Snakes In The Grass

By Alice-Roza

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Rose thought that things were finally going her way after the attack on the Academy. Dimitri escaped the cave... More

Chapter 6
Chapter 9
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 22


322 22 12
By Alice-Roza


I was glad that all of this was over, but I was sad to see it pass by.

I graduated and I scored high marks despite not participating in the official trials. We weren't going to receive our assignments until we got to Court. I thought it was shitty that we had to wait, but I guess that way it could all be contained and we could start right away.

Packing up my room sucked though. I had spent so much time here and I felt sad to see the only place I could somewhat call home.

As I packed my room I realized all of the things I had gathered over the years, and I didn't have room in my two duffle bags to take it all. I ended up going through my things and sorting them into a keep and donate pile. A lot of my clothes went into it and some stuffed animals that I had when I was younger. There was one in particular that I immediately tucked into my keep pile. I didn't know where it came from, but it was always comforting when I was overly stressed. It was small and neon blue, but it looked like an alien. It had little antennas and had darker blue over it to show fur and its paws. It was cute, but so warn that I knew I much have had it since I was really little.

Maybe even from before I came to the Academy.

Once that was all done I had my last scan with Dr. Olendzki. The rate of growth was slowing down thankfully. I was measuring at sixteen weeks and Dimitri and I were relieved to know that it was slowing down.

Now that I was going to Court, I would be seeing a specialist here as a favour to Dr. Olendzki. I was a little nervous about living at Court, and when I was assigned my room, I clutched the key tightly in my hands. I finally found my room and set my bags on the bed, looking around the room. I had my own bathroom and a small kitchenette, a couch with a coffee table and a basic size t.v.

I walked into the bathroom and was excited to see that I had a bathtub. I hadn't used one since Lissa and I were on the run and I couldn't wait to sink into that tub and soak. I absently rubbed my hand over my stomach, smiling to myself.

I walked back out of the bathroom and jumped when I spotted Dimitri standing in the open doorway. Dimitri chuckled and leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms.

"Happy with your room?" he asked.

I nodded and pointed at the bathroom. "I have a tub," I said with wide and excited eyes.

Dimitri grinned. "I know. I pulled a few strings for that."


"I just asked that you get a room with a tub. I knew you haven't had one in a while," Dimitri said softly. I walked towards him and stretched up on my toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"That means more than you know," I whispered. Dimitri nodded and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. I smirked and raised my brows at him when he placed his hand on my stomach, lifting my shirt enough that it was skin-to-skin contact.

"You're just itchy to feel them, aren't you," I chuckled.

"Of course, I am. You get to feel them move all day," Dimitri chuckled as he stroked his thumb over my skin. I laughed and stroked his cheek gently, enjoying the tender moment between us. We had kept things quiet between us before we left the Academy.

We were careful in public, but we found ways around to see each other. Usually at my weekly scanning appointment and I got to spend a few hours when training glasses were happening in the staff lounge. It was best that other students didn't see me out of class, but that way I got to hang out on comfy couches and drink tea all day.

"Where are you roomed?" I asked.

"The floor below you, four doors to the left," he said with a small smile. I nodded and sighed when he smoothed my shirt back over my stomach.

"Are you going to this party thing?" I asked.

Dimitri nodded. "I am, mostly just to see all of you have a good time. It's a good mixer for you to meet other Court Guardians. Chief Croft will also be there, so put your best foot forward," Dimitri said.

I smirked. "So I should wear the lowest-rise jeans and a crop top while painting 'Guardian 1.5' on my stomach?" I chirped.

Dimitri shook his head. "No. Please don't," he laughed.

I snickered and sighed, turning back to my bags.

"What kind of guise do I need to convince you to help me with this?"

Dimitri rolled his eyes and opened one bag, finding my delicates right on top. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, pulling that bag toward me. Dimitri chuckled and took the other one, unpacking the clothes and setting them on my dresser.

I put my clothes away while Dimitri unpacked my toiletries in the bathroom, telling me where he was putting things. I finished with my clothes and dug into my bag, tucking my stuffed alien under the pillow before Dimitri came out.

Dimitri folded my duffle bag as he came out, tucking it into my closet and then did the same with my bag. I changed into a clean pair of clothes and freshened up, fluffing my hair a little bit. I knew that Dimitri was ready for the mixer and I smiled at him and held my arms out for his opinion.

"What do you think?"

"I think you look beautiful," Dimitri said softly.

I snorted and grabbed the small purse I had and put it on my shoulder. I locked up my room and walked side by side with him, a happy smile on my face.

"So what is this mixer going to be like?"

"Like a big meet and greet, some drinks, some finger food. Casual," Dimitri explained as he tied his hair at the nape of his neck.

I nodded and waved at Eddie when I saw him heading out of his apartment.

"Hey," I said with a smile.

"Hey, ready for a wild time?" Eddied asked enthusiastically as he rubbed his hands together.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to get roaring drunk, do some lines. You know, the usual," I chuckled with a smirk. Eddie laughed and bumped my shoulder.

My friends took the news of my pregnancy well. Christian was indifferent, Eddie demanded to know if Jesse did something, and when I told them about the circumstances around my pregnancy, he calmed down. I didn't tell a lot of people, mostly just my close friends and Adrian. Adrian had an idea that I was pregnant because of my aura, but didn't want to say anything in case he was wrong.

"It's okay, I'll drink your drinks for you," Eddie said.

I grinned and tucked my hands into the pockets of my jeans. This part of Court was quite homey, not as flashy as the rest. It was more like a regular community and I was looking forward to living here.

Dimitri opened the door when we got to the building, he led us to it, gesturing for us to go in before him. I blinked at the lights and was stunned by the level of music. I expected this to be a little stuffier, but it was like an upbeat party.

I grinned up at Dimitri and bumped his shoulder.

"Ready to party?" I asked.

Dimitri rolled his eyes at me and introduced Eddie and me to a few people when we walked in. I didn't recognize most of them, but that was the whole point of tonight. I broke off after a bit in search of the snack table. I spied someone with cheese puffs and beelined for the bowl. I grabbed a handful of chips and munched on them as I walked around, my eyes wandering the room. I noticed a lot of the seasoned Guardians stayed together and talked while the new graduates were clumped together.

I shook my head before spotting Janine in one of the groups. I didn't want to approach her simply because she was my mother, but I needed to use that one contact. She could help me and so could Dimitri.

I shoved the last of the chips in my mouth and brushed my hands off before I walked towards the group. I stopped just behind Janine and cleared my throat.

"Guardian Hathaway," I said politely.

Janine turned and I saw her lips twist as she tried to hide her smirk. A few of the Guardians she was talking to made the same face.

"Guardian Hathaway Jr., congratulations," Janine said with a grin. I smiled at her and accepted her hug, grinning when she pressed a quick kiss to my cheek.

"Thank you," I said with a sharp nod.

"Rosemarie, I want to introduce you to a few of our colleagues," Janine said as she rested her hand on my shoulder, gesturing to the people she had been speaking with. Janine introduced me to a number of Guardian, explaining where each one worked and their qualities. I asked a few questions that came to mind, and each of them answered honestly.

"I think your daughter is going to give you a run for your money, Janine," an older gentleman said, "she's got your eye for detail and knows the right questions to ask."

Janine smirked. "I couldn't be prouder of the Guardian that she has become," she said confidently, and it took everything in me not to beam under her praise. Getting a compliment like that from a Guardian like her was a gold star.

"Do you have an idea of who you're going to be assigned to?"

"As far as I know, I will be assigned to Princess Dragomir," I said confidently. Janine nodded softly and looked at the others.

"Are you surprised by the response?"

The Guardians weren't and I chuckled but stood up straighter when someone else joined us.

"Evening," the man said. I wasn't sure who he was, but he oozed confidence.

"Guardian Croft," Janine said respectfully.

"Please, tonight it's Hans," he said before looking at me.

"And you must be Rosemarie," he said to me.

I extended my hand to him. "Rose," I said politely.

Guardian Croft nodded as he shook my hand. "I was stunned by your trial results, even testing out early. I will be watching to see how things turn out," he said firmly.

I nodded and pulled my hand back, wiping my now sweaty hand on my jeans.

"How was your flight here?"

"Not fantastic in my opinion, but I don't like flying," I said.

"I heard that you were mentored by Belikov," another Guardian cut in. I looked at him and nodded.

"No wonder you tested out early, he's extraordinary."

I tried to hide my smirk. "He is an incredible Guardian and I learned a lot from him. I couldn't be more thankful for the time and patience he put in. I know that I wasn't easy to work with in the beginning," I said ending with a chuckle and grin at Janine.

I felt a presence behind me, and I turned, finding Dimitri standing behind me.

"Who has patience?"

"You do for putting up with her every day," Janine said with a snort.

Dimitri chuckled and handed me a bottle of water. "Yeah, the patience of a saint. There were so many times I wanted to toss you into the lake," Dimitri quipped.

I rolled my eyes. "Uh-huh. You just wanted to toss me in so you could play cowboy and rescue the damsel," I chuckled, cracking the seal on the bottle.

Dimitri shook his head.

"How long will it take before you want to strangle your new partner?" the older Guardian I spoke to ask.

Dimitri raised his brows and cocked his head while I gapped at him, punching his shoulder.


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," Dimitri joked and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I lucked out with my guarding partner. I don't have to worry about your qualifications or your dedication."

I rolled my eyes in jest but I took his praise in stride.

"I guess I can agree," I joked.

Dimitri shook his head but grinned. I politely bowed out and mingled a bit more, stepping up to say hello to a few Guardians I met during the Badica massacre. The one remembered me immediately and engulfed me in a hug. I purposely angled my stomach away so she would feel how soft it was.

"I am so happy to see you! Congratulations on graduating," she said. I smiled at her and she asked me about my scores and how I liked my experience. She asked how I coped with the attack and I told her that in a sick way, I was grateful for being there when the Badicas were discovered. It prepared me in ways I didn't understand until I was in the moment.

The two Guardians nodded their heads in agreeance. "When I questioned you for your Qualifier, I knew right then and there that you were going to do so well."

"Thank you," I said with a smile. The two spoke with me for a little longer before I departed, continuing my rounds. I made my way to the bar area and leaned against it, tapping my fingers while I waited. I smiled to myself when a hand brushed over my lower back.

"Hey," I said with a smile.

"Hi," Dimitri said, leaning on the bar too. "Having fun?"

I nodded. "I've met a lot of people," I said. "Have you been having fun?"

Dimitri got the bartender's attention and then looked at me. "I have. I've been talking you up as well."

I scoffed and turned to him. "You didn't need to do that."

Dimitri smiled and laced his fingers together. "I know, but I want to brag about the amazing Guardian you've become. I want everyone to know how strong my woman is."

I blushed and pointed to a drink on the wall while Dimitri ordered a pop. The drink I choose looked good, and I did a quick read of the ingredients. Didn't want to accidentally consume something I shouldn't.

It looked fruity and sweet, which was what I was craving like crazy.

"Thank you," I whispered to Dimitri. Dimitri nodded and leaned forwards before catching himself, clearing his throat and looking forward. I snickered and bit my lip, knowing that he had to stop himself from kissing me. Our drinks were set down in front of us and we both said thank you. I picked up my glass and took a sip, grimacing at the sourness of the drink. I thought it would be sweet, but it wasn't.

"Don't like it?" Dimitri asked with a small smirk.

I grimaced at my drink before shrugging. Dimitri laughed quietly and set his glass in front of me, trading drinks and taking a sip.


Dimitri winked and I took a large gulp. The drink had a hint of bitterness to it, but it was so hot out that I didn't mind it. It was so cold that it quenched my thirst.

"What are you two whispering about over here?" Janine asked as I finished the last of the pop, setting it down on the counter.

"Just teasing her about her dislike for pineapple juice," Dimitri smirked, making me smack him playfully. I listened to the two of them chat. It was mostly professional, but there was a bit of familiarity in their conversation. It started to drift to topics I wasn't familiar with, but the slip of the name Karolina, and I knew that they were discussing Dimitri's family.

I cleared my throat quietly and licked my lips. I was starting to feel agitated and restless. I had been sitting most of the day, but now that I was standing, all of my body was starting to ache. Ache in a way it did when I started my training sessions with Dimitri.

I shifted my weight again and groaned, trying to find some way to stand comfortably.

"Rose? What's wrong?" Janine asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know. I don't feel good."

"How so?" Dimitri asked.

"I don't know. I got really achy all of a sudden, and it's a little hard to breathe," I said, "I feel anxious almost?"

Dimitri frowned and cupped my cheeks when I gasped, the muscles in my stomach and back spasming.

"Something is wrong," I gasped, almost doubled over. Dimitri didn't wait for me to say anything else before leading me away from the party, gesturing for someone across the room. But when the spasms started in my torso, they started to spread, and it became harder to breathe.

Dimitri didn't hesitate a moment longer and lifted me up in his arms, breaking into a sprint towards the hospital wing.


Time moved in a blur. When Dimitri got me to the hospital wing, I couldn't support my own weight. The pain was excruciating. I couldn't focus on anything around me or anyone, only the pain.

I vaguely noticed someone put a cannula in my hand and draw blood from my other arm. It felt like hours before things started to feel clear again, and by that time, it was nighttime.

Dimitri was slumped in the chair next to my bed, sleeping but not fully asleep. I didn't want to wake him but I wanted to know what happened to me.

"Comrade," I whispered, reaching out carefully to wake him. His eyes snapped open and he looked at me, a sad smile on his face.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not great. What happened to me?"

"The doctor thinks you ingested something. You had symptoms of Strychnine poisoning."

"What?" I asked, not familiar with what he said.

"Strychnine poisoning. Rat poison."

I pressed my hand to my stomach and Dimitri leaned forward, resting his hand over mine.

"She's fine," he whispered, squeezing my hand.

"She?" I whimpered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for that to slip out. I found out a few hours ago when the doctor checked the baby," Dimitri explained.

"It's a girl?" I asked, a happy sob coming out instead of a fearful one. Dimitri nodded with a smile and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, his hand still resting on mine.

"Adrian was lingering around when I brought you in. He's exhausted, but he used as much Spirit as he could to protect you and the baby."

I furrowed my brows. "Where is he? He doesn't know how to cope properly," I said starting to sit up but he stopped me, making me lay back on the bed.

"He is sedated right now. The doctors hope that some sleep with help with the side effects," Dimitri said.

I shifted in the bed and reached for the water on the table beside me, sipping from the straw before setting it down.

"I know you said that she's okay, but I need to see her," I said as I fidgeted, twisting the blanket in my fingers. Dimitri didn't question it and pressed his lips to my forehead and stood up, going to get my doctor. I scrambled onto my knees and grabbed the patient chart that hung from the end of my bed and read the chart, wanting to know what happened to me.

Dimitri was right when he said that I had been poisoned. Over the last twelve hours, I was here, they flushed my system. I didn't remember much, but that might have been because they gave me something to sleep it off.

I set the chart back and got back under the covers when Dimitri came back in, a soft look on his face, the doctor in tow. I got comfortable and pulled my gown up and wiggled my toes while I waited. The doctor gave me a soothing look and squirted the gel on my stomach while setting up the ultrasound.

"Alright, let's show Momma that you are perfectly fine," the doctor said with a smile, moving the wand over my stomach. I looked at the screen worriedly and bit my lip until I saw the picture come up. I sighed in relief and gripped Dimitri's hand.

"Hi baby," I whispered.

"Baby doesn't seem to be in any distress, heart rate is normal and what ever we gave you to clear the toxins from your body, would have done the same for your baby," the doctor explained.

I nodded and swallowed, my eyes trained on the screen.

"It looks like she's sucking her thumb," I whispered. Dimitri chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"See, she's okay," Dimitri soothed. I nodded again and thanked the doctor quietly.

"I know that I seem irrational, but I really appreciate it," I said quietly.

The doctor smiled at me and wiped the gel off my stomach. "It's not irrational. Any other mother would be scared out of their mind if they went through what you went through. You are extremely fortunate to have a friend like Lord Ivashkov. It was marvellous to watch," the doctor explained.

I rested my head back on the pillow and cupped my stomach, feeling her squirm around inside. I rubbed my fingers against my skin while the doctor finished and told me she would be back with my senior doctor shortly.

"Are you okay?" I asked Dimitri.

Dimitri sat in the chair beside my head and leaned forward so his head rested against my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair and watched him carefully.

"I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life," he whispered. I frowned and rubbed my fingers against his scalp.

"But we're okay. We aren't going anywhere," I promised. His eyes met mine and he nodded his head slowly and kissed my stomach.

"May I come in?"

I looked up and swallowed thickly as Dimitri sat up. Guardian Croft stood in the doorway in official uniform. I pulled the gown down to cover my stomach and sat up, but he had already seen it. I nodded and crossed my legs, placing my hands in my lap.

"Guardian Croft," I said.

"How are you feeling?" he asked and came to stand at the end of my bed.

"Tired," I admitted.

He nodded and moved his eyes to Dimitri before looking at me again. "How is your baby?"

I rubbed my stomach out of habit. "She's okay."

Croft nodded again. "I know this is not the best time, but congratulations."

"Thank you," I whispered. Croft nodded again and looked at Dimitri.

"Do we know where you might have been exposed?"

"It was in my drink."

Dimitri looked at me. "What?"

I licked my lips and nodded. "I remember the Pepsi tasting bitter, but I thought it was just because my tastebuds have been wonky. It was really bitter, like when you've held a pill too long in your mouth before swallowing."

"It was in the drink I ordered for myself," Dimitri whispered.

"This will be investigated. A Guardian was poisoned in a room full of Guardians," Guardian Croft said, "I want you both to know that we are taking this very seriously."

I was grateful for his honesty, but my mind was running in other places. I was going over every face I saw at the mixer, trying to pinpoint anyone who might have seemed suspicious. Who would want to poison Dimitri? It would have been easy to poison anyone, but why him?

The realization of who could do that hit me like a brick wall and I sank back into the pillows.

"I think I know who might have done it," I whispered.

"You do?" Croft asked.

I nodded. "Dimitri was threatened a few months back. Someone threatened Dimitri's family if he didn't cut all ties with me other than professional. My mom said that she knew the person who threatened him and tore a strip off of him, promising that she would people watch out for Dimitri's family. But this is the first time that we've been out in the open where he could see us," I explained.

I wasn't stupid enough to hide what Croft clearly saw with his own eyes. Dimitri and I were involved, I wasn't able to lie to the man who was in charge of my career.

"Who?" Croft pressed.

"Ibrahim Mazur," I said looking up at him. His nostrils flared and he looked at Dimitri, raising a brow.

"Why would a man like him want you to stay away from Rose?" he asked Dimitri.

"We aren't really sure," Dimitri said.

Croft nodded. "An accusation against a Moroi is taken seriously. We will investigate, but for the time being, you are off active duty. How far along are you?"

"Just into my second trimester."

Croft nodded. "You are to keep an eagle eye on her, do you understand me?" Croft said to Dimitri while pointing at me.

"Sir, I can promise that she won't be out of my sight any time soon."


Hello hello!

I apologize in advance, I'm not completely off pain medication yet so I'm a little hazy still.

Let me know what you think.

I can promise, you'll love the angst in the next chapter!

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