The Heart Of A Lion

By Thatcanadianfangirl

12 0 0

They used to attend the same high school when they were younger, sharing a conflicted past. Aurora despises h... More

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Coffee bean

6 0 0
By Thatcanadianfangirl

The sweet scents and warm ambiance of the Dark Bean coffee shop had begun to cure my foggy brain. I spent countless hours hunched over my desk cramming for the first midterm of the semester. Ivette somehow managed to tear be for my hell when I was so daze, I couldn't understand the material. My entire body thanked the goddess sitting across from me while it sunk into the foam of the booth.

My parents worked themselves to the ground to assure I had the best education. An opportunity they never had; I was beyond grateful. I devoted my entire being to prove to them I wasn't taking it for granted. They were relieved when I got accepted into Red Dawn University's undergrad law program.

I'm utterly exhausted.

This third year is drowning me and pulling me under. I could feel myself burning out and the worst part was that I didn't even want to pursue a career in Law. I'm an artist, that was my passion, but the proud look on both my parents faces fueled me to continue, I didn't have the heart to disappoint them after everything they've done for me.

"I didn't just bring you here for coffee." Ivette chipped and a red smile etched into her lips. I cautiously pull myself up, curiosity driving.

"I'm so proud of you." Ivette starts and plucks a gift bag I hadn't noticed in my delirium, onto the black the table. I didn't have the effort to fight her on it and gave her an unamused glance.

Reluctantly I reached for the lavender bag, her eyes are bright and full of anticipation. I peak inside once I collect it into my lap, a white apple box taunts be within. I sigh and slide the bag back onto the table. "I love you Ivette, but your words are enough of me."

She slides the bag back in front of me, "I know you don't like my extravagant gifts but please take this one. Let me replace your ten-year-old laptop. You deserve it." Her words are soft, and I felt every word she said.

"It's too much."

"No. It's not enough."

Over the years we've been friends Ivette has tried gifting me with various expensive presents. There was no way I could possibly return the favour and usually decline it. Sure, she's told me multiple times a gift isn't an exchangeable favour, but I can't help but feel indebted to her like I do with my parents. Ivette understands the way I feel and takes them back with no questions asked.

There was something about the pleading in her eyes that possessed me to take the bag, "well, god I didn't think I'd ever see the day Aurora Peshlakai willing accepted a gift."

"Don't ruin the moment." I tease.

My attention got caught by a figure approaching in my peripheral, the barista. He's tall and broad, wearing a rich brown apron atop black clothing. His complexion is dark, and his hair is a course black heap of tight curls. The iced beverage I ordered seven minutes ago rests in his hand in all it's legendary glory.

Dark Bean had the best Iced caramel lattes that would have me crawling on my knees for another. It was the perfect combination of sweet sugary goodness and the bitter depths of strong caffeine.

A grin crawled onto his lips, noticing my gaze lingering a little too long. Tray as his name tag had stated read my interest wrong, and even though he's easy on the eyes my only desire was that caramel heaven.

He kept his gaze on me, replacing my already empty coffee with the fresh one. "Iced salted caramel latte, extra drizzle and two shots of expresso." He stated,

"Thank you." I say sheepishly.

Was it really necessary to speak my customized order?

He transferred his attention to my Latina best friend, "It there anything I can get you?" His tone is polite and eager to please. She sneaks a glance at me giving me a knowing look.

Now that was an evident look of mischief.

"Unfortunately, no. One serving of caffeine is enough to last me the week." He nods his heads,

"No problem. Just give me a shout if you need another." Trey directed his last words to me. He was just doing his job, but somehow it felt like a personal attack on the amount of coffee I consumed in the hour we've been here.

"Don't worry, she will. This one is a whore for a simple coffee fix." Ivette announced for the entire café to hear. Tray flashed an intrigued look over his shoulder and heat rose high upon the surface of my skin.

I slitted my eyes playfully at her. "Some days you made it extremely hard not to strangle you."

"Oh, I'd be first in line to buy tickets to see your ager obliterate you." She stares

"Honestly at this rate it might come sooner than you anticipated." I stare back.

Soon we find ourselves locked into a starting contest.

Both of us leaning our bodies against the table, resting our arms a top it. Out faces are mere inches away from each other, testing each other, teasing each other. Her brown face is stoic until I break into a smile, and she begins to fight a bite of laughter back.

Staring contests were something we've done since high school. Always falling into them when we matched our exuberant energies together. I'm usually the one to break it but Ivette's daunting gaze darts from mine, latching onto something just past my shoulder. A look of interest slips before Ivette recovers from it.

A strong Sandalwood scent causes my head to spin before I can follow her line of vision. It was almost familiar with a few more components added to it. Once I reclaim myself, I find a tall frame shadowing our table.

Jonah Marais holds himself well, demeaner confident but relaxed. His stormy blue eyes stare at me and I wonder if he might've lost his mind on his way over here. He wasn't someone I've acquainted myself with, but Ivette had herself ringed into his circle. Dickmatized by his band's drummer, Daniel.

"Jonah what a pleasure." Ivette breaks the silence and Jonah takes it as an invitation to squeeze in next to me.

What could this man possibly want?

A wolfish grin spreads on his pink lips as if he developed the ability to sense my annoyance overnight

I roll my eyes.

I prayed to the universe he's informing Ivette of another gig his band, Why Don't We locked down. They've done well for themselves these last few years, gaining more exposure with every passing day. It wasn't rare to see them preforming in bigger venues or on well-known stages.

Although the look of determination hiding in his eyes told me otherwise. I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"You heard my parents are hosting yet another charity gala right," He directs his question at Ivette, his body splaying on the bench. Forcing his thigh to be pressed against mine.

"Yeah, for the Everett Animal Hospital Right?" Ivette falls into conversation with him like they're long-lost friends. "Yep, that's the one." He pops the 'p' out disinterest about the organization.

"Didn't they stop accepting clients because they're low staffed?" I ask,

"Gianna was saying something like that the other day." Ivette's younger sister volunteered there as much as she could outside her busy school schedule.

"Good thing my parents are the prime donors of that place" He shrugs as if money overweighted the employees.

I scoffed at the ignorance he possessed; God forbid he knew what it was like to live a normal life. There was no point in explaining that the animal hospital needed more than just money. It'd just be a waste of air, in one ear out the other.

"You taking Seavey?"

"I couldn't imagine going with anyone else. Why? Does he have other plans I'm unaware of?" Ivette pries aggressively. Needing to know if the man she devoted her time to is fishing in a different pond. I fight the urge to smack the day lights out of him.

Did he have any awareness for the people around him?

"God no, that kid is absolutely done for when it comes to you." He seems to be amused at the thought of his best friend having the ability to cheat.

Maybe he did.

"Good." A glint of pride dips into her gaze. "Are you planning on taking Yelena?"

Yelena Wren. Psych major who worked for everything she got but could never say no to a good party and a few drinks. I didn't know her too well, but I enjoyed the few conversations we've shared in class. She deserved more than what Jonah was willing to give her.

"Nah, I want something different this time around?"

"I need to know who stole your attention." She's eager and I laugh just looking at her, always ready to hear the latest drama.

Jonah's head falls in my direction and his eyes grow darker with each passing second. He's out of his goddamn mind, it sure as hell ain't stable if this motherfucker is referring to me. Ivette is speechless and her brain seems to be buffering.

"Absolutely not, Marais." I seethe still processing this entirely situation.

"Come on Princess. Quiet pretending. I know you wanted me in high school." He winks pulling his lip in with his teeth, I swallow the bile rising in my throat.

How the fuck did he get that information from? Although it was true, I did for a fraction of my teen years want to know what his hair felt like between my fingers. I'd never verbally admit it to him, besides it's purely irrelevant now. Plus, that was before I experienced firsthand who that boy really was and still is.

"You're disgusting." I spat,

"Perfect. I'll see you in two weeks." He nodded at Ivette and removes himself from the booth, I stare at the parasite until he gathers himself into his pristine tesla across the street


"Holy shit!" Ivette musters up after a forty-five-minute commute to her lavish penthouse apartment. Falling back into her velvet lavender sofa set in the middle of her living space.

I do something similar on her second couch, staring up at the high white ceiling as if it had all the answer to the universe, "I suspected you had put him up to this." I start and I hear her movement as she shoots up. "..But your reaction was too genuine. The look of pure shook was written there as if Jonah himself shot you with a bullet."

"Not a bullet, he hit me with a fucking nuke."

"You had no idea?" I ask, there was a slim possibility she had been milking her reacting. The girl was a theatre major after all.

"Not a goddamn idea" she says, and I swear I could hear the shock still lingering in her words.

"Daniel hasn't said anything?"

"Nothing, but-" She cuts herself and it catches my attention.

I roll onto my stomach wanting to what has her gears stuttering. A blank expression splayed on her face, and I know she's trying to cover something up.

"What is it?" my question is so urgent it comes off as a demand,

"I just always thought he had a thing for you." Her tone is calm and soft, shrugging her shoulders and I don't take any of her words seriously. It was absurd just thinking about, "Whenever you came to their bar gigs I saw the way he watched you," A shiver crawls up my spine and causing shudders to cast over my entire body. "Then in conversation he seems to remember the smallest details I share about you. And brings them up several weeks or months later. It nothing too personal, just like...your favourite canvas brand or the types of colours you prefer. It's cute"

I feel as if an uninvited guess welcomed themselves into my mind and saw parts of me I kept hidden. I felt completely vulnerable. I didn't feel that way about Corbyn or Zach, so why the fuck did he have that effect on me?

"It's all just a game to him Vette," I say laying my head upon the cushions.

"Maybe," she says dismissively and somehow, I sensed she didn't mean it.

"Trust me. I'm just a flavour he hasn't had the pleasure of devouring.'

"Yeah? And what's that?" Amusement laces in her eyes,



This is a bit different than what I published before But I felt I personally feel like it matches the characters a lot better. 

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