Anna's family

By Otar3000

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A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone πŸŒ€
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets KΓΆnigin
Tarzel GesprΓ€ch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

Memory Witch

17 1 0
By Otar3000


The jungle king somehow managed to escape the vile visions... or so he hoped...

He didn't know how he got there, he didn't know where he was...

He was very surprised that he found himself nt in his corrupted mindscape but a in a different world... one where the ground is made of water...

Coupled with his invisible and almost non existent, a prospect of actual death emerged in his mind... he tried to calm himself

Too much rage... too much emotion...

Words from Pabbie ring through his mind which feels like empty hall

'You must find a way to balance your halves ... if not you may become the very monster that took much from you'

The latter didn't help... the memory of Sabor definitely was not what he needs right now

Still the question was still in the air, just what did he need to do now?

And then she came...

A voice in a star among the empty of oceans...


That was how she called herself

'I remember you from Sora's memories... the deep jungle, a world once seperated like the others... I'm glad to see you still exist here or you did'

"So I AM dead"

So all that cold and other harsh elements did their purpose

"Not just yet. You're close to dying however"

"How do you know?... Namine was it?"

"That's right! Memory hero Namine at your service!"

She giggled before circling around Tarzan for a bit

"And you are Tarzan. Worth repeating, king of the jungles! I was surprised when Sora told me about your presence in Arendelle."

"I feel lost too... What is this place? Is this suppose to be an afterlife?"

He looks around again, wonders if he overlooked something

The view is the same however, an endless stretch of water and sky

"Hehe again, close but no. You see this would be on the border between sleep and death... it's one destination one goes to once heart and body reach it's end but who do not want or can not die for one reason or another, reside. I come here often to help those in need"

"So are you also..?"

"No luckily no. I've been in this place before but... I wasn't as versed here as I am now. Fairy Godmother helped in that. I have abiltiy to manipulate memories... dreams hold our memories, sleep holds our dreams; and death is closely tied to sleep which is how I managed to access it. Few can"

Tarzan didn't know what to say in all of this

"Well, sorry if anything. I guess this is a bit over your head..."

"This is just too much..."

"I know... listen I came to help, I promise"
"I'm glad if so, but I am did you even find me?"

"I once took Sora's memories of you. That's why he didn't visit for a while. His memory then bcame a part of mine. My feelings from them, a sense of joy turned to alert when I felt your light was fading... OH RIGHT! Listen we must hurry!"

"Again how?"

"Love from Jane is keeping you from fading away permanently, that's why you must retake control of your body from Bron quickly!"

He didn'tknow how she knows this but judging from situation there was no time for that

"What must I do?"

"You have to search this plane and find your other selves roaming around... He thinks you're done so you might catch him by surprise!"

"But what about you?"

The shining star then started to take a more humanoid shape which allowed Tarzan to witness her real form

He then saw a woman with a yellow hair, her white-golden mark clothes have shown a soft shading style , at least from her perspective

With an unusual key sword, a keyblade with multi colored spikes

"Here I'm more capable like this. As for yuor question, I came to help. And I will. Friends don't leave friends behind!"

He may not know her, but he can respect her words

"Then let's go... hmm"

He then tried to smell anyone lese beside Namine which didn't work... it seems he'll have to rely on his eyes and ears here...

"Let me advise you. There is no specific one path to walk on..."

"I know... but literally finding myself isn't something I'm used to"

They then started walking, with splashes following each step... until they were confronted with the missing pieces

"Well, you are now"

"Nevermind that, we should be careful"

They didn't stay in one place unfortnately and were runnnig amok

"Alright, we should split and try catch them!"

Tarzan went after the one with scared face and scarred chest

This seems to be a part fo him that is worried

He was hard to reason with, he didn't listen and instead frantically avoided him
"Why are you running from me? We are conceptually the same!"

"I won't go bak into you! You waste time here instead of getting out to help them!"

"If you truly wish that then you certainly should retunr to me! Because if we can't piece back we won't escape! And they'll be left alone!"

At that line, the part of worry at Jane and Anna after which he began to hesitate and apparently with little options. He stopped to move however which allowed Tarzan to tackle him

"We will go back! Be certain of that."

And as he held his halve, it faded and entered his spirit

After that he noticed his arms were now more visible. He regained one piece back, now for Namine

"Namine? Have you caught any one of them?"


Namine said as she was followed by another halve which was more grumpy

"Grrr let's finish this already. I can't stand it when anyone controlls our form but us"

Tarzan guessed that this was disgusted halve. All the more reason to be quick before it changes it's mind

Disgusted halve then did exactly that and dissipated into him as his legs were visible now

"How did you convince that part of me"

"Well, used some good old taunts and teases. It's easy when you know how they work. And it's understand emtions within heart is difficult"

"And there are more to go"

He then hears someone singing in joy

"Wow seems like we found another you"

As thy approeached the source, the sound became louder

For one so small You seem so strong

It's you who climbed the mountain to reach the peak!

Son of man! With faith and understanding from boy to man!

This bond between us Can't be broken

Lift your spirit! Set it free!

You'll be in my heart!

Find your place beside ones you love!

Come stop your crying It will be alright

Why can't they understand the way we feel
They just don't trust what they can't explain
I know we're different, but deep inside us
We're not that different at all

The things you dreamed of!

The visions that you saw!

It's yours to claim it all!

Son of man is man in time you'll seee!

Believe me, you'll be in my heart
I'll be there from this day on
Now and forever more

And then as it stopped the joyful halve of Tarzan dropped in front of them splashing the water. This version was younger, smaller and with less muscle

"Hello There! I'm glad to finally find you!

He then came and hugged Tarzan with little care in the world

Namine was no exception, he hugged her too!

"New Friend! Good to know!"

"Oh! Uhm I'm glad too!"

Tarzan guessed that this must be a more playful and fun-loving side

"Please be careful, we don't know if she'll break her back if you hold too tightly"

Then there was another one just slightly bigger but had mud on him and he was visibly saddened

"I'm very sorry if we are not welcome... we should leave..."

"Oh no! We just came! How is my old friend Sora? And that duck Donald? Terk defintely got scared when they met the first time"

Namine - He is doing okay. hehe you know, you're funnier like this.

"Really! I will stay like this then!"

Sad "Oh then it is I who sould leave..."

Namine - No! No that;s not what I meant!

Tarzan - Both options are out of question. The others need us

"Do we really have to? What if we mess up again?"

Of course Tarzan knows why he hesitates, when he was younger he was joyful but felt as outcast becaue he was a human. Even emotions can feel emotions it seems, this one is scared that if he helps he'll be shunned again... perhaps he heard something from the other side too as did the other two.

This time Namine stepped in

"I know how you feel..."


"Yeah, it's perhaps hard to believe now... but when I first met Sora and my friends, I caused a lot of trouble... I wanted to erase Sora's memories because I as... afraid. Of being alone, of being isolated. When I was born, I felt stitched together. A collection of colors wtih definite shape. Too aimless for too long; I couldn't even run when they found me. But I had the power to mold a place just for me. A power to tether "me" to reality, to the light. With it I could belong, to find purpose in another's eyes, I could have somone to keep me from darkness..I oculd create my own fantasy. My own destiny. Even if I was a victim of something terrible... in the deepest crevices of my heart... I wished for a differnt life where I could be something, anything...even if it meant taking another's. A truly terrible witch. In the end I couldn't asprie to be anything moe han a tool. And yet I have been somehow forgiven. Thanks to Sora and Kairi... I managed to find people that care for me. That accept me. They taught me that mistakes are part of being alive... That it's okay to not always be okay"

Namine then turns back to three tarzans "I know that you feel like you don't belong here...that you don't deserve it... like you're in someone else's story... but know that's not true. There are people that love you, the ones that will worry for you...that will cry if you are gone... *giggles* I mean one of them is right now talking to you..."

Tarzan was touched to say the least. It seems there is more ot Namine than meets the eye...

"Woah those were some great words! Respects to you new friend!"

"That felt heartwarming and heartbreaking too... it was good to hear"

To that Namine smiled again.

"You're welcome... now, can you please go back?"

Tarzan - True. We have to move quickly

The two halves took turns

The saddened one went in first, not wanting to keep them trapped here for long... "Good luck, I hope you survive"

The joyful one went in next as he grinned "Go get him!"

They dissolved into Tarzan as new memories flew into his mind

Some of them were good news that he didn't kill anyone... some of them, not so much...

But regardless, his torso and chest are now apparent

"It was... a hard life for you, wasn't it?"

Namine - It was. But thanks to that, I value my life more than I did before. You can realte to that, right?

Tarzan - More than you think.

Ouh how sensitive you two are...

The sudden third vocie then surprised them both

Turning they saw another version of Tarzan far way at a distance but it eminated a black fire from it's back

Do you think I'll let you retake control? I may have stretched my powers on all of you, but I have enough strength to deal with you.

His voice also didn't sound good either

"It seems our element of surprise didn't work. Oh well"

Namine then calls upon her sword, taking a stance

"Then we'll have to fight after all"

Preparing to fight, Tarzan first looks ove Bron... he has his body and raw strength along with fueling strength of anger and hatred...

Bron was the first to attack.

As he marched towards the two, throwing his fist towards Tarzan who dodges it but then Bron catch him by the leg as he throws him away

You are not welcome here either witch!

He then jumps to Namine who then swung her sword at him

He managed to catch it but was too slow to notice Namine's hand glowing up at his face


"Darkness can stain and consume, but only light can erase!"

His eyes were blinded as he then started hitting the water field

Tarzan - Bron!

Tarzan then jumped on him as he started punching as did Bron too

They traded many hits before Tarzan caught him in a deadlock

Tarzan - You are gonna get out of me right now!

I don't think so! Foolish monkey!

He then dissapeared in flash of light

Tarzan - What where is-

He then was met with a fist to his face

Tarzan - How can he appear like that?

I have more commands here than you. You won't beat me!

Tarzan - I'll find a way!

Namine - He means WE!

Bron was then met with a lightning struck on his form as he is heard screeching

GRAAAAGH! How dare you witch!?

Namine - Think you're forgetting someone here?

Namine then jumps up, her sword turned into a bow.

A think energy arrows formed in it before she started shooting. Their target : Bron.

Bron alas was quick as he teleported away

Bron teleported behind Tarzan as he pushed him down

He then lengthens his darker arms upwards to get hold of Namine but unfortunately, while she doesn't fit role of a close quarters fighter, she is a magic-based fighter with agility and prowess to boot

She then lands back before quickly shooting two or more again this time managing to graze his shoulder and hands

He then stretched his arm to smash her but she cartwheeled and avoided it

Taran meanwhile snuck behind him, he noticedhim too alt as Tarzan then uppercutted him with all his might

He flew upwards really high as Namine shot at him again

This time it hit many times as he fell down

He then rose up but Tarzan had him in a deadlock now

Namine then had her chains wrapped around not only his arms as well his legs "That should hold him!"

Taznan - That should be enough! You're going back inside now and then out of me! It's over!

Veins were popping from his arms as he said "NO. I will keep fighting until...UNTIL-"

Strangely he then slowed down, his anger weakened, his control slipping...


The raging fires of darkness now faded away as the angry halve of Tarzan dissipated

The pieces then went back to him

This one felt heavier than previous

And then more memories...

'I don't care about other people! Anyone who hurts you are not worth living in this world!'

Tarzan was taken aback to be sure, he didn't know why Elsa said that. He doesn't want to hurt Anna... but then again right now, it's not he who was in control... not until now.

Namine - We did it!

Majority of his conception is now back in place

"So can I go back now?"

Namine - Depends. Do you feel whole now?

Now that she mention it , not all of his parts were there...

A part of his face and head was still gone...

"No, not yet... there is one still missing...Namine can you fly up and see?"

Namine jumps up into the air as she floats up to look around. For a moment she couldn't see anything...

But then her eyes grew wdie in surprise "You!"

"What is it!?"

Tarzan then traced where she was looking as he turned and saw familiar faces

It was Mattias and Yelena... carrying a small kid Tarzan with them

Tarzan - You... are here?

Mattias - Aye, it's good to see you still kicking...

Tarzan - What happened to you?

Yelena - It's hard to believe but this is where it ends. Our lives came to an end. His came sooner than mine... I met him here after I became one with Ahtohallan, I came here from Ahtohallan before it wa cut off and now you are here...

At that Tarzan couldn't help but remorse

Tarzan - I am sorry it ended like this for you... you didn't want to pass on in times like this

Mattias - This isn't your fault Tarzan. And I am certain you father would be proud of who you are...

Yelena - I can say the same for Iduna... Especially right now

Yelena said the latter while looking over a small tarzan who played with her hair

She then handed him to Namine

Namine - You looked so little, so fragile... I get how it feels now... here, come on

She then hands him over to Tarzan who take a look into that child's eyes

"One who wants to help others because he knows how it feels to be weak... this is the missing piece, without compassion I may have unchecked rage. I reject that path"

Yelena - I am proud to hear that myself, Tarzan...

The child giggles playfully as he slowly embraces it and so he became a whole person again

Namine - It seems you are ready now...

Tarzan - I know...

Yelena - Listen before you go, Ahothallan is now in the dark... part of me is here and may not fully leave unless it will be stopped. Tell elsa he forest is not safe at the moment!

Tarzan then approahces Yelena and Mattias...

Tarzan - I will do my best to do so. But while I can... Thank you. Both of you, for what you did for my parents... and my sisters...

Mattias - It was an honour to us. Can you please tell Glaica and Halima that I'll wait them on the other side...

Yelena - Tell the same to Maren and Ryder, we will always be with them...

Tarzan - I will. Farvel da.

Yelena nodded, Mattias saluted before Tarzan turned to Namine

"Thank you too, I may not known you before yet you still helped me"

Namine - I'm glad I did. See you soon, Tarzan...

Tarzan? Please fight him...

"BWAhahaHAHaha! LOOks lIke yoU haD FUn Without ME!? HOW rude!"

Alright who is it this time!"

AAH! She's also scary!

This really IS a game, and you are playing well... you just don't know it yet hihihihi. Worry not, there already are plans for some more!

I won't let you... hurt anyone... even if I have to die

Present Time

'I died enough for one time I think' Tarzan whipsers mentally

He woke up on the bed. He tries to breat and rest, his body took a toll from all that has happened.

His search for ahtohallan, Bron's rampage, his mind then gone to Lilith a new enemy has appeared.

Then to Iduna, how are they holding at ahtohallan?

Then to his sisters...

And of course Jane...


Tarzan backed against the wall at Jane's sudden voice

"I was so worried!" his wife appeared teary "I though you were gone! You ahd qite a fever... you've slept three days straight!"

She hugged him tighly which he returned "I...I'm sorry I took so lon, my body just couldn't handle much more"

He had Namine to thank for him even being here

"How are you doing? Did I hurt you while-'

"No! No you didn't... best you did was hitting and throwing and, maybe tried to choke me...but you willed it ot before the worst happened"

"That's good to know, and the others?"

"Anna has friends here so we are not safe here"

"Here?Where are we now?"

"It's complicated but that lady Lilith sent us to this kingdom, don't know why... but we'll figure this out later. Please rest"

Unknown to Tarzan, a certain yellow hair overheard everything... before closing the door, leaving a couple together for a time


Note : Use logic to guess which yellow hair was that.

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