𝘖𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦�...

By bakachwaan

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. . ∴━━━✿━... More

Ⅰ.『 Sing me one last song 』
Ⅱ.『 Forever by your side 』
Ⅳ.『 Mysterious Lady 』
Ⅴ.『 Breakup and Aftermath 』
Ⅵ.『 The best birthday 』
Ⅶ. 『 Don't call me sir. 』

Ⅲ.『 Our Fire 』

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By bakachwaan

I reposted this in my 'MarAce one-shots!!!' collection, but I won't delete it from here. (With some minor changes and corrections) If you're a fan of the ship, I say check that collection of mine too! :) [November 16, 2023]


❲ Marco x Ace ❳

〈 Marco's POV〉

When our fires met,

I knew you were the one.

When your smile shined so bright,

I knew I couldn't let you go.

When you looked at me so gently,

I knew I wouldn't take it anymore.

So, I let my control loose.

I let my fire play,

You let your fires met mine.

And we created those beautiful purple fires.

Our fire.

It was a nice day, sunny and without any signs of a storm. It's nice being in Paradise, although I kinda miss the excitement of New World. Well, whatever. We'll all miss Paradise's weather after going in New World. I was leaning on the railings, enjoying the sun shining on my skin, when he, Portgas D Ace decided it was a good time to attack Pops.. Why was he doing that anyway? He's so stubborn. And it doesn't help that Pops is as stubborn as he is! He is so persistent on wanting him to join the family.. But I wouldn't mind. The teen is an interesting one. He's young, but strong.

But.. I wasn't ready for it when his fires met mine. On that same day, we had a marine attack. It wasn't often, but it still did occur. There were some stupid marines who thought it would be a good idea to try and take Pops's head. Unpredictably, the marines were strong. But not strong enough, they are never strong enough. They did cause damage, though. And Ace fought as well. I don't understand why he fights when there's a challenge, he just blabbers about 'it would ruin his name'. But, it's interesting watching him fight. I was going towards him beating the marines in my way. I didn't even notice it until our backs bumped. What happened next, it really confused me. My fires.. they were reacting to.. Ace's? But, why? It has been forever since my fires acted up. The phoenix wasn't listening to me, again, after so many years. But, why now? Right after Ace's fires touched my skin. What's that, some kind of universal message? But thank god it happened while we were under attack. Meaning I have an excuse for myself that my phoenix is acting up. They wouldn't even notice, which I'm thankful for. Maybe Pops will notice? He knows how it is when phoenix acts up. Whatever, let's just get this fight over with.

The fight was over a few minutes later, nothing too bad happened. Just some of our brothers were injured, some scratches, so nothing bad. I can see everyone enjoyed a more challenging battle, compared to other idiots who challenged us. As soon as the battle ended, Ace was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't injured, probably tired. So I guess he went to sleep or something. There were even times when he abnormally fell asleep. Well, whatever. I had to go to Pops, though. So, boredly (as always) I started walking towards Pops's throne.

"My son, I see this one lasted longer." Pops said when I approached him with a nod.

"Yes, yoi. It's nice having a longer battle from time to time. I do miss New World though. Idiot rookies would pick on us, yoi." Pops laughed heartly and agreed that he did miss New World. He then looked at me suspiciously. Did he notice?

"A little while ago your aura felt weird, Marco. Almost like the old times. Is something wrong?" Ah, I knew it. It's impossible hiding something from Pops anyway. He somehow knows we're hiding something. But, sometimes doesn't ask what it is unless it's needed.

"It's the phoenix, Pops. I don't know why, but it's acting up, yoi." I said truthfully. I wouldn't hide this from him, but.. I guess I can cut out the Ace part. Pops nodded, and stared again.

"I can talk to you in private if you would like." He said, with a small smile. I smiled back and nodded. Yeah, I'll talk to him. Maybe a few days later, if the phoenix still acts strange.

"I'll go do my work then, Pops. The reports will be on your desk by tonight." I said, and left after a goodbye. Man, I have tons of reports to do.

It was a few days later that incident. The strange thing is, phoenix still acts up. I really hoped it would end.. But doesn't look like it will. And it's not helping that it wants to go closer to Ace.. The phoenix, maybe it thinks that.. Ace is the one? But, why though? I know that the phoenixes chose their soulmate, they instinctively know who they belong to. Even though there's no books or information about phoenixes, I can still understand the phoenix in me. It's not that hard, it's not only my devil fruit but now myself, too. The phoenix and I became quite close along the years. I can sense him wanting to be with Ace all the time. And when Ace is close to me, it goes crazy. Like, it tries to reach Ace with blue fires strangely trying to leave my body. At least that's what I think it looks like. It's no help that I'm also losing my control over my feelings. The phoenix isn't the only one loving Ace. It however was a push for me to realization. Can't believe I didn't realize it until now. But like, who wouldn't love Ace? His black, wavy hair gives him unbelievable handsomeness, his freckles across his cheeks makes him look so cute, and oh god that smile he got that can kill a hundred lives. Ugh.. Why do I have to love my brother? Even though we aren't brothers by blood and he still hasn't accepted it. Should I talk to Pops now? But, I'm afraid, kind of. Would he appreciate it? Being in a relationship with your said brother? Ahh.. This is so confusing. I'll wait for a while.

The days were going by fast, and really fast. God, has it really been near 3 months since Ace came on board? And he's been trying to kill Pops for 3 month. Such enthusiasm, I guess? But, my feelings have been getting clear and clear each day. Whenever I talk to him, I could feel the strange butterflies in my stomach.. It's weird, to me, since it has been what feels like forever since the last time I felt this feeling. But, it wasn't as strong as now.. Was that one not supposed to be? And.. would Ace and I even work? Only time will prove.

It was a good-ish day, started with Ace trying to kill Pops- again. He never gives up. I kinda like that, hahah. It was near dinner when I approached him with some soup, since I could say he was quite hungry. I haven't seen him eat normally for the past weeks, which is concerning. The soup would help him get on his feet. He was on the back of the board, hugging his knees, with his back on the railings. And he looked miserable like that.. Trying to talk to him wouldn't end well. So, silently I just put the soup besides him before walking back. The phoenix in me screamed at me to stay with Ace, but I can't do that, can I? Well, just when I was leaving, I heard Ace talk. For the first time, Ace started a conversation with one of us, that being me.

"You guys.. Why do you call him your 'father', anyways?" Ace asked, just slightly peeking through his hands holding his knees. Looking back at him, I smiled and truthfully answered his question.

"Because he calls us his sons." He raised his head fully, and looked at me. "To the rest of the world we're all just outcasts, yoi. It makes us happy. It's just a word, but it makes us happy!" I said, smiling brightly. Ace didn't look quite happy with that answer, I think. I went over to him, and kneeled in front of him. With my usual stable face and voice, I said the truth to his face. Well, it wasn't the best thing to say but it's the only thing to say.

"Hey, how long are you gonna keep risking your life like this,yoi? Make up your mind already. You can't possibly take old man's head the way you're now, yoi. Are you gonna get off of this ship and start over.. or are you gonna stay here and accept Whitebeard's mark?" I asked, although a part of me- 75 percent of me wanted him to stay. The rest 25 percent wanted him to marry me and live a happy life with me on one of the Blues forever, but that's to put aside for now.

After that talk Ace finally accepted to be one of us. Now he is officially my brother, haha, goodbye my love life. It's been a while since that happened, and I've only been miserable. More irritated and snappy than normal. And I'd take extra work to keep my mind and the phoenix off of Ace, which only makes things worse. This is so pathetic. I need to talk to Pops. It's only getting worse and I can't bare hiding it anymore. I can't take the guilt too. The guilt of hiding something like this from Pops..

〈Narrator's POV 〉
// I'm bad at 1st person pov, sorry :') //

Knocking on Pops's door, Marco waited for him to answer. After hearing the confirmation, he went in Whitebeard's room and closed the door behind. He was trying hard to hide the fact that he was so worried, but being Whitebeard's first son and spending so much time with him, he was sure that Whitebeard already knew something was odd with Marco.

"What is it, son?" He asked as he put his reading glasses and book on his deck.

"Wanted to talk about the phoenix, yoi.. Do you have time?"

"Come, son. Let's talk." He said, and invited Marco to sit besides him on his huge bed. He went over and sat down, putting his head in his hands. 'Keep calm, Marco.. He's your father, he'll understand.. You don't chose who you love, your heart chooses it! And the phoenix.'

"Pops... I know why the phoenix is acting up, yoi." He said, still concerned. He can't help but feel concerned. It's been, like, forever since the last time he found love. But, it's strange. The phoenix never acted when he was dating with them, but then again, it was confirmed that they weren't the one when they broke up. He still remembered the feeling, love. But this time it was different. And.. towards family.

"Isn't that a nice thing? Why are you anxious?" Sighing, Marco looked up at him. He furrowed his brows questioningly.

"I-I don't know, Pops.." He couldn't help but stutter, and that will only make things worse. Now Whitebeard looks more worried, way to go, Marco.

"Why? I promise to be understanding, Marco. Whatever it is, I'm your father. Nothing will change that." He said in a low voice. Can't lie to such a gentle father now..

"It's because.. Well, how do I say it, yoi? Th-the phoenix found the one, I believe. The person I and phoenix love." Well, trying to explain like that wasn't bad, right? Right?? Whitebeard raised his eyebrow before a big smile formed on his face.

"That was unexpected. I thought your phoenix would never find the one, Gurararara." He joked and laughed heartly. Marco frowned at this.

"You talk like I was going to stay single forever, yoi." He said, still frowning. It was rare to see Marco out of his everyday, never fading perfect facade. But, he was in front of Whitebeard, he didn't need to wear that bored expression, even if it had become a habit for him.

"Sorry, son. But, who's it? We haven't been on an island for a while. And if your phoenix acted on the last island we've been, I would've noticed." That was what Marco was afraid of. That question could singlehandedly shudder Marco now. Normally, Marco would stay perfectly calm and think throughoutly about everything of the situation and possible outcomes and answers. But god damn it that it wasn't normal for Marco right now. This was a first time thing on the ship, and first time thing for Marco. It didn't help that he was stressed too. Sighing, Marco decided there was no way he was going to make it through with just stressing over everything. So, he decided to tell everything as long as he can.

"It's not someone from islands, yoi.. It's.. from the ship." Marco said in cold sweat, looking down. There was a few minutes of quietness, that really bothered Marco.

"Answer my questions truthfully, Marco." He heard his father's voice, stern but gentle at the same time. Nodding, he inhaled, trying to ready for the questions.

"Firstly, is it Ace?" Marco froze, right there mid inhale. Was it maybe too noticeable? But no, Marco was sure he kept his calmness perfectly under control, even the phoenix and his flames. It was just Whitebeard being extra observant.. He nodded, but didn't look up still. He would be silent and just nod or shake with questions like this, he didn't really want to talk now.

"So, phoenix believes Ace is the one?" Another nod from Marco came.

"And what about you? Can you tell me what you think of Ace?" Marco looked up with concerned eyes. But nodded, and answered truly.

"He's the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Kind, loving, loveable, yoi. He's everything good for me. He.. H-he makes my heart melt everytime he smiles. But I k-know that he's.. my brother, yoi. I-I can't love my brother, Pops. I can't.. I'm sorry.." Marco said sadly, tears forming in his eyes. He couldn't help but feel like this, he felt so guilty, so anxious, so sad. Whitebeard's gaze softened, and he let out a sigh.

"Marco, did you really think I wouldn't accept love on our ship?" He asked carefully. Marco didn't answer for a while, and then nodded looking down.
"Raise your head, son. You know me well than that. It's saddening that you thought like that." Whitebeard said sadly, his gaze still on Marco.

"I'm s-sorry, Pops.. It never happened before, yoi. Not between family.. S-so, you don't have any.. problems, yoi?" Marco asked in a low voice, still head down. He felt Whitebeard's big hand on his back. It has always been a soothing move Whitebeard always did.

"Of course no, son. What kind of father would I be if I didn't let my son be happy? I wouldn't have any problems. But I won't tolerate if it affects your position." Marco smiled brightly, Whitebeard smiling back.

"Thank you, Pops. Really, yoi." Whitebeard nodded, and Marco left after a goodnight wish. He felt cosy after that talk with Whitebeard, and he was now sure that he could love without any problems. Now, what's left is to talk with Ace. Would he accept his love? Or would he leave because Marco made things worse?

The next day, Marco felt more comfortable with his feelings. More confident. He didn't need others' thoughts, only Whitebeard's feelings were important to him. And if his father accepted, there was no other things needed. He wanted to talk to Ace as soon as possible. And after the talk with Whitebeard, the phoenix couldn't stay calm anymore. It wanted to embrace Ace, feel his skin, touch him, and make new fires. Marco would love to do that, but it's still early. He still isn't sure if Ace does feel the same. If yes, Marco was sure that he would fly up to the space from happiness. He tried to find the best time to tell Ace that he loved him, and weeks have passed since that. He's still trying, and from day to day the phoenix is getting less calmer. It gets a lot of self control to keep the phoenix calm inside and not go berserk, kind of. Because Marco was sure that if he let the phoenix act up, it would go insane and wouldn't calm down without Ace. Well, that's another case. He wouldn't let that happen. Marco's been trying to get closer and closer to Ace, and it seems like it's working. Ace and Marco became quite good friends. And although Marco wanted more, he would wait. There was no need to rush, and rushing would make things worse.

"Yo, Marco!" Hearing Ace's sweet voice, Marco broke the chain of thoughts and turned behind to see Ace smiling brightly at him. Smiling back, he said,

"Hey, Ace. How are you, yoi?" Ace went to sit by his side on the railings. They were watching the sea, cool wind gently blowing their hair from time to time.

"Eh, same as always. You?" Ace answered.

"Good, yoi." They silently sat there for a while, before Marco spoke again. "Ace? Can I ask a question?" He asked, turning his head towards Ace.

"You already asked, silly Marco." Ace laughed at him. Marco felt his heart skip a beat at his laugh. It was so beautiful.. "But, yeah, do ask another one." He continued.

"Do you have a lover? Or someone you love, yoi?" Marco wondered, never breaking his gaze with Ace. Ace's eyes widened a slight bit, and Marco saw a little blush on his face. The young pirate avoided his gaze, and took a deep breath.

"I-I'm not sure if I do love them.." He said. Marco's eyes widened, and he quickly got his emotions in control, turning to his normal, almost bored face. Good thing Ace want looking this way, but... Ace loved someone? Marco didn't have a chance from the start, huh?

"If I may, who is it, yoi?" He asked, perfectly balancing his tone with a bit of interest. He wouldn't let his emotions take over the best of him. Right now, to everyone else he seemed to be his stoic self. But on the inside, he was crushing. He felt like drowning, and for a devil fruit user, drowning was worse when you actually know how to swim but just can't. Ace was silent, before he shook his head. Marco would understand, though. It wasn't like they had to share everything just because he became one of them. Most of the crew, including Marco himself, won't even talk about their pasts. It's not like Marco was hiding it, he didn't like bringing it up. So, it's understandable for Ace, and considering that he was the newest member, he was quite friendly. Ace actually became more confident, more himself after accepting to become one of them. So, they wouldn't push. Marco would wait. But, now he knew not to get his hopes up. He encarved Ace's words in his heart, although it was broken into pieces.
It was mid-day when their little talk happened, and now that it was night time, Marco could break down. Everyone was asleep other than those on watch, and the commander room besides him has been empty for a long while now. So, he broke down that night. Crying silently, he felt so sad that day. And after that, for the next few weeks, Marco wasn't himself. Everyone on the crew noticed his change in behavior, and it seemed that the first commander was going through a really hard time when nothing of his perfect facade was left. Ace felt guilt over that, even though he didn't lnow why. Marco was working more, sleeping late and waking up early, most of the times skipping meals. Of course his brothers who were closest to him tried to help him, but none could help. Ace tried, too, hell, even their captain couldn't talk with Marco without Marco just 'hmm'ing and not listening. They tried to get Marco to sleep, which worked, thankfully. So now he was getting enough sleep with the help of Whitebeard and some of the nurses. He would sleep in Whitebeard's room mostly, since he refused to go back to his room for some reason. They never checked Marco's room to not invade his privacy, but one day Pops wanted the 16th commander, Izo- one of the most trusted commanders with secrets to go and see Marco's room while he was asleep. Izo didn't meed to be told to shut his mouth up about whatever he saw there, and only talk to the captain about it. He was very strict and careful with other's secrets.

So, Izo went to Marco's room smoothly. He was the best to snitch around. Going inside Marco's room, he was surprised to be met with a complete mess. Marco was a neat man, never this messy. It was confusing for him. Going through things neatly, Izo looked for more things that were worth of looking into. He found many cramped papers in the bin, and scattered on the desk. He unscrambled one of them, and read even though it was hard due to being scrambled harshly.

'He is the world. The sun. The moon. The universe and everything nice. He is the one. But he's so far away. You can't reach him.
-Don't let it loose.. The fire will burn everything and everyone.'

Izo stared at the paper for a good minute, feeling uneasy and having secondary thoughts about going further. Part of him felt guilty and ashamed of doing this without Marco's agreement, part of him wanted to see more and go into the debts of this situation, whatever it is. What was this about? Did he mean his devil fruit with the fire? If then, why would it even burn everything? And, who was Marco talking about? It felt like Marco was desperately in love, well, and he really was. What made this even more suspicious was when Izo found some pictures of Ace. Two wanted posters, and a photo that looked like it was taken secretly. In the photo, Ace was chatting with Thatch with a big smile on. Not gonna lie, he looked quite cute there. But back to the course, why in the sake of Pops would Marco have Ace's pictures? Well, Izo was a smart man. He of course eventually came to the conclusion that Marco was desperately in love with Ace. And with the looks of it, he was having doubts. Deep and dark thoughts. He looked around once more, and saw nothing more of interest that could work as evidence. Sighing, Izo told himself that this was enough and put everything back in place, even though the room was messy enough that Marco won't even realize some things were out of 'place', also giving the state he was in. He was probably still sleeping. Izo swiftly and without any problems went out of Marco's room and went to Whitebeard's. Going in, he saw that Marco was awake, looking somewhat more like Marco. He gave a nod to Whitebeard, who narrowed his eyes and looked at Marco.

"Izo?" Marco wondered once he saw the other commanders. Izo smiled at him and said hi.

"How are you feeling, Marco?" He asked, not bringing up anything from what he saw and came in conclusion of. Marco debated for a moment, thinking of how to answer.

"I feel better than before, I think. Can I leave now, Pops-yoi?" He turned to Whitebeard after answering Izo. Whitebeard nodded with a small smile on, and Marco left the room. Probably to go and do more work. Izo sighed once he left, and glanced at Whitebeard who gave him a worried look.

"Well, things don't look quite good, Pops. I- uh, think he's in love. With Ace. Saw photos of him. Scrambled papers all over the place. Quite messy. So unlike him." Izo explained the situation to Whitebeard, who nodded and thought about it. Izo didn't have any doubt or double thought when he told what he saw to Whitebeard. He was their father, and he was very concerned about Marco, as well as the others. Whitebeard nodded and huffed.

"I know. He told me about it a while ago, but it seems he has some trouble. Maybe he's afraid of Ace's answer. Maybe the crew's thoughts." He said softly, greatly worried about his first son. Izo scowled at the last sentence, he could understand Ace, but why the crew?

"He knows that no one would have any problems, right? This is stupid. Stupid Marco." Izo scowled at Marco, and Whitebeard chuckled at him. He was like more of a big brother than Marco. "Can me and some of us play cupid on them?" Izo then asked with a smirk on, and Whitebeard laughed at him.

"You cheeky brats. Do as you wish, but do not make them upset about it. I don't want any word spreading around about them. More so for Marco. Have people you trust and can keep their mouth shut with you to be a cupid." Whitebeard said sternly, putting the jokes aside. Izo nodded, and promised he would. He was so happy to be playing the cupid. And he would surely make up Ace and Marco's relationship for them. Although the 16th commander didn't have anyone he had settled to love and be with, he had been in many relationships over the time. And, among the crew, he was probably the most knowledged one about love. And he loved making the ones who obviously love each other make up.

The next day, Izo started his plans and gathered some people he trusted. Someone from his division that he was sure would be a lot of help- Risu. And the others were commanders, being Namur, Haruta and Curiel. He would've asked Thatch too if he wasn't so chatty and would give awah their plan. And Thatch would be a big help, too. So, be would probably ask Thatch for help. But won't give away any information of why. The plan was simple. Very simple, and didn't really have any bad come-outs other than Ace rejecting Marco's feelings. The ship was going to stop at a nice island in a few days, and it was a big plus that Izo, Risu and Curiel themselves knew of the island. Risu being the most knowledged one, since she grew up on that island. She said that the island had a very nice mountains filled with caves up to its top. The islanders never really used those mountains, given the fact that the forest below was filled with wild animals. Bigger than normal (probably as big as those on Dawn) and very hungry, grumpy animals. So,the caves would be nice to use. They decided to use the one little cave on top of the mountain. It had a nice clear area on top, in the entrance of the cave. It wasn't really wide there, but totally enough room to make a nice table for two people. They were doing that. A nice, romantic dinner table for the two. Before the island, Curiel made sure that Marco got enough sleep and food to survive till that. And to not look like a dead person alive. He was asked to help him with his health by Izo, so that was his job. Namur and Haruta would work with the cave's design. Namur was strong, and also he could get them nice things from the sea below that could work as decorations. Haruta wouldn't get any suspicious looks when talking with Ace about getting on the island and just exploring around, since he was one of the closest people to Ace. So, Haruta would be the one to get Ace on top, ready for his surprise date. Izo would try and somehow get Marco. Namur, Risu and Cueiel would do the decorations, with Izo's help, of course. And for the food, Izo exclusively asked Thatch to make some. And he also put more effort for Thatch to not ask any questions, and to not tell anyone. He promised Thatch a few pairs of clothes for him and also whatever this is all about, to tell him when it ended. So, the food would be also ready for the date. It was for Curiel to get the food up to the mountain, since Haruta and Izo would be leading Marco and Ace, and Risu and Namur would be at the bottom keeping anyone and anything from going up. Namur would join him after. They were put to work after declaring the plan was on course. Secretly and swiftly they were making the plan work. It was going perfect for them. Ace agreed to explore with Haruta. Marco just groaned something and Izo accepted that as a yes. Though, Marco was really looking better with Curiel's help.

So, when they reached the island, they all went to the mountain to take a better look and see what they can do. Since the first day on any island would be spent of getting needed supplies, they weren't worried of not making it in time. They were going to ready it for tomorrow night. By the next day, most things were done. The decorations and table were set nicely. What was left was to get Ace and Marco up there and let the surprise date begin. And also Curiel thought of something to remember this day if things did work out, which they hoped would. Izo liked the idea so they got two necklaces- one red, one blue. It probably wouldn't mean much, since it was nothing of that special, and no one really knew or tried guessing what the two would call each other. So, a blue and a red necklace would be nice enough.
When it was near dinner time, Haruta and Izo went to get the two. Haruta went first, excusing himself and Ace out of the conversation between their other brothers. Ace went with Haruta, as he was eager to go to the foresg when he heard there were big anims there. It reminded him of home, so he would enjoy being there. After Haruta left with Ace, Izo went up to Marco and told him that they could go now, and said sorry for taking long using the excuse of having some wokrs to do with his division. Marco said it was nothing, and went with Izo as he 'promised'. More like just waved Izo off at that moment. The plan was going smoothly, the other pirates were happy about it. Namur, Curiel and Risu made sure they weren't seen down in the mountain guardian it. Haruta was going up the mountain with Ace, and half way through he told Ace to go and explore on his own because apparently 'he found an interesting plant to inspect with Curiel's pointing'. Ace frowned at him but agreed to go alone as he wanted to see the view up ahead. So, he went on while Haruta got off the mountain, joining Namur and Risu. Izo smoothly asked Marco to go and check of there was anything to see of interest, excusing himself of being kind of tired because he hped the division earlier. Marco didn't really suspect anything odd, and went with it. At first he was climbing, but then got tired of it and turned into phoenix form, flying up there. The moment Marco flew off, Izo let himself jump off the mountain, elegantly landing down and joining the others. They were smirking and grinning happily, but surely it looked creepy for others to see. And, they couldn't care less about that.

When Ace reached the top, he was so surprised and confused. There was a cute, little table near the edge of the little area. The cave was decorated with lots of flowers, flower petals, cute lanterns that gave off little light and a red carpet was beneath the table. The table had two plates, a cute 3-headed candle that wasn't lit and a tray of food was placed on a 3rd chair. He went to the table, and saw there was a note that said 'read after talk'. Ace didn't understand it, and continued on inspecting. And then he saw a little black box that had 'open when you agree' written on it. Ace didn't understand again, but he assumed that there was going to be another person. And just then, Marco came and landed on the edge, changing back into human form. His eyes widened when he saw the decorations, and Ace. Ace looked away, and Marco cursed under his breath. It was probably all Izo's doing, he thought. He went to Ace, and stood by the table.

"Hi, Ace." He greeted in a low tone.

"Hey." Ace said, turning his head to Marco. He looked.. sad. "It has been a while since we spoke normally, y'know." He said, making Marco flinch. Well, that was true, and it was Marco's fault.

"I'm sorry, Ace, yoi. I.." Marco looked down, biting his lip. Shit, how is he going to explain? Surely this is because Izo found out his love for Ace and wanted to play the cupid again, right? Marco had to be strong and tell the truth. There won't be a second time for this now. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Ace with a sad smile.

"Can I tell you everything? Of why I haven't talked to you or others, why I have been acting weird, yoi?" Marco asked hesitantly.

"Of course, Marco. P-please tell so. I really want to know, and I'm sorry if I broke your heart. You isolated yourself after our last talk. I'm sorry, Marco." Ace apologized, even though he didn't know why he was apologizing. He was sincere, though. Marco's gaze softened and he let out a sigh, shaking his head.

"No, yoi. I should be apologizing, not you. I'm sorry for that, yoi. It's just that.. Ace, yoi.. Y-you're really everything for me. Everything nice and beautiful. I can't take my eyes off of your smile, yoi." Ace's eyes widenes as Marco spoke. He was getting closer and closer to Ace while speaking, and he finally hold Ace's hand with one of his, while his other hand cupped Ace's cheek, softly caressing it.

"I really love you a lot, Ace." He said lasty, his phoenix going wild and flaming up his hands. Instantly and instinctively, Ace's fires reacted to Marco's. His cheek and hand was on fire, Ace's red fires dancing with Marco's blue fires. Marco smiled softly, Ace returning the smile. He breathed in, and looked up at Marco.

"I have been dreaming for forever for you to say that, y'know. Silly Marco. I love you too." He said with a gentle smile, eyes shining as Marco's and his own fires shined through the darkening sky. Marco's eyes widened, and his soft smile turned into a wide grin. He then smashed his lips on Ace's, making him yelp in shock. But soon, Ace melted into the kiss and responded quickly. They were so happy. Marco's phoenix was also so happy. Well, too happy that Marco literally burst into blue flames because of the phoenix. But, they were happy that Ace didn't mind it and Ace's own flames reacted by him too bursting into red fires. There, their fires danced together and emerged, creating a unique, purple fire. They broke the kiss and stared into each other's eyes, smiling brightly. Marco cupped Ace's cheeks and caressed them, the now only and purple fire playing along with Marco's touchs. Marco smiled fondly at the fire. He looked at Ace, and with a smile on, he said,

"Look, Ace. It's our fire, yoi. No one's. Only ours." Ace chuckled, and agreed.

"Yeah. It's indeed our fire."

The two enjoyed that night. They ate the food that Thatch had cooked, and after eating they decided to look at the notes. Firstly, they opened the one saying 'read after talk'. It said:

We hope everything goes well fpr you two! And also hole that you liked our surprise :) Please do talk throughoutly about everything. We don't want any misunderstandings, y'know. Tell us about it if you want! We'll be down, guarding the mountain.
~ Izo, Risu, Curiel, Haruta, Namur (Thatch for food, Pops for his agreement)

Marco chucked after reading it. He owed all of them for doing this, and he would be thankful forever. They then looked at the box saying 'open when you agree'. They opened the box, and let a little gasp out when they saw the matching necklaces. A red necklace, and a blue one. Ace took the blue one and Marco took the red. They both put it on, and smiled at it, then at each other. Blushing, Ace looked away and Marco chuckled softly, the phoenix inside cooing softly. Marco got up and went to Ace's side, gently raising his chin with one hand and leaning in to kiss him. Ace happily kissed back, smiling through the impact. They were both happy with each other, and would forever be thankful to their brothers.

Once the two got down, with Ace on Marco's back and Marco flying them down in his phoenix form, they saw the pirates still waiting there. Risu and Haruta were sleeping, while Izo, Curiel and Namur continued the guarding. Izo's face lit up the very moment he saw Marco and Ace. The two landed besides them, and Marco changed into human. Izo gasped when he saw the necklaces on, and he started crying.

"Oh my Pops! You two look so cute together, my dears!" He shouted, making the two laugh at him and the sleeping duo wake up. They all congratulated them, and Ace and Marco thanked the five for everything they had done.

"It's no problem, really. We enjoyed while doing this, and are happy that you two are together." Curiel said, the others agreeing.

The next day, Marco and Ace agreed on telling everyone about their new relationship, and hope no one would shun them. They were sure most of their brothers won't have any problems and Whitebeard would be happy on the development. So, by the time it was breakfast and everyone was present, Marco stood up and went to Whitebeard's side with Ace following behind, gathering everyone's attention, also some smirks from those that know. Whitebeard looked at the two with a knowing look, and seemingly overjoyed inside. Marco smiled a soft, rare smile and happily announced Ace being his forever.

"I apologize for cutting down your meal, yoi, but I wanted to announce something special." He started, and everyone was now listening attentively, very interested in whatever the first commander was going to say. But, he instead turned his head to Ace and got closer to him, pulling him by his wrist to his side. Marco then smashed his lips on Ace's, and smirked when Ace yelped at the sudden move. The others were all dumbfounded, some let out audible (and inaudible) gasps and some just looked with wide eyes. The captain, however, laughed heartly and got up in front of the new couple,who looked at him with smiles on. He raised his cup of sake that he was told to not drink.

"I want to cheer for our new and first couple on board," He said, and drank the sake in one big gulp. The others cheered loudly, and happily for Ace and Marco. Some went up to them and congratulated the two, saying they were cute together. Ace blushed mostly, and they thanked everyone for everything.

That night, they had a huge feast with Ace and Marco being the center of attention. After the feast, the two slept in Marco's room, now being their room. They were happy to be together, even though some things were going fast. They really enjoyed it when their fires merged into one, unique fire. And were happily calling it 'our fire'. The phoenix, too, was overjoyed. Always cooing when Ace did something adorable or looked cute, wanting to be by his side everytime and never leave him alone. Well, overall, they were perfect for each other..

The end of "Our Fire"

Thanks for reading! ~♡

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