would've could've should've |...

By songofsapphire

3.6K 43 4

our hearts were never one More

characters, pti
characters, ptii
the dragon king
the silver seahorse
the goodwill
the abdication

the red lion

111 1 0
By songofsapphire

"I can't believe they didn't let us to the council meeting. Even Helaena was there!", Daeron spoke with annoyance while watching the upcoming nobles from the window in Aegon's chambers.

"Because our sister is the queen and it is her children that have the utmost priority.", Aemond said while he was sitting on a chair, leaning his back as much as he could, closing his eyes and playing with his hands.

"Yes and after them, they will be talking about us. Don't you want to have a say in your possible future wife?"

"Mother wishes her to be Moira Reyne so it will be Moira Reyne."

"Mother wishes this, mother wishes that.", Daeron rolled his eyes. "What about what you wish brother? Why do you let mother decide everything?"

"I don't let her decide everything. On the contrary, I am trying to decide everything on her behalf so she wouldn't worry about me too. It's a kindness that unfortunately none of her other children does."

"Daeron rolled his eyes again. I am three and twenty, I think I had passed the age that she would need to worry about me. I've had to return from Oldtown because she wanted, I am trying to be useful because she wanted, I take care of the kids to relieve her responsibilities. You are not the only one who thinks about her well-being."

"You think you are so smart, aren't you?", a ghost of a smile appeared on Aemond's lips.

"What's that supposed to mean?", Daeron nervously fixed his collar.

"It means little brother, that we all can see the struggle you are in."

"I am in no strugg-"

"Just because Aegon does it more obviously doesn't mean we don't see you."

"Going to brothels doesn't mean I have a problem."

"No, of course. But drinking yourself to the point that you forgot even your own name means you have a very serious problem. And thinking that neither of us actually realizes it or sees it means your problems are too deep within."

"You are overreacting. Just because our lifestyles aren't similar, doesn't give you a right to judge me."

"You think I don't know you enough to judge?"

"How could you?", Daeron asked while turning back to the window. "I've been in Oldtown my whole life. I am a stranger to you all."

Aemond opened his eye. "Are you a stranger to us or are we a stranger to you? I think you must get the answer to this question first. Because when you finally return we didn't feel anything but happiness to have our baby brother back because he'd been taken from us too young and it had been too long since we last saw him. And we were and still are very excited to meet with him, to know him -even Aegon. Because you are a Targaryen, you are -what they used to say? Ah, you are a 'green' and you always will be."

"We don't have time for unnecessary emotions Aemond."

"It is not unnecessary emotions. I am aware that you don't feel like you are fitting in, it's too painfully obvious."

"Then why you didn't say anything before?"

"Because we all tried to give you time to adjust yourself. The King's Landing you left and the King's Landing you had found were very different and mother of course blames herself."

"It doesn't seem like that to me.", Daeron mumbled and Aemond took a deep breath. "She seems very content with her life and her new husband and her new children. Replacements of us and father."

"She is happy and this must be our focus. They are not replacements if the prior ones just made her unhappy."

"You just said the same thing yourself. She was so unhappy with her father and us, she forced herself to love us but she never could. And now she is married to a man she loves and cares about, a man that loves and cares about her, and she has three beautiful children to swoon over. She doesn't need to worry about us all anymore."

"Do you think she is truly someone like that? Someone who forgets her children just because she has new ones?"

"How can I know? I don't know anything about her. I wasn't there remember?", Daeron slightly turned to him. "She sent me."

"She didn't send you.", Aemond's voice was stern now and he got up from his chair, and approached to his brother. "Father sent you and she begged for him to change his mind."

"She was the queen!", Daeron opened his arms and turned to Aemond completely this time. "And now you are telling me that she could take the king's dagger and assault the crown princess with no consequences, that she can be the first female judge in history without any objections, that she was that powerful. But she couldn't make her baby boy be returned back to her? And what?", he laughed. "Should I believe that? She didn't know what to do with me as much as father didn't and probably thought one headache less and let me stay there."

"She wrote to our uncle and grandfather every day, begged to them to send you back."

"She was the 'queen'.", he whispered the last word. "All she had to do was to command and they would have to obey."

"And her husband was the king.", Aemond tried to touch his brother's arm but Daeron pulled himself back.

"What is this weird thing with you and her?", he pointed out the window while saying 'her'.

"What weird thing?"

"Why are you two always trying to hug or touch the people you are talking to.", Daeron asked rather angrily. "Because she never liked that. I remember that I used to go to her after a nightmare for cuddles and she would send me right back to my chambers. And her oh-so-honourable knight, the one you all love, her new husband, wouldn't even look at me.", he huffed. "Well, it seems it had changed to thanks to her new little family."

"Do not take out your resentments of father from her.", Aemond warned. "She doesn't deserve it. She had been through a lot."

"And we haven't?", Daeron questioned again. "She was a victim yes, but not the only victim. She is the reason why Aegon is so fucked up. She used to hit him remember? 'Cause I do.", Daeron laughed. "That's called abuse, brother. And it had nothing to do with father."

Aemond grimaced. "She's been trying to protect him."

"By hitting him?", Daeron asked with a raised eyebrow. "She is also the reason Helaena is an introvert."

"Our sister-"

"Our sister never got any attention from her because she used to ignore her. Because of her resemblances to Rhaenyra, I guess.", he shrugged. "She used to try to talk with her and she would do what, remember? She would just walk away and Helaena, little Helaena would look at her with tears in her eyes."

"She never liked to be around people."

"But she wasn't any ordinary person, wasn't she? She was her mother and the only person Helaena wanted to be around. And now she walks away from her touches too."

"She doesn't like physical content but loves our mother."

"I am not talking about love. I love our mother too but this doesn't change the fact she was a horrible mother to us because she never liked our father. She punished four little children for the sins of her husband and her father."

"She never did that.", Aemond shook his head. "You have valid points, yes. She failed from time to time as a mother but you must feel empathy with her. She was a child too."

"It's not an excuse.", Daeron deadpanned. "I understand she never wanted us, but she had to have us, yes and it's terrible. But hitting Aegon and ingoring Helaena? This wasn't her being a child this was her punishing them. There can never be an excuse for these. She resented us."

"She didn't know what to do with us.", Aemond tried to correct him. "If you haven't realised yet, our maternal grandmother is not alive. And grandfather isn't the perfect parental figure a kid can have."

"Did he hit her ever?"

Aemond got surprised and lost his words for a second. "I don't think so, no."

"Did he ever ignore her?"

"How can we-"

"Well I can answer, no, he did not. He wasn't the best father we all agree on that, but he never abused her the way she abused us."

"He made her marry her best friend's father, a man twice of her age when she was only fourteen.", Aemond answered with shock. "You are being unfair to her."

"Why do you always feel the need to defend her?", Daeron raised his voice. "She is not a child anymore, she is an adult. She had so many times to apologize to us or acknowledge her mistakes. She criticises Rhaenyra on this and yet, they both are the same in my eyes."

"I don't try to defend her.", Aemond hissed. "I am trying to show you a different angle. I am saying that your feelings are valid but hers are too. You can't resent her forever because she is happy now."

"You've lost only one eye brother.", Daeron deadpanned. "I don't understand how can you be so blind."

Aemond took a step back to calm himself because no matter what Daeron was his brother but then the doors opened fastly and Aegon entered the room with great fury, with Helaena following him nervously.

"Goodwill? GOODWILL?", he kicked a chair and caused its fall, and threw a few books to the wall. Helaena closed her ears and Aemond quickly went to shield her from any potential object that accidentally went her way and even Daeron took a few cautious steps towards them. "I AM GOING TO SHOW HER WHAT GOODWILL IS!", he threw a few other things while his siblings just watched him. "LORD TYLAND!", he yelled once again while pouring himself a glass of wine.

Tyland Lannister entered the room with nervousness and shared a look with Aemond. "My king."

"Tell the council; that whore is not my hand anymore.", he drank his first cup and poured the second and send a look to pale-looking Tyland. "And she is not a princess, none of her bastards is a prince."

"Brother what is going-"

"And that husband of hers, I want him to be taken to the Black Cells."

"Your grace what would the queen say?", Tyland's eyes were wide as they could be and he was subtly shaking.

"The Queen-", Aegon hissed while drinking his fourth cup. "-is standing right there. Do you want to say something honey?"

Helaena was leaning against the wall and was trying not to meet anyone's eyes. She seemed like not hearing Aegon.

"See?", Aegon let out a cruel laugh. "She doesn't even fucking speak!"

"Aegon-", Daeron tried to interfere.

"So tell me Lord Tyland, if my queen refuses to speak then why we are worried about what she is going to say?", he raised his voice with each word and took a step with each word. He was standing too close to Tyland now. "And if you are talking about the Queen Mother then maybe you have to remind her that I AM THE KING!", he hit his face with his wine glass and Aemond quickly left Helaena's side and pulled Aegon back while Daeron tried to help Tyland.

"Brother calm yourself down. What is going on?", Aemond held his face sternly. "You are speaking of nonsense."

"I am the king.", Aegon whispered. "I never talk nonsense."

"Did Rhaenyra do something?"

"We should've killed that whore and her bastards when they took your eye. They don't deserve our goodwill."

Aegon tried to push Aemond but he stopped him. "Aegon!", he hissed. "You are talking war, do not let your anger affect your decisions. Tell us what happened first."

Aegon refused to answer and Daeron turned to Lord Tyland. "Go and tell to the Queen Mother what happened here."

"Do not do such a thing!", Aegon yelled again and this time managed to push Aemond. "Or I will have your tongue!"

"If he won't I will.", Helaena said finally, still not meeting anybody's eyes. "Will you have my tongue too?"

Aegon looked at her with complete betrayal on his face and then started to laugh. "Of course, you all united against me as usual. Why am I even surprised?"

"Lord Tyland do what I say.", Daeron spoke to the man again and he quickly left the room.

"You cannot snap at her every time she uses a word that you don't like.", Helaena said again. "You are humiliating yourself in front of people."

"She humiliated herself in front of the whole realm and still can walk with a spine, so I guess I'll be fine.", Aegon said between his laugh and tears and pulled another cup to drink his seventh cup. When he tried to finish his next and realized the wine had finished he threw the cup to the wall and caused Helaena once again to close her ears because of the sound and this time Daeron approached her.

"Guards bring me wine!", Aegon yelled but when one of them entered the room Aemond blocked Aegon.

"If you take another step to the throne I will cut you out.", he said and the guard quickly left the room.

"Look at that!", Aegon started to clap. "I am the king and yet people listen to everybody but me."

"If you want people to listen to you maybe you should start to act like a king. It's been what, 15 years since you've crowned? And you are still having temper tantrums."

"Because I do not like her!", Aegon yelled. "I do not want to even see her. Don't you see brother, she is the reason for all our sufferings."

"And father.", Helaena added with a small voice.

"And mother.", everybody turned to look at Daeron.

"What are you talking about?", Aegon asked. "She only tried us to be our best selves while father was too busy with defending some bastards and the whole realm was too busy licking Rhaenyra's ass. She was the only one who was there for us."

"Not for me. And seeing you three, totally miserable, I am starting to think maybe it was a good thing that she was not there for me."

"Daeron,", Aegon started to talk because both Aemond and Helaena didn't know what to say. "I don't know what is your problem with her but we don't attack her here. Feel free to go after our father who died 15 years ago and Rhaenyra but not her. We don't have space for that issue too."

Aemond rubbed his face and Daeron huffed.

"The nobles had arrived we must go there.", Helaena said to Aegon.

"Do I look like I want to spend time with a bunch of cunty nobles who are eager to sell their girls to us?"

"I thought that was your favourite activity.", Daeron mocked him. And Aegon threw a book to his head also jokingly. "Guess I was wrong."

"Daeron, with all my patience, fuck off.", his speech started to slow down.

"Perfect, you promised to stay sober and got drunk again.", Aemond held his brother and help him sit down.

"I didn't need to give you a promise. I wasn't going to let that whore send my babies far away. And you all told me that I was being paranoid."

"What did she say to make you this angry?", Daeron asked while also sitting down.

"She offered a Northern bride for Jaehaerys. Knowing damn well that there isn't a single girl that is suitable for him, agewise."

"How do you know she knew that? Maybe she made an honest recommendation. The North might feel that they are being overstepped which they are slightly right. We had marriages within nearly all the kingdoms. Our mother is from the Reach, Daemon was married to a Vale girl and so did our father, Daemon then married a Crowlands girl, Rhaenyra married and cuckolded a Crowlands boy and now is married to a Riverlander, Prince Aemon married a Stormlander. There is only Westerlands, Iron Islands and the North left and well-"

"Fuck the Iron Islands.", Daeron said.

"-yes.", Aemond replied, slightly annoyed that he cut his speech. "There never will be an Iron Islander Queen but North is old and proud and richer than them. Cregan Stark is a force to be reckoned with. It's not bad advice Aegon."

"Look,", he rubbed his face. "If I knew, I knew it Aemond, that the North doesn't have a suitable bride for Jaehaerys and Maelor, do you think there is even a slight chance that she didn't? I mean if she didn't then that's a problem too, she is supposed to be my hand, not knowing means she fucked up her job."

"Are you trying to find a way to lash at her because you are nervous yourself and she is an easy target or are you truly angry at her?", Helaena asked, feeling safe so she approached her brothers.

"She meant sending Jaehaera, my daughter, our only daughter to North.", Aegon deadpanned.

"I will never let that happen. My daughter is too young and will not marry a Northern. I cannot bear to stay away from her this much.", Helaena quickly spoke and held Aegon's arm. "I swear to you if you arrange such a match I would take Dreamfyre and the boys and start living in the North."

Aegon saved his arm from Helaena. "This is why I am this angry too! I will not let such a thing. Our daughter will stay close to us and will marry a Southerner. I didn't even let a Dornish match, I will not send her to North to some, some barbarians that I had never met.", after seeing Helaena's still worrying eyes he added more softly. "You don't need to worry, our daughter will stay with us."

"You know that she is a princess, right?", Daeron asked and then explained when all three turned to look at him. "Laenor was the heir of Driftmark and should've stayed there and now Harwin is the heir of Harrenhal and he should stay there but their wife was Rhaenyra. A princess. So they stayed here with her. Jaehaera has this right. Marry her with a powerful heir and then make them stay here until that boy's father dies."

"This is weirdly good advice.", Aemond sent an approving look to Daeron. "But I agree with a Southern match. The new Queen especially must be Southern. We are in dire need of a Westerland match, it is even more urgent than a Northern one."

"What are your recommendations?"

"Marry Jaehaerys with a Crownlander. Maelor with a Westerlander. And Jaehaera with a Reacher. Secure the three most powerful kingdoms around you. We have three nephews, unfortunately. Luke will inherit Harrenhal one day, so marry him with a Riverlander, and Jace will inherit Dragonstone -such a waste and shame, but marry him with either a Crownlander or with an Ironborn, the key is this wife must be an islander. And send little Joffrey to the Vale."

"And what of North? What of Stormlands?"

"Stormlands has enough royal matches for this generation and you said yourself the North doesn't have any suitable brides but has grooms but the only princess is Jaehaera and she is most definitely isn't going there. I, most likely, will marry a Westerlander too. And we can send Daeron to the North."

"Of course, you can.", Daeron spoke sweetly. "When I am cold in my grave, brother."


"My ass would freeze there. I have a colourful personality brother. I love feasts and fun and people and dance and music and good food. North has neither. I am a dragon, I need fire around me to survive. I will marry one of Borros Baratheon's daughters. Find someone else for the North."

"You said Jace loved a Northern. Marry him with her."

"And what part of the word 'bastard' you didn't get dear wife?

"Legitimize her."

"And offendr Rhaenyra even more? I wouldn't do that.", Daeron said while getting up from his chair.

"Offending her sounds good though, I might."

"No you won't.", Aemond cut it short. "He needs to marry an islander."

"And they said to be a king, have fun. Nobody told me I would go mad over love matches.", the alcohol started to kick.

"Okay, Aegon we will use the excuse of a headache for your absence and in the meantime, you will sleep here to sober up. Helaena, and Daeron, will go and welcome the guests. Mother and Rhaenyra can't do that alone.", Aemond ordered and both of his siblings left the room but Aemond turned one last time to Aegon. "This supper is really important for mother, you know it right?"

"It's just a supper."

"They may not connect the dots but I know you better than anyone. You know the date damn well and it is the reason for your irrational anger over a simple thing."

"It's not.", Aegon lied. "It's just a day, has no importance."

"Father's death anniversary means the most to you and she really wants to have this supper to honour his memory. There will be no Rhaenyra or Criston or our lovely siblings, nephews or whatever. Only you and me, Elea and Daeron and mother. We will pray and light candles."

"I don't know why she tries this hard.", Aegon murmured while getting into the bed. "He would forget his existence the day after she died if she meant him anything."


"Where is Aegon?", Alicent asked with under her smile. "The King must be here to welcome them."

"The King has a terrible headache, lady mother.", Daeron announced loudly. "And he wished us to lend his apologizes to his guests."

Corlys' Velaryon cousins were on the front with Laenor and the rest of the Crowlands nobles, right next to them there was Borros Baratheon and his daughters and son and the rest of his bannermen. Lord Jason Lannister was standing apart from the crowd with his son and bannermen. Lord Tyrell was standing next to Lord Hightower -Alicent's brother and the Reacher Lords were behind them.

"We all welcome you in the name of the King Aegon, Second of His Name, Rightful King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and the Protector of the Realm.", Alicent spoke loudly as the Queen Mother. Showed them who held the true power. On her right, there was Helaena, the Queen and on her left, there was Rhaenyra, the Hand.

On Helaena's side, the royal princes were standing. Aemond, Daeron, Luke and Joffrey. In front of them, there were Jaehaerys and Jaeharera, she was holding them by their shoulders.

On Rhaenyra's side, there were the small council members, Harwin and Criston.

The nobles bend down and after finishing all the formalities, the guards showed them their chambers. "Your grace,", Lord Tyland called for Alicent and she kindly finished her talk with her brother and turned towards the Westerland Lords. "You must remember my brother, Jason Lannister, Lord of the Casterly Rock and the Lord Paramount of the Westerlands."

"Of course I do.", Alicent said with a kind smile while Jason muttered a 'your grace' and bowed to kiss her ring. "It's been such a joy to see you here, it's been a long time."

"Two years, your grace.", Jason said. "You know how it is ruling, leave them a moment alone and the sheep would start to riot.", and then he let out a laugh. "They need a lion to keep them under control."

"Of course, but I heard it doesn't matter the colour of the lion.", Rhaenyra approached to them. "Lord Reyne, you too welcome to the court. It's been even longer since to see you."

Lord Reyne was different then Jason, he was more like Tyland. "Princess Rhaenyra.", he only bowed his head to her but when he turned to Alicent he made a formal bow and kissed her ring. "Your grace, it's been an honour to finally meet you."

"It's unfair that we haven't before.", Alicent said while sending a look to Rhaenyra because now Jason was openly sulking. "And this must be your daughter."

"Yes, yes, come here sweetheart.", a slim figure walked towards them with a kind smile and focusing eyes. People around them were watching them intensely. They knew they were an addition, and she was brought here with a promise. "This my only daughter, Lady Moira Reyne."

The ginger girl curtsied to Alicent and she would never admit but she handled that even better than Alicent did herself when she was her age. "Your grace, it is an honour to stand in your presence."

Alicent observed the girl. She had a small heart-shaped face, her cheek bones were prominent, had a symmetrical face with a small nose and pink lips. Her blue eyes were shining under the sun, she wasn't tall but she wasn't short. They were at the same height. And her hair was soft ginger that looked like auburn towards her roots. She was cute, Alicent had to admit that. She was very comely, and beautiful. Maybe too soft next to Aemond but Alicent liked her enough.

"Lady Reyne,", she said while sending an appreciative look to Tyland and turning her fake kind smile into a big real one for the first time today. "you are as beautiful as we had heard. Helaena darling!", she called for her daughter. She was with Daeron and Aemond had left already.

"Your grace.", everybody bowed to Helaena and she look very uncomfortable for a second until Alicent put a hand on her arm.

"This is Lady Moira Reyne. I wanted to introduce you to her."

Helaena turned to look at her mother when she heard the girl's name and then turned back to the girl. "Nice to meet you."

"You too, my Queen.", her smile was perfectly shaped so that Helaena felt warmth.

Lord Jason started to praise Lord Reyne -and himself and they all were lost in conversation when Helaena suddenly blurted. "Both of my ladies found themselves husbands and they need to leave my service.", everybody turned to look at her but before Alicent interfered she continued. "I need a new one.", then looked to Moira -who looked speechless. "Would you be interested?"

"You want me to be your lady, my queen?"

"Yes. If there is a possibility of you and me being sisters in the future, it might be better if we get to know each other.", Alicent sent a proud look to Helaena. "And it's not like Aemond himself will court you, he is too shy for that."

Daeron who was in a different conversation close to them burst out laughing and couldn't even stop himself when Alicent sent him a look.

"I wouldn't want to disturb his grace.", Moira spoke quickly.

"Well, he will have to court at least one. He cannot die as a prude.", Daeron entered their conversation and Rhaenyra looked like she is going to laugh too. Alicent pinched her in secret while keeping a smile on her face. Jason and Tyland shared a look with Lord Reyne and Moira looked lost. "I am the handsome one.", Daeron said to Moira. "Aemond is not that bad himself but of course, I am on another level.", he held her hand while looking directly into her eyes and kissed it.

"Ehm,", Tyland faked a cough. "This is Prince Daeron Targaryen, Lady Moira. The youngest of the princes."

"And truly the best-looking one, though Aegon is not that bad of himself.", Helaena said, looking proud of herself and Alicent was just trying not to die of embarrassment.


"And honour to meet me and being granted by my light, my dear, I know. If I had a golden dragon every time I heard that, I would be richer than your father.", then he frowned for a second. "Oh, wait, I am already are.", and then started to laugh and everybody joined it rather forcibly. Only Helaena truly laughed. "No need for such basic necessities. Everybody repeats the same thing all over the castle right now."

"Of course.", she could only say that.

"Stop flirting with your brother's candidate.", Alicent whispered to his ear when everybody started to talk again.

"His candidate? Lady mother!", he acted shocked. "Do not tell me that you grouped every woman here."

"Of course I did.", she whispered again with narrowed eyes. "You can't go for Moira Reyne like Aemond can't go for Selyse Marbrand or Hestia Corbray."

"Pray to tell, why such bother? Let us look at these ladies, get blinded by their beauty a little, and then let us choose. Why you must interfere with everything?"

"You had twenty-three years to find yourself a wife and you spend that time with ...you know what. And now as your mother, I take the reins in my hands but the last decision will be yours."

"And if my last decision would be Moira Reyne?"

Alicent looked into his mischievous eyes. "Then I will grant it."

"And what if Aemond lusts for her too?"

"Then I will forbid her to both of you and send her away. I will not choose between my sons."

"But you see, lady mother,", he got close to her ear even more. "you already chose between your sons. You chose to keep your eldest two and send me away.", Daeron looked at her with subtle hurt and sorrow but still put on a happy mask and kissed her cheek.

Alicent kept looking after him but then got distracted by Helaena.


"You had grouped the girls?", Rhaenyra asked while entering to her chambers. There was she and Criston and she came with Harwin. "Pray tell?"

Alicent took a deep breath and rubbed her face. "Criston can you please give me the lists."

Criston went to her desk and searched a little then shared the lists between them. First Rhaenyra started to read Jace's list.

"For Jace, you had chosen; Mariposa Darklyn, Melantha Mullendore, Verona Harlaw, Robin Tarbeck, Felisse Fossoway and Maris Baratheon."

"And Sarra Snow.", Alicent looked directly in the eye. "We all have ears, we all heard the same rumours. If your boy truly loves this girl I will talk with Aegon."

"Do you think it is a possibility after today?"

Harwin and Criston shared a look, they were too tense today.

"What do you think of the names my love?"

"Darklyn girl can be, she is an islander. Mullendore is beneath us, he is a prince. I would rather die than see my son getting married to an Ironborn. Tarbeck, Fossoway can happen, I wouldn't argue against it. But my personal choice is Maris Baratheon."

"Of course.", Alicent mumbled and then explain when Rhaenyra sent her a look. "She has the most status and comes from a Paramount House. She would be my first choice as well."

"Who do you have for Aemond and Daeron?"

"For Aemond; Moira Reyne, Ellyanne Crakehall, Cassandra Baratheon, Cassana Estermont, Agatha Rowan, Cressida Dondarrion, Baela Targaryen and Aletris Velaryon."

"You add Aletris?", Rhaenyra asked with a secret smile.

"A friend of mine suggested her."

"Did she?", both women smiled at each other. "Baela can't though."

"I thought it would be a fine step for peace."

"I mean, ask Rhaenys if you want but she didn't even come here. Aletris is a good option. Is a dragon rider."

"And old a little.", Criston said. "People would frown upon it."

"People can fuck off.", Rhaenyra shrugged. "Their kids would most definitely become Dragonriders."

"Crakehall and Estermont are also beneath Prince Aemond, your grace.", Harwin stated his opinion. "Dondarrion and Rowan might be but surely there are better options. I would suggest you focus on Lady Reyne and Lady Velaryon."

"Why not Cassandra?"

"Would it be fair if all the princes would choose Baratheon wives?", he questioned. "People would riot."

"He has a point.", Criston agreed. "We need different girls and boys from different regions. If Princess Rhaenyra wishes for Maris Baratheon specifically then we must focus on others."

"Well that one wants a prince for herself good luck keeping her away from Aemond.", she shrugged. "My favourite is Moira, Helaena even made her, her lady. And I will not do anything with Aletris. If it happens, it will happen because it's in their destiny. But I will not interfere."

"And Daeron?"

"His list is short.", Criston took the paper. "Rhaena Targaryen, Lynara Umber, Alarra Manderly, Hestia Corbray, Alysanne Blackwood and Selyse Marbrand."

"Rhaena is off the list again. And I don't think you can send him to North."

"We know that. These ladies are not to inherit anything -except Hestia and Selyse, they can come and live in here."

"Well when we don't count Rhaena, the best option seems like Alarra Manderly. They are the richest in the North, and arguably more powerful than the Stark when it comes to influencing other regions. They know how to have fun, are more extroverts than the rest of the North, have Reach ties and their fleet is one of the strongest ones out there. Also, it will give the North the royal wedding they long for."

"You are right Ser Harwin. My personal choice is her too but I heard a great deal about Lady Alysanne."

"About her beauty?"

"No, about her character. They say she is fierce and fearless. Not very ladylike but a warrior more likely. They say she is very bright and clever, a perfect rider, hunter and archer."

"When you put it like that she seems perfect for Aemond."

"That's why I suggested Aletris, Criston.", Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. "Moira is shy, or she looks like that. Aemond would get bored of her."

"And with Aletris, he would have endless fighting."

"Isn't it the fun part?", Rhaenyra asked. "Harwin and I argue about everything. It keeps the dynamics more exciting."

"Criston and I prefer to have a calm life."

"You want for him to have what you want."

"And you are doing the same."

"Fine. I will not argue, though, about the Blackwood girl, I heard some rumours too."

"What kind of rumours?"

"When you live in Riverlands, you hear everything from everywhere your grace.", Harwin reached for a wine cup.

"Rumours about her ...friendship with one Lady Sabitha Frey."

"Who's now married to that prick.", Criston turned to look at Alicent. "What was his name."

She frowned while thinking and Harwin answered. "She is married to Forrest Frey."


"No Criston, she is not a Frey herself. She was a Vypren and then married that prick."


"And what kind of friends they are? The special kind that Laenor also has his own or?"

"Well I never met them your grace but the rumours say they sleep in the same tent when they were going on hunting trips and they are very close. But they also say she has her fair share of men who are swooning over her. And she seems interested."

"Then she might get along with Daeron even better.", Criston murmured. "He too ...has his fair share of adventures with both genders."

"They also say she had lost her maidenhead when she was a girl, on horseback."

"Happens most of us. Means she was really dedicated."

"Exactly Ally. She seems truly more suitable for Aemond though. Wish to change?"

"Between Moira and Aletris, we will have enough competition. No need to add another."

"Fine then, the Manderly girl we are going to vouch for. Now, Luke, I want to know about my baby."

This time Harwin started to read. "Raya Waynwood, Fem Fossoway, Rhea Florent, Shiera Mullendore, and Ellyn Baratheon."

"Again Baratheon has the most status but can't be. What do you think?"

"I think, we need a Riverlander Lady. Not from the Vale or from the Reach."

"Gwenys Mooton?", Alicent recommended. "She is a little young but can work if you wish."

"How old is she?"

"16, I believe. I wrote her for Joffrey."


"House Mooton is a powerful house. And would work better for his favour than any of the Reacher girls here. Let's add her but for the second option, we should keep Fem Fossoway."

"Not Rhea Florent?", Criston frowned. "Both Houses usually go toe to toe but they slightly topped them this year."

"I don't want any foxes around. Fossoway girl would be enough."

"Okay.", Alicent took the paper from Harwin and added her.

"What of our future queen?", Harwin wondered.

"It's the most important one isn't it.", Alicent smiled nervously. "We can't fuck it up."

"No we can't.", Rhaenyra murmured and shared a look with Harwin. "I know they are 2 years older but both Aemma and Visenya would be great queens."

Alicent too shared a look with Criston and then decided to be honest. "The council discussed that already when you weren't there and they ruled over them. I am sorry but they are not even an option. They had officially forbade the match."

"They had?", Rhaenyra felt the rage but knew that she should keep her face straight.

"You know why, I will not explain it to you. Our future queen candidates are; Daenera Velaryon, Mariposa Bar Emmon, Lessie Rosby, Aregelle Royce and Cerissa Fossoway."

"You know it going to be Daenera, why to make a list?", Rhaenyra tried to calm herself down and focus on this matter instead.

"If I would offer just her, then I would have to stand the smug look on Sea Snake's face until the rest of my days. I am happier this way."

"And Jaehaera? Maelor?"

"For Jaehaera I had lots of North suggestions like; Rickon Stark, Torrhen and Rickard Karstark and Edwyn Manderly but after today I cross all of them. And we are left with; Stevron Celtigar, Lonnel Bracken, Leo Tyrell, Paxter Redwyne and Matthos Oakheart."

"Let me guess, you are vouching for the Tyrell boy?"

"I would rather see her marry Rickon Stark and become the Lady of Winterfell but since it is not happening, then I actually vouch for Matthos Oeakhart. The rest all are second sons, this boy will inherit Old Oak one day. And she would become a powerful lady there."

"I don't think your son would let such a below match.", Rhaenyra rolled her eyes.

"He must find someone himself because I had summoned the most powerful houses in the realm. If he doesn't like it, there is nothing I can do. Then he will turn to Dorne and use her as a way to join them to the fold and marry her with Qyle Martell or go for Lys and a Rogare match."

"Prince Maelor?"

"Agnes Frey, Melissa Westerling and Phoebe Lonmouth."

"All three are too below of our house.", Rhaenyra complained. "None of them are suitable for a prince. He is the spare heir as we speak and continue to be until Jaehaerys has his own sons."

"Then again, go and find a bride for him in Essos."

"Fine! What are my options for my baby Joffrey?"

"Your baby Joffrey is older than all of my grandchildren.", Alicent deadpanned.

"The candidates?", Rhaenyra pressed.

"Arsa Arryn, Mariah Waynwood, Gweyns Mooton -though we erased her, Piper Tarbeck, Melea Florent, Myranda Fossoway and Amber Tarly"

"Arryn girl without a question. She is to inherit the Vale one day. He would be her consort."

"And for the girls? I'm sure you have candidates for them to your grace?", Harwin asked.

"Well since they all are the same age we didn't group them."

"Candidates are; Marton Rosby, Olyvar Darklyn, Karlon and Harlon Cerwyn, Jon Umber, Dorren, Walton and Jonos Manderly, Rodwell Royce, Kermit and Oscar Tully, Samwell Mooton, Walden and Willem Frey, Toron and Rodrik Greyjoy, Dagon Harlaw, Alton Reyne, Hover Celtigar, Cregan Stark, Benjicot Blackwood, Barthogan Bracken, Beron Darry, Loreon Lannister, Lyonel Tyrell, Luthor and Petyr Redwyne, Stephen and Brandon Lonmouth, Royce Baratheon and Robert Estermont."

"Let's just focus on Lord Paramounts; Tully boys, Greyjoy boys, Cregan Stark, Loreon Lannister, Lyonel Tyrell and Royce Baratheon."

"Baratheon boy is betrothed to Aletris Velaryon though it's unofficial. I think we must erase him too."

"Fine. I will not marry any of my girls with a Greyjoy Alicent, will you?"

"No. Then let's erase them. Cregan Stark is powerful but also too old. This leaves us with specifically; Kermit Tully -already the Lord Paramount of the Trident and is 20, Loreon Lannister -waiting on the line and is 17, Lyonel Tyrell -waiting on the line and is 19. Three Paramounts for three girls."

"I will take Kermit and Lyonel, you can have Loreon."

"I want Lyonel for myself."

"Why is that?"

"Can it be because of the same reason you want Kermit Tully?"

"You are being selfish and-"

"And you are being rude as usual-"

And they fought and fought about them for hours.

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