Missing Piece

By xxAiri

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Bounty hunter, "Bloody Boa" Charlotte, has perfect track record. How she manages to keep a 100% catch rate is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 29

212 11 2
By xxAiri

"Mommy! Mommy! Did you see that?" A small girl with short lavender locks shouted, pulling herself out of the waters and running towards her mother with open arms. A smile spread through her face as soft hand landed on her head, pulling her into a hug.

"Of course, honey, but let's get you dry first." She cooed, kissing the crown of her head while rubbing a towel all over her hair. "That was amazing."

"Do you think I can swim with the fishes one day?" The little girl questioned, her platinum eyes wide and round with innocence. The shine in them just like a jewel.

"Mhm..." She promised. Though it was a small lie, she wouldn't be surprised if her daughter did. She was always so bold and so strong willed. Not to mention she was talented at swimming and her strokes were only getting stronger with each swim. "I know you can, Latte."

Charlotte's eyes snapped open, and she jerked up immediately, gasping for air. She could hear voices and her Haki was telling her that people were coming towards her, but her mind was frozen. Latte, Sweetie! Tears bubbled in her eyes and the world grew blurry. Charlotte curled into herself, gripping at the fabric around the square hole in her chest. Never did she think that something she didn't have anymore would ache this much.

A hand pressed against Charlotte's arm and the huntress flinched, jolting to the side when she felt warmth where she should have only felt pressure. Worried dark purple eyes stared back at her lighter platinum purple ones and Charlotte realized then that she didn't recognize where she had woken up in.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking around her. Barrels of grog and bottles of wine lined the back walls while props of differing themes piled off to the side against another wall. Charlotte figured her new attire probably belonged to one of the themes. Her usual clothes swapped out with a deep v-neck vest that was held together at the front by one silver button. She tugged on the collar, pulling it over the edge of white gauze that covered the hole in her chest. "And who are you fishmen?" She asked, voice lit with promised danger and eyes cautious. Who changed me? Her gloves and weapon were missing.

"S-she's awake!" A pufferfish fishman cried dramatically, voice much higher than Charlotte would have thought given his muscular physique. "I'll go get Master Baako!" He sauntered away quickly.

Baako? Charlotte's eyes widened at the familiar name. The bed she was sitting on gave way as another fishmen sat next to her. "You're in the back room of Master's bar." The other explained and blew a smoke ring at Charlotte's face. She coughed, shooting the other a mean look. "You're quite lucky that Master saw you and that boy when he did." Boy? The Old Fart! Charlotte realized just as the door opened again.

"Calm yourself, my Dearie. I'm the one who changed you so stop hypothesizing how you'll kill everyone here." A shrill voice droned causally as if he wasn't talking about the death of his employees. The others peeled back from the girl immediately at the words, heads snapping to her in horror and disbelief. She was really thinking that?! Charlotte 'tsked' at being called out. She's not denying it!! Though her expression changed completely as she turned towards the entrance where the voice was coming from.

Laughter filled the room as Charlotte pounded against the mattress, unable to catch her breath. Every time she tried, she'd look up and see that ridiculous outfit and the more than pissed off face and burst into laughter again. "A-ah... haha...ha... ouch... my stomach hurts. Oh God, stop... Just sto—ppffh! AHAHAHHAHA. Y-You look... you look—pfft... so... stupid! Ahahhaha!" Charlotte sputtered, clutching at her stomach with one hand while rolling around the bed.

"SHUT UP! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" Cole shouted, pointing a long-manicured nail at the girl rolling on the bed. She stared at the finger and burst into laughter again. She didn't expect for him to be dressed up in drag.

Charlotte sucked in air, breaths raspy and wavering as she tried to calm herself. Her cheeks puffed and Cole swore to hurt her if she dares to laugh again. "W-Why?" She managed to squeak out before slamming her hands over her lips, stifling another laugh.

"It's for all the trouble of having to rescue your sweet ass." Baako interjected, punctuating the last bit with a dramatic flair of his wrist as he walked around the newbie drag blocking the entrance to his storage room. He slipped past Cole with a little too much grace and elegance for a man his size. He yanked the blanket covering Charlotte's lower half off suddenly, letting the quilt fly into the air to land on one of the other fishmen's face. "Or should I say sweet tail?" He dropped his large hands next on either side of her blue fishtail. "Tell me mon Cherie, when did you become a mermaid? Last we've met I was sure you had legs."

Slit silver eyes bore into hers and Charlotte stiffened at his glare. "Which sea witch did you find to trade your legs in for a tail?" Her eyes dropped towards the large hand ghosting over her tail, the size of it easily enveloping the entire width of her tail and suddenly Charlotte wished she still had legs to kick at him should he decide to close his grip over her. The image of how easily she could be thrown around with a fishtail clear in her mind and her muscles felt twitchy.

He pulled back suddenly, hand clasping the edge of his tiny sharp chin in thought. "Or was it the sea witch that gives mermaids human legs? I think that was how the story went." His turned to Charlotte again, watching her from the corner of his eyes a bit more before the hardened gaze soften. "Not that any of those matters. How have you been? It's been ages since I last saw you?"

He paused slightly, giving Charlotte a big expecting smile. As soon as her mouth opened, he was speaking again, answering himself. "Well, I hope, and busy as far as I can tell. You were all over the news a while back, building yourself a record with your constant catches. Though you went off the grid ever since you asked me about that target—what's his name? Gosh, uh, it was that doctor fellow! Uh, Roo? Law! Trafalgar Law of the Heart Pirates! You were quiet ever since you asked for his details and then, BAM! Next thing I know, you're a part of them? What?!"

Charlotte's eyes flashed towards the Heart Pirate in the back of the room. Cautious and curious as how he's talking in the slew of new information that would have never come to light it wasn't for Baako and his big mouth. Always the chatterbox... Charlotte groaned mentally, not surprised when Baako continued.

"Are you quitting the hunting business?" He gasped dramatically, faking a rolling faint across Charlotte's lap. He peeked up at her expression, lips twitching upwards at the annoyance she couldn't quite hide. He was heavy after all. "Hunting isn't very ladylike, you know?" He pushed, grinning when Charlotte's lips twitched even more.

He waited—truly waited—this time, allowing her a chance to retort, watching as her lips split open, lips shaping to form out words but another voice, one that mismatch that of someone with Charlotte's appearance filled the room instead.

"Oi, what did you said just now? You're the one who gave this Stalker Lady information on Captain?" Cole interrupted. Voice thick with threat. The frilly headpiece he was wearing crushed in one hand and the other ghosting the guns strapped to his exposed thighs.

Charlotte had a moment to appreciate the detail in his drag outfit. The man was dedicated, even going as far as to dress up his modified guns to match the outfit. Knowing Cole, he wanted to keep his weapons with him and knowing Baako, he probably allowed it to add a flair of danger to the Old Man's get-up. "I wouldn't do that." Charlotte sighed as Cole raised the rifle towards Baako and her. His other gun immediately cocked and pointed towards the other fishmen ready to jump to the bald squid fishman's aid. Not that he needed any.

As if to prove her point, Baako straightened to his full towering height, and blocking Charlotte out of harm's way in the process. Cole flinched. The man was easily double his size and then some. The white dress shirt he wore looked choked trying to contain his his chiseled pecs and four bulging biceps. "What do you think you can do with such a tiny gun?" He mocked, unimpressed, and Cole growled, "You want to find out?"

Charlotte turned to the other fishmen who had calmed down upon seeing Baako's reaction. If Baako was here, then that means this was a bar of some sort. "Can I have something to drink? Non-alcoholic please." She ordered just as a gunshot went off.

The bullet imploded upon impact as it touched Baako's long earlobes resting against his left pectoral. "That itches." Baako stated matter-of-factly and with a controlled flick of his earlobe, it ricocheted back, piercing the wall next to Cole's face faster than the boy could react. The skin around where the bullet touched remained black for a second more returning to normal.

"H-How?" Cole stuttered, faltering back slightly in shock.

"Armament Haki." A fishman supplied, returning with a cup of hot chocolate. Charlotte's eyes sparkled at the treat. She patted Baako a thanks for acting as her human shield, not that it was the man's intention, and sipped at her drink, waiting for Cole to come to terms with reality. "This here is Baako. Baako is one of the world's best and most connected information broker in the Underworld." Charlotte introduced once Cole calmed down.

"And the one who taught this one everything she knows about hunting." Baako tacked on, pridefully and Charlotte slapped his large hand off her head. She glared at him and added on the unnecessary details that she knew he was looking for. "He's an ex-hunter."

Baako was eccentric like this and that was why she never liked to stay with her so-called mentor for long. He tested her patience and drove her insane with his constant yapping and questions that never seemed to stop. Was he even looking for answers or did he just want to hear his own voice? Probably the latter. She turned towards Baako, jabbing a finger towards Cole. "And this dolt is a member of the Heart Pirates. I call him Old Fart or Albino Ape."

"I thought you were scared of water and never left the island." Cole interjected, shooting Charlotte a sideway glance at his introduction. "Name's Cole." He corrected.

"Cole 'Dirtgrow' Heathgrow." Baako elaborated immediately much to Cole's caution.

Charlotte rolled her eyes at the display. She did just say the man was the most connected informant in the underworld. "I'm not scared of water. I just don't have much luck with it." Charlotte corrected, haughtily. "And we met on Sabaody Archipelago. He owned a bar up there too before he moved down here to chase after his love." Charlotte elaborated and turned towards the eccentric male whose thin face seemed to mismatch more with his large body each time she looked at him. "Speaking of which, how did that go?"

Baako's face darkened suddenly, "She said didn't see an 'us' in the future."

"Oh, is she a believer of those things?" Charlotte tried to comfort the large male by patted his back awkwardly. "Maybe find another teller? Those things are mostly tourist scams anyway."

"She is the fortune teller. And everything she's said has been accurate so far." Baako corrected and Charlotte blanked, hand slapping hard against the man's back. She looked at the large male in disbelief. The head of hunter communications, known to have the most accurate intel, is believing in something as flimsy as fortune telling?! Is this what love does to people? "She's how I knew where to find you. Good thing too or else you'd be dead by now."

Charlotte blinked. "Thanks!" She smiled at Baako.

"Hey! I would have saved us just fine!!" Cole fumed in the background.

Charlotte stared at Cole a second more and turned back to Baako. "Thanks!" She repeated, patting the large male's back again, and ignoring Cole's indignant 'Hey!'.

"Enough about my love life! Tell me about yours!" At Charlotte's confuse gaze, he added with much zeal. Completely healed. "Something must have happened! For you to still be on the same hunt—Did you fall for your target?" He winked at her, and Charlotte gawked as if he was an alien.

"You have it all wrong!" Charlotte refuted quickly. Dread creeping on her face at the thought. What is happening to my hunter reputation?

A look that Baako immediately took the wrong way. "There's nothing wrong with falling for the target. Especially one was yummy as that doctor. I'd let him lay me over a medial bed and open me up any day."

Cole almost choked at the expression and the shameless look on Baako's face. Wasn't this the guy who was just depressed at not getting the girl he uprooted his life for? "It's not like you're after him because he wronged you." Cole twitched at that, attention flying to the huntress who only rolled her eyes at the news. "Not yet." He added, shifting his brows suggestively and Cole felt sick again.

"On the contrary, he's done plenty wrong." Charlotte corrected easily missing the suggestiveness in Baako's voice. Her mind wandered back to the several additional chores that was assigned to her as punishment for trying to attack or capture him, or for disobeying orders, or for being caught causing trouble... Charlotte's face drew flat as the memories droned on.

A shrill cat whistle drew Charlotte back from her thoughts and turning towards the bashful bar owner in confusion. "My, oh, to think that you've gone so far so quickly... weren't you supposed to be this pure maiden?" Baako chided lightly, shoving Charlotte's shoulder in embarrassment. Charlotte flopped to the ground at the strength.

"Have you even met her?" Cole interrupted with a scoff and Charlotte's glare changed targets.

Baako turned towards the other male that he rescued with Charlotte. Mostly on a whim. He sized up the boy again, eyes squinting at the male's face, and stated the obvious. "You don't like her."

Cole nodded and Baako's nostrils flared out. He stomped towards the other gunman, firing off reasons after reasons about how Charlotte is a great catch and a great asset in more ways than one. Each reasoning being announced louder than the one prior, especially with Cole countering them in the same spirit

"SHUT UP!" The room fell silent, and the two squabbling males turned back to Charlotte, one sheepishly and one equally annoyed. Charlotte slapped the cupped hands resting against his chest as he demonstrated the 'assets' away. "You and I will have a talk later about my so-called assets you been spying on." Charlotte promised, threat thick in her voice. "But first, what is it that you want?" She asked, crossing her arms. Cole looked at the two in confusion. "You went out of your way to save us. I find it hard to believe you did all that without wanting something." They were hunters, workers in the same underground trade system. Actions were transactional. Charlotte could never stand sitting in debt. Baako knew that.

Baako grinned at the woman, devilishly. She was right. Of course, she was. He did train her so if would have been disappointing if she didn't catch on. "I like to request your services."

Charlotte's lips turned feral. He didn't even try to deny the fact. Anger flared within her at the insult of a stunt he pulled. "I don't take contract jobs." She stated with finality, knowing full well that he knew that. That was exactly why he did what he did. He had backed her into a corner with the own rules she set herself; take the job or stay in debt. Neither of them ideal to the huntress. Her platinum eyes flared at the knowing smug on Baako's face. Damn hunters and their abilities to trap their preys. Charlotte cursed mentally. The words empty in weight. There was respect in a hunt done well.

"I'll at least hear you out." She sighed, slinking back into the cushions behind her as if she was sitting on a throne. "I'll see then whether or not I'll take your case."

His grin deepened, "Oh, this case falls right in your alley."

Charlotte quirked her brow at that. Intrigued. Baako was often never off when it came to that.

"Whoa—no. Stop!" Cole interjected, physically stepping between the two dealing hunters and separating them. "The priority is to get back to the crew." They had been separated and have no means of contacting the crew. Who knows where they are and if they managed to get to Fishman Island properly or if they're still out there looking for them while they're in here. The fastest route and the only one that came to mind was—and he hates to admit it—rely on Charlotte's hunting ability. She found them once before, finding them again should be easy.

He grinned at Charlotte's brows drew together, taking in the news. Now just for the final push. "There's no time to take on a job anyway! Captain said we're heading to the New World, not lounging around here." Cole stiffened as the words slipped his lips. Captain had told everyone that while Charlotte was still sleeping. Knowing her excitement with fish, she would have revolted to a quick pass by to Fishmen Island, so they had made the call to tell her after the fact.

Cole paled at the look on Charlotte's face. She was not pleased. "O-Oi, you're still hunting after Captain, aren't you?"

Charlotte pointedly turned to Baako, gaze remaining on Cole, promising trouble. "S-shakky said you only do one job at a time!" Cole spluttered, and Charlotte froze.

Charlotte chewed at her lip, and Cole gave a mental sigh of relief. "I'll pause it then." Cole snapped his head back, confusion meeting her blank stare. She stuck out her arms, hands grabbing the air before her and robotically moving it to the side. "I'll pause my hunt." She repeated.


"IT'S MY RULES! DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" She huffed back immediately, and turned towards the squid fishman. "Besides I never said I'd do it. I'm just hearing the man out!"

Plus, she was still a bit bitter about Law. 

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