𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 �...

נכתב על ידי yawnninng

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Where Beomgyu, a rich, young man hires a fake boyfriend, Yeonjun. The most important rule: don't fall in love... עוד



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נכתב על ידי yawnninng

He doesn't know why he's sitting there pouting, he told himself that the kiss' purpose served as a 'screw you' to the waiter spying on them. He sits, repeating it like a mantra until the words became one and meaningless. Yet they still had enough meaning in them to make his shoulders fall and a disappointed sigh leave his lips.

He isn't bothered that it wasn't a personal kiss.

Beomgyu shakes his head, straightening up. It couldn't be that, he isn't bothered.

Stupid spy making them kiss. Stupid spy for giving them a reason to! Beomgyu finds that blaming it on the spy helps.

Not much or for long though.

Beomgyu sighs.

He turns his head in Yeonjun's direction, finding him already looking at him. Yeonjun gives him a small, kind smile rather than his usual smirk. The one Beomgyu returns is awkward, not reaching his cheeks before he turns back to look outside the window. He hopes this car ride will be over quickly, huffing again and letting his body slump over.

To Beomgyu's demise, the journey home isn't quick. They got stuck at a red light for what felt like an eternity before the car started moving.
Yeonjun unfazed by the wait because he's already fallen asleep with his head back against the car seat.

Beomgyu feels differently.

What was the point of waiting at a red light when you're the only ones around? He wishes it was like that one scene from the Great Gatsby where the rich man flashes a card to get away with speeding. Then he'd be home and probably asleep right now instead of wondering why those feelings risen in him when they kissed.

He wasn't stupid. Beomgyu might not know what it is he was feeling when they kissed, but he knows it was something he wasn't used to. Something foreign indicates a slim number of possibilities left to think about, and an even slimmer number of possibilities as the answer.

The idea of that makes his chest contract and lips curl downward into a frown.

It's been a while since he's felt anything close to what he felt then and he doesn't like the idea of that. If anything, it's only going to be an interference.

He looks over at Yeonjun, annoyed to find the man deep in sleep. He wants to flick him on the forehead and glare at him before swapping their brains so he could be the one to worry for once.

Of course the playboy didn't give a fuck. He's probably kissed thousands.

Beomgyu rolls his eyes, huffing as he places his head in the palm of his hand moodily.

.•° ✿ °•.

"I have to admit, that's the best date I've ever been on." Yeonjun grins.

He looks sleepy from the car ride and Beomgyu scrunches his nose at the fact he finds it cute. Yeonjun assumes it's because of the fact he called it a date again and scoffs in amusement.

Beomgyu then turns his head in Yeonjun's direction as they both slip off their shoes. He noticed before how Yeonjun always stands on the back of his shoes to slip them off and it's one of the things he finds himself laying constant attention to since he noticed.

Beomgyu doesn't get why he takes them off in such a way, he could easily avoid scuffing them up if he took them off the way Beomgyu did, using his hands to slip them off his feet easily.

"You've been on dates?"

"I'd say it was more of a..." Yeonjun searches for the word he's looking for in his small brain dictionary, index finger on his chin as he thinks.

"One night stand." He shows off his teeth as he smiles proudly, tipping his brows at Beomgyu.

"To be honest, I'd be perfectly fine if this ended the same way."

When his hands wrap around Beomgyu's waist, Beomgyu uses his hand to push against his chest and his hold. Aiming a look of disgust at the elder before he's walking away towards his room so he can disappear before Yeonjun does something else that makes him blush today.

"Are you leading the way?!" Yeonjun asks despite knowing the answer and laughing loudly when Beomgyu glares at him from over his shoulder.

Beomgyu's rejected Yeonjun more times in their short time knowing each other than he's ever been in his entire like.

"Cute." Yeonjun shakes his head with a smile creeping its way on his lips.

He crosses his arms before huffing and making his way to his own room.

.•° ✿ °•.

The next few days go by quietly, and by quietly, Beomgyu means with the usual amount of torturous flirting he endures from Yeonjun, but he's grown used to that so he considers it quiet.

He's laying in bed, using his television as background noise whilst scrolling on his phone.
Not that there's anything interesting, he's scrolled so much posts are repeating themselves.

He has half the mind to go bother Yeonjun into watching a movie with him or making them some ramyeon, when light from beyond his room seeps through the gaps of his into his door.

His brows furrow and he throws his legs off the side of his bed, throwing the blanket off of his lap too.

With quick steps, he makes his way over to his door, slowly turning the handle and pulling it open. He's quite when he watches Yeonjun slip out of the front door, not knowing a frowns forming on his face.

Yeonjun switches off the light before closing the door behind him and disappearing to do God knows what.

Beomgyu has an idea of what it is that he's doing. Probably one of those things he agreed Yeonjun could do during off-contract hours. His chest contracts and he rolls his lips. He gulps down the urge to follow after him and drag him back inside the apartment. Even if it is part of the contract, he hates the idea of Yeonjun having sex with others.

If someone finds out who he is and his connections to Beomgyu, Beomgyu's going to look like a fool if people believe his 'boyfriend' cheated on him.

Beomgyu doesn't like looking like a fool. Heck, he doesn't ever think he's been made to look like a fool before! Otherwise he's long gone and blocked that memory out of his mind.

He doesn't follow him, he has enough self-control to stop himself this time.

Instead, he sighs and lets himself carelessly push the door closed behind him. He can't stop Yeonjun doing something that he agreed to letting him do, especially if it keeps Yeonjun from wanting to jump his bones.

He slowly makes his way back over to his bed. The floor cold against his feet, he's only just noticed, and now he can't wait to be back under the warmth of his covers.

.•° ✿ °•.

It's when Beomgyu's heading to the bathroom at around 4a.m. that he sees Yeonjun sneaking into his room, pushing something in with him.

Yeonjun can do whatever he wants as long as it stays outside of his apartment, but he's not bringing anything back here.

Beomgyu balls his fists, ignoring his urgent need just so he can stomp towards Yeonjun's door and almost force it open before Yeonjun's pushing it against his force.

"Woah! What are you doing?!" Yeonjun yells, frantically trying to shove it closed.

"I'm fine with you sleeping with people when you're not working, but I'm not okay with you attending to that business in my home!" Beomgyu yells back, shoving at the door with his elbow.

"What?! I'm changing!"

"What and you're suddenly all shy?" Beomgyu's brows are furrowed and his face wears an angry pout. His chest heaves as Yeonjun stops trying to force the door closed on him and instead lets him fall into the room, stumbling in front of him

"No, but considering you're a blushing mess around me when I'm fully clothed, I thought I'd save you the embarrassment of drooling over me again."

Yeonjun's arms are crossed over his chest. His tone chest. His muscly arms are crossed over his toned chest.

Oh god, Beomgyu's staring. Yeonjun's right, he was saving Beomgyu the embarrassment.

Beomgyu distracts himself with what he still has doubts about, looking around the room for any sign of another person.

He paces over to the small en-suite bathroom and opens the door, popping his head in and looking around.

Once he finds its clear, he closes the door and rests against it, sighing as he looks back at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun looks mildly amused but Beomgyu knows he's probably annoyed him. He did just invade his privacy and accuse him of bringing someone back to his apartment.

Though he doesn't think he should receive one hundred percent of the blame for that either.

"Done invading my space?" Yeonjun cocks and eyebrow, with a sly smile playing on his lips

Beomgyu was done until he said that, then he finds himself more suspicious and lifting up the side of Yeonjun's covers so he can check under his bed.

"Last I checked, this is my room. Also, didn't you say something about not getting jealous over anyone who I choose to fuck."

Beomgyu stands straight up, furrows his eyebrows at Yeonjun like what he's suggesting is insane. Like he doesn't look insane searching Yeonjun's room in the middle of the night.

"I'm not jealous," he scoffs, looking Yeonjun dead in the eye to show how serious he is.

Yeonjun laughs and walks towards him, letting his arm snake around Beomgyu's waist and pull him closer. "Then why did you barge open my door and search my room for some one-night -stand?"

"B-Because I don't want to get embarrassed when someone I know catches you, it'll look like you were cheating!"

Yeonjun raises and eyebrow in amusement. "You have the lamest excuses." Yeonjun cooes, barely even listening to Yeonjun as he admires his features.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look hot when you're angry?"

Beomgyu huffs, seconds away from slapping the guy holding onto him. "God's sake, Yeonjun! You can't sleep with people and then come back and try flirt with me right after?"

"I didn't sleep with anyone."

Sometimes Yeonjun's annoyingly calm.

This is one of those times.

Beomgyu wants him to at least get slightly annoyed. It makes Beomgyu feel like he's the crazy one when Yeonjun doesn't even get slightly fazed when he's yelling or accusing him of something.

"Then what we're you doing?!" He crosses his arms, expecting it to cause Yeonjun's grip on him to fall but instead it just loosens so he still has a comfortable hold on him.



Yeonjun looks just as confused from his statement that sounded more like a question. Beomgyu doesn't know how he expects him to believe him when he's not confident in what he's saying. It just makes it look like he's hiding something.

"What? I wasn't tired and I needed a walk."

"You've been out for hours." Beomgyu's voice didn't sound accusatory anymore but bored. Sick of trying to get to the bottom of whatever's happened and just being made to feel embarrassed or be lied to.

"Is there a limit to how long someone's allowed to walk?"

Beomgyu's quiet for a moment. "No." He says quietly, disappointment in his eyes when he meets Yeonjun's.

"So who's to say I didn't have a long walk. I could have things on my mind for all you know, we don't exactly talk about stuff like that."

Again, Beomgyu pauses, head tilting like a puppy and eyebrows furrowing in curiosity. "You want to talk about stuff like that?"

"No, not really." Yeonjun sighs, removing his hands from Beomgyu and folding them in front of his chest. "But that doesn't stop it from being a valid reason for my walk."

Beomgyu nods his head, eyes falling down in disappointment where he's suddenly reminded Yeonjun's not wearing a top and averts his eyes upwards.

He can already feel the warmth on his face.

"Jeezus, Princess." Yeonjun suddenly laughs fondly, wrapping his arms around Beomgyu and putting his chin on top of Beomgyu's head. "You wonder why I think you're jealous when you break out into a blush anytime you're around me and keep getting annoyed whenever you think I'm with or flirting with girls."

"The first two times was because it was on-duty, admittedly the second being a misunderstanding, and this one was because I thought you brought them back here!"

Yeonjun chuckles, pulling back to look at Beomgyu with his arms still left around him. "Look, so far during this contract, I haven't slept with anyone. Not even at your friends party. Yes, I may have made out with a girl but if I had sex then believe me I'd be gone for at least an hour minimum. And whenever I do finally get time to destress and give someone the best sex of their life-"

Beomgyu rolls his eyes.

"I'll make sure that it happens when I'm not working. Unless it's you." Yeonjun grins at Beomgyu who's trying to look angry despite the red hue on his cheeks.

He hates Yeonjun. Hates how such a perverted thing to say makes blood rush to his face.

Yeonjun turns them both ninety degrees so he can sit on his bed, now looking up at Beomgyu who's stood up in front of him. "Now are you coming to bed or going back to your own?"

Beomgyu hesitates, looking towards the bedroom door. He knows he should be smart and walk away, especially after how he felt from the kiss the other day and after feeling the need to scour Yeonjun's room. But the offers right here in front of him.

"Can you put a shirt on?"

Beomgyu walks towards the door and closes it. The one good thing about sharing a bed is that Yeonjun's warm compared to him who's always cold.

An added bonus is that if they ever have to in the future, he knows he'll be able to survive the night without wanting to smother Yeonjun with a pillow since he's had practice on tolerating him.

"Too warm," Yeonjun replies and Beomgyu finds him smirking when he turns back to face him.

He simply rolls his eyes and walks over to the bed, Yeonjun's shuffling over to his side and pulling the cover back so Beomgyu can slip in next to him.

Beomgyu does, lying down and switching the light off in silence.

"Night." He says finally, once the rooms filled with darkness and he's laying faced away from Yeonjun who's laying on his back.

Yeonjun lets out a sharp exhale, smiling. "Goodnight."

The sound of their breathing takes over the atmosphere for what feels like a few minutes before Yeonjun's shuffling and wrapping his arms around Beomgyu's waist. His head nuzzling into his shoulder.

Beomgyu would be a dick - push him away to his disappointment and probably Yeonjun's too - if he wasn't so god damn warm and comfortable.

Instead of pushing him away and peeling away his grip, he places his arm over Yeonjun's and the latter grabs onto his hand. Beomgyu pushes his back against Yeonjun's chest so he can bask further into Yeonjun's warm.

Despite what he felt the other day, he's relieved to find he doesn't feel it here. He feels surprisingly safe, yes, but no unexpected or unusual emotions are upon him and it makes him smile.

Maybe it was a one time blip and he can continue to act on terms like this with Yeonjun without fearing the worse. He can act just like Yeonjun, unbothered, because he remains unaffected by what he assumed would bother him.

Apart from the warmth of Yeonjun's body heat, Beomgyu feels nothing else.

That's the relief.

He can feel the rise and fall of Yeonjun's chest like this. He tries to copy the patter of his breathing once he knows Yeonjun's fallen asleep. It's too hard, he feels his lungs burn and scream at him for starving him of oxygen and he has to take in a deep breath to restore the lack of oxygen. he'd succumbed himself to.

The heat makes him uncomfortably warm and he turns in Yeonjun's grasp so he's facing towards the older and the older's hold on him is looser.

He rests his head against his chest so his head is tucked under Yeonjun's chin and he can listen to the sound of his heartbeat closer.

Like this, he finds his eyelids drooping uncontrollably. He yawns, still fighting sleep although he wants nothing more to give in. Eyes fighting to stay open but at las', he gives in.

His soft snores filling the room along with Yeonjun's.

✿ End of Part 12 ✿

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