the past. At that time... Cui Jing was just like this. People just couldn't look away.

Seeing that he was stunned by Cui Jing, Zhao Sijia was so angry that she went upstairs and pinched him. She said in a low voice, "Did you not sleep well? Ask them what they're doing here!"

Huo Tingwei returned to his senses and continued downstairs. He tried his best to maintain his dignity and asked faintly, "You came back to the country? What are you doing here? What's so funny?"

Cui Jing wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, waved her hand, and said, "Nothing. I just want to know how Zhao Wanyun will react if she knew that her daughter was pregnant with your child and calls you 'Tingwei'. Do you think that she will agree that her daughter was better than her, or would she feel ashamed that both mother and daughter are with the same man?"

Huo Tingwei and Zhao Sijia changed their expressions. Zhao Sijia said angrily, " Cui Jing, that's enough! That was so long ago. Why are you still mentioning it? You and Tingwei have divorced. Are you here to show off? Then, we won't welcome you. Get out!"

After taking a glance at her, Huo Wei walked a few steps inside, arm in arm with her mother. She looked around and said, "You asked us to get out with so much confidence. I'm afraid that you have forgotten that you are no longer the owner of this place, you know that right? How many days do you have before the court's deadline? Let me think. There's only tomorrow left, right? You'd better find a good place to stay, or you'll be homeless tomorrow."

Frowning, Huo Tingwei said: "You don't have to worry about it. I won't let you see such a joke just yet."

Huo Wei stretched out her hand and touched the table. She asked softly, "How long has it been since you cleaned this?" She looked at Zhao Sijia with surprise, "You've only lived in Huo Family house for about two years, and now you can't even live a normal life like this? We came as guests to your home and you don't even have a place for us to sit."

Zhao Sijia blushed and said, " I've never done housework since I was a child. What does this have to do with the Huo family?"

"Oh? Then who does all the housework in your family?" Cui Jing asked.

Zhao Sijia opened her mouth to speak but when saw that Huo Tingwei, she stopped in a hurry. Cui Jing said with a smile: "You have no idea what to say, do you? Your mother never did this either, because there were always men who were to provide for you two. Sometimes I think I should admire your mother and her skills. It's a pity that she came from a lower class Otherwise, she would have got along well with the people within the social circle of b city. "

This time, Huo Tingwei couldn't stand it anymore. He asked irritably, "Why are you here? Stop talking about Wanyun. She's gone. Don't you think it's impolite to talk about her like this?"

Cui Jing walked up to him and stopped smiling. "She didn't think that it was impolite when she asked her daughter to come to you. In what way was I being impolite? Did you think that the letters she wrote to you were full of helplessness and regret? Wrong, it's all to make you reminisce about the past. Do you know what kind of life she has lived all these years? You can't accept that she was willing to leave you, so you never looked for her. You have no idea about what she has been up to in the past 20 years. With your imagination, you just shaped her into the most beautiful and wonderful person.

Huo Tingwei, would you like me to tell you who your beloved was all along?"

Hearing that, Huo Tingwei was stunned. He felt something was amiss. Why was Cui Jing implying that Zhao Wanyun had hidden something from him? How could it be possible? Zhao Wanyun was always so kind.

Zhao Sijia was worried. She stepped forward and said, "What's the point of this? Now Tingwei and I are husband and wife. Let bygones be bygones!"

Cui Jing shook her finger and said, "No, it's good that the two of you are here. e I can't watch him being played like this by you and your mother. He has the right to know the truth."

Huo Wei couldn't help but laughed. Her mother had also become such a tease. Cui Jing clearly wanted to laugh at Huo Tingwei but said that he had the right to know the truth. If he knew the truth, he would want to be deaf and blind, then he would not know how stupid he had been.

Cui Jing gave the investigation report to Huo Tingwei and told him the story about him with a smile.

Huo Tingwei was indeed outstanding when he was young. He was born proud and capable, so he didn't take others seriously. At that time, many girls liked him, but he ignored them. He thought they liked his family, his money, and many other things that he had.

When he went out to work, he met Zhao Wanyun who was feeding stray cats in the back alley. Zhao Wanyun was smiling as she comforted those cats, which became the most memorable scene in his heart. He believed that such a girl must be kind-hearted, and later he got along with her, which proved his belief.

She didn't know his family background, nor did she know his identity. The two of them worked in the same shop, and then naturally fell in love with each other. He hid it well then Zhao Wanyun never disliked him just because he couldn't make a lot of money. He felt as if he had found treasure.

Later, his family forced them to break up. He felt sorry for Zhao Wanyun, and she didn't blame him. She insisted on not destroying his marriage, leaving behind only a letter and disappearing without a trace. It had been more than 20 years. If she hadn't been worried about her daughter, she wouldn't have contacted him.

At that time, Zhao Sijia owed more than 100,000 yuan. Who could imagine how bad the mother and daughter had been living in those years? Zhao Sijia even took her mother's surname. He had asked Zhao Sijia, but Zhao Sijia didn't want to mention her biological father at all, which meant that the man was not good to them.

He always regretted that he didn't help Zhao Wanyun when she was suffering, so he protected Zhao Sijia so much. Even though things were different now, he still felt that the memory was worth cherishing for his whole life. That she might have been the only true love in his life.

But now, Cui Jing pushed the truth in front of his eyes. All the gentleness and kindness were fake! Zhao Wanyun had inquired about the price of a watch, which he was wearing when at work, and it was worth 300,000.

What ordinary worker would wear a 300,000 yuan watch? And with that kind of casual attitude?

Before she was with him, Zhao Wanyun had known all along that he was from a rich family. Moreover, before going to university in b city, Zhao Wanyun had been in love with the son of the old mayor. She was a gold digger, but she hid it well.

Especially when she broke up with him, she took his mother's 10 million yuan and walked freely. When I went to a city, I married one of the richest businessmen in the area and lived like a rich wife. I didn't even work.

Especially when she broke up with him, she took 10,000,000 yuan from his mother and left without hesitation. After she went to a city, she married a local first-class rich businessman and lived the life of a rich wife, without ever needing to work.

It was a pity that the rich businessman was unlucky. He not only lost money in business but also died early. At that time, Zhao Wanyun had a child, so those of high status weren't willing to favor her. And those who were willing to be the scapegoat, she didn't like them either. So, the two, mother and daughter, lived together and soon squandered all their savings.

After that, Zhao Wanyun received compensation for a car accident and took her daughter to another place. She found a more honest company manager to live with. Unfortunately, she became terminally ill. The senior manager paid a lot of her medical fees, which was kind and righteous. Later, when he really didn't have any savings anymore, then he left too, and she entrusted Zhao Sijia to Huo Tingwei before she died.

Did she suffer? In reality, she only suffered from terminal illness for a short period of time in her life. And at that time, she did not forget to plan for Huo Tingwei to pave the way for her daughter.

It could be said that she had been good at scheming all her life. She was good at making use of her advantages by seizing men's mentality and coaxing these men to fall in love with her and provide her a comfortable life. She had succeeded, but for the Huo Tingwei who finally sees the truth, he was about to explode with anger!

The blue veins on Huo Tingwei's forehead were visible, and the shame of being fooled filled every cell in his body!

Zhao Wanyun was a gold digger! An absolute gold digger! And also the kind of manipulative, vain gold digger!

He kept her in his mind for such a long time, but it was all a big joke!

Zhao Sijia was full of shame. Seeing Huo Tingwei in such a way, she tried to pull him, "Don't listen to her nonsense. She is lying."

"Go away!" Huo Tingwei shook her off and feels sick when she touched him!

"Ah –" Zhao Sijia screamed and fell to the ground, covering her stomach with her hands and crying in pain.

But Huo Tingwei was not nervous at all. He stared at her as if he wanted to strangle her.

"How dare you and your mother treat me as a fool? You knew everything, but you pretended and lied to me every time I asked you. Both of you deserve to die!" Huo Tingwei reached out to grab her.

Zhao Sijia didn't expect that he would ignore their baby. She quickly got up and hid herself and fearfully said, "I didn't lie to you. I just didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid that you'll be sad. You were so kind to me. How could I lie to you?" Zhao Sijia gritted her teeth and said, "I'm different from my mother!"

Cui Jing and Huo Wei were dumbfounded. No matter how manipulative Zhao Wanyun was, she still treated her daughter sincerely. They didn't expect that Zhao Sijia would use her mother to get clean herself at the most critical moment. This kind of shamelessness was really unacceptable.

Seeing the expressions of the two women, Zhao Sijia became angry from embarrassment. She grabbed a sculpture and threw it at them. "It's all your fault! Damn you!"

Huo Wei quickly pulled Cui Jing and tied to dodge. The two bodyguards who had no sense of existence had already jumped in front of them and kicked the sculpture away. The sculpture flew past Zhao Sijia's ears, causing Zhao Sijia to hold onto her head and scream.

The scream also woke Huo Tingwei up. He gasped, tore the investigation report to pieces, pointed to Zhao Sijia, and said, "Abortion! I want nothing to do with you and your mother. Go and get an abortion with me immediately!"

Zhao Sijia's face turned pale and her eyes widened in shock. But when she calmed down, she realized that this was the best time to break up with Huo Tingwei. In the past few days, she had realized that Huo Tingwei had fallen from grace. Why should she have this baby? She'd better take this opportunity to have an abortion and break up, and live her own life.

She gritted her teeth, restrained her fear, and took a few steps back. She stared at Huo Tingwei and said, "You can have your abortion and even have a divorce. But what about my assets? That's my premarital property. You promised to return them to me."

She didn't feel guilty or beg for mercy at this time. Instead, she was thinking about the property before marriage. Huo Tingwei only felt that he had been blind. How could he break up his family for such a person? What was more humiliating was that Cui Jing and Huo Wei had seen such a scene. He felt that his face had been torn off and fallen to the ground!

Huo Tingwei sneered cruelly, "Premarital property? You signed to put them as collateral, and now you want it back? You can only do that if you have enough money to exchange for them! Also, don't forget that my debt after our marriage. Even if you don't have to bear it all, you have to bear at least 600 million yuan. Did you think that you can only enjoy the money and honor and not bear the risk when you marry into a rich family? Once we are divorced, you can live for yourself and slowly repay your 600 million yuan."

"What?! That's impossible! You deceived me! You promised that you'd give it back to me!" Zhao Sijia had never seen 600 million yuan in her life. How could she pay it back? She rushed madly at him and grabbed him, wanting him to pay her back with money.

Huo Tingwei had suffered enough today. How could he still handle her? The two people immediately started fighting.

Huo Wei rushed to protect Cui Jing and said, "Zhao Sijia is pregnant. Let's go. It will be troublesome if we are involved in this."

"Okay." The smile on Cui Jing's face became brighter, and she was finally completely relieved from the past. It was never her fault. It was them. She felt that what the netizens said was right. She was happy to see them live a bad life. She was really happy now, very happy.

Not long after that, Huo Wei saw the news about Zhao Sijia's miscarriage on the headline. It was estimated that the accident happened when she quarreled with Huo Tingwei. An ambulance was called directly to the Huo Family's house to pick her up. After that, perhaps Zhao Sijia went crazy due to anger and scolded him in front of outsiders. Naturally, everyone knew what had happened between them.

As the saying goes, good news never spread far, while bad news travels fast. Huo Tingwei and Zhao Sijia, who were not popular at all, were trending again. This time, the public didn't know whether to laugh at them or curse them. The two of them were together in such a high-profile way before. They often had candlelight dinners, bought expensive jewelry, and even broke up a good family just to be together. In the end, they turned against each other?

And it was because of money!

It was so interesting. Didn't they say that Zhao Sijia was innocent, pure, and kind-hearted? With someone like her, people forgot how innocence, pureness, and kindness looked like.

It was not over yet. Zhao Sijia kept saying that Huo Tingwei had promised to give her money, but he didn't give it to her. As a result, everyone thought that Huo Tingwei was not as poor as he presented. He must have hidden some amount of money. Everyone as good citizens then reported him one after another.

With Huo Company's bankruptcy, he was still in debt, and he had hidden some amount of money, how could he do this? The relevant departments immediately took action, and within a day, they found the money hidden by Huo Tingwei. Huo Tingwei was really angry this time. Zhao Sijia went back to pack up her things. She particularly chose a time when Huo Tingwei was not there, and asked someone to take the furniture and all kinds of furnishings in the villa, and sold all the things that could be sold for money. She wanted to earn some money for herself.

Who could have known that Huo Tingwei would be so angry that he went straight to the police station and reported for theft? Everything in the villa was his premarital property so they would be taken away due to his debt. It is against the law for Zhao Sijia to sell them secretly!

The value of those things was not low, Zhao Sijia stole equivalent almost more than 1,000,000 yuan, which was a huge amount of money legally, and she was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment!

When watching the news, Huo Wei was silent for some time. Zhao Sijia took many things for granted. For example, she had asked Yu Hai to help her with Huo Company's work before, and she was not afraid of leaking confidential information at all. She even stole the research and development data of the Yun Xiao Group in the original novel, and she had never thought that it would violate the law. It was really in line with the background of this traditional pure and innocent heroine!

But Huo Wei just wanted to say: Well done! Now without the rude chairperson's love, there was no way that Zhao Sijia could avoid punishment. It's better for her to go to prison so that she won't cause harm everywhere in the future.

Huo Tingwei was really down and out now, and his action of putting Zhao Sijia in prison by himself was not appreciated. None of his former friends were willing to contact him. Both his and Huo Ming's houses have been locked up. He could only stay with Huo Ming in the house Cui Jing gave to Huo Ming.

When Cui Jing went to see Huo Ming, Huo Tingwei saw her and begged for forgiveness. "It's all my fault. I was so blind and made you and our daughter sad. I'm so sorry. Cui Jing, give me one more chance and let me make it up to you. I will treat you well, a hundred thousand times better than before."

Cui Jing glanced at him in disgust, "Why should I take back trash? Do you think I'm going to forgive you just because you apologized? Are you dreaming? I don't want to see what you look like now. Don't get in my way next time."

Cui Jing asked Huo Ming to meet outside. She doesn't want to see Huo Tingwei even for a second.

Huo Tingwei looked at Cui Jing's elegant and beautiful appearance as if she was just in her early thirties. He looked at himself in a mirror. He had disorderly hair and stubble on his face. He was just 50 years old but he looked like he was 60 years old. If people said that he and Cui Jing were father and daughter, he would believe it!

Or they wouldn't believe it, because Cui Jing seemed too bright, and he looked too sloppy. They were not people from the same world at all.

Huo Tingwei can't accept that he has been reduced to such a level People who were too proud and arrogant would easily fall apart when they come across huge obstacles. This was what Huo Tingwei was like. He didn't need anything else, all he wanted to do was to hide himself away.

He suddenly understood why Zhao Sijia was in so much when she was scolded online because he was the one in great pain now. Those who didn't care about such curses were only those who were in the upper class. When he fell to the bottom, he realized that he cared more than anyone else. There was no way that he could get through this in his life.

Cui Jing didn't give Huo Ming a big house. She wanted Huo Ming to stand up by himself, so she didn't intend to help him. She gave Huo Ming a sum of money and asked him to start his own business. With the start-up fund, Huo Ming finally cheered himself up and busily worked on his business every day.

It was only when he started to do it that he realized how difficult it was. t was totally different from what he had imagined. He didn't even work like Huo Tingwei. He has always been the apple of his father's eye. How could he bear to be looked down upon and mocked by others? And with his attitude of not willing to bend down and lower his head, his path of starting a business was destined to be extremely difficult.

The repeated failures were a heavy blow to him. Huo Ming's mentality is getting worse and worse. It could be said that he was getting more and more depressed after fallout with Huo Wei. He almost couldn't react due to the series of events and naturally, he did not have time to digest the negative emotions. So now he became a little bit sensitive and was very reluctant to face failure.

Cui Jing sensed that something was wrong. She hired two special assistants with a high salary to help him, "Take your time. Don't worry. These two are my helpers. Calm down. You will succeed."

Huo Ming sneered, "Are you here to laugh at me? Seeing me struggling like this, you must be very happy, right? Mom? Do you really think of me as a son?"

Huo Wei immediately stood in front of Cui Jing. She knew that Huo Ming's mind was wired differently from others. Otherwise, in the original novel, he would not have ignored his mother and sister and even targeted Lou Xiao, who had no quarrel with him. He was the kind of rude manager who liked to make people feel cold regardless of whether he was right or wrong. When he was happy in his life, he was unreasonable, and if he was disappointed, he was even more extreme.

She saw that Huo Ming's favor value for her and Cui Jing was -100, and she was very glad that she accompanied her mother here. She said in a cold voice: "Spoiling your child is like drowning him with your own hands. Mom is trying her best to help you overcome your difficulties and stand up again. She is trying to help you."

Huo Ming has already gotten to the tip of the horn, "Help me? Did she do the same for you when you were driven out of your house with your money cut off?"

"Yes." Huo Wei nodded naturally "Did you think mom gave me something back then? She also provided me a place to live, so that I can live comfortably. As for the rest, I earned them through my research and development? By the way, if you hadn't cut off my money, I wouldn't have needed a reason to earn a living. I wouldn't have been in a hurry to find a job and I wouldn't have been able to work for Yun Xiao Group. So, in a way, were you not the reason all of this happened? It was you who left me in the forest. It was also you who didn't allow me to enter the company and said that I was cheating. How can you be so selfish? Now you are blaming me for not being able to start a business."

Huo Ming gritted his teeth and looked at her. After a moment, he lowered his head and said dejectedly, "I'm sorry. It's me who should be sorry. Mom, sister, please forgive me."

Huo Wei turned to look at Cui Jing. Cui Jing was looking at Huo Ming and did not speak. Her eyes are full of disappointment and sadness.

Huo Ming had said a lot of words that he should feel guilty about. But Cui Jing didn't interrupt. In the end, he asked, "Mom, are the company shares that you got from the divorce still with you? You and my sister never knew how to manage a company. Why don't you give it to me? I'll choose a company with the most potential for development and find a way to buy some shares as the chairman. In this way, I'll establish a new Huo Company for you in the future."

Huo Wei still didn't say anything. Those were all Cui Jing's things, and her mother will have to make her own decisions.

Tears streamed down Cui Jing's cheeks, but a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. "Okay. Which company do you think is good?"

"Don't cry, mom." Huo Ming quickly took a paper towel and wiped Cui Jing's tears. He anxiously said the name of a company, but he didn't notice that he was wiping it too hard and cause part of Cui Jing's face to turn red.

Cui Jing didn't stop him. She kept looking at him as if she wanted to remember him this way. Then she said gently, "Okay, I'll give you that company and let you make the decision. It's a gift from mom..."

Huo Ming was so happy that he didn't realize something was wrong with his mother, but Huo Wei did. After they separated, Huo Weil held Cui Jing's hand and said, "Mom, if you are sad, just cry. You..."

Cui Jing waved her hand, sighed, and said, "No, it's enough. I gave him what he wanted. After this, I'll leave him alone."

Cui Jing really spent a lot of money and bought 51% of the shares of that company. Then she gave the company to Huo Ming and had a meal with him. She enjoyed Huo Ming's filial piety.

After that, she left the country without looking back and continued to travel around the world. Traveling was a good way to relax. She was very happy when she came back from her last trip. Hopefully, it will be the same this time around.

Huo Wei and Lou Xiao went to the airport to see her off. Cui Jing hugged her with a smile and said, "Don't worry about mom. Mom is fine. It's you. Don't stay in the lab all the time. Have more fun when you are free. Go shopping, go out on dates, don't be too obsessed with work."

Huo Wei nodded and hugged her, "Mom, I'll be fine and you'll be fine too. If you don't want to come back, you don't need to. I'll go and see you when I have time."

"Alright." Cui Jing was afraid that she would be reluctant to leave so without saying more, she waved goodbye to them and went in.

Looking at her back, Huo Wei said in a low voice, "Mom is very strong, but she will still be sad when with a son like him."

Lou Xiao comforted her: "Aunt will be OK, don't worry. But Huo Ming may be in trouble. There is something wrong with the company he is interested in. "

"What?" Huo Wei's eyes widened in surprise and she asked, "So after all that talking, he will still go bankrupt?"

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