Awakened as a Fine Female Can...

By SheijiHiei

312K 5.9K 1.6K

In every book, there's always a female cannon fodder who seeks death - the ones who are arrogant and tyrannic... More

Chapter 1 - The female lead with plot armor was snatched by her childhood friend
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Elite female characters
Chapter 12 - Snatching away the golden trump card childhood best-friend
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - End
Chapter 27 - The Sudden Transformation of the Female Star with no Talent
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 - End
Chapter 35 - The unveracious Heiress out of your league
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - End
Chapter 55 - Be hated by everyone in the love variety show
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74 - End
Chapter 75 - A sickly cousin in the care of others
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 22

5.6K 106 89
By SheijiHiei

Zhao Sijia was bewildered by Cui Jing's words. She didn't expect that Cui Jing would find out about her mother. She subconsciously went to look at Huo Tingwei and habitually thought of relying on the most reliable person at present.

Cui Jing looked at her and said with a smile, "Sure enough, you always knew that your mother was Huo Tingwei's first love and that trying to repay kindness was all a lie. You saw me being cheated on and endured without protest as I took you in as a benefactor's daughter, and then you were at ease and felt that you were justified to enjoy the Huo Tingwei's care, just because he was your mother's ex-lover? Hah, does your father know you are such a person? Although he's gone for so long, have you ever once gone to take care of his grave?"

"You! You can't talk about my parents like that" Zhao Sijia felt as if her face was stripped off. Cui Jing was talking as if her whole family were shameless trash.

Huo Tingwei also responded and said seriously, "Once I met you, I lived my life honestly. Stop accusing others and speaking nonsense. Cui Jing, you were never such a mean person before."

"I'm not; I'm not mean at all. I just like to tell the truth. If you can't even listen to the truth, it's only a sign of self-deception." Cui Jing didn't want to look at them. She pointed to the divorce agreement on the table and said, "Sign it. I'm not asking for much, I want only half of all my property. We are all decent people, let's make this an amicable parting, it doesn't need to be ugly. "

Huo Tingwei gave her a measuring look and finally believed that she was determined to go through with the divorce. He pinched his eyebrows and sat back on the sofa, trying to reason with Cui Jing. "Wan Yun and I broke up before I met you. For the past 20 years, I have never done anything that I need to apologize to you for.

Our children have both grown up, and there is still a need to develop Huo Company in the future, if you divided it into two, what can they do? With a pair of divorced parents, their reputation would suffer too. "

Cui Jing had figured it all out and waited a few days before coming over, so Huo Tingwei's words didn't move her at all, and instead amused her. "Don't you think that you are becoming more and more like your father now? When you were forced to choose between your beloved woman and your family business, did your father use these excuses to persuade you? You hated him, but finally, you are now living just like him. "

Cui Jing motioned to the lawyer to take out the copies of Zhao Wanyun's letters and raised her chin. "If you never wronged me, then what are these? When you and I were about to get married, you still had a relationship with Zhao Wanyun and asked her to be your mistress. Did you keep yourself clean all these years for me? Or was it for the woman you wanted but couldn't have? If she didn't leave, the one who was cheated on would still be me today. "

When he saw the letters, Huo Tingwei's pupil suddenly shrunk, and he spoke with anger, "You searched my drawers?"

"That drawer, including its contents, is also my property. How would I have known that you were so disgusting if I hadn't looked inside? Stop talking rubbish and sign." Cui Jing had no emotions in her eyes, not even a sliver of hatred towards him, she was just thinking that this man should be ignored.

Huo Tingwei has never been so directly scolded in his life, and the person scolding him was even his wife who had always been very satisfied with him. Now he doesn't want to ask about the letters or how his wife investigated his affairs. The most important thing now was the property. He picked up the divorce agreement, glanced at it, and said in a deep voice, "Even if it's a divorce, it can't be distributed like this. After your parents died, Cui Company's income was already in decline. I was the one who revered it. Over the years, Cui Company merged with Huo Company, and I developed Huo Company to such a large scale. You don't understand management. You've never been in touch with these kinds of things.... "

"Are you saying that I have never done anything? There is legal precedence for all aspects of the pre-marital and post-marital property. When you list them all one by one, I can get half of them, which has nothing to do with whether I participated in management or not. I left half for you, just for my son, otherwise, you won't even have half."

Cui Jing then stood up and said, "Fine, I made myself very clear. Later, my lawyer will discuss the divorce with you. If you don't agree, we will sue. But in advance, I will apply for the freezing of property. If you are not afraid of this affecting the company, then you can fight with me. I have plenty of time, and I will be happy to accompany you. "

"Cui Jing! You are crossing the line!" Huo Tingwei frowned and drank, but no one paid any attention to him. When Cui Jing said that she was leaving, she did leave, and she didn't drag her feet. As a chairman of the board, he couldn't follow her out, as it would have been too embarrassing.

Zhao Sijia was afraid to speak. She lowered her head and pretended to be transparent. When Cui Jing passed her, her whole body was tense and ready to fight back. In the end, Cui Jing didn't even give her a spare glance and left directly. Like Huo Wei, Cui Jing completely ignored her, as if she was insignificant and not worthy of their attention.

When Huo Tingwei saw her, he realized that what happened just now had been seen by the younger generation. He could not keep his face straight and was not in the mood to console her. He waved his hand and said, "Go home first and have a rest. We can talk about work later."

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Zhao Sijia bit her lip and said in a low voice, "I'm brought trouble to your doorstep."

"It's fine. It's not your problem. Leave."

Zhao Sijia didn't dare to say more and went to her workstation to pack up her things. She felt that all the people in the secretary's office were looking at her. She didn't have to guess what they were thinking. When Cui Jing came here, her mother who was not a mistress has been branded as one, and she was also viewed as a fake little girl who was actually manipulative, shameless, and vain.

She clenched her bag, took a deep breath, boldly looked up to them, and tried to explain. However, everyone was working, as if they had never noticed her at all. She suddenly swallowed what she wanted to say, without a word, she hurried into the elevator to leave the company.

The secretary's office finally sent Little Miss Trouble away. In a way, it would be reasonable to celebrate. But at this time, there was boundless silence, everyone was very careful not to bring offense, and become an outlet for Huo Tingwei to vent his anger. They were also shocked and still could not help but gossip with their friends.

The reason why Chairman Huo's wife wanted to divorce the chairman was because of Zhao Sijia and Zhao Sijia's mother. So Zhao Sijia was actually Huo Tingwei's first love's daughter.

This news flew out as if it grew a pair of wings, and it was a shock to anyone present no matter where it went. All of Huo Tingwei's unreasonable behaviors have just been explained. It turns out that she wasn't a mistress or an illegitimate daughter, but the daughter of the woman he couldn't have.

But there was another way of saying this, was caring for a daughter of your first love really something so sincere? They fought until a divorce. Everyone who put themselves in his shoes disagreed, could it be that he is taking Zhao Sijia as a stand-in for his first love?

No one knew who published the news on the Internet. After a few days, the Huo family's gossip had another follow-up. This time, even the business corporates were be shocked. The divorce of Chairman Huo involved hundreds of billions of property, which was all related to Huo Company's future development!

At this time, Zhao Sijia was really crowned with the title of Dangerous Beauty!

The cheating movie queens, having relations with multiple people were all different compared to her. After all, they have some real talent, at least they can act, while she was a real waste of space, with no abilities, and yet caused a mogul worth hundreds of billions to be divorced from his wife.

It would be impossible for life for Zhao Sijia to prove that she was not in the wrong. Those who were spreading the news were saying that Cui Jing's divorce was to make room for her?

The Internet got to hand it to her and further ridiculed her, causing Zhao Sijia to suffer insomnia, hair loss, that taking sleeping pills was useless.

Huo Tingwei has become the century's scummiest man. Netizens said that he was so scummy that he transcended, and that he was so scummy that there was never such a man like him in the past and will never be a man like him in the future. Twenty years ago, his first love, remembering her until now, taking his wife as what kind of fool? He treated his first love's daughter better than his own daughter, what kind of heart does he actually have?

This time, Cui Jing, Huo Tingwei, and Zhao Sijia became the center of public opinion. Huo Ming, who started the Huo Family's rumors, was no longer discussed, and no one knew whether to be happy or sad for him.

Huo Tingwei was bombarded by the directors again, this time not only by telephone but also in person at the company. Huo Tingwei was in a state of great anxiety, he had not eliminated outside attacked has not been eliminated, and there was now a fire in his own backyard. Now he was as if walking on the thin ice along a cliff. If he was not careful, he will fall into the abyss.

Huo Tingwei tried to communicate with Cui Jing many times without success, so he could only contact Cui Jing's lawyer team. However, Cui Jing's lawyer team, for a large amount of commission, will only push forward the divorce incident quickly without giving Huo Tingwei any breathing space.

Huo Tingwei can only contact Huo Wei, but could only find Huo Wei's assistant. Every time he gets a reply, Huo Wei would be in the research lab, and she showed absolutely support regarding her parents' divorce.

Huo Tingwei didn't know how many times he called. Later Huo Ming came out to Cui Jing and Huo Wei's house. Huo Wei was a filial daughter. No matter how busy she is, she always took time to have dinner with Cui Jing. After dinner, she would chat with Cui Jing for fear that her mother would not be happy during the divorce. Then, she coincidentally met Huo Ming.

Huo Ming's favor value for Cui Jing has dropped to 30. Huo Wei was surprised when she saw it. When she heard Huo Ming's request for Cui Jing not to go forward with the divorce, she was relieved. The two were so full of ego.

Cui Jing stared at Huo Ming and asked, "You haven't seen your mother for such a long time. You haven't even greeted me yet and the first thing you ask is for me to not go through with the divorce? Do you know why I want a divorce? Have you ever thought about how I feel about this?"

Huo Ming took a deep breath and said to her patiently, "Mom, over the past 20 years, my father has been very loyal to this marriage. He has never contacted Sijia's mother, so at the beginning, Sijia was unable to find father and had to go to the company with her posthumous note to try her luck. You've had a good life these 20 years, haven't you? Father gave you such a comfortable life. "

"What a load of crap! Even if my Cui Company was no longer active, I still have money to spend for the rest of my life and live comfortably. Do I need him to give money to me?" Cui Jing was so angry that she swore and said in a cold voice, "Huo Tingwei can't even enter the house. I let you in because you are my son. But have you ever taken me as your mother?"

Huo Ming looked at her. Before he spoke, Cui Jing raised her hand and leaned on the sofa wearily. "You haven't, you never treated me as your mother."

Huo Wei worried about her, cared for her, considered her feelings, and amused her every day. She knew who was filial and who was not. Huo Ming was not filial. He didn't have any affection and respect for her in his eyes. It seems that he was like his father, regarding women as accessories, and didn't feel that his mother and sister should be cherished.

Cui Jing was really sad this time, a terrible man can be thrown away, but not a son that she herself gave birth to. She loved her son with all her heart, but her son was so cold-blooded, that if it was anyone else's son, they too would be sad.

Huo Wei took her mother's arm and whispered, "Mom, you still have me. If you are tired, you can go upstairs and have a rest. Huo Ming is 24 years old. He is not a baby that needs to be cared for by his mother. Since he is not sensible, let him be beaten up by society. You just have to enjoy your life happily. "

"Huo Wei!" Huo Ming was very dissatisfied with her words.

Huo Wei helped Cui Jing up and said to her with a smile, "Mom, go upstairs and let me handle this. Don't worry, Huo Ming is such a genius. Just let him leave his mother's arms and soar without being held back. Mom, it's already enough with me here!"

An intimate daughter will always sweet and intimate at any time, Huo Wei was angry at her son, it was good that her daughter was here to comfort her. Cui Jing patted Huo Wei's hand, sighed, and went upstairs without looking back.

Huo Wei looked at Cui Jing's affection for Huo Ming that finally fell to 70. This was not easy for Cui Jing, but it also proved that she was a loving mother. It didn't matter to Huo Wei how much this favor was worth. She won't deliberately affect their relationship, but she has all the emotions and memories of the original owner. She and Cui Jing are the real mother and daughter. Of course, she hoped Cui Jing won't be as hurt.

After waiting for Cui Jing to return to her room, she closed her smile and said to Huo Ming, "This divorce will not be changed. You have so much time to hurt your mother when you'd better think about the next step of the company. Believe it or not, I can persuade my mother to apply for the freezing of Huo Tingwei's assets, or sell the shares to Huo Company's rivals, and I can also ruin your beloved Zhao Sijia. Would you like me to try?"

Once upon a time, Huo Ming only thought Huo Wei was like this because she was angry, but now he doesn't think so. He looked at Huo Wei as if he was looking at a stranger. "You've changed so much that I can't even recognize, you're so heartless."

"Not as heartless as you. It's just because that whenever you do shameless things, you just cover it up and act like they never happened. Isn't that just nice? You can bring a message to Huo Tingwei, if he does not agree to the divorce, when we retaliate, we will not be gentle."

Huo Ming's favor for her has plummeted, falling below 0 and rushing to -20. Huo Wei didn't care. After seeing Huo Ming, who was so angry, leave, she went back to bed. Now that they no longer cared about Huo Family, they can use all kinds of means without fear, but Huo Tingwei and Huo Ming can't, they are hesitant, if their property was really frozen, Huo Company will face irreversible damage, so she was not afraid of this entanglement.

Huo Wei's threats were very effective. After a few days, Huo Tingwei finally gave in and agreed to the divorce. At this time, Cui Jing's team of lawyers played fully to their advantage. The materials they prepared were extremely complete, Huo Tingwei couldn't make any moves, no matter how small. Moreover, when the lawyers of the sides quarreled with them, they managed to obtain a great victory. The terms of the divorce agreement that were finally passed were even better than before.

Huo Wei gave Cui Jing an idea to sell her shares to Huo Tingwei at a high price. To maximize his interests, Huo Tingwei will definitely agree to divorce.

Not surprisingly, after thinking about the pros and cons, Huo Tingwei gave Cui Jing all his property except Huo Company's shares, the price of the shares was not a small number, but all Huo Ming's property were gone too, including some credits and all the shares of more than a dozen other holding companies.

In other words, Huo Tingwei and Huo Ming have not changed their shares in Huo Company. But they have lost all their property and were stuck with huge debts. They have no shares in any other company. Cui Jing's shares and various assets were valued at more than 60 billion yuan.

The media reported one after another, causing an uproar all over the Internet.

No one can say that Cui Jing was poor anymore, with 60 billion yuan of assets, would there be anyone who wouldn't want to go forward with a divorce, and choose to date younger men? Who would want that old, dirty man anyways?!

It is often said that murder is caused by one single reason.

This time, netizens all said: This is a big economic case caused by a branch!

The beginning of the Huo Family's gossip was because Zhao Sijia used a branch to hurt Huo Wei. It was because of that branch that everything happened. It was right that Zhao Sijia should bear the brunt of the abuse! Of course, the characters of Huo Tingwei and Huo Ming were completely trashed. They were rated as the scummiest father and brother. They are the kings of all scum, no one else!

Some people thought that Cui Jing was the one who lost. Huo Company was the top priority of all the assets of the Huo family. It was the golden chicken that could lay golden eggs. She wanted all the other things, but not Huo Company. Was that too impulsive? There's no need to think that just because Huo Ting Wei was in Huo Company, she should object to taking Huo Company, right?

But there were too few people thinking about that. Most people said that 600 billion was enough. And this included the shares of more than ten companies. Every year, the dividend can't even be completely spent. If she wanted Huo Company, then wouldn't she need to continue to argue back and forth? Why waste her life for such a thing?

Cui Jing suddenly became the richest woman in China. She was beautiful, elegant, and graceful. She was 48 years old but she looked like 35 years old, and she became the most popular and admired woman on the Internet.

There was a saying on the Internet: If a woman was living like Cui Jing, and she is the real winner in life.

The Internet, business, and the upper-class circles everywhere were talking about this matter. At this time, there was no one except Lou Xiao who knew why Huo Wei proposed to not take Huo Company during the divorce.

When he and Huo Wei were in the studio, he asked her, "Do you plan to bring down Huo Company?"

Huo Wei was sitting on the sofa by the window with a book in her hand. She looked at the book and said with a smile, "Of course, they disgust me. I will make it so that those two will never forget."

"OK, I'll help you." Lou Xiao drew her outline on the canvas and made a promise casually.

But Huo Wei knew that whatever Lou Xiao says, he will do it. That's just who he is. He has seldom said anything but when he did, he spoke sincerely. She looked at Lou Xiao's favor towards her and it was at 80, and looked up curiously and asked, "Why did you talk to me at the airport that time? Was it really because you wanted to paint? "

Lou Xiao stopped moving suddenly, looked at her, and immediately reverted his gaze. It was rare to see him choke up his words. "I......."

He clenched his fist and coughed softly, and said earnestly, "That day, I felt like I knew you for a long time. I saw you countless times in my dream."

After that, Huo Wei felt as if the temperature of the studio had risen a lot. She touched her earlobe unconsciously. It was hot and definitely red.

"Me too." She whispered back, looked down at her book, and no longer looking at him, but her heart was beating fast. She wanted to hold it down with her hand, to stop it from causing her trouble!

Lou Xiao has a look of joy behind his eyes and immediately went to Huo Wei. She lowered her head. He couldn't see her face, but he saw her red ears, just like him.

Huo Wei felt that Lou Xiao was keeping his gaze on her. She felt a little uncomfortable and urged: "Paint a bit faster. I have to write a research report."

It suddenly occurred to her that this was the third painting Lou Xiao had painted for her. She asked suspiciously, "Have you finished all the paintings that you drew for me before? Why have I not seen them? Did you put them away?"

"Well, I did put them away." Lou Xiao nodded, picked up the brush again, and continued to paint.

Huo Wei saw that he didn't have any intention to show the paintings to her at all. This made her even more curious, "Can I take a look?"

Lou Xiao said firmly, "No, I'll show them to you later at the right time."

"So mysterious?" Huo Wei was very curious. She reluctantly suppressed her curiosity. She was looking forward to when this right opportunity will be, maybe he will surprise her!

While Lou Xiao was painting, she quietly looked up at his side face. He was very good-looking. It was very attractive when he was painting seriously. She also wanted to paint for him, but it may take a long time. After all, she was not a real painter. Maybe she has to wait until her feelings were strong enough to draw a good painting!

Huo Wei's and Lou Xiao's villas were next to each other. Every morning, they would eat breakfast and go to work together. If their schedules matched during the evening, they would go home together too.

Lou Xiao has a driver. After work, Huo Wei and Lou Xiao would sit in the back of the car to talk about business or discuss the research and development progress.

That day, as soon as they arrived outside of the villa, Zhao Sijia rushed out. The driver braked suddenly, and Huo Wei, who was not prepared, nearly hit her head!

Lou Xiao quickly pulled her and held her directly into his arms. He frowned and asked, "Are you OK?"

Huo Wei shook her head. "It's nothing. It was just a shock." She sat up straight, looked out, and said, "Only she will do such a stupid thing."

She took a look at the favor values. Zhao Sijia's favor for Lou Xiao had dropped a little. Now it's at 70, while Lou Xiao only has 10 left for Zhao Sijia. She took her bag and said, "I'll go home first. I'm not in the mood to talk to her."

Huo Wei opened the door, got off, walked back to the villa, passing by Zhao Sijia, did not the other girl another glance.

Zhao Sijia stared at Huo Wei's back. In addition to the fear, resentment behind her eyes, there were flames of jealousy too, she just saw Lou Xiao embracing Huo Wei. Why was this happening? How can Lou Xiao have feelings for someone like Huo Wei?

Lou Xiao got off the car. He couldn't understand her behaviors. He said in a deep voice, "What's the matter, Miss Zhao? You can always make a phone call. Trying to block a car is dangerous. "

Zhao Sijia didn't expect that Lou Xiao's first words were to hurt her. She looked at him sadly and said, "Lou Xiao, how many times have I called you? You are either in the studio or in a meeting. Yu Hai always said he would help me convey the message, but you never called me back. Do you still remember that you said you were going to take care of me? Huo Wei did this to me. You didn't help me at all, and now you've gotten so close to her? Do you still think of me as your friend? "

Lou Xiao said coldly, "I think there's no need for use friends. You already have Chairman Huo to take care of you, so you are living just fine. One day when you're desperate. I'll help you."

Zhao Sijia opened her eyes, "What do you mean when I'm desperate? Do you think my life is good now? Everywhere I go, there will be people cursing me. Have you seen what the people on the Internet are saying about me? And in the company, everyone thinks that I am the guilty party for breaking up the Huo family, but I didn't even do anything. It's clearly their own problem!"

Lou Xiao motioned to the driver to drive in first, looked at his watch, and said, "As far as I know, you have nearly 100 million assets under your name. You don't need my help with any of your material needs. As for your mentality, I'm sorry, but I'm not good at comforting people. If you really need help, I can ask Yu Hai to introduce you to a psychologist or therapist."

Zhao Sijia almost passed out in one breath!

What psychiatrist? Is he saying that she was insane?!

At this time, Lou Xiao's mobile phone rang a prompt tone, which was the WeChat tone. Zhao Sijia was stunned to see Lou Xiao turn on his mobile phone to listen to the WeChat voice message and even forgot to be angry. Lou Xiao was actually using WeChat? So, he never replied to her WeChat messages was because he actually didn't want to reply to her???

Lou Xiao not only listened to the WeChat voice message but also laughed. Although it was very shallow, he did laugh. He stopped caring about Zhao Sijia's presence. He replied directly, "I'll come to dinner in ten minutes."

Zhao Sijia looked at him, her heart continued to sink, and her voice trembled. "You like Huo Wei... Don't you? You fell in love with her, so you helped her and stopped caring about me. Why? In what way is she a good person? She is indulgent and rude. She... "

"Miss Zhao." Lou Xiao coldly interrupted her, "Don't insult Wei Wei, she is the best. For Aunt Zhao's sake, I bought her house, and I can also arrange a job for you as an administrative clerk in A city. When you have no way out, contact Yu Hai and he will give them to you. Don't contact him until then. "

Lou Xiao has nothing left to say with her. He was about to enter the villa.

Zhao Sijia immediately reached for him, "Lou Xiao!"

Lou Xiao dodged, frowned at her, and entered the villa.

At the door, Zhao Sijia yelled, "Lou Xiao, you can't do this to me! We have known each other for more than ten years. How long have you and Huo Wei known each other? How can you do this to me just for her? Do you know that you're breaking my mother's heart by doing this? "

Lou Xiao stopped in his tracks, without looking back, he coldly said: "Your mother's kindness to others, was not for you to act recklessly and live lavishly. You should try and live well." Then he went into the villa.

There was a huge panic in Zhao Sijia's heart as if losing Lou Xiao would mean losing her greatest reliance. Huo Ming will quarrel with her, Huo Tingwei divorced because of her and could hate her because of that, only Lou Xiao was her strongest backer, her childhood friend, she thought that it would never change. Lou Xiao used to treat her like she was the most special!

But now that she saw it with her own eyes, she realized that she was never special to Lou Xiao, Huo Wei was. He made exceptions for Huo Wei, supported her, cared for her, and did many things for her. No matter how unwilling Zhao Sijia felt, she has to admit that Lou Xiao liked Huo Wei, and she meant nothing to him.

Zhao Sijia was standing outside the door, dejected. Ten minutes later, she saw Lou Xiao change into his home clothes. His hair was slightly wet as if he had just taken a bath. He walked into Huo Wei's house quickly.

She has never seen Lou Xiao like this before. When she thought of Huo Wei, the girl seemed to be more dazzling than before. She felt more ashamed than when she first saw Huo Wei.

And what about her? Cursed by everyone, sensitive, fragile, it was an appearance she herself does not like. What did Lou Xiao say to her just now? He'll give her a job in A city, and then give her the small house she lived in more than ten years ago?

Those things were not even as good as her car now! How can Lou Xiao do this to her?!

She took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat voice message to Lou Xiao. Anyway, now that she knows that Lou Xiao uses WeChat, he will certainly hear the message. After she sent it, she left with a cold face. It was Lou Xiao who should be sorry. She wanted to see if Lou Xiao had a conscience!

Lou Xiao had just sat on the dining table, facing Huo Wei and Cui Jing. His mobile phone rang. Cui Jing just looked down and saw that it was Zhao Sijia's WeChat message. She was surprised and said, "Lou Xiao, are you still in contact with Zhao Sijia?"

"I just told her not to contact me anymore", Lou Xiao said.

Cui Jing could see that the atmosphere around Lou Xiao and Huo Wei has become more and more flirtatious. Now that Zhao Sijia was still looking for Lou Xiao, she couldn't help but worry. The daughter of a parasite, who knows if Zhao Sijia can also become a dangerous woman?

She took a sip of the water and said, "Then what else does she want to talk to you about?"

With his heart leveled, Lou Xiao opened up and checked his mobile phone, "I have no idea."

The voice message rang out with the angry voice of Zhao Sijia: "Lou Xiao! My mother really shouldn't have treated you so well. If she knew that she has shown kindness to such an ungrateful bastard, she would have been so disappointed. You should keep those things for yourself, I don't need your charity. You should look into your conscience and hope that you never have nightmares in the future!"

Cui Jing was surprised. Looking at Lou Xiao, she said in a speechless way, "She... Is trying to take advantage of your kindness? Is she thinking that you are not giving her enough and now wants more?"

Huo Wei said with a smile: "Chairman Luo is better than the few assets. Now that she's out of her wits, she wants a backer. If you ask me, if she tried to live like an ordinary person, she'll have a hundred million yuan in a year, and in the future, she'll be able to live her own life in peace and be happy. But she wants too many things, and may end up with nothing."

Lou Xiao nodded in agreement, "I have a clear conscience, there is nothing to worry about."

Cui Jing thought about it carefully and said with some uncertainty: "When I asked people to investigate Zhao Sijia, it seemed that you were mentioned in the report. However, I was in a bad mood and didn't pay much attention. I do remember that Zhao Wanyun did not help out of the kindness of her heart. After dinner, I'll show you the report. Alas, the liar almost did have any flaws in her plans, and if I had not hired a private detective, how would I have found out? Don't be too trusting in the future. There's no harm in checking anything that comes up. "

Huo Wei and Lou Xiao both nodded, both of them did have some doubts. They have no idea about what else had happened in those years. But Huo Wei thinks to herself that this may be the key for Lou Xiao to no longer have a need to take care of Zhao Sijia. It's fine for him to emphasize on sincerity and righteousness, but if he could cut ties, then that would be the best outcome."

After dinner, all three of them went to study. Cui Jing took out the investigation report, found the part about Lou Xiao, and showed it to him.

Huo Wei also read it with him. The report stated that when Zhao Wanyun and the Lou family were neighbors, they especially liked Lou Xiao and always said that if only he was their own son. At that time, Zhao Sijia's father had already passed away. Zhao Wanyun changed her daughter's surname and her daughter became Zhao Sijia. The mother and daughter depended on each other, and they didn't have much trouble with the Lou family.

Lou Xiao's parents had a car accident. It was an accident, but it was actually Zhao Wanyun who was out in a rainstorm that day, and was hard for her to call for a taxi so she asked Lou Xiao's parents to take a detour to meet her.

Lou Xiao's parents took a detour for her and drove to the bridge. Unfortunately, the bridge collapsed that day, the car fell and the front half of the car was totally deformed. Lou Xiao's parents, sitting in front of the car, died on the spot. But Zhao Wanyun, who was sitting behind the driver's seat and had fastened the safety belt, only suffered some flesh wounds.

Lou Xiao's relatives didn't want to support him. They were greedy for the compensation and they fought for it. When they couldn't get any money, they kicked him out like a ball and finally sent him to the orphanage.

Zhao Wanyun felt a little bit guilty and also felt that she and her daughter can't support her family without a reliable man, so she was moved and wished to adopt Lou Xiao.

Lou Xiao was a real genius. Zhao Wanyun had a good eye and believed that Lou Xiao will have a great future when he grows up. She first tried to send him some things several times and asked Lou Xiao quietly if he knew the cause of his parents' deaths.

Later, she learned in the orphanage that Lou Xiao was gloomy. When others robbed him of his food, he almost broke their ribs, like a wolf cub. She was a little scared.

She was always aware of the affairs, just like the time she took the money and never looked for Huo Tingwei, she felt that she could not control Lou Xiao, so she gave up the plan of adoption and never looked for him again. She moved away with the compensation and found an honest man to live together without a marriage license.

Later, she fell ill. The man also left after spending a lot of money. She herself also spent all her own money. Before she died, she asked Zhao Sijia to go to Huo Tingwei. As for Lou Xiao in the orphanage, she has long forgotten him that she never mentioned him to her daughter.

These were all learned by private detectives from Zhao Wanyun's neighbors, friends, colleagues, boyfriends, and other people who knew her. Cui Jing had spent quite a bit of money on this top private detective. Although he scraped together the information regarding Zhao Wanyun's past, the authenticity of the information was still high.

Lou Xiao's expression changed after reading it. In this way, Zhao Wanyun was not only not his benefactor but also the one who indirectly killed his parents!

He couldn't say that she was the villain but no matter what, there's no reason for him to repay her!

Lou Xiao finally knew why Cui Jing and Huo Wei have always felt that Zhao's mother and daughter were odd. What they have done was really disgusting.

Lou Xiao answered Zhao Sijia's WeChat for the first time, only one photo was taken, which was the page of the investigation report. After that, Lou Xiao blocked Zhao Sijia.

Zhao Sijia just got home a few minutes ago. When her mobile phone rang, she didn't think it would be Lou Xiao. She was in a bad mood and had a big drink before she turned on her mobile phone. It turned out that it was Lou Xiao who replied to her WeChat message. This was the first time he ever replied to her in WeChat!

Her heart started to beat a few beats faster, she was surprised and a smile appeared on her face. She knew that using her mother to question Lou Xiao would work. Well, it's working effectively now, right?

She opened the picture and looked at the text. After two lines, her smile gradually faded. She dropped her wine glass on the ground, clutched her mobile phone tightly in both hands, repeatedly reading the content three times, and cried in horror: "Impossible! These are lies."

She quickly sent a voice message to Lou Xiao, and but the system informed her that she and Lou Xiao were no longer friends. With shaky hands, she called Lou Xiao, but she was blocked by him. She called Yu Hai, panicked, and asked him for help. She said anxiously, "I can explain. My mother really did help Lou Xiao. Those are all fake. Please help me tell him..."

Yu Hai doesn't know what was happening, but he received an order from his boss that he should not pay attention to Zhao Sijia in the future. Of course, he won't disobey his boss, and he never did like Zhao Sijia.

Yu Hai said coldly: "I hope Miss Zhao will stop harassing the boss, otherwise I will have to call the police to deal with this. If Miss Zhao wishes to be disgraced, you are welcomed to try." With that, he hung up and blocked Zhao Sijia.

He has been in contact with Zhao Sijia many times, so he knows her character. Such threats work well. After all, Zhao Sijia was a "popular" celebrity in the public.

As expected, Zhao Sijia was scared. Her mobile phone fell to the ground. She held her hair with both hands, squatting in a corner, and cried. She was supposed to be looking for Lou Xiao's help, she was supposed to ask Lou Xiao to stay away from Huo Wei, why did it end up like this?

She had hoped that the photos were all fake, but she knew that they were most likely true, and Lou Xiao could not have sent them to her if he didn't believe them.

She remembered that her mother was scared when she had a car accident that day, and she still cried with her when she came home, saying things like "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill them". Later, the family got a sum of money, her mother also asked her if she would want Lou Xiao to be her brother? Later when they moved, and she had a new father, and slowly forgot about Lou Xiao and such things.

Now she remembered everything. It's true. It's all true. Lou Xiao will never care about her again! She can even be called lucky as long as Lou Xiao did not try and take revenge on her!

The phone rang again, this time a phone call. Zhao Sijia rushed to grab the mobile phone in a hurry. Without seeing the caller ID clearly, she picked up the mobile phone and yelled, "Lou Xiao! Lou Xiao, listen to me. I can explain it. Lou Xiao... "

"Sijia? What's the matter with you, Sijia?"

Hearing Huo Tingwei's voice, Zhao Sijia calmed down. However, she felt afraid and wronged. She even said, "Chairman, I feel sick. I've lost everything, my work, and my life. I don't want to live anymore... "

"Sijia! What are you talking about? Where are you? I'll ask Huo Ming to go and see you now."

Huo Tingwei was still in the company. Frowning, he pressed the inside phone line and asked Secretary Qin to find Huo Ming.

Zhao Sijia cried and said, "I'm at home. I'm so scared. I don't know what to do in the future. Don't ignore me, Chairman. I miss my mother so much..."

Huo Tingwei's heart softened when she mentioned Zhao Wanyun. When she answered the phone, she was shouting at Lou Xiao. Maybe Lou Xiao said something to her. He was really too busy recently. He didn't pay attention to her. He didn't expect her to break down.

Huo Tingwei comforted her and told her to wait for him. When Huo Ming arrived at her place, he would hang up. But Secretary Qin said that Huo Ming was on a business trip and would not be coming back until two days later. Huo Tingwei was stunned and remembered that he had actually sent Huo Ming out to discuss a collaboration. He looked at the finished documents on his desk and then planned on going to Zhao Sijia's home himself.

Zhao Sijia sat on the ground crying. After crying for a while, she got up to drink, she continued to cry while holding the bottle. Her fear was amplified. She has been used to the carefree days of this past year, but she was becoming more and more afraid recently. Everything was out of her control. She was afraid to go back to her former life.

They all said that she has a hundred million yuan, but she still has to live in B city. Her house can't be sold, her facade and her car can't be sold, she has no money at all. If she loses Lou Xiao and the Huo family, how can she buy the clothes and bags of the current fashion season in the future? She will be ridiculed to death by everyone! She doesn't want to live like that, she doesn't!

The company was very close to Zhao Sijia's apartment. Huo Tingwei will be arriving soon, but Zhao Sijia was drunk.

She opened the door and saw the man at the door, crying and throwing herself into his arms and embracing his neck, "Why are you only here now? I feel so bad..."

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