Yellow Eyes: Safe Haven

By Browwnsuugarr

1.9K 122 4

Camdon and the group have made it out of Wyoming. The roads take them to a safe haven by a beautiful Lake. Lo... More

Road trip (Ch.1)
We need to talk(Ch.3)
Alone Time(Ch.4)
Positive (Ch.8)
Decisions (Ch.9)
Trying (Ch.11)
So much(Ch.12)
The Path Ahead(Ch.14)
Numb (Ch.16)
Forgive me(Ch.18)
Taking it Easy(Ch.19)
Up & Running (Ch.20)
Two more (Ch.22)
The Neighborhood
Burn Bonus

The Skinner(Ch.7)

79 7 0
By Browwnsuugarr



I made it back to the Cabin and instead of going inside I needed a break. The Lake is always peaceful so I find myself sitting with my feet dangling into the cold water.

What does he think I know? He tried too hard to put on that smile earlier acting like what i'm saying is a joke but he knows that i'm serious. I need evidence or a confession.

Why does he cause me so much stress?

You know what I should forget about Mun, I have a beautiful girlfriend, friends who I can count on and a place that I can potentially call home. I don't need to worry about that asshole.

I guess I should go inside to check on Vi. After sitting for a while, I took my feet out of the cold shimmering water and stood to my feet as I turned around. I spot exactly the person I was looking for.

"Babe why did you turn around, I was gonna scare the shit out of you!" She whined

"What can I say, do better next time."

"I will. But uh..." Her tone had gotten serious

"What happened out there today?"

"Nothing happened, what are we talking about?"

She gave me a menacing glare that told me I'd better not lie again. So I confess

"Mun and I had a little scuffle, that's all, there was no fight."

"So punching someone isn't called a fight in your book?"

I looked to the ground to avoid her eyes that were searing holes into my skull.

"How do you even know about it?" I question with my head still hanging down

"They came back five minutes ago and Mun has a bruise on jaw. Mun said he didn't want to vilify you and to ask you about what happened, Lue agreed."

"That fucking Pussy!" I cursed out

Vi took my hands into hers, to relax me she rubbed my knuckles and kissed them.

"Stop letting him work you up like this. He's harmless."

Harmless? I thought we were on the same page about Mun and she's saying he's harmless.

I snatched my hands away from her and took a few steps back to analyze my girlfriend, my girlfriend who I thought hated him too.

"Why do you sound like I didn't have a reason, like I'm just this impulsive person, I trust my instincts!"

"Oh and what was the reason because I heard that you hit him first!" She fires

"What does it matter if I did! I thought you were on my side and agreed that he was hiding shit!" I fire back

Vi tucks her hair behind her ears and starts pacing back and forth. "Cam, I am on your side baby. But it's been how long? He hasn't done anything wrong, he helps with the Zoms now and he knows about farming. He isn't dangerous."

"I don't wanna hear it." I say approaching her, our faces three inches apart.

"You know I'll always have your back but right now Fuck you, Fuck you." With that final statement she ended the argument and left.

As I watch her walk back to the cabin I can't help but to feel a wave of guilt wash over me. We just had our first fight and it was about Mun. I yelled at Vi, 'm trash, absolute garbage. What kind of person am I to treat her that way? I need to apologize before the day ends. Am I the bad guy? No, it's definitely still him, I saw him clear as day sneaking in and out of the hotel covered in blood and dirt.

I need to release some of  my anger and since I can't do it beating Mun to a bloody pulp I'll go to the back yard and chop wood.

Once I got back there I had cut a flow of wood that we can use for the fireplace tonight. The back door opens and it's no other than Mun. He saluted with two of his fingers and then made his way to me.

"Let's have a conversation, a real conversation not one where you accuse me of anything, because it won't be needed."

"What won't be needed?" I asked, staring him down.

"Your accusations, I'll just confess. I am The Skinner." He announces. I don't say anything because I'm putting the pieces together in my mind. Does he mean the Skinner as in the serial killer who skins his victims then chops up the body parts, spreads them around the city and makes sculptures out of their skin. I know he's hiding something but there's no way that this is it. It's too sinister even for him. Right?

I finally spoke because the look he is giving me has turned dark.

"If this were true, why tell me?" The axe I was using to cut wood is still in my hands, I tighten my grip to its handle just in case he tries anything.

"Well because now who would believe you. You throw the first hit, then yell at your girl, they will think you're losing your shit. And thus no-one will believe you." He was taking steps towards me and now he's standing in front of me with a cold smirk.

I return a sly smirk and point to the back door where he then turns his head to see Solei standing there with everyone else in the window peeping through the curtains.

"You fucking bitch." He turned back to me and before I could say a cool catchphrase he pushed the axe from my death grip and shoulder shoved me back causing me to fall back.

Everyone had come out the door, Sofia went to grab her gun but Sol stopped her and said to let us fight it out.

"Fight it out?, you heard him he's the fucking skinner!" Sofia yelled

"I got it!" I yelled as I quickly stepped back to my feet. I looked over and saw that Vi had run and grabbed the axe he threw to the side.

"Cam?" She says with a crack in her voice as tears force their way out.

"Aviva, come here! She said she has it." Her brother yelled out to her.

Mun thought I was distracted and lunged towards me, I dodged and swung for him, He dodged. I don't want to play with him. I need to end this. So when he approached me again ready to swing I kicked him in the chest causing him to catch air time before hitting the ground, I quickly ran to get on top of him, and began punching with two connects before he started to block.

He flipped us over and connected a hit to my nose making me bleed bright scarlet blood. Feeling the hot blood rush out of my face it grabbed the back of his neck pulling him to me and I bit his cheek leaving him bleeding now too.

He winced in pain and pulled back when he grabbed his face. I punched him in his throat causing him to fall off of me and gasp for air. I teleported to my feet and soccer kicked him in the stomach a few times, each kick harder than the last. He groaned in pain as he crawled into a ball. I brought my shirt to my bloody nose and wiped what I could off.

"Whooo, whoop his ass!" I heard Sol scream from behind me.

"Finish it." Sofia said

Vi came from behind me and put her hand to my cheek, I leaned into her touch, then grabbed the axe from her unexpectedly.

"Cam no, don't kill him please." Vi pleaded as she was now full on crying

"Why? You didn't have a problem killing Dennis."

She wiped her tears and tried to stifle her crying.

Mun looked to regain himself so I bring my leg up and pushed it down in full force onto his ankle. A loud crack was catapulted from his bone breaking and his harrowing scream echoes through the wooded area.

I kneeled to his level to get a good look at him before I said my final words to him.

"Leave, Go somewhere, anywhere, but don't ever come back here." 

Threw the pain jolting through Muns body he trembled his head up and nodded in agreement to never being seen again. His eyes went past me and beelined to Lue a single tear fell down his cheek.

A murderer in love.

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