Beautifully Imperfect {ON HOL...

By horeformilfs

43K 2.3K 312

Y/N never expected the School for Good and Evil was real. But when she is taken from her abusive home in the... More

Character info
Chapter One: Meeting Her
Chapter Two: "Can you hear me?"
Quick Author Note
Chapter Three: Doom Room
Chapter Four: Bother
Chapter Six: Feelings
Chapter Seven: Hester
Chapter Eight: Soulmates
Chapter Nine: Avoidance
Chapter Ten: Night Terror
Chapter Eleven: Dovey
Chapter Twelve: Comfort
Authors Note
Another Authors Note
Chapter Thirteen: "Take care of her for me."
AN / Q&A
Author's Note
Chapter Fourteen: "Why do you care?"
Chapter Fifteen: Butterflies
Chapter Sixteen: "Good girl."
Chapter Seventeen: Aftercare Part Ⅰ
Authors Note
Chapter Eighteen: Aftercare Part 2
Chapter Nineteen: Cold?
Chapter Twenty: Sophie
Chapter Twenty-One: Talk

Chapter Five: "Yeah right."

1.8K 118 10
By horeformilfs

Upon waking up you find yourself once again in a different room, feeling slightly disoriented, you realize that you are not in your original shirt and pants, but are in a silk sleep shirt and a matching pair of shorts. Moving to get out of the bed, you are stopped by a pull on your waist. Looking down you see two hands wrapped around your waist, knowing immediately who's they were from the long silver nails. Looking back you see Lady Lesso sleeping peacefully behind you. Gently remove your hands to find your clothes folded on a table near the door of her bathroom. You grab them and quietly shut the bathroom door, changing into your old outfit before folding the silk sleep set, leaving it where your old clothes had been. Taking one last glance at the sleeping redhead you open the door to her room, before making your way back to your dorm room. Opening the door to your room, you are met with three other sleeping girls, and your dog lying in his bed. Silently you get into your bed and have Orion join you, not bothering to get changed before drifting off to sleep once again.

You are awoken by a slight nudge on your arm, being met by three girls staring at you. Not paying any mind to the three other girls in your room, you make your way to your wardrobe, picking out an outfit for the day, moving into the bathroom and closing the door. Getting dressed into a dark pair of black slacks with a forest green sweater. You put on your boots before leaving your dorm with Orion at your side, making your way to the main hall for breakfast. Walking in you see the two schools split yet again, moving to sit on the Never's side, you can feel a pair of eyes boring into the back of your head. Turning your head, you see Lady Lesso already looking at you. You quickly look away, suddenly not feeling as hungry as you were before, you get up and leave the hall.

Roaming the halls you come across a large library, walls of books. Running your fingers over the spines of the books, you slowly stop on a book called "Poisons and Curses". Taking the book out of the shelf, you sit at the large table in the center of the room, your dog at your feet, you flip through the book to see if there is anything interesting in it. Curses like the one Maleficent used on Aurora and the poison apple the Evil Queen gave Snow White were in that very book.

Being so immersed in the book, you fail to hear the door open and shut behind you. It wasn't till Orion got up from his spot at your feet, that you noticed the Dean of your school walking towards you. Shutting the book quickly, you attempt to put the book back in its rightful place, but it is taken out of your hands. Rolling your eyes, you look at Lady Lesso who looks over the book, before turning her attention to you, raising one brow as if asking a question. Continuing to be stubborn, you stay silent, your gaze falling back to the floor. "Tell me Y/N, what use do you have with a book like this?" The redhead asked, tucking the book under her arm. "I don't see why it's any of your business Lady Lesso." You reply, meeting her eyes. You try to be confident in your answers, trying to show her that you were not afraid of her, when it was the other way around. This woman before you frightened you, she could be soft and caring one moment, then harsh, cold, and abusive with her words the next. "It's my business Y/N because the curses and poisons in this book are dangerous, especially for someone who doesn't know how their own magic works." She says, getting slightly irritated at you. You were equally as irritated, this woman was confusing you, turning to leave the library, you are stopped by a hand around your wrist.

Wincing in pain, Lady Lesso quickly remembers the events of the previous night, gently removing her hand from your arm. "I'm sorry Y/N.." You didn't let her finish speaking, finally having enough. "No you don't get to apologize to me now. You so fucking confusing to me. You're sweet and caring one minute and then the next you are cold and aggressive. My mind can't keep up with the constant switches." You say your voice rising in volume, causing Lesso's eyes to widen a bit. "I can't let myself get attached to someone who will continuously leave me. I have gone through enough of that in my life already." Your voice returning to its naturally quiet tone, trembling slightly. You and the older woman stand in silence before she responds. "I understand that Y/N, believe me I do. I need you to know that I do care for you and I want you to be safe. I am still new to this, villains aren't supposed to feel these things." You look at her then back at the ground, deciding whether or not to speak. After a few minutes of tense silence you walk towards the exit. "I'll see you in class, Lady Lesso."

For weeks you avoided the Dean, not going to meals, only leaving your dorm when you absolutely had to. Your arms and legs now covered in scars and fresh cuts. You bottled your feelings up, the reason being that it was better to not feel anything. You had gone completely quiet week three, not talking to anyone, not your professors, "friends", or a certain redhead that had been occupying your mind. It has now been six weeks since the last time you and Lady Lesso had an interaction. Walking out of your uglification class you are stopped by one of the guards. Basically dragging you, he made his way up a flight of stairs, stopping in front of a large door. Knocking twice, a low raspy voice was heard on the other side. The guard proceeded to open the door, pushing you into the room, before closing it behind him.

"You have been very distant lately Y/N. Not participating in classes, not showing up at meals. Why?" She asks, leaning back in her desk chair. Refusing to talk, you shift from foot to foot, staring at the stone floor. "People start to worry after a while." She continues. "Yeah right." You say slowly with a tone of annoyance. "What was that love? I don't think I heard you correctly." The redhead says standing from her chair making her way around the desk, her heels being the only sound in her office. It's not until you see her boots in front of you on the ground that you look, inhaling sharply, due to the proximity of you and Lady Lesso. A sly smile making its way onto her lips, she raises her brow, tilting her head slightly, silently asking you to repeat your answer. Your response is short and breathy "I said yeah right." Lesso hums softly taking in your answer before slowly circling your body. "And why do you think that people wouldn't worry?" "Because most people in this school can't feel that kind of emotion." You snap back.

As Lady Lesso returns to her spot in front of you, you look back at the ground. Slowly and gently she brings her hand to your chin, lifting it up to meet her gaze. Noticing that you didn't flinch this time, you wondered if she had noticed as well. A smile presented on her face, not one of her smug smiles or signature smirks, this was different. This smile was that of warmth, which was a very rare thing for the Dean to display. Realizing that she had noticed to you feel your face warm as a rosy blush presents itself on your face. "I realize that I have not been constant with my feelings towards you. But I would like to discuss them with you. And perhaps you could give me some insight on your life so that I can better understand you." She suggests moving her hand to your cheek. You nod your head in agreement, too focused on her eyes. "I need words, little one. I don't want to pressure you into something that you don't want to do. "I'm okay, I would like to talk." You say leaning into her gentle touch. Removing her hand from your face, she instead takes your hand, leading you to the couch that is placed against the wall of the room.

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