The Struggle

By thatfanficwriter_

3.9K 173 152


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Concert Timee
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: "Whatever happens here, is gonna disappear.."
Chapter 8: "I been thinkin' about ya daily.."
Chapter 9: Sleepover.?
Chapter 10: Sleepover Day 2
Chapter 11: Sleepover Day 3
Chapter 12: One Last Time
Chapter 13: "Now that's it's over..."

Chapter 14

79 3 4
By thatfanficwriter_

Vanessa's POV

"Normani.! Stop making babies and come downstairs.!" Dinah says as we all start laughing hysterically.

"I don't even have a boyfriend Dinah.!" Normani says.

"Oh yeah. But what- waaait never mind that guy was weird." Dinah says.

"That guy was weird he was always dancing." Ally says as they all start laughing.

"Dancing.? I don't even wanna know." I say as they continue laughing.

"Hey I didn't see that let me see it." She says referring to the video I took the last time I was here. "Lauren was right it did make the perfect sound. It sounds like a trampoline." Ally says as we all laugh.

"No I'm telling you it sounded like flipping a pancake." Lauren says with a laugh.

"Okay right on impact yeah. And that was so not expected." She says as we all laugh

"What are y'all talking about.?" Normani asks.

"We were talking about how in archery the string you use to fire the dart sounds like a trampoline and it hits the board like a pancake." I say as they laugh.

"She's right. I've done it before. But I hated that's just not go there." Camila says as we all laugh.

"Sure." Normani says.

"Where did that even come from.?" Dinah asks as we all laugh.

"We're kidding we're talking about your ass honestly." Lauren says as Normani looks at us. Her facial expression is hilarious.

"Um okay then I didn't need to know that." She says walking away.

"She still has no idea what we're saying either way." Dinah says as we all laugh.

"Well it was legit for once.!" I say to them.

"Yeah. For once." Ally says as there's a knock on the door.

"I'LL GET IT.!" Dinah yells as if we aren't in there. "Hi." She says staring at the person. Lauren pushes her away.

"Hi." Lauren says before Camila pushes her out the way.

"Okay hi." Camila says with a laugh realizing it's the handyman guy. "Hold on." Camila says seeing Normani come in as she closes the door.

"Who was that.?" Normani asks.

"Another person came to the wrong house." We all say as she walks away. Camila opens the door back to see Normani go outside. "Hi." Camila says again.

"Hey. I was just checking on you guys. I've been around to everyone else and I wanted to check."

"Yeah we're good." Camila Lauren and Dinah say.

"Oh okay. Have a nice day." He says as we close the door. We notice him start staring behind us.

"I suggest we just run and not look back." Camila says.

"Smart idea." Normani says with a sarcastic laugh.

"Like now." Dinah says as we run up the stairs with Normani chasing us.

"WHY WOULD YOU HAVE MY EX AS THE HANDYMAN.!" Normani says coming up the stairs really loudly.We jump out the window and Dinah literally floors the gas pedal. All she smelled was rubber.

"DINAH YOU'RE GOING 210 AND THE SPEED LIMIT IS 90.!" Camila Lauren and Ally say.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT SHE'S RIGHT BEHIND US.!" Dinah says turning really fast with Normani speeding past us but backing up. There's a knock on the door after we get in. Dinah goes to open it.

"You aren't welcome here, Kay bye." Camila says.

"Wait a second." He says opening the door with his foot.

"You should leave, like seriously." Lauren says.

"Nahh, let em stay." Normani says from behind us.

"Mani, Don't it." Me and Ally say as the others laugh. Dinah moves out of the way and lets Normani come to the door.

"Nor-" He starts before she cuts him off.

"What.? Get to the point, I have better things to do than listen to you." Normani says as we all almost laugh.

"Dear god, please heal this house of any sins that are about to committed." Ally says as we all laugh.

"Nice try Ally." Normani says with a laugh but looks back at him with a straight face.

"I just wanted to-" He says before she cuts him off, again.

"Say sorry.?" Normani decides on picking me up.

"Who is that-" He asks before she cuts him off.

"Don't ask how, but she's mine." Normani says.

"No, she's mine.!" Dinah says.

"The little munchkin is mine.!" Camila says standing behind Normani, where he can't see her.

"She's mine. Face that fact. And sorry Alls, but you have been defeated due to your height." Lauren says as we all laugh.

"Aw man." Ally says with a laugh.

"Like I said, I got better stuff to do. And tell ya girlfriend I said what's poppin' because she sounds cool. Cry me a damn river for all I care. Now bye." Normani says turning on her heel and closing the door with the back of her foot, giving him a perfect view of her from behind.

"Wa-" He trails off staring at her. "Ow." He says loudly seeing as how the door hit him in the face. She then puts me down.

"Ooh, no fight occurred, I'm surprised." Ally Lauren and Dinah say with a laugh, even me.

"I'm surprised too." She says with a laugh.

"Did you not see his facial expression when she turned around.?" Dinah says as we all laugh.

"Yeah it was like "why am not with her right now." I say.

"That trampoline sounds like it'd be fun for him." Ally says as we all laugh. Normani looks confused.

"And I bet the pancakes would be sizzling. He just wouldn't know how to eat them all." Lauren says as we all start laughing, and Normani finally gets the point and laughs along with us.

"He wishes they'd be sizzling." She says.

"Trampoline." Ally says.

"Pancake.!" Lauren says.

"TRAMPOLINE.!" Ally says.

"PANCAKE.!" Lauren says as we all laugh.

"Trampoline.!" Me and Dinah join in with a laugh.

"Pancake.!" Lauren and Camila say.

"TRAMPOLINEEE.!" Ally says jumping off the couch. "Ouch." She says as we all laugh

"It's 3 on 2 so what.!" Dinah says as we all laugh.

"Okay, enough debating on my ass guys, Jesus." Normani says with a laugh. I flip over the chair randomly.

"I didn't know you could do that." Camila says.

"I've always wondered how." Lauren says.

"I wasn't expecting it to work, I was expecting to hit or break something..not that I wanted to." I say with a laugh.

"I'm gonna try that." Lauren says as she lands on her butt. "Ow." She says as we all laugh.

"What are you guys doing.?" Normani asks as Dinah comes in doing a handstand. She tries to push her down and almost succeeds, but messes her up. Dinah lands on her butt too. "Ouch. Thanks Mani." She says with a laugh.

"No problem." Normani says doing 3 flips in a row.

"You fucking showoff." Lauren and Dinah say as we all laugh.

"I'm trying this again.!" Dinah says pushing Normani out the way and almost falling, all on her own. "Yay. With no help from none of y'all." She says with a laugh.

"I wanna try something." Lauren says standing next to me.

"Okay." I say as we flip over each other.

"That worked." We both say.

"So cool.!" Dinah says. She does a back flip to go straight into a handstand to a front flip. "Well that worked." She says with a laugh.

"I want to try it.!" Normani says innocently.

"Well then fine." Dinah says as Normani messes it up purposely and laughs.

"Haha." She says as we all laugh.

"Okay then." Dinah says poking her right where her belly button ring is.

"Ow." She says. Lauren goes behind her and tells us to sh. She smacks Normani's butt and slides back to the couch like she did nothing. We all are silently laughing. When she finally turns around, we all plaster on straight faces and continue scrolling on our phones.

"Am I feeling stuff or did someone just totally smack my ass.?" Normani says as all of us start laughing hysterically.

"Who did that.?" Dinah asks still laughing. "It's probably not who you'd expect."

"Who did it.?" She asks sitting down.

"Admit it or I'll say it." Dinah says.

"It was Lauren.!" Camila and Dinah say.

"The lies." She says sarcastically.

"Mmkay." Normani says saying nothing else, which scared us.

"I want to go out to eat." Dinah says.

"I'm totally taking Normani's hair clip."

"I want one too.!" Dinah says as they all laugh. "What, she never lets me in her bathroom." Dinah says as I throw her one. The phone rings. They all run over to get it but Dinah reaches it first.

"Ow.! Hello.?" Dinah says answering the phone.

"Hi.!" Someone says on the other end.

"Hey.!" Dinah says as her and Normani smile.

"Can you guys come get me.? I'm still at the hospital." My mom says on the other end.

"It's my mom." I whisper happily. Camila just hugs me.

"Sure. We'll be there." Dinah says.
"Give us 10 minutes." Normani says.

"Sure." She says as she hangs up. We get there and she gets in the car.

"Ma.!" I say jumping on her.

"Hey.!" She says hugging me and putting me down.

"We were about to go out to eat, you want to come.?" Normani says as she picks me up.

"Even though I would like some food with flavor in it, I'll take a raincheck on that." She says as we all laugh.

No One's POV

"Don't say we didn't offer.!" They all say as she gets out.

"Order whatever you want. It's on us." They all say when they get to the restaurant, Applebee's.

"Cool." Vanessa says, expecting that.

"Hello.! I'm Alicia, I'll be your waitress today. What can I get for you.?" The waitress says not recognizing Vanessa. Her and Camila order Sprite, Lauren orders lemonade, Ally orders pink lemonade, Dinah orders Coke, and Normani orders orange soda.

"She totally didn't recognize us." Dinah says with a laugh.

"I didn't know she worked here." Dinah says surprised.

"We didn't either. I guess she works here and IHOP." Vanessa and Camila say

"She could've quit." Vanessa says. "Knowing her she has a job for every day of the week."

"Ah man." Dinah and Normani say with a laugh.

"That's sad." Ally says.

"Really sad." Lauren says with a laugh.

"I totally just now realized who you guys were." Alicia says with a laugh, as she's giving them their food.

"We were wondering when you were going to." They all say with a laugh as she walks away and they eat. After they eat, Dinah goes back to their house. But on their way to the car, they meet a unlikely neighbor, who pokes Vanessa in the back.

"Ow, who just poked me.?" Vanessa asks turning around as they all stop. It's her ex that she broke up with the day of Iggy's concert. "You again.?" I say as they all laugh.

"Oh look, who's this.?" Camila says sarcastically.

"I was about to ask the same question." Dinah and Normani say with a smirk.

"I'm just gonna make this short. And not sweet." Vanessa says slinging her drink in his face. "Have a nice life. Cry me a river and drown in it." Vanessa says as the others laugh and they all walk off.

"But wait.!" He says running towards them. Vanessa ignores him and gets in the car.

"I figured this would come in handy." Lauren says handing Vanessa the extra drink she ordered.

"I didn't even know you had that." They all say.

"I know." Lauren says with a laugh.

They have a silent rest of the car ride. Because everyone has in their earphones. When they get back to the house, Normani walks by and takes her hair clips.

"Thieves." She says as they all laugh.

"Oops.?" Dinah says with a laugh.
"Love youuu.!" We both say as the others laugh.

"Sure." Normani says with a laugh.

"I guess it's time for us to take you home now." Lauren says.

"NO." Normani Ally and Camila retort.

"YAY." Lauren says. They all look at her surprised, and she looks at them confused. "What.?"

"You said YAY to her staying, is something wrong." Dinah says.

"No, I just enjoy her company." Lauren says.

"Look at Lauren getting soft." Ally laughs.

"I am not.!" Lauren retorts.

"Yes you are, Normani acts the same way." Dinah laughs.

"Nuh uh.!" Normani says innocently, trying to hide the forming smile.

"See.! That's what I mean.! Anytime you see her or if anyone mentions her, you start smiling." Camila says.

"Fine. I love her." Normani groans, mumbling the last part. Her smile is not fading, it's actually growing.

"What was that.? Couldn't hear you." Vanessa and Camila say.

"I love you." Normani mumbles again to me. They decide to let go of it, knowing she's scared to tell her. Not too long later, Vanessa hears Normani crying. So she goes up the stairs to find Normani's room. She decides to take a chance and knock on the middle door. "Who is it."

"Vanessa." She simply says. Normani sits on her bed, shocked that Vanessa cared this much about her.

"Hold on." Normani says getting off her bed, and moving her stuff around, before unlocking the door and pulling her in, closing it behind her.

"What's wrong.?" Vanessa asks hugging her.

" it bad that I'm scared to say that I love you in front of them.?" Normani says.

"I used to be scared to say it in front of Ally, but she caught me, and thought I was nuts." Vanessa laughs.

"Camila did that to me too. I was talking to you, and she caught me." Normani laughs.

*flashback, 1 week ago*

"I've got to go Babygirl. I love you." Normani says.

"I love you too." Vanessa says.

"Bye.." Normani trails off kind of sad, hanging up. She sighs, and gets her keys to go to the store.

"Where you going.?" Camila asks.

"The store." Normani says flatly.

"Can I come too.?" Camila asks again, sensing her sadness.

"Fine." Normani says, going out and starting up her car.

"Mani, what's wrong.?" Camila asks as Normani turns into a Harris Teeter. She parks and breaks down crying.

"I think I'm falling for her..." Normani trails off crying.

"What do you mean.?" Camila trails off.

"I love her, Camila. I've known her for 2 and 1/2 years already, and every time I see her, it's like her condition was deteriorating. But when she was here about 2 weeks ago, she looked happy. But now she sounds sad, because she's back in that hell hole."

"Yeah, She did look really happy." Camila says. "So your problem is, that you love her."

"Yeah, and I hate falling for people." Normani says.

"You may not think so, but, she's falling for you really hard too. Who does she call for anything.? You. Who does she sleep with.? You. Who does she say I love you To besides Ally.? You." Camila says.

"I guess you're right..." Normani sniffles and thinks.

*end of flashback*

"Wow." Vanessa says.

"Yeah. I...think I'm in love with you." Normani says.

"Guys.! We have a problem.!" Ally groans. Normani picks up Vanessa and carries her downstairs.

"What.?" They all ask.

"Our court hearing is in 6 months."

"They can't get it any closer.?" Lauren asks.

"Nope. I've tried that." The officer says.

"Oh well." They all say. They go to bed a while later, and Vanessa hugs her.

"6 months princess." Normani says. "And then all of this will hopefully be gone."


"Yup. I can almost pinpoint it." Normani says with a giggle.

"Goodnight Mani."

"Night Babygirl. The Struggle is finally over." Normani whispers kissing her forehead. That's all that echoes through her head.
The Struggle is finally over.

A/N Sooo hey guys.! I hope you all like this rewritten version. And, I hope you enjoyed reading this.! Sorry that it was so short.! Keep reading.!

-C 😊💕

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