hate you, love you | Aizawa S...

By kyonjiyuo

44.7K 1.9K 441

[Aizawa Shōta × Male! Reader] "pro heroes, work colleagues, teachers of many, Aizawa and [L/n] sure had an in... More

M for Mirth
A for Amity
R for Revelry
R for Reverence
Y for Yearning
M for Mellifluous
E for Exaltation
「1」; Don't Do That
「3」; The Bait
「4」; The Fish

「2」; Hello, Children!

1.3K 56 19
By kyonjiyuo

I've forgotten 89% of MHA's plot so I went back to my old fanfiction to recall some but instead I died of cringe. So now I'm relying on other people's fanfic for the plot because I'd rather die than reread the manga again.

Bear with me if I get some details wrong, do tell tho :>


Shota and [M/n] sat beside each other, but both were mute like a rock. The chair they sat on was nice and cushioned, but their posture seemed a bit too stiff for them to be comfortable.

All abnormalities can be explained thanks to a little creature sited in front of the two. Separated by a large desk that took up nearly half the room, and a cushioned lone couch that towers over them with intimidation.

Principal Nezu never broke his smile. Could he even? Even so it is clear from his face it is not so pleasant.

"Thankfully we shut off the power in time. The audiences only heard Mic screaming with his quirk, so nothing too scandalous!" Nezu clapped happily.

"I'm thankful you both reconciled, but this is a professional workplace, so please keep your feeling inside until you're home!" Nezu did not talk like a boss, but like a fourth grade teacher coaxing two children who had just rumbled during recess.

"We will." Aizawa answered shortly. Nearly rolling his eyes. It is what he had preached the whole time. So he silent stepped on [M/n] shoe as if to say 'see? I told you.'

"Sorry," [M/n] sounded like he was apologizing both to Nezu and Shota.

"Alright, you both can go now. You're both adults so of course you both knew how to reflect, right?"

"Yes, yes." Shota groaned and git up from his seat. Briefly his eyes met [M/n]'s, and he could see the [H/c] lift a little finger and wave it to bid him goodbye.

It took a lot of willpower for Shota to keep a straight face, either way he bolted out the room, ready to resume teaching. Leaving [M/n] and Nezu alone.

Nezu's office is cold with the AC, and despite having no light on, it is astonishingly bright from the floor-to-ceiling window just behind the man himself. Even with the cozy room, the air inside stagnated, and no one dared to move.

A minute passed, and Nezu finally started again. Folding his hand and his forehead wrinkles in worry. "So [M/n]," his tone is no longer like before. Now much flatter and deep, highlighting the seriousness. "What do you think?"

[M/n] turns his head back to Nezu, with a frown that could rival the principal's. His hand is stuffed in his pocket, hiding the intense fiddling he is doing. His ears twitched ever so slightly, and his tail is stiff of high alert.

"Things had gotten out of control since the new students." [M/n] spoke, losing the cheerfulness in his voice.

Nezu kept quiet, thus [M/n] continued on. "It's in Shota's class." The hands inside his pocket had stopped wriggling, instead it clenched so tightly his knuckles turned white. "There's something in Shota's class." He repeated.

"It is not my new doctor, I have put a few eyes on her alongside the nurse. They are regular civilians. And plus, it is not just me..." he leaned back against his chair, still his frown had yet to disappear. "I'm sure you have had this thought since the USJ."

"That was just one incident." Nezu tested, but deep inside he too knew it was much too coincidental to be left alone.

"I know. But let's not just wait until another to be sure. If we can test it now, we should test it now." [M/n] began lowering his head, though still in his chair. "Please give me the permission to,"


"Please, Principal Nezu."

"Be careful [M/n]." Nezu ended up sighing, relaxing back on his hugely disproportionate chair. "If you got hurt I have to apologize to Aizawa-san."

The [H/c]'s head snapped up, now with a huge grin. "I won't, I won't!" He smiled widely, returning back to the goofy cheerful manchild he is. "I didn't train for a decade just for a little weakening to completely wipe me out,"


"It's been Seven minutes, fellow students! As your Class President I must now call the teacher and bring them to our class!!"

"Sit down Iida, the rule said ten minutes."

"Since running isn't allowed in the hallways, I must stride calmly and will took three minutes to the faculty room. By the time I got there, It will be perfectly ten minutes!!"

"Iida sit down,"

"So noisy..."

There was a buzz in class 1-A. Unexpectedly, the class had been deserted, no teacher in sight. Of course, students would lax in such situation. Many would start grouping and chatting with their friends, some pulled out a card game to pass time, while a minority of dedicated students pulled out their books to review the materials and teach themselves in case the teacher never arrived.

Unfortunately all quiet down when a highly anticipated—but party pooper knock rang on the big door.

"Everyone be seated!" Iida was quick to respond, waving his hand and policing everyone to scurry back to their seats.

A pair of ears pops out from the door frame, and soon a pair of eyes, before revealing a full head. "1-A, Where's your teacher?"

"Miryoku!!" Nearly everyone shouted, gasping in surprise as the bright [E/c] eyes gracefully peered behind the door.

"You guys are so noisy, I could hear you from the end of the hallway." [M/n] steps into the class, a neutral look on his face as he looks around inside. "Why are you kids let loose without a teacher?" He raises an eyebrow.

"To answer Miryoku-Sensei! The teacher hasn't arrived!!" Iida enthusiastically answered.

"Really? That's strange. Should I substitute instead? Who's supposed to teach you right now?"

"That would be Present Mic-Sensei!" Once again Iida took the liberty in answering.

"Hmm..." [M/n] pretended to rub his chin, swaying his tail back and forth as he thinks of something. "Alright! Worry not folks, I once got 90 on English. I can teach you just fine," [M/n] purposefully left out the fact he cheated on Hizashi's answer sheet to get that score. But really, no one needs to know.

The students rejoiced, well, only a fraction. Anticipating being taught by the ever newly famous [M/n] Miryoku [L/n].

"Okay! I give up!!" [M/n] suddenly announced out of the blue after briefly flipping through the english book.


"What the hell, shitty teacher."

Ignoring Bakugou's barking, [M/n] smiled brightly and straightened his clothes. "I know! I know!! I can't english okay? Don't force me. If I teach you guys english you are bound to fail." He seemed oddly proud despite his shortcomings. "And if you fail your exam and had to take remedial and therefore, missing the summer camp, I'm scared one of you will hack my neck in my sleep."

"Summer camp?!" With the mention of one word the class went in flames.

"Fireworks?" Asui curiously exclaims.

"Bath tubs!!" A strange student chimes.


Alas, there was more buzz than before a teacher arrived.

"Wait, you kids aren't supposed to know that yet..." [M/n] widen his eyes in horror. "Oh no-!! Shit, guys, Aizawa-sensei is supposed to tell you that before you go home." [M/n] gasped innocently, and the students quiet down following his seriously frightened expression.

"Guys, do me a f-favor, okay? Pretend to be surprised when Sho-Aizawa tells you about the summer camp, and I'll grant you one wish!!" It was that bad, [M/n] had to nervously rub his hands together begging the students to take pity on his flattened ears and cowering tail.

"One wish per student?" Kaminari happily chimed.

"No, the whole class." [M/n] was quick to switch out of his pitiful state. Staring at the yellow haired boy as if he was crazy. He would be broke-broke if it is one wish per student.

A certain Midoriya slams his hand on his desk, jumping out of his seat from excitement. "T-then please show me your quirk!" Izuku had stars in his eyes, and it twinkled brighter than the sun shining through the classroom windows.

Thankfully, Kirishima was quick to interject before [M/n] could accept. "Oi Midoriya, you're taking the class' wish."

"That's true, it's not fair. Let's do a vote. If more than half agrees with Midoriya's wish, then it will be our wish." This time Momo took the lead. "Anyone who agrees with Midoriya raise your hand,"

Surprisingly, only a small minority did not raise their hand. Even Kirishima who was the first to voice disagreement raises his hand with the same twinkle as Midoriya. He is truly curious and a little bit of a fan, same goes to Momo, Ashido, Asui and the majority of the girls who is seemingly captured by [M/n]'s charm. Meanwhile Midoriya's close friend circle would naturally follow him, backing him up if it is truly what he wanted. All that added up to obviously more than half of the classroom.

"Ehh, what a shitty wish. Well, if it's what you want. Don't go complaining about it later, okay?" [M/n] shrugged and stood straight again. He began walking towards the door.

"Follow me kids, we're going outside."


Midoriya happily placed himself on the very front of the group, where they stood on U.A's yard with safety goggles on that Iida brought from the lab.

[M/n] stood at the very front, a large metal table just beside him that he hauled from the support department. It would not be surprising if one if the support resident came running and looking for their work table. But that is of no importance.

"Yaoyorozu-san, please be my assistant." [M/n] called, waving his hand signaling the girl to step forward.

Momo wordlessly followed. Her face may seem serious but inside, she was giddy and jumping around in happiness.

"I know there's one of you who has a fire quirk, and one of you with an explosion quirk." [M/n] spoke again. "You two come forward and be my guinea pig,"

Katsuki scoffed at the title but obeyed regardless. Shouto needed a second to realize it was him who was called, ended up lagging behind and was the last to step forward.

"Okay, the rest of you, take five steps back." There was already a huge gap between the students and [M/n], what he commands brings questions but also ignited more excitement.

"Yaoyorozu-San, are you able to make a fuse powder?"

"Yes!" Thankfully Momo is all too familiar with firearms, and that includes fuses in all shape and form. Thus she had no problem creating a powder fuse in a can that she pulled out of her thighs.

"Thank you," [M/n] smiled and got to his table, ready to perform.

The [H/c] raises his palm, showing a clean skin. Out of nowhere, he flicked his thumbnail against his the base of his fingers, and a slit soon show itself as well as pooling blood.

Immediately some students understood.

"As you can see, this is my blood." He drips a little few onto the far end of the table. Then clenching his hand briefly to have the blood suddenly stop and the wound completely dry.

[M/n] took the powder fuse and carefully trail it to the other side of the long metal table. The trail of fuse was thin and could easily be blown by the wind, it looks enough to be able to pass fire, but doesn't seem enough to even light a dynamite.

"Fire quirk-Kun. You may go ahead," [M/n] really doesn't know the name of any of these student except for Momo and Iida as they are class representative, and truly, he could not care less.

Todoroki abides, walking towards the table and raised his hand.

"Step away immediately after lighting the fuse." [M/n] warned which Todoroki nodded wordlessly.

The boy raises his index finger, a small candle sized fire emitted through the tip of his finger. Which quickly passed to the fuse and soon, the little fire began running following the trail.

Todoroki had taken a step away, but apparently it is not enough as suddenly [M/n] grasp his collar and tugs him back. Just a fraction of a second before-


The table went ablaze. But as quickly as it went on, it disappeared immediately. Leaving a few students to even question their eyes. But a thick fume of reddish-brown residue is left in the air, and it bends image as it moves. By the smoke, that explosion should be so very real.


"It's hot even this far,"

"Blood, roughly three drops, when in contact with fire causes explosion the size of Kacchan's normal attacks-"

Murmurs clatter among the students, in awe at the lightly charred table in front of them. Not only is it explosive, but it emits high heat as it explode, making it far more painful than normal explosions would.

Todoroki had all his bangs up his head revealing his forehead, the goggles he had on was slightly tilted. And somehow, his vision is all dark grey. Shouto blinked twice, clearing his eyes and mind trying to make out what he is seeing.

"Good job," [M/n] pulled Shouto of off his chest. Ruffling the teens hair even further and fixing his goggles for him. "You can go back now," he patted the boy on his back and lightly pushed him towards the rest of the group.

Shouto, with his hair messy and ear ringing, mindlessly walked back and situated himself beside Midoriya, who is too busy writing on his notebook to even realize him. Despite his chaotic mind, Shouto was able to come to a glaring conclusion.

Teacher Miryoku smells like mangoes.

Shouto isn't a cologne connoisseur, but he had never seen a men's cologne smelling like mango. At most it would be Melon, a subtle and light smell. Which could only mean one thing...

[M/n] has a child and is using the kid's cologne. Todoroki frowned in his mind, thinking deeply as his brain gears kept turning and moving. And since [M/n] and his beloved homeroom teacher is in love it could only mean another one thing.

Forbidden love!!

[M/n] is married but fell in love with Shota! And Shota too fell in love with a married man!


Thankfully Shouto's spiraling thoughts were broken with another large booming. Once again deafening him and vibrating the ground slightly. The teen peered up, finding the metal table now missing and Katsuki safely protected behind [M/n]. Even though he is not paying attention, it doesn't take much to figure out what happened.

"So what do you think my quirk is?" [M/n] turns towards the crowd.

"Explosive blood!!" A bunch of voices shouted.

"But wait, I saw it make fire so combustible?" Another voice Todoroki can't care about shouted.

"What's the difference..."

"Wrong and right, but wrong!!" [M/n] raised his hand dramatically. "It's right, but wrong since that is not all right, so it's wrong in the end!!"

"What is this person on about,"

"You see, I was born with blood that is combustible, corrosive, poisonous, and- and, explosive, I guess that makes you right..." [M/n] once again raise his palm. The wound had healed completely, almost no scab or even a little bit of scratches, just a minor stain or a blood that seems to have become powder.

"But that's just a fraction of it's uses. Ingestion will kill, it will make holes on your tissues from the inside out, leading to internal bleeding." How does [M/n] know that?

"Inhalation will also kill. My blood evaporates quickly with the air, and after evaporating it will crystallize if it comes to contact with a surface." [M/n] rubbed his palm, and the students could faintly see black dust falling from it. "Inhaling the fumes will shred your lungs on a cellular level, since the crystals form so sharply. Causing collapse, and you guessed it, internal bleeding."

"So really, the best outcome if you're fighting me is being blown up. At least there's no definite chance of internal bleeding." [M/n] shrugged, wiping his hand on his trousers. He looks straight towards the student, whom look awfully nervous for some reason.

"Any question?"

"How can I beat you up?" Katsuki piped with his gruff voice, looking serious. The boy had long thought. Of course he had seen the video of [M/n], the [H/c] had an awful lot of agility, and if simply approaching him could lead to internal bleeding, then how could Katsuki beat him?

[M/n] smirked victorious, too happy for someone being asked his weakness. "Good question! Explosion boy you're my favorite student!!" He clapped happily. "In a normal fight, I will use my blood sparingly. But if you could get me to bleed and set it on fire, you can blow me up from the inside out!!"

"That's... really brutal,"

"So in another words, fire is Miryoku-Sensei's weakness?" Despite the brutality, Izuku asked. Unlike Katsuki however, he only has pure curiosity.

"Yes!! What's your name?!" [M/n] looked too joyful for unknown reason.

"M-midoriya Izuku, sir." Now that Izuku snapped out of his observatory mode, he stuttered his words.

"You're my new favorite student!!"

"What the hell!"

Ignoring Katsuki screaming, Todoroki raised his hand. Determined look on his face. "Sensei, can I try?"

[M/n] curiously turns towards him. The sharp [E/c] eyes are beautiful, yet somehow unsettling. "Eh sure, if anything, you're probably the only one equipped to beat me." The [H/c] smiled again sweetly.

"Will I be granted a wish if I win?" Todoroki once again ask. He was determined to win, because then he could use his wish to pry if [M/n] and Shota are forbidden lovers. Since it would too rude to ask normally, Todoroki had to make a situation where [M/n] couldn't refuse.

"Sure," [M/n]'s smile stayed the same, yet somehow it looked mocking. "If anyone can beat me, I'll grant one wish." He raised his index finger with a big smile.

Withing a second, a huge explosion could be heard amongst the students. Katsuki had launched himself straight to [M/n], in the process blowing up a lot of his own classmates behind him.

It is all happening in seconds, but Katsuki's eyes were trained enough to see. His hand was stretched, inching towards [M/n]'s neck, but the [H/c] only had a blank face that looked at him dead in the eye. And it only fueled Katsuki's anger.

But within the next second, Katsuki's face was on the ground. His eyes were trained, but not enough to see [M/n] using his leg to latch onto Katsuki, slamming him to the ground, and sitting on top of his back.

"You're an impatient brat aren't you,"

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" The said impatient brat tried to sit up, but his back was weighted by [M/n]. He could only raise his head slightly to not eat dirt and violently kick his legs.

"I'll explain the rules." [M/n] announced. "First, you may use sharp objects. Second, you only have until the bell rings. That's it, that's the rules. Beat me up, or cut me up, up to you." [M/n] spreads his hand, still sitting on Katsuki with a mocking smile as he looks at the rest of 1-A. "If one of you wins, I will grant anything you want."

"Is there a limit?"

"Not at all, anything you want."

"Can I get ten million yen,"

"Yes! I have that much in my savings, so yes!!" [M/n] nodded cutely.

"Can I get an autograph?" Surprisingly, it is all Midoriya asks for.

"I, I'll give you that for free... you, wish for something else."

"Go on a date?"

Everyone turns towards Kaminari, and only then did the teen realized what he said. "I-I just want to know the limit!!!" He stammered, waving his hand around. "I swear I only...!!"

"It's... I don't- sure... I guess?" [M/n] raised an eyebrow at the peculiar student, making Denki feel extra ashamed he even think of that. But really, he just wanted to know to what extend he could wish!

"But I will really hate you if you ask me on a date, so don't, okay?" Just for good measure, [M/n] made sure to emphasize it now that he is informed that some of his students might want a date with him. Not that he thinks his students have a crush on him, he knows it is nothing but innocent wants to have dinner with him just for laughs and giggles. But he would only want to spend his time with someone special, especially a date. Only Shota could ask him on a date.

"Don't ask him on a date, bro." Eijiro was quite disappointed himself, but in the end he whispered and nudged Denki lightly.

"Ugh..." Denki could only groan and shut his eyes tight. His face felt hot with shame and it felt deserved, thus he could do nothing about it.

"In another words, I will grant you anything as long as it's within my capabilities." [M/n] snapped his fingers, breaking into a huge smile. Everyone seems to have forgotten he is still sitting on Katsuki.

"Break a leg, everyone." He chuckled.

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