
By sj1012

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Voldemort is back. The dark lord is on the hunt for a new generation of death eaters. Follow "The serpents" a... More



105 2 2
By sj1012

a/n: sorry i have been taking a much needed break from writing, hopefully i am here to stay🖤 thank you all for sticking around!

Narrator's pov:

They had a plan, i can't say it was very good...but it was a plan. Planning to get back into the library was terrifying, but Draco knew there was something about the books. There was no obvious sign but he just knew.

"Okay are we sure about this?" Milo adjusted his suit jacket

"It's the only way, let's go" River intertwined her arm, walking into the ministry of magic.

As they walked in two large men stood at the door, their eyebrow furrowed at them both. As they nervously glanced around they noticed WANTED poster placed around the entire building with all of their pictures. Luckily they had polyjuice themselves into two auror's...a husband and wife to be exact. Julia and Frank Smith. There was not a chance of getting in otherwise.

"Good evening Frank, i didn't expect you back so soon" one of the large men crossed his arms.

"Ah yes, we have a meeting we need to attend...quite personal I assume" Milo cleared his throat, confidently.

"Mrs. Smith" he nodded, greeting her

"Badges please" the second large man sighed

"Oh...right. Um, Julia your purse" Milo pointed at the small purse she gripped against her

"Yes of course!" She laughed nervously, she began digging..not a sight of badges because they didn't exist.

"Oh foolish me" she placed her palm to her face

"I left them in my other purse, at the house" she said hoping they would believe her not-so believable lie.

The men looked at each other.

"Julia my dear, you would lose your head if it wasn't attached" Milo laughed

River gripped Milo's arm tighter, knowing the men weren't buying it. He placed his other hand on hers and slowly rubbed his thumb in circles, three to the left, two to the right. It helped her stay calm, he's done it since they were just first years.

"Alright, go on but I don't want to hear about any funny business or you'll have me to deal with!" One of the large men chuckled and winked.

"Yes of course!" Milo laughed, squeezing past. He placed his hand on River's back and escorted her away.

"Holy shit!" It worked, milo was astonished.

"And they thought they couldn't trust us" River shook her head.

"Hey Riv..." Milo stopped in the hall.

"Yeah?" She laughed

"I don't know how this will end..but just in case, I want you to know something" his hand went cold and began to shake as he quickly tucked them away, into his pockets.

"What's that?"

He didn't want to say it and he didn't think he'd have to this soon, he hated to be selfish because Estella was somewhere needing them...but just in case, he didn't want something to happen and risk the unknowing or the unsaid.

"I...I think I'm in love with you." He scrunched his eyebrows, and his eyes were fixated on nothing but her...just has it's always been.

River stood in shock, she did love Milo...but they were growing up she never got a chance to fall in love with him....they grew up fast and small things such as a first love didn't matter. Could it be possible that she might be in love with him?

She pulled the collar of his jacket, causing their lips to meet. It could have been the fact they were in a life or death situation...but they both felt something. A spark. Ridiculous things they've heard in stories growing up or seeing their older siblings experience...but they felt it.

They pulled form each other and just stared at the other.

"Wow." River scoffed

"What?" His face felt like fire, his cheeks were bright red.

"Nothing...just, wow" she smiled

"We better go right?" He laughed

"Yeah probably"

They finally made it to an abandoned floor where the rooms were, everyone else could just apparate there but Hermione had to teach them how to get into forbidden places.

"Okay 307, this is the room" River gripped her wand in her hand and mumbled a spell.

It didn't work, luckily they had a few backups just in case.

After a few tries the door creaked open.

"holy worked" Milo scoffed

"here take this map of the tunnels, let the others in. i'll look around" River handed him a small piece of parchment

" safe" he hesitated

"of course" she smiled, kissing his cheek.

After Milo left, River began looking...she wasn't sure what she was looking for but, hopefully she'd know when she sees it.

It looked as if no one had been there since Draco and Estella had stayed. The place already smelled like an old basement.

River looked through the living room, the kitchen, the bathrooms...nothing.

She found a library...the one Draco and Estella had spent most of their days.

It was bitterly cold and dark as could be.

she flipped a few switches until one lit up the room, it wasn't the best light but at least she could see.

she noticed a few books lying on a small coffee table. she picked them up and began to flip through them, waiting on the others. a small piece of parchment fell from the book onto her lap.

"I hope this finds you well. maybe by now you have figured it all out....maybe not. If not, please continue reading. I am hoping the person reading this is Estella Clarke. If not, I assume you know her.

She is in immediate danger. it's all a trap. they know why she's here. trust her. you will find out things about her, i can assure you...she is not a threat. find the rest of these notes, they will help. please save her... even if I couldn't.


River's stomach dropped, she wasn't sure what the note had meant or where to even look for the others.

The door swung open and the rest of the Serpents walked in.

"Finally, i thought we lost you" Draco ran and hugged her.

a single tear fell down her face as she handed Draco the note.

he began to read it out loud to the group, they all went quiet when he finished.

"She knows voldemort?" Blaise suggested

"i...i think she's his daughter." River's hand was shaking as she handed a small picture that was placed with the note.

The picture contained a little girl, the same girl they knew as Estella Clarke in 1st year...hand in hand with...Voldemort.

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