Like a Ray in My Night (Part...

By Yansusustories

3.8K 636 46

When the orphaned Yun Bei Fen becomes a disciple of the Teng Yong Sect and meets his senior martial brother M... More

401 The Most Important Question
402 A First Meeting
403 How to Find a Person?
404 A Search for Clues
405 It Made No Sense
406 Traveling ... Is Convenient
407 The Next Passenger
408 The Right State of Mind
409 How Do You Know Where to Stop?
410 Still Asleep
411 Their Role in This World
412 Concerning All Disciples
413 Meeting the Red Priest
414 A Different Ability?
415 A Set of Techniques
416 A Delicate Pattern
417 Quietly Supporting Him
418 A Conspiracy
419 No Way to Poach
420 No Matter the Price
421 The Right Ability to Choose
422 A Pretty Face
423 Not Happy
424 Please, Take a Look!
425 A Preposterous Request
426 One's Honor Is More Important Than One's Life
427 Teaching a Five-Year-Old Sword Arts
428 The Basics
429 The Southern Chasm
430 That Day
431 A Frightening Ability
432 Ample Preparations
433 A Rip through the Dimensions
434 Playing for Time
435 Damning the World
436 A Body and a Soul
437 The Perfect Place to Train ... or Forge a Weapon
438 A Bit Funny
439 Someone Special
440 The Death of the Guardians
441 Too Curious Not to Look
442 No Explanation Needed
443 A Good Night's Sleep
444 Not Sure Yet
445 A Glimpse at the Truth
446 The True Source
447 A Different Dimension
448 Just a Theory
449 Checking on Luo Lin
450 Glowing
451 A Switch
452 A Thought for Later
453 Back to Work!
454 Don't Tell Anyone
455 Revisiting the Clues
456 The True Plan of the Other Side
457 A Risky Plan
458 Why Would They Betray the Righteous Side?
459 Everything Depends on Yang Wu Huang
460 A Bit Scared
461 Only Toward Him
462 Too Vague
463 The Power of Love
464 The Three Modes of Awesomeness
465 Shouldn't Have Based It Off Myself
466 Just Some Last Minute Changes
467 A Downside After All
468 The Perfect Tactic for a Large-Scale Battle
469 Questionable Design Choices
470 Stealthier
471 Saving Some Time
472 The Blood of a Cultivator
473 Just Like a Sword Art
474 Could He Take The Risk?
475 A One-of-a-Kind Contraption
476 A Bit of Oomph
477 The Archives of the Sect
478 The Very Beginning
479 A Disaster to Prevent
480 A Tightly Closed Gate
481 The Strongest Force
482 Everything Comes Together
483 Added Pressure
484 Call Me Crazy
485 Another Advantage
486 Two at Once
487 Your Deepest Wish
488 Observe Carefully
489 Associated Risks
490 A Quick Demonstration
491 A Bitter Pill
492 Making Plans for the Future
493 Descending into the Chasm
494 The Bottom of the Chasm
495 How to Take in Energy?
496 Activating the Magical Box
497 A Disaster Waiting to Happen
499 A Plan Prone to Problems
500 Hiding a Body
501 Impeccable Acting in Disguise
502 Hoodwinking Demonic Practitioners
503 A Valuable Clue, Perhaps
504 Back to the Dungeons
505 Raising Their Chances
506 Quite Cheap
507 Another Hint ... Or Two
508 Step By Step
509 The Red Priest Is Way Too Powerful!
110 A Difficult Skill to Learn
511 Another Attempt
512 About to Make a Breakthrough
513 Some Neglected Requirements
514 Distorted Energy
115 Better Return Fast
516 Worth the Sacrifice
517 The Least of Their Worries
518 Not a Believable Message
519 Can't Let Go!
520 Some Basic Arrays
521 A Dozen Useful Arrays
522 Getting Difficult
523 Not as Easily Duped
524 Not Simple
525 Highly Skilled
526 An Upcoming Test
527 A Terrible Person
528 A Prized Disciple
529 Out of Place
530 Unfortunately Not Blessed in That Department
531 The Right Foundation for the Right Moment
532 A Convenient Ability
533 No Future Use
134 Unable to Ask
535 No Rest for the Time Being
536 Worth a Try
537 An Odd Question
538 An Honor He Didn't Take Seriously
539 Imagine an Image Doing Something
540 An Unknown Fragrance
541 A Useless Ability
542 Investigating the Energy
543 Sniffing Out Dimensional Energy
544 Good News Ahead
545 A Better Person to Imagine!
546 Nothing More to Help with
547 Getting to Work in the Underground Palace
548 An Unknown Cultivation Family
549 A Suspicious Pie
550 Avoiding Suspicion?
551 The Successor of the Lin Family
552 A Little Bunny Thwarting Plans
553 Looking Down on Their Sect
554 An Oddball Learning Sword Arts
555 A Temptress Everyone Knows
556 Observing Carefully
557 Not an Option
558 The Perfect Opportunity to Change the Status Quo
559 Just One Problem
560 A Person He Was Indebted to
561 Most Likely Not an Honest Person
562 A Successful Rescue Mission
563 I Already Know
564 What We Know for Sure
565 An Unimaginable Amount of Energy
566 Only One Way to Find Out
567 A Nonthreatening Disciple
568 A Believable Sister
569 Protecting the Family
570 Be Careful!
571 If Worse Comes to Worst
572 He Couldn't Believe It
573 A Long-Standing Plan
574 Not to Blame
575 Coming up with a Plan in Advance
576 Not a Threat
577 One More Issue to Take Care of
578 A Trustworthy Person
579 She Might Look Past That
580 Pretending Again
581 The Love of His Life
582 Should Have Been a Matchmaker
583 Meeting Again
584 An Emotional Situation
585 No Way to Stop Them
586 Any Specifics?
587 A Horrifying Practice
588 What Stage Had He Reached?
589 Only Caring for Himself
590 Making Plans Step by Step
591 Testing His Constitution
592 No Step Forward
593 Back to the Basics
594 Simply Not Human
595 A Failed Experiment?
596 What Humans Couldn't Perceive
597 Never Realized
598 In the Worst Case, Just Start Over!
599 A Way to Reverse the Situation?
600 Gathering Energy

498 Clearing up the Chasm

19 2 0
By Yansusustories

One had to say, if a person dedicated their whole life to only one cause, they could achieve mastery even at what could still be considered a young age among cultivators. Yan Hong Min was definitely such a person.

Mei Chao Bing wasn't sure when exactly he had created the magical box but it was clearly far above his own level. If he wasn't wrong, then Yan Hong Min had only barely broken through the core foundation stage and stayed there for a long time. He clearly wasn't somebody who cared about his advancement at all as long as his low level didn't hinder his ability to create magical tools. As for this magical box, it was proof that he didn't need to either.

Mei Chao Bing got closer and closer to the end of the chasm. Every now and then, after sucking in a big group of vengeful spirits all at once, he checked to see how full the array had gotten. As a result, he was astonished each time how little of the space had actually been taken up.

Of course, he had started out in the middle of the chasm where the spirits were the weakest so them not taking up much space wasn't too surprising. But by now, he had moved quite far. The vengeful spirits here were a lot stronger and their numbers more numerous. And yet, the array still hadn't been filled up.

If things continued like this, he might have cleared up half the chasm by the time the magical box had been filled to the brim. If that was the case ... well, even if the energy couldn't actually be released as an attack, it still would have saved them from disaster just by virtue of halving the spread of the energy of the chasm.

If they dared to tell anyone that the one who had made this possible was a disciple in the early core formation stage ... he was afraid those Elders in the sect would blow their top and accuse them of lying. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder how strong Yan Hong Min's inventions could become if he actually raised his level.

Right now, Yun Bei Fen's second senior martial brother needed to rely on their first senior martial brother and Shen Lei to give him resources. The tests also needed to be carried out by the two of them if his creations were of a higher level. Then, there was also the problem that even if you were a genius, some creations simply needed your level to be higher in the process. He couldn't let others carry out the most important steps, after all.

Mei Chao Bing's thoughts trailed off when he thought of this. When it came to resources, he was sure that Sect Master Zhang would allocate more in the future after seeing what Yan Hong Min could actually do. The Elders also wouldn't be able to refuse after seeing the results. The testing of his creations might be the same but that still left the last problem.

He sighed and shook his head. Whatever. This wasn't anything he could solve for him other than reporting back how much these creations had helped if he made it back to the sect. Not to mention that this also wasn't anything he needed to consider right now. No, he had to focus on the matter at hand.

The magical box might have been able to store a lot more energy than he had believed at first but after traveling this far, it had also filled up considerably. Looking at the array now, more than three-quarters were now used up.

The lines didn't light up in any specific order as far as he was aware so it was a bit hard to tell. Still, if he activated it one or two more times, it should be completely full. This also meant that he had to be careful with when to activate it. Otherwise, he'd find himself besieged by a large group of vengeful spirits.

Mei Chao Bing focused on the path ahead, his eyes narrowing. He could see the spirits clearly even in the darkness ahead. This was an obvious sign of their strength. Contending against one or two of these was alright at his level but if there were more attacking at once, it would get difficult.

For a moment, Mei Chao Bing entertained the idea of going back and filling the rest of the magical box with the vengeful spirits on the other side of the chasm that were closer to the middle.

But then, that would take additional time and one purpose for coming here was to stop the spread. He could reach that goal best if he sucked in the stronger spirits. Those who still weren't strong yet likely wouldn't get much stronger in the next few years either. Until then, they could find another way to deal with them.

In the end, he shook his head at himself. He just had to be careful. Then, he went further toward the end of the chasm while continuing to operate the magical box. He managed to suck in half a dozen more spirits without problems but started to feel a bit anxious. Without being able to check how full the magical box was, he was really walking into this as if blind. That wasn't a good feeling.

Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to continue forward but he slowed his steps, wanting to give himself more time when the box would inevitably be filled to the brim so that he wouldn't get overwhelmed.

With each step, his heart seemed to thump louder but he still walked on. Strangely enough, he covered quite a bit of distance, definitely a lot more than he had expected. He narrowed his eyes and actually spotted the very end of the chasm in the darkness ahead. It seemed that he might really clear up half the chasm today.

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