Red Roses:Vale Saga(Ruby Rose...

By stonebud05

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(Volumes 1-3) You have known Ruby Rose for as long as you were both were kids and have been together since ha... More

Vol. 1 Episode 0:Intro
Vol. 1 Episode 1:Ruby Rose
Vol. 1 Episode 2:The shining Beacon part 1
Vol. 1 Episode 3:The Shining Beacon Part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 4: The First Step
Vol. 1 Episode 5:The first step part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 6:Emerald Forest
Vol. 1 Episode 7:Emerald Forest Part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 8:Players and Pieces
Vol. 1 Episode 8.5:Special Episode
Vol. 1 Episode 9:The Badge and the Burden
Vol. 1 Episode 10:The Badge and the Burden part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 11:Jaunedice
Vol. 1 Episode 12:Jaunedice part 2
Vol.1 Episode 12.5:Special Episode 2
Vol. 1 Episode 13:Forever Fall
Vol. 1 Episode 14:Forever Fall part 2
Vol. 1 Episode 16:Black and White
"Blue" Trailer
Vol. 2 Episode 1:Best Day Ever
Vol. 2 Episode 2:Welcome to Beacon
Vol. 2 Episode 3:A Minor Hiccup
Vol. 2 Episode 4:Painting the Town...
Vol. 2 Episode 5:Extracurricular
Vol. 2 Episode 5.5:Special Episode 3
Vol. 2 Episode 6:Burning the Candle
Vol. 2 Episode 7:Dance Dance Infiltration
Special Episode:Bios
Vol. 2 Episode 8:Field Trip
Vol. 2 Episode 9:Search and Destroy
Vol. 2 Episode 10:Mountain Glenn
Vol. 2 Episode 11:No Brakes
Vol. 2 Episode 12:Breach
Vol. 3 Episode 1:First Round
Vol. 3 Episode 2:New Challengers...
Vol. 3 Episode 3:It's Brawl in the Family
Vol. 3 Episode 4:Lessons Learned
Vol. 3 Episode 4.5:Special Episode 4
Volume 3 Episode 5:Never Miss a Beat
Volume 3 Episode 6:Fall
Vol. 3 Episode 7:Beginning of the End
Vol. 3 Episode 8:Destiny
Vol. 3 Episode 9:PvP
Vol. 3 Episode 10:Battle of Beacon
Special Episode:Grimmdark Bios
Vol. 3 Episode 11:Heroes and Monsters
Vol. 3 Episode 12:End of the Beginning
Announcement:Mistral Saga out now

Vol. 1 Episode 15:The Stray

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By stonebud05

Opening time:

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Afternoon

Ruby pov:

Me, (Y/N), and the rest of team RWBY went down to the city to explore. We saw many decorations for the Vytal Festival coming up soon. I could tell immediately that Weiss was excited. Which is very strange.

Weiss: The Vytal Festival! Aren't you guys excited?!

(Y/N):I guess, yeah we get to do fun things. But, still. We can't do those fun stuff since we'll be fighting against teams from the other kingdoms.

Ruby:Yeah, also I don't think I have seen you smile so much, Weiss. It's kinda weird.

Weiss:How can you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be Music, Dances, Parades, and so much more!

Yang:You really know how to make a good thing sound boring.

Weiss:Quiet, you!

Yang:Why are we even at the docks on our Friday Afternoon?

Ruby:Yeah, it smells like fish!

(Y/N):Well, it is the docks. Docks have fish. So it would smell like fish.

Weiss:I heard that the students from Vacuo are going to arrive by ship here today. As a representative from beacon, I feel it is my solemn duty to greet them to this fine kingdom.

Blake:She just wants to spy on them to get the upper hand in the tournament.

Weiss:You can't prove that!

Me and (Y/N) began to snicker at each other.

Weiss:Quiet, you two!

(Y/N):Alright, we'll stop. For now.

I looked over to my right and saw a shop with police tape around it.

Ruby:Woah, guys look.

We all then looked to see the building. The five of us then walked over to see what was going on.

Ruby:What happened?

One of the two detectives then came up to us.

Detective 1:Robbery. second dust shop this week to be hit, this place is turning into a jungle.

He then walked away to go over at the other detective.

Yang:That's horrible.

(Y/N):Yeah, I mean. Shit, second one this week. Someone is wanting all this dust for something. And I don't think the military is just gonna rob some random ass store in the middle of the city just to get some Dust.

I then started to over hear the Detectives talking.

Detective 2:They left all of the money.


Detective 1:Yeah, makes no sense. Who would want all this dust?

Detective 2:An Army?

Detective 1:You thinking White Fang did this.

Detective 2:What I think is that we don't get paid enough to do this.

Weiss:Hmph, White Fang. What a bunch of Degenerates.

Blake:What's your problem?

(Y/N):Yeah, Weiss. I understand their Terrorists and all. But don't you think Degenerate is pushing the envelope too far?

Weiss then turned to us.

Weiss:First off, It's not pushing the envelope too far. Secondly, My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane.

Blake:The White Fang is hardly a bunch of Psychopaths. They're a group of misguided Faunus.

Weiss:Misguided? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet!

Blake:So then they're very misguided Faunus. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale!

Ruby:Hmm... Blake's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy me and (Y/N) ran into a few months ago... Maybe it's him.

(Y/N):Ruby makes a strong point. Torchwick and his goons wanted dust, right? Me and Ruby stopped them. They lost amounts of dust. And coming from the shady part of this city, bosses don't like it when you come back empty handed. Mainly, you have to get more then the original amount to repay them. Torchwick might be trying to make up all that dust he lost a few months back. White Fang, I don't think so. They have too recognizable Uniforms. Someone would've saw. With Torchwick, everyone would think he's just someone going in for some dust.

Weiss:That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are Scum. Those Faunus only Lie, Cheat, and Steal.

Yang:That's not necessarily true...

We then heard a cry for help. We ran to investigate and saw a Faunus with a golden tail running down the length of the boat and leaping off the edge.

Gold Faunus:Thanks for the left, guys.

Sailor:You no good stowaway!

(Y/N):What the fuck is going on?

Ruby:You're asking the wrong people, babe.

The Gold Faunus then ran of catching a glimpse of Blake.

Yang:Well, Weiss, you wanted to see the competition, and there it goes...

Weiss:Quick! We must observe him!

We then ran after the Faunus. After passing a corner. We saw he was gone.

Weiss:Where did he go?

Gray:You ain't gonna be able to catch up to Sun. No one can.

(Y/N):No fuckin way! Gray is that you, man!

Gray:You bet it is! I came to Vale for three reasons. To kickass at the tournament, get some Valean Girls, and party! No way, you must be Team RWBY! Hold on here for a second. You must be Ruby, your Weiss, and you two are Blake and Yang.




Yang:What's up.

Gray:(Y/N) told us a lot about you four. Especially, you Ruby. Umm, yeah the Faunus you were just chasing. Name's Sun Wukong. He's known for getting into a lot of trouble. It's why he's the best man to help you cause trouble. Me and him would get all types of shit. Anyways, you all take care and see you all when I can. And soon, you'll get to see Team VMAV in action.

Yang:Alright, who was that?

(Y/N):Grey Rock, he's the member from Vacuo. As you can tell, bit of party animal. I could see the two of you being best friends, Yang.

The five of us then started walking around downtown Vale again. Yang then turned to Weiss.

Yang:Weiss, look over at your shoulder.

Weiss:Why, what's the...! Eek!

We then saw a girl in Green with a big smile on her face.

Girl in Green:Salutations!

We all were very confused.

Ruby:Umm... hello.

Yang:Are you... okay?

Girl in Green:I'm wonderful! Thank you for asking.

(Y/N):You wanna get up from the ground?


Girl in Green:Yes!

The girl then got up.

Girl in Green:My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Ruby:Hi Penny. I'm Ruby.

Weiss:I'm Weiss.


Yang:Are you sure you didn't hit your head?

(Y/N) then facepalmed himself as Blake hit Yang on the side.

Yang:Oh, I'm Yang.

(Y/N):Name's (Y/N).

Penny:It's a pleasure to meet you!

Weiss:You said that already.

Penny:So I did!

Weiss:Well, sorry for running into you!

Ruby:Take care, Friend!

We all then started to walk away.

Yang:She was... weird...

(Y/N):Yang, the fuck! You just can't be calling people weird! Yeah, she does have the personality of fuckin robot. But she's still a person.

Penny:What did you call me?

Yang:Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't think you heard me!

(Y/N):You brought this on yourself, Yang.

Penny:No, not you. You!

Penny then looked at me.

Ruby:Me? I-I don't know. I, what I, umm.

Penny:You called me 'Friend'! Am I really your friend?


I looked over at my teammates and (Y/N) who were all making motions to say no.

Ruby:Sure! Why not?

(Y/N):Ruby, I love you with all my heart. But you make some decisions that surprise me to this very day.

Ruby:It'll be fine, (Y/N).

Penny:Sensational! We can do so much fun stuff together!

I then turned to Weiss.

Ruby:Is this how you felt when you met me?

Weiss:No, she seems more coordinated.

Yang:So... what brings you to Vale?

Penny:I'm here to fight in the Tournament.

Weiss:You're fighting in the tournament?

Penny:I'm combat ready.

Weiss:Forgive me, but you hardly look the part.

Blake:Says the girl wearing a dress to battle.

Weiss:It's a combat skirt!


Me and Weiss the high fived.

Weiss:Wait a minute. If you're here for the tournament, do you know that monkey tailed rapscallion?

Penny:The who?

Weiss:The filthy Faunus from the boat!

I looked at Blake and could see she was starting to get upset.

Blake:Why do you keep saying that?!


Blake:Stop calling him a rapscallion or a degenerate! He's a person!

Weiss:Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to stop referring to the trash can as a trash can? Or the lamppost as a lamppost?

Blake:Stop it!

Weiss:Stop what? He clearly broke the law. Give him time; he'll probably join up with those other Faunus in the White Fang!

Blake:You Ignorant little brat!

Weiss:How dare you talk to me like that! I am your teammate!

Blake:What you are is a judgmental little girl!

Weiss:What in the world makes you say that?

Blake:The mere fact that you would sort that Faunus boy with a terrorist group solely based on his species makes you just as much of a scoundrel as you believe him to be!

I then feel Yang grab me.

Yang:I think it's best if we go...

Ruby:What about (Y/N)?

Yang:He got part of this not that long ago. We must save ourselves.

Penny:Where are we going?

Weiss:So, you admit that the White Fang is a radical group of terrorists!

Blake:That's not what I meant, and you know it!

(Y/N):Holy fuck, I'm just gonna say it! Weiss, you are as much of a degenerate if you think that Faunus are bad! And listen, if I hear you talking that shit from your mouth again! I will make sure you don't say that fucking bullshit again! That's not a threat, it's a promise! And besides, Humans are just as bad and corrupt as the White Fang leaders.

I then saw (Y/N) walk away.

Ruby:Where you going?

(Y/N):To fucking hang with VMAV when the rest get here, today! I'll be back at the dorms later on tonight.

Ruby:He'll be alright. He just doesn't like it when people differently from him are discriminated against.

Yang:Probably for the best.

Location:Beacon Dorms
Time of Day:Night

Ruby pov:

Blake and Weiss continued to fight about the White Fang and Faunus. I'm starting to think I should've gone with (Y/N).

Weiss: I don't understand why this is causing such a problem!

Blake: That is the problem!

Weiss:You realize you are defending an organization that hates Humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!

Blake:There's no such thing as pure evil! Why do you think they hate Humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you, that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!

Weiss: People like me?

Blake: You're discriminatory!

Weiss: I'm a victim! You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear; board members executed; an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood.

Ruby:Weiss, I-

Weiss: No! You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!

Blake:Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!

We were all in awe about what Blake just said.

Blake:I... I...

Ruby:Blake, wait! Come back!

I then saw (Y/N) pass her. He then walked into our room.

(Y/N):The fuck did you do?! You know what! Forget it! I'm going to bed! Goodnight, Ruby and Yang.

Ruby:Goodnight, (Y/N). Love you.

(Y/N):Love you too.

He then walked off.

Credits time

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