The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy...

By T-Bonezesteak2

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This story is my idea for a sequel to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon show. It tells the story of the Ro... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 8

157 4 0
By T-Bonezesteak2

One month and a day earlier...

Narrator: The city of Townsville. A calm city with a calm atmosphere; (sniffs) Haaaaahhhhhhh, and the sweet smell of blooming flowers. Let's see and visit a calm place to leave our worries behind.

As the narrator talked, the camera cut to some shots of happy and calm people doing fun activities. Then it cut to some building fronts but stopped in a specific black and dirty building. A person that looked like a biker was thrown out the window, and metal music played in the background.

The camera cut to inside the black building. It was a bar with tough-looking people doing what every stereotypical tough guy does (fight with each other, play cards, drink, etc.). The camera cuts multiple times to these scenarios, like a mini-montage.

Narrator: I know that every person relaxes in their own ways, but how is THIS relaxing?

It went on for some seconds until the entrance door busted open, and lo and behold, it was revealed to be the Rowdyruff Boys. The people looked at them...

Brick: Wassup, yall?! The Rowdyruff Boys are in the house!

The people then looked at each other before bursting into laughter. One of the men came to the Rowdyruff Boys.

Tough-looking thug: (teasing tone) Aaaawwwwww, did you thwee boys get llllloooooossssstttt? Are you lookin' for your mmmmoooommmmmyyyyyyyyy? Hehahahahahahahaa!

Boomer: Hey! We ain't no babies!

Butch: Does your mama know where you are? Yeah, I didn't think so, ya old fart.

Tough-looking thug: Old fart? Didn't your parents teach you to (punches Brick in the forehead) RESPECT YOUR ELDERS?!

Brick didn't even flinch from the thug's punch.

Brick: (smiles devilishly) Ya call that a punch?

The thug was taken aback. Before he could've escaped, Brick moved his arm to the side and punched him so hard he got knocked back to the opposite wall in the room (the wall in front of Brick). Everyone except for one person looked in shock at the boys.

Brick: Anyone else wants to be a punching dummy? (nobody responds) Thought so; (turns to Butch and Boomer) Alright, boys, let's drink some of those drinks grown-ups like so much.

Boomer and Butch in unison: Yeah!

The boys zipped to the bar seats and sat on them.

Brick: Hey, you, drink server.

Bartender: (scared a bit) M-Me?

Brick: No, I'm talkin' to Kanye South; WHO DO YA THINK, IDIOT?!

Boomer: Wait, is Kanye South here?

Butch: No, dude, Brick was just messin' with that guy.

Boomer: Oh.

Brick: Give some of those drinks to us.

Bartender: B-B-But boys, those drinks are for adults; you're still children.

Brick: And?

Bartender: You really won't like it; it'll make you feel horrible.

Brick: "Horrible?" Lemme tell ya somethin'; We've been through a lot of stuff lately. We fought loads of monsters and those Powerpuff sissies! Ya tellin' me we can't handle a couple of grown-up drinks?!

Bartender: (sighs tiredly. unenthusiastic) What can I serve you?

Brick: (looks at the bottles) I want... That one (points at a red wine bottle).

Boomer: And I want that one (points at a rum bottle).

Butch: And this one (points at a vodka bottle).

Bartender: Ok...

The bartender put small glass cups on the counter and went to get the bottles. But the boys stopped him in his way...

Brick: Hey! What's the big idea? Why ya givin' us baby cups?

Bartender: That's how we serve the drinks here, kid.

Brick: Heh, so you're tellin' me even grown-ups are sissies? We want the whole bottle.

Bartender: (shocked) EH?!

The boys flew to the bottles, grabbed their bottle of choice, flew, and stood on the floor facing away from the counter. The boys chuckled in excitement while narrowing their eyebrows...

Brick: Drink up, boys. Time to grow up and be Rowdyruff men!

Butch and Boomer in unison: (Boomer) Yeah! (Butch) Hell yeah, dudes!

The boys opened their bottles.

Bartender: Hey, kids! You don't drink them like water!

Brick: Shut up!

The boys drank and swallowed at least a quarter of the liquid in the bottles. They finished drinking, and their expressions turned to disgust; while Brick just spat and coughed twice, Boomer and Butch took it to the next level by almost vomiting and coughing out loud.

Brick: PAH! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! IT TASTES LIKE SHIT! (looks at Boomer and then at Butch with concern) Yo, dudes!

Butch and Boomer were lying on the floor, still coughing and making vomiting sounds. Brick looked at the bartender angrily before he zipped and grabbed him by his shirt.


Bartender: K-Kid, I told you it'll be horrible to drink it like that.

Brick: Well, fix my brothers, or I will pound you until you-uuuuuhhhhh... Uh... Tsk, I DUNNO, I'LL POUND THE SHIT OUTTA YA!

???: (from behind Brick) You should've listened to the bartender before you boys drank it all in.

Brick: (lets go of the bartender) Huh?! Who said that?

The camera cut to a man that stood up and slowly walked until he stopped just before Boomer and Butch.

???: That would be me.

The man had this appearance: a muscular body, tall, a green plaid shirt with rolled sleeves, blue jeans, brown woodsman shoes, long straight hair, and a beard; both were colored like Brick's hair. The camera cut to Brick and flew to the man.

Brick: (narrows eyes) Hmm... Wait, don't I (pause) know you?

Brick looked thoughtful; the camera cut a few times to a flashback. He made a comparison between a man named "Tyler" and the man standing before him now. The flashback ended, and the camera cut back to Brick.

Brick: Hey, now I remember! You're that Tyler guy from prison! What are you doin' in here?

"Tyler": I come here from time to time to get a drink. But I can ask you the same thing; what are you boys doin' at a bar?

Brick: Well, I see a lot on TV that grown-ups like to go to these places, so we wanted to see what it was all about. But screw that, my bros are here dyin' because of those drinks!

"Tyler": (inhales through the nose) You know, I do have somethin' that might help your brothers.

Brick: You do?! Tell me!

"Tyler": That's the thing; after what I saw earlier, I don't think you deserve it.

Brick: Don't deserve it?! (flies and grabs the man by his shirt) Alright, you, I don't care about "deserving it," so tell me what will help my bros, OR I WILL POUND YOU TO A PULP! Hm?

Brick looked to his left and saw that while talking, with a syringe, the man injected Brick an orange liquid into his waist. Luckily for Brick, he pushed and knocked the syringe away before the man injected the full dose.

Brick: Nice try! But that ain't gonna work out for ya!

"Tyler": (smugs) Hmph, now I see why your name is "Brick."

Brick: WHAT'D YA SAY?! You asked for it, twerp!

Brick hit the man in the face, but it only grazed him a bit.

Brick: What?

Brick's hands were starting to shake.

Brick: Ngh, why are you so heavy now?

Brick slowly descended and landed on the floor, letting go of the man's shirt, and tiredly breathed a bit.

"Tyler": Gotta say, though, you're not that dumb as I thought. Tell ya what, let's play a little game of luck.

Brick: (confused) A game? What are ya kidding me? Like I'll play a stupid ass game right now!

"Tyler": If you win, I'll tell ya what I know.

Brick: Tch. (stands up) Fine.

"Tyler": (points to the chair near Brick) Sit.

The man and Brick sat on chairs with a table in front of them. On it was cards.

"Tyler": The game is called "Blackjack." It's very simple and is all about luck; a person will give us at the start 2 cards that sum up to a number, any number. You have at least done the basic math, right?

Brick: Pfft, math is boring. Why do people care about it?

"Tyler": Well, right now, you will care because it depends on your brothers' lives. Anyway, only one of us wins in this game; let's take you, for example. After the person gives us the 2 cards, the game begins; you can ask the person to give you another card or stay with what you got; this applies to me too. The goal is to reach the number 21, but there are several ways in which you can win and lose. You win by reaching the precise number, having a higher sum than me that doesn't pass 21, or I pass 21 myself. Ya got it?

Brick: I think so.

"Tyler": Good. But let's make it more interesting; if you win once, I'll tell you what ya need to know; If you lose, I won't say anything. If you win twice in a row, I'll give you your powers back; But if you lose that time, you'll have to give something to me. What'll it be, Brick?

Brick: Mmmmm... Ah, screw it! I'll take the uhh... I'll take the uuuhhhh...

"Tyler": Bet; it's called "bet."

Brick: Right, I'll take the bet! Whatever that means.

"Tyler": Then it's settled. (looks to his right) Hey, you, come here.

The man pointed to a person and walked up to the table.

"Tyler": We're playin' a game of blackjack; give us the cards.

The person nodded, took the cards, shuffled them, and gave each pair to Brick and the man; Brick's sum was 6, and the man had 8.

"Tyler": It's your turn, kid.

Brick: Ok. (thoughtful) Uh, gimme another card.

Brick received a card that was worth 6.

Brick: So I got, (looks and taps twice on his hand palm) 12. (thinks) Ngh, gimme another one.

Brick received a card that was worth 8.

Brick: Ooh! It's uuuhhh, 20. I'm gonna stay with what I have.

"Tyler": Mmkay then. (to the card dealer) Hit me.

Brick: (devilishly smiles) With pleasure.

"Tyler": Not you, ya bricks for brains! (points to the card dealer) Him! It's slang to give another card to someone in this game.

Brick: (bluffing) I knew that.

"Tyler": (rolls eyes) Tsk.

The dealer gave the man a 4.

"Tyler": Hit me.

The dealer gave him a king card (it means 10 in blackjack).

"Tyler": (lightly slams the table) Goddammit...

Brick: (surprised) W-Wait, I won? Heh. HHHHAAAAAA! YYYYEEEEESSSS! I WON! I wwwwoooonnnn, I wwwwoooonnnn, I wwwwoooonnnn, I wwwwoooonnnn ♪! Now, tell me what ya know.

"Tyler": (grits teeth but changes expression) Yyyyeesssss, you won alright. I could tell ya what I know, but if ya win again, I'll give you your powers back; but this time ya gotta give me somethin' if you lose. What'll it be?

Brick: (confident) Heh, I feel lucky like I won 3 times in a row against Butch in Killer Instinct. I'm ready for round 2! As for somethin' to give ya, I'll give ya our cabin in the woods.

"Tyler": Cabin in the woods... Alright, I'll take that. The stakes are high, kid!

Brick: Steaks?

"Tyler": Aw, come on! Blackjack slang.

Brick: Alright, alright. Let's do this, then!

The card dealer took the cards from the table, shuffled them with all the other cards, and gave each pair to Brick and the man. Brick had a sum of 19 and the man 11.

Brick: (thinking) Uh. (in realization) 19 already?! Man, this is gonna be easy. Imma stay.

"Tyler": (to the card dealer) Hit me.

The card dealer gave the man a king card.

"Tyler": Cough up what you owe, kid.

Brick: (changes expression) Huh?

"Tyler": Hmph, twenty-one.

Brick: (looks closer at the man's cards) You've gotta be kidding me!

"Tyler": So I guess this means you won't give the cabin?

Brick: Hell no! I ain't givin' ya anything!

"Tyler": Hmph.

With one hand, the man flipped the table; This made Brick fall out of the chair to the floor. He got up, but before he could run away, the man grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him into a nearby table (a different one). The man switched his grip from the shirt to Brick's neck and began choking him.

"Tyler": Now, you listen, ya little shit; I've had enough of your bullshit. If you don't give it to me, I'll take it by force. As for your brothers, I'll take care of them real good.

Brick: (while being choked) Y-You (pause) w-won't...

Brick slowly closed his eyes before falling unconscious; The man released the grip, and Brick fell to the floor. The man looked and walked towards Boomer and Butch, still knocked out from the strong alcohol.

Boomer: Ugh...

The man reached his hand to his (not Boomer's) pocket and pulled out 2 syringes with orange liquid.

"Tyler": Tch.

Boomer: (barely opens eyes. low voice) Uh, are you Kanye South?

The man stomped Boomer on his face and the camera cut to a black screen. The camera faded to a close-up shot of Brick's face; he woke up coughing and sat up. He stood up, looked around, and found himself and his unconscious brothers near him in an empty corner.

Brick: (sighs to himself) Aw, man. I screwed up.

Butch and Boomer woke up shortly after, moaning as if they were ill. Brick turned around.

Brick: (gasps) You guys! (walks up and crouches next to Butch) You ok?

Butch: (sits and puts palm on his forehead) Ugh, dude, I feel like I ate a hot dog with a rotten taco.

Brick: (a bit surprised) You ate a hot dog with a rotten taco?

Butch: No, but that's how I'd feel if I ate somethin' like them. (puts palm on his mouth) Mmm! I feel like I'm about to puke!

Butch got up and ran in a direction away from Brick. Brick stood up and went to Boomer while Butch was puking.

Brick: Boomer, you ok?

Boomer: Uuuuuuggggghhhhhhh, I don't feel so good. (puts palm on his mouth) Mmm!

Boomer ran in a direction away from Brick and puked on the floor; Brick could only watch with regret Butch and Boomer puking.

Butch: Argh, I'll never drink grown-up drinks ever again.

Boomer: Me too. My throat is burning.

Butch: Let's go back to the cabin, Brick; I don't feel like doin' anything else today.

Brick: Um, about that...

Butch: What?

Brick looked uncomfortably at Butch and Boomer. The camera cut to a close-up shot of Boomer.

Boomer: (more surprised than angry) YOU GAVE TYLER OUR CABIN?!

The camera cut back to the Rowdyruff Boys.

Brick: (sighs and grunts) Yeah...

Butch: (surprised and angry) WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!

Brick: I was thinking of saving you guys!

Butch: And look where it got to us! We don't have anything! No powers, no house, NOTHING! You sold us out!

Brick looked down at the floor angrily.

Butch: Come on, Boomie; Let's leave this sellout.

Boomer: (changes expression) Huh? Hey, wait; can't we just go to the Powerpuff Girls' house and drink that black stuff?

Butch: Aw, yeah? Ya thought what'll happen if the girls expect us?

Boomer: N-No. But what happened last time?

Butch: We were just lucky; Brick's stupid decisions always get us almost killed!

Boomer: (gets a bit angry) Hey! You always agreed with Brick!

Butch: That's cuz I was too stupid. And ya know what? Maybe Brick is named like that cuz he's dumb as a bunch of bricks.

The camera cut to Brick; he gritted his teeth, his fists were shaking, his eyes were closed, and he got angrier while still looking down at the ground. The camera switched to an X-ray of Brick's body. In his blood system, there were blood cells (obviously), an orange liquid, and, surprisingly, small spots of black liquid that was mostly in his hands.

The camera panned to his brain, beating and releasing red radio waves and electric signals to the nervous system. The signals went everywhere, but there was no response except in Brick's hands. The camera zoomed into one of them and showed the signals arriving at the black liquid. The background around turned red, and the liquid was transforming.

The liquid moved in a way that resembled an unending series of explosions. The camera zoomed out to reveal that the process was going on in Brick's other hand, too, before it switched out from X-ray vision and back to his face.


Brick screamed with fury, went, and punched the wall beside him. In concept, it looked like this (skip to the middle of the video):

As soon as Brick's fist made contact with the wall, time froze and zoomed into his hand. The camera switched back to X-ray vision, and time was going slowly. It showed the liquid moving to the tip of Brick's fist; the camera zoomed further and revealed the liquid "exploding" before it exploded like a bomb, causing a chain reaction.

The camera zoomed out, and time resumed normally. Let's take it from the top; Brick punched the wall, but as soon as the punch connected, an explosion from his fist knocked him to the opposite wall and destroyed a bit of the wall he punched.

Butch, Boomer, and Brick were surprised at what they saw.

Butch: The hell?

Brick looked at his fist and saw smoke coming out of it.

Brick: I... Did this? (walks 2 steps) Hmm...

Brick punched the air, and there was another explosion from his fist, which knocked him back.

Brick: Whoa-whoa! (stabilizes himself, looks at his smoking fist, and devilishly grins) Heh, guess I still have some fuel left in me.

Brick looked at Boomer and Butch; they were looking at him, and he at them with uncomfortable expressions.

Brick: (shouting from a distance) So I guess you won't be comin' along with me?

Butch: Tsk, (shouting from a distance) just go already!

Brick: (nods) Hmph...

Brick turned to his left and walked away.

Boomer: (to Butch) H-Hey! We're not gonna leave him like that, right?!

Butch: (looks down) Ngh...

The camera zoomed out, still focusing on Butch and Boomer, before cutting to a black screen. The camera faded to a cabin with its door open. The time was an afternoon with the sky and the sunlight orange. The camera cut to the cabin inside; "Tyler" was there, and he was doing pushups. After some seconds, he got up and stretched; his phone rang...

"Tyler": (picks up call. sighs) Yes?

???: (from the other side of the call) Clifton! My man!

Clifton: What do you want from me now, you snake?

???: Gee, so rude. No askin' each other on how's life goin'?

Clifton: It's been shit since I was a kid; get on with it and let's be done already.

???: We're about to make a move; all we need from you is just a couple of pretty pictures of all the famous Townsville villain clowns and where they live. You can start with that chimp-chump Mojo.

Clifton: So you're treating me like a girl scout now.

???: A good one at that. Heck, if you ever get caught up, you can serve them some nice "cookies," if you know what I mean.

Clifton: (sighs) When will all of this be over, Damien?

Damien: Over? Kinda jumpin' the gun there, don't you think?

Clifton: 25 years! I've faithfully served you for 25 years; when will I ever see my little girl again?!

Damien: Ah, will you stop? This is pathetic; c'mon, you're embarrassing yourself; c'mon, let it go, don't be ridiculous.

Clifton: (a bit frustrated) Nrgh...

Damien: But ya know what? I'm throwin' ya a bone.

Clifton: (concerned) What?

Damien: This job is very big on both of our ends. If you act like a good boy and do everything I say this time, I will let you return to the family.

Clifton: And why should I trust you to keep this promise?

Damien: Because the fate of America is depended on this job. Now, ya want me to mail it to your ass, or do I need to scream it out loud for ya?

Clifton: No need for any of these; I accept the job.

Damien: Good boy.

Clifton: Just one thing, though, I've run out of orange juice.

Damien: What? Don't tell me the girls know about the job!

Clifton: They don't; I just had a run-in with the Rowdyruff Boys. They don't know shit.

Damien: Good, cuz if they did, I'd fucking kill you. So tell me, the orange juice works fine?

Clifton: Yup.

Damien: Good. I'll be in touch...

The call ended; Clifton put the phone back into his jeans pocket and exhaled tiredly.

Brick: (from outside the cabin) HEY! TYLER! COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME!

Clifton: (sarcastic) Great; just what I needed.

Clifton got up from his chair, walked to the entrance, and saw Brick standing a little far from the cabin. Clifton went out...

Clifton: Heh, you got balls for comin' here all alone. Where are your brothers at?


Clifton: Straight to business, I see. I like that.

Midway, Brick put his hands back, used his new ability, "blast hands," kicked Clifton in his left cheek, and landed behind him. Brick got up in his battle stance; unfortunately for Brick, his kick barely made his body move, only his head.

Clifton: Hmph. I think I didn't give ya enough orange juice.

Brick: (surprised) The fuck?

Clifton turns to Brick, "cracking" and stretching his neck, and this music starts to play:

Clifton: This is like David vs. Goliath. Except this time, there's no god backin' you up.

Brick: Why you...

Brick ran towards Clifton, did the same thing with his blast hands, and aimed to dropkick him; that's when the music kicked off. Thus, the fight started, Brick vs. Clifton.

The fight was more grounded and slow, and unfortunately for Brick, he was fighting a losing battle. Though Brick got up after every hit, had a new ability, and used it a lot, Clifton was stronger and more skilled. In addition, he mocked Brick throughout the fight.

The fight ended with Clifton punching Brick in the stomach, knocking him back to the ground. While Brick was wounded (but not too much) and out of breath, Clifton was still calm, not breaking a sweat, and that's when the music ended.

Clifton: Had enough, kid? If you're smart, you should get out before I do any serious damage. But if ya still have bricks for brains (stretches neck), I can still go all day.

The camera panned left, cut to a view behind Clifton, panned left, and revealed Butch and Boomer standing and saying nothing. The camera cut to Brick struggling to get up and heavily breathing before it cuts back to Clifton.

Clifton: Besides, what would your brothers think of you dyin' here? Wouldn't that be a waste of life? Don't you want to fight and win against the Powerpuff Girls? What'll it be, Brick?

Brick: (coughs and gets up) You're right about two things. I screwed up; I'm dumb as bricks, and my bros hate me now; I think they're long gone by now and not coming back. But ya know what? Either way, I'll be happy with what I get. I love my bros; even though they sometimes annoy me, I still love them. If I die, that'll prove Butch right, and they can maybe get a better life than stupid ol' me. But if I win against you and take back the cabin, I can prove to myself that I can fix my mistakes. Too bad for you; the other thing you were right about is that I still wanna fight and win against those Powerpuff sissies (inhales). And I don't plan to die here yet. I'm maybe dumb as bricks, BUT YOU'RE STILL FACING A BRICK WALL! So if ya want to bust this wall, you'll have to kill me!

While Brick is doing his speech, the camera cut in the middle to Butch and Boomer with regretful and emotional expressions and then back to Brick.

Clifton: Then I guess there's nothing I can say to change your mind. Just remember, (fists his other hand palm) you asked for it. (hears sounds of footsteps behind him) Hm?

The camera cut to an angle that showed Clifton's face with Butch and Boomer dropping from the cabin's top, yelling their battle cries. They hit Clifton in the back of the head and landed on the ground. The hit was a bit more effective, but nothing major.

Clifton: You little...

Clifton hit Butch and then Boomer, knocking them back towards Brick. They stood up.

Boomer: Ngh, he's tough.

Brick: Wha? What are you guys doin' here?

Butch: (sniffs. to Brick) Goddammit, dude. Why ya gotta sound so cool all the time?!

Boomer: Hey, Butch, it's not the time to cry like babies! We got some butt to kick (gets into battle stance)!

Brick: What are ya talkin' about? You don't have any fuel! Get out! This is my fight!

Butch: (to Brick) Shut up! Remember what I said to ya earlier? I take it way back. I don't wanna die, but I don't want to be a sissy who leaves my dude hangin'!

Boomer: Yeah! We're your family, Brick!

Brick: (smiles) If it's like that, I don't have anything else to say. (to Clifton) Ya hear that, Tyler?! The Rowdyruff Boys are gonna kick your ass!

Clifton: Hehe. You?! Don't be ridiculous; even if it's from one to three, ya still don't get a chance against me.

Butch: Aw, yeah? As if you got superpowers yourself!

Clifton: I don't need superpowers to beat ya.

Clifton then took off his shirt and put it on the ground, revealing his ripped-muscular body.

Clifton: It's all about hard work; Morning, noon, and night I do it. I never take any days off; when I feel like not doin' it, I do it. So you tell me, how do boys like you think you can beat someone with years of experience, huh? I bet ya stopped grindin' after prison and got your powers back.

Brick, Boomer, and Butch looked at each other and then at Clifton. Brick took off his hat first and then, along with Butch and Boomer, his shirt. The Rowdyruff Boys had their shirts off, and their bodies were muscular too. Clifton raised an eyebrow...

Brick: If you're tellin' us we got lazy, then you mean we don't wanna beat the Powerpuff Girls anymore. It's what kept us goin' to get stronger; what ya said earlier, that's exactly what we did. Besides, even if we do beat them, we won't stop the hard work we've put into ourselves. We wanna be better till we're the best of ourselves, right, boys?!

Boomer and Butch in unison: Yeah!

Clifton: (smug) Heh. Hehehehehe...

Brick: What's so funny, huh?!

Clifton: Hehe, (inhales) nothin'-nothin'. (gets into battle stance) Just so ya know, I ain't holdin' any punches this time. You're ready for this?

The boys stretched.

Brick: (cracks neck) Heh, anytime, anywhere.

The boys got in their battle stances. The trio glared at Tyler, and he at them menacingly. Some seconds of silence passed...

This music started to play:

When the guitar started to play at the 0:03 mark, Brick shouted...


The boys and Clifton charged at each other, screaming in anger, and the fight began. It was brutal and dirty; no flashy moves and pretty super powers (except for the blast hands, but it's still not "pretty"). Even though the fight went on for this long and gave Clifton a bit of a challenge, they still lost.

Butch and Boomer were on the ground, lying, with only Brick still fighting. Clifton grabbed and threw Brick away next to Boomer and Butch. When the ending drums kicked in, Brick got up, screamed angrily, and charged toward Clifton. Midway, he used his blast hands and aimed for a punch. Unfortunately for Brick, Clifton countered him with a strong punch to the head that knocked him back to where Boomer and Butch were; and that's where the music ended too.

Clifton only had a few scratches and bruises in contrast to the torn pants and wounds of the Rowdyruff Boys. He took a few steps toward them and stopped close to them. Brick looked up at him, breathing heavily...

Clifton: Hmph, not bad, boys. You gave me a tougher fight than I expected.

Brick struggled but got up.

Clifton: Ya know, I kinda like a good fight myself. I'll admit, the "Rowdyruff" part ain't just for show.

Clifton walked toward a direction, crouched, picked up Brick's hat, returned to Brick, and gave it to him.

Brick: What?

Clifton: Consider yourself lucky; I'm not goin' to kill ya. But as for the cabin, it's still mine; if ya beat me, it's yours again. Now, take your brothers somewhere they can recover. Go.

Brick was confused at the situation but didn't think too much of it; he went to Boomer, grabbed and put his arm around the neck (Brick's neck), and stood him up. The camera cut to the orange sky; It panned down to reveal Brick carrying Boomer and Butch simultaneously along the street of the suburb part of Townsville. He was struggling and grunting in pain.

Brick noticed something in front of him; the camera cut to his POV and revealed that it was the Powerpuff Girls' house.

Brick: Ngh, there! Almost there!

Suddenly, there was a crack sound.

Brick: (in pain) AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (falls to the floor) NNNNNRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! (crawling forward) N-NO! I (pause) WON'T DIE HERE! (calms down. stops crawling) I... Won't... Die...

Brick reached his shaking arm forward before he dropped it. He was lying on his right side, in front of a particular house...

Brick: No...

Brick slowly closed his eyes before he fell unconscious (Butch and Boomer were also unconscious). Some seconds of silence passed...

Woman from the house: Robin. Can you take out the trash?

Robin: Yeah, mom. Just a second...

The house's door opened, and a little girl came out with a trash bag. That girl was none other than Robin Snyder.

Robin Snyder: (happy) Hmhmhmhmhmhmmm ♪... Hm? (gasps in shock and drops the trash bag) MOMMY!

Alice Snyder: (ran from the house to Robin) What's wrong, dear?! (gasps in shock) Oh my goodness! What happened to these poor kids?!

Robin: Mom, we can't just leave them like this, right?

Alice: Oh, we wouldn't leave anyone like this; Robin, dear, help me get them inside.

Robin: Ok!

Alice and Robin went over and carried the Rowdyruff Boys inside the house. The camera cut to a zoomed-out view of the street. It cut again to the end screen with the skull.

Narrator: (sighs) So... the day was doomed (pause) for the Rowdyruff Boys... (pause) I... don't have the words to express what I've just seen today.

End of Episode 8!
To be continued...!

Post-production thoughts:

Another episode is done. For those who're asking, yes, the man's real name is Clifton. That's why I put quotation marks on the name "Tyler" to hint about the name's forgery. Just to remind you, this episode takes place one month and a day before the previous episode's events.

I'll see you guys in the next episode...

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