Rue | Klaus Mikaelson

By SprintingFox

229K 7.1K 2.7K

Despite knowing what she was in for, she made a choice to help the Crescent Wolf Pack, believing that it coul... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Final Author's Note

Chapter 15

6K 218 67
By SprintingFox

Freya invited her to do yoga.

The next several days passed without any news about Lucien. Elijah had stopped Klaus from killing him because of an apparent weapon he was supposedly in possession of. This news had come to him from Tristan de Martel, his first sireling, who now resided in New Orleans along with ancient vampires of an organization (cult, in Ibeth's mind) Elijah had founded known as The Strix.

"You're very tense," said Freya after Ibeth returned from taking Nick to school. "Come on. Let's do some yoga."

"And that'll fix all my problems?" muttered Ibeth half-heartedly.

"It won't, but it'll bring you some peace. Come on... take a break from the intense training and join me for something more calming."

Ibeth relented. She followed Freya into the upstairs study, and mimicked her as she laid out a yoga mat, beginning to stretch. Unfortunately for Ibeth, she wasn't as flexible as Freya and also not as good at keeping her balance. She managed, little by little, to imitate her as best as she could. For a moment, she was relaxed.

Then Klaus walked in.

"What are you doing here?" he asked when he saw them cross-legged on the floor.

Freya opened an eye to glare at him. "We live here?"

He sighed. "Yes, obviously. I just hadn't realized you were back from wherever it is you go to when you leave! Perhaps I was thrown off by the lack of strange gentleman callers perusing the contents of my refrigerator this morning."

Freya smirked. "Your concern for my whereabouts is touching. But we are simply doing yoga. And it would be best if you did not interrupt us."

Klaus glanced at Ibeth, who was doing her best not to look at him. "I simply want to know who is here at any given moment! I hardly think that's too much to ask."

"Well, as long as we're taking attendance," said Hayley as she walked in with Elijah following behind.

"Oh, good!" said Klaus mockingly. "It's my not-so-loving older brother and my former one-night-stand! What a nice, normal family gathering."

"Would be normal if you weren't here," said Ibeth under her breath.

Hayley quickly drew the attention back to her. "So, that Tristan guy you were telling us about? He's inviting people to parties now."

Elijah held up a small card. "He's invited me to The Strix Gala. Tonight."

"Well, you will not attend," said Klaus. "I had in mind to give that seer of Lucien's another go. The witch claims her visions are constantly evolving."

Hayley smiled. "Well, I want to meet this psychic witch." She faced Elijah. "Tonight."

Ibeth assumed she was implying attending The Strix Gala with him. Though, she had no clue what that had to do with the prophetic witch considering she was with Lucien and not with Tristan. She chose not to voice her confusions. "Well," she said, getting to her feet, "I'm off to go see my friends again."

"And what of our Pack?" said Klaus sharply as she made to leave. "You've spent more time with your friends the past days than with them."

"Don't be talking to me about time spent with them. I train with them every day, I drive to the Bayou every day to check on the children we were taking care of. If I need a second to go see my friends then there is nothing wrong with that. You don't even talk to the wolves at all. I'd go and socialize if I were you, instead of chastising me."

Klaus bit his tongue hard to hold back a comment. Ibeth walked away triumphantly.

Cami informed her of a festival taking place out in the streets in front of Rousseau's. Currently, the bar was packed, but Ibeth didn't mind. She made her way there and sat at her usual booth after ordering herself some onion rings and a drink. Cami was far too busy to sit with her at the moment, but Ibeth expected she'd be able to chat in awhile.

"Hello, love."

The phrase sent a chill down her spine because she feared Klaus had followed her there. Instead, Lucien plopped down on the other side of the booth.

"You're a day drinker, too?" she asked, noting the glass of bourbon in his hand. "Nice."

"Always," he said. "Though, I'm surprised you're drinking at all. I couldn't help but overhear the other day at the station about a potential child..."

She looked right into his eyes as she took a sip of her tequila. "Nothing confirmed. And I don't think alcohol would damage a supernatural baby at all. Did you come here to criticize me?"

"Oh, heavens no," he said. "I could care less. I was observing the festival when I saw you through the window. I wanted to see how you were. To remind you that if you need anything, I am at your service."

"Forgive me, but I can't really trust that your intentions are pure considering we don't know each other and your witch is foretelling my family's doom."

"That's fair," he said with a shrug. "I don't blame you for being suspicious. You are right, we don't know each other. But I have been around for a millennia, love. And in that time I've witnessed a terrible amount of things... throughout history, husbands have abused their wives, and whenever I have been able to, I've put a stop to it. I despise it. Men and women alike not knowing how to treat their spouses. It irks me and I cannot stand seeing my old friend treating his wife in such a way. I refuse to let it happen. Which is why, I reiterate, should you need help or even a complete out... I will get you somewhere safe."

Her expression softened slightly. "I appreciate that. But I must stay where I am. For my Pack."

"I understand." He held out his hand, nodding to where several people were dancing within the bar. "Would you like to dance?"

She shook her head. "It's best we don't. Klaus has a habit of watching me while I'm at this place. He could turn up at any moment and just murder you. Honestly, us sitting here talking is dangerous enough."

"But we are simply talking. Would he really react so poorly?"

"Yes. He would. For both our sakes it's best we part ways. I appreciate you checking in."

"I'm not afraid of Nik. And if he has you feeling so nervous, I think it best I don't leave you alone."

Hesitantly, she allowed it. "Okay. Well, in that case, I want to know more about this prophecy and why you're here."

"If Nik dies, so will I. When I became aware of a threat to the Mikaelsons, I knew immediately I had to say something. For my sake and for the sake of the Originals."

"So... you intend to be fully cooperative, come what may?"

"Well, of course! I don't fancy being turned inside out. My whole reason for being here is to help Nik. He doesn't believe I am being honest. But why would I lie about such a thing?"

She hummed. "I overheard you had a cure for wolf venom and didn't fess up to it, or something. Maybe they don't trust you because you lied about a simple thing. This is much more serious."

"I did not think I had to disclose it."

"How did you even manage that, anyway? And what does your company actually do? There was an influx of poachers in the Bayou not long ago. I killed them all. And then I found out about you donating money for clean-up efforts out there."

"I intended to develop on that land, it would have been a good project. Obviously, I sensed the situation was unsafe when all my teams failed to report back. I have since abandoned that."

"Many of my wolves died out there."

"I had no idea they were stuck in wolf form. This is simply what my company does. When I settled here for the time being I figured I ought to complete a work project to keep busy. I promise you, no poachers will enter the Bayou again." He changed the subject slightly, "I have spent several lifetimes building a company devoted to shattering the very limits of what is possible. I have some of the most brilliant minds in the world developing technologies that you couldn't imagine. My resources are extensive, and because of it, I was able to use every scientific advantage to study my blood, and the blood of other sirelings from Nik's line. I isolated the common strains, and used it to reverse-engineer a cure."

"That sounds complicated," she said, nibbling on an onion ring. He invited himself to one off her plate, and she didn't stop him. "I didn't get to learn much science. After fifteen I was a wolf most of the month. Didn't give me much room to study anything."

"Would you like to? Go back to school, have a career?"

"I don't know. Being an Alpha is a full time job. And I have responsibilities caring for the younger members of my Pack. I guess we'll see in the future. If I become a hybrid and pass the leadership to someone else, I may consider it. I just need time."

"If you do ever return to school and wish to study something in the sciences, I could help you."

"You are very kind and generous," she said, mostly out of respect. She felt it was too good to be true that he kept offering his help. "But I imagine it wouldn't go down well with Klaus. You and I as study buddies sounds like it would end in murder."

"Let me ask you something, Ibeth. Have you ever wished you were stronger than him?"

"Well, of course," she said. "If I was stronger, I wouldn't be afraid at all. But I don't think it's reasonable to wish for something that'll never happen. What I really wish is that we could be like a normal, healthy married couple. I wish that he could be a decent person and treat me right. He simply doesn't. He makes the conscious choice to treat me like property. I wish his ego wasn't so fragile, I wish he wasn't so scared of showing people the good in him."

"In the vampire world, that is seen as weakness. If they were to think he is not as strong as he once was... it would not bode well for your family. Or for any of your wolves. It does not excuse his behavior in the slightest but I hope you can understand that he has been influenced over long periods of time to be cold and cruel. He suffered... immensely. In many eras, even when I knew him. It still affects how he views people, how he behaves in relationships."

"Yeah," she murmured. "I get that. It just sucks because things were going well for us, then it just took a random turn. It's unfair." She shook her head. "Sorry, I shouldn't be pouring all that out on you."

"It's quite alright. I do not mind listening." He placed his hand on hers. "You deserve better."

She was quick to withdraw her hand. "We shouldn't do that," she said quickly. "Look, I appreciate your kindness but I will not be unfaithful to my husband."

He raised a brow. "Even though he does not treat you like the queen you are? Ibeth, you are... strong. Beautiful. You command respect with your mere presence, and even more with your name and legacy. Any person would be blessed to have you as their wife. He obviously does not appreciate you, he does not respect you. What would be so wrong about allowing yourself to find someone you could truly be happy with? Royals did it often. They had their lovers to keep them sane. And maintained their marriage for the sake of alliances and appearances."

"That is not the case here," she said. "I won't put my Pack at risk of losing the blessing I helped give them when I married him. I am hardwired to be loyal and I have no desire to cheat. I would never be a cheater."

"Not even if he were unfaithful to you?"

"He wouldn't dare."

"But if he were?"

"I would still not cheat. I wouldn't do it to get revenge. It wouldn't make me any better."

"Does it not bother you that he still speaks with that lovely little bartender over there?"

"Sometimes. But she's my friend, and I know there's nothing going on between them. It bothers him when I speak to my friend Vincent. But that at least is therapy to keep me sane, as you say."

"The difference, love, is that you and Vincent have no romantic history. Nik and Cami do."

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "You can say anything you'd like about those two. Hell, you could confront me with video evidence that they slept together, you could confront me with video evidence that he told her he loves her and he hates me, and I still wouldn't cheat on him. He's my husband. And I swore vows when I married him. I honor that. I am sure you have many likable qualities and I appreciate your offers to protect me, but you will not find me ever slipping into your bed. I would appreciate it if you didn't insist any further."

"Forgive me, love," he said, staring down at the table. "I ought not have brought it up or been so forward. I simply hate seeing someone as wonderful as you stuck in such a horrid situation. I best take my leave now." He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small business card. From his jacket he brought out a pen, and wrote a number on the back. "Should you need anything... I am a phone call away. The offer will always stand." He smiled slightly before sliding out of the booth and exiting the bar.

By the time Ibeth returned to the Compound, everyone was gone. Freya had gone to see the festival and go bar hopping. Hayley was Elijah's plus-one to The Strix Gala. Klaus was gone, as per usual. Some of her wolves were in the Bayou, others had gathered for an impromptu movie night in the ballroom.

"Ibeth!" said Nick, the only one who came to greet her. "Hope is with us, Hayley asked if we'd watch her. But I think she needs to go to bed."

"Let's take her, then," said Ibeth, going to retrieve Hope from Kurt, then carrying her up to the nursery. Nick trailed behind her. "How was school today?"

He shrugged. "Not really fun. I had a math test and then in P.E. they made us run the mile. But I finished my homework early."

"Good." She put her arm around him and kissed his temple. "What do you say we do something fun, you and I? Maybe we could make some cinnamon rolls."

"What about Hope?"

"I'll get the portable bed right now. She can sleep in the dining room, and we'll keep an eye on her."

Hope yawned, leaning onto Ibeth's shoulder as she heard this. "That's right, princess," said Ibeth, rubbing her back. "You'll get to join us while we bake. Does that sound fun?"

She gurgled in response. "Yes, it does," whispered Ibeth.

Nick carried the portable bed downstairs. Ibeth laid Hope down, tucking her in and kissing her forehead before going into the kitchen with Nick. They brought out all the ingredients to make the cinnamon rolls, then began to bake.

"What happened between you and Klaus?" asked Nick quietly while they let the dough sit. "One minute you guys were happy the next... I heard you guys yelling at each other."

Ibeth half-smiled. "Well, he didn't tell me something very important and it upset me greatly. It's not fair for me to not know about big things that happen, considering I have duties to protect this Pack and this family. He's not a team player and it really irritates me."

"You can tell me the truth, you know. Everyone's been talking about it. How you and Klaus are gonna have a baby."

She frowned. "Where did you hear that?"

"The other wolves, they said they heard Hayley and Freya talking about a baby. And they could tell it wasn't related to Hope. Are you pregnant?"

She shook her head. "Not that I know of. And I won't find out for a while if I am or am not. So far, nothing. I... have a way to make it not be a thing if I don't want it to be. I just can't bring myself to. It's a really hard choice."

He nodded. "Yeah. Just know we're all on your side. And we all worry about you. All the wolves, they hate it when they hear Klaus being mean to you. It's the real reason they want Jackson or someone else to be Alpha instead. So that you can divorce him and not feel bad about it."

"I'm not divorcing him," she said. "I stand by my reasons for marrying him. I did this for the Pack. I wish they'd see that instead of always thinking about replacing me."

"I'm sorry, Ibeth," said Nick quietly. "For everything that's happening to you."

"You have nothing to apologize for, sweet boy. Everything will be okay in time. I will keep you all safe. That's all that matters."

"And who's going to keep you safe?"

"I have people looking out for me. Elijah and Freya would never let Klaus hurt me."

"But he has hurt you. And they haven't done anything about it."

"Any extreme measures wouldn't go down well. Nick... please don't worry."

"I do worry. I want you to be happy and you're not happy right now. You're miserable, I can see it. You should be with someone who makes you happy, not with him."

"He made me happy for a while," she admitted. "Things just fell apart. I hope it can go back to the way it was even just a week ago."

"Do you love him?"

"No. But I do care for him. Just as much as I often hate him. He has his moments. I just wish he didn't try and make people think the worst of him all the time."

Their cinnamon rolls came out just as fluffy as they intended them to. They finished half of the tray happily, whispering to each other to keep Hope from waking up. At one point, she did stir, and Ibeth laid her on her chest for a good while until she calmed down.

Past midnight when she was cleaning the kitchen after Nick had gone to bed, she heard the Mikaelsons come back home. Eavesdropping, she learned about Marcel apparently joining The Strix and nearly dying of a wolf bite. Klaus and Lucien had apparently gotten drunk and crashed the event. And then, she listened as Lucien's witch, Alexis, died in his arms right in the courtyard.

She was startled when Lucien suddenly stormed into the kitchen, covering his face as if to conceal tears. "Lucien," she said quietly, to alert him of her presence.

He looked more startled than her. "Ibeth, forgive me, I just— I needed a moment."

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I-I don't even know what else to say."

"You needn't say anything. It— it isn't your fault."

Ibeth awkwardly remained rooted to the spot as Lucien tried to stifle angry sobs. She slowly pushed the tray of cinnamon rolls closer to him, trying to figure out how this Alexis lady had been poisoned. From what she gathered, she had ended up being at The Strix Gala, somehow. Surely someone there had slipped her something to keep her from talking about whatever she witnessed there. At least, that was the only theory that made sense to her. The way Lucien was crying reminded her of her own grief when she lost Aiden. This felt too genuine. He couldn't have had anything to do with her death... right?

Lucien reached back for a cinnamon roll. "Forgive me," he said again, drying his eyes. "I ought to compose myself."

"Please do not feel bad at all, Lucien, I am not judging you at all. Please don't ask for forgiveness for showing emotion. It's not a bad thing. It doesn't make you weak. I think the weak ones are those who pretend they feel nothing at all. Because they can't even be honest with themselves about what stirs them. They can't even confront natural emotions. That's weakness to me. Not this. This... this is a strength. To be able to care about another person. To grieve them. It is a terrible thing to lose a loved one and no one should ever be shamed for crying when they are gone."

Lucien seemed like he was going to respond, but kept his mouth shut as Elijah entered the room to make sure all was well. "Ibeth," he said calmly, nodding to the wolf. "You're still awake."

"Yeah," she said. "I was baking with Nick. Sorry, I'll go upstairs—"

"Nonsense, you are welcome to stay."

"I will get going," said Lucien hastily. "Good night." By the time Ibeth finished cleaning and went into the courtyard, Lucien was gone, and so was Alexis's body.

"I have no idea who could have poisoned her," murmured Hayley as they told Ibeth what'd happened, all of which she'd understood just from listening in on their conversation. "It could be Lucien, Tristan... anyone at that party."

"What can I do to help?" asked Ibeth. "Surely there's somewhere I can search. My wolves and I could try to find something. The sooner this is all resolved, the better. This is just going to continue getting more complicated."

"What we need," mused Freya, "is to find this weapon Lucien supposedly has. We no longer have access to the witch who could inform us more about the prophecy. But we do know there is a weapon at play... and we must retrieve it. If it is supposedly capable of killing you all..."

"If Lucien does indeed have it," said Elijah, "he will not relinquish it willingly."

"If he truly is seeking to help this family, he will," said Ibeth. "We just have to ask him nicely."

Hayley snorted, knowing neither Klaus nor Eljiah was going to be nice enough for that. "I don't see that managing to happen."

"Then let me try."

Klaus snapped his head in her direction. "And why would you try?"

"Lucien offered to help me. I can say I need help. That it would put me greatly at ease if I had more information about this weapon. He might give it to me."

"Or he may very well murder you!" snapped Klaus. "Are you really going to be foolish enough to believe he'd assist you in any way?"

"It's worth a try! Nobody else is offering any solutions. I can talk to him and ask him about it."

"I do not want you going anywhere near him," sneered Klaus. "That is an order."

"Don't be giving me orders you selfish, abusive asshole. You don't get to boss me around. I will do whatever I damn well please when it comes to protecting this family and my wolves! You do whatever you see fit to 'protect' us without ever checking in. I see no reason why I should be stopped."

Elijah intervened just as Klaus made to retaliate, "Niklaus. She is right. I believe if anyone could convince Lucien to relinquish a weapon, it will be her."

Klaus glared at him. "You'd have me allow my wife to walk into another man's home, alone, to ask this of him? He will either kill her or take advantage of her." He glanced at Ibeth, and she knew that he was actually thinking.

"Perhaps," said Elijah flatly, "if you did not intentionally leave your wife fearing for her safety and feeling miserable in her own home, you would not immediately assume that she will find comfort in someone who does not treat her in such a way."

Had anyone else spoken to Klaus that way about Ibeth— even Ibeth herself— they'd be dead. Hayley and Freya both looked away in shock. Ibeth's face merely reddened.

"Thank you, Elijah," said Ibeth in a small voice. "I will go and see him tomorrow."

Klaus let out an aggravated huff and stormed away.

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