Second Chance || Lab Rats

By multiny_

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Hundreds of mile away from home. New school. New friends. New life. New feelings? Maybe Everything was bound... More

• Act one •
01: New School
02: Finishing First Day Of School
03: Split Personality
04: First Dance
05: Progress Reports And Shocking News
06: Chessy Picture On The Wall
07: Absent Birthday Boy
08: Forgive And Forget- Cause They Have A Flippin' Lab
09: Alone Time Gone Wrong
10: Beach Day And Old Enemies
11: Magic Shoes
12: Magic Shoes, Not So Magical Experience
13: Parent/Teacher Night
14: Visit From An Old Friend?
15: Day Two Of Building A Lab
16: Finally Friends
17: Marcus Goes To School
18: New Band And Betrayals
19: First Sleepover And A Mission
20: Mission Success
21: Wild Assumptions and laser tag gone wrong
• Act two •
22: A Trip To The Bottom Of The Pacific Ocean
23: Near Death Experience
24: Aftermath
25: First Day Of Parenting
26: Bad Parent(ing)
27: Making Memories
28: I Didn't Even Have Detention
30: Hanging Out With Geeks
31: Win Some, Lose Some
32: Vocal Manipulation
33: Close Call
34: Not So Happy Visit
35: Truth's Out
36: New Universe, New Me
37: No Place Like Home
38: First Birthday Together
39: Talent Show
40: Spike's Back
41: Uh Oh
42: Smoothing Things Over
43: Another Dooley In School
44: Loud neighbors
45: The Day Has Come
46: Unexpected Turn
• Act Three •
47: A Year Later
48: An Angry Old Friend
49: First Hero Mission
50: Boyfriend Goes Missing
51: We've Come So Far

29: What's Wrong With Bree?

262 12 2
By multiny_

            There's so many other ways to spend my day but Ms. Whitlock jus had to sign me up for the school's art show.

"Listen, if you won't show off your musical skills by signing up for the school band, then at least show off your artist skills." Ms. Whitlock was helping me set up my section in the cafeteria. She placed one of my painting on a stand and put a sticky note on it with the price.

It was kind of last minute when she asked me adding more stress for me. Literally she just told me. I received a call from her to hurry to school and next thing I knew, I was drawing and painting  over ten canvases. I was luckily brought my book bag which held my sketchbook. I used my previous drawings to come up with the paintings.

"And I'm fine with that, but seriously...the art show." I complained. I put up another of my painting on the setup. I stared at the painting and tilted my head, was this really worthy to be sold?

"It's a great opportunity for you."

"I guess." I sighed. "I should be thanking you for this. I'm getting money out of this."

Ms. Whitlock laughed and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, "You give me twenty bucks from your sales and we'll call it even."

It was my turn to laugh, "You got yourself a deal."

"It's my time to go. Sorry I couldn't be here all night." Ms. Whitlock apologized.

"It's okay. Thanks again, Ms. Whitlock."

"When we're outside school you can call me Amara." She winked at me. I chuckled and nodded accepting the hug she initiated.

"We're technically still in school."

Ms. Whitlock playfully rolled her eyes and stepped back. She wrapped her brown knitted cardigan around herself and smiled. "I'll see you two tomorrow. Good luck and get home safe."

Two? Oh yeah, Marcus is here. Maybe tonight won't be so bad. I spent some time with my favorite teacher, I get money, and get to be with Marcus without any bickering from our dad's.
It just might be the only good thing out of this.

And I say only because Bree is going to be here. Not saying she's the problem but her new boyfriend is. I don't have an exact issue with Owen it's just... he's just a bit... odd. I'm passionate for the art I create. Owen is in a whole 'nother level of passionate.

Besides putting up with his monologues about the great beyond or whatever, I don't have to face dad's furry. One of the big contribution as to why I'm going along with the art show. Ms. Whitlock gave me the option to back out but I refused. Why? Well because I told him about the date he had to go on with Perry, which turned messy quick.

"Why would you tell her that?!" Dad shouted. Tony was laughing while munching on some cookies he found. He comfortably sat on the couch moving his head back and forth between dad and I.

"Because they needed to go on a mission." I reasoned. I've said this like a million times this evening and he still doesn't see it as an acceptable reason. Which I understood. Nothing can be justified if it ended with having to go on a date with Perry. But this— this has to be an exception.

"So what?!"

"So what?" I mocked, "What if she found out? What if because you didn't want to go on a date with her, she finds out about the missions, then because of that she can easily find out about their bionics. Leading to finding out about Mr. Davenport, then Douglas, then Marcus— an android which can be seen as worse in Perry's eyes, then finds out about you. Then we all go to jail."

"She has a point, Lexi." Douglas added.

"Ugh!" Dad groaned storming off to the lab.

"I don't think he's happy about it this." Tony commented.

I sighed recalling earlier's event. I turned to Marcus who was at my side flipping through my sketchbook.

"You think my dad's over the whole Perry situation?"

"Not one bit." Marcus said not taking his eyes off the book.

"Thought so." I muttered to myself.

"When is the date anyways?"

"Uh, sometime this week I think."

"Maybe we can go as a double date." Marcus joked. I slapped his shoulder a smile appearing on my face.


I hummed not really paying attention. I thought my nerves would have settled down but I guess not. I don't even know why I'm nervous. I've had people seen my art before, but then again, I've never displayed them, much less put them for sell. It was unsettling for me.

"Look at me."

I slowly looked at him only to return my gaze at the cafeteria's double doors. I heard the creaking of a chair but paid no mind to it. I kept my gazed fixed on the door waiting for Bree to walk through it. I loved the fact that Marcus was here with me but I needed the extra reassurance.

My mind was in its own little world that I didn't notice Marcus was the one that stood up from his seat. He placed a hand on my shoulder causing me to break from my train of though.

"You have nothing to worry about. Just sit back, relax, and let people view your amazing art." Marcus comforted me. I smiled and looked down. He gently placed a finger under my chin lifting my head. He raised his brow not convinced by my smile.

I sighed, "I know I can draw. That's not the problem. Trust me, you know how many years it took me to draw a perfect circle. I've had the practice." Marcus chuckled slightly, "I don't know. Maybe it's the amount of people here that makes me uncomfortable." I shrugged.

Marcus nodded understanding now. He wrapped an arm around me caressing my shoulder. We leaned against the side of table watching people make their way through the different displays.

"Marcus, I'll be back. Imma go check if Bree's here yet."

"Okay. Do you need help finding her?"

"Nah, it's okay. I'll be back."

Marcus squeeze my shoulder before letting me go. I walked out the doors and scanned the room for the bionic brunette. I waited a few more seconds and she'd finally fell into my sight. She was on top of the stairs with Owen. I was about to go to them when I saw Leo rush to them. I hesitated and decided to watch them first.

They talked for a bit before Owen left the two. I couldn't help but look at his and his sculpture. It was an interesting piece I'll give him that.

"Hi." Owen greeted.

"Hey. I, uh, like your mask."

"Thanks, it's made out of controls. The mask represents our fate and how true control is a masquerade." Owen explained, showing off his sculpture. I observed it and it was actually not so bad. Okay, hear me out, the whole concept he came up with is actually clever. Not many people can be so philosophical and have the time to come up with a sculpture for their views. Or I'm just stupid and lazy and can easily be impressed.

"Wow. Inventive. You sure do have a talent."

He smiled and put on his mask while walking away. I heard a shout that sounded more like a squeal behind me. He definitely gonna scare more than one person if he keeps the mask on.

My attention shifted back to the Davenport siblings in time to see Bree fall down the stairs. She struggled to get on her feet.

"See? That is performance art. I call it 'falling uncontrollably down the stairs.'"

I rushed over to her aid. She wobbled in my grasp, struggling to find her footing. I looked over at Leo who was still on top of the stairs. He ran down the stairs holding Bree's other side. We dragged her over to the circular bench. Once she was placed down she slumped into the seat.

"Bree, Davenport's gonna freak out. We have to go."

"Leo, I can't even stand up. Everything is numb. Look!" Bree tried to move but only made herself slam down on her back. She groaned as her body slammed down on the hard bench.

"Wait, you're not even supposed to be here?" Leo's statement had finally register and I gaped at her.

"No." Bree whined. "Just help me get out of here before it gets worth." Oh dear, now she has developed a lisp, "It's worth!"

"What's happening?" Leo asked. I nodded realizing just how much context I'm missing.

"The numbness spread to my tongue! I can't talk!"

"Finally, a positive side effect." Leo said as a smile stretched on his face.

"Leo, don't be an ass."

It sucks having a lisp. I didn't have one but one of my brothers did. We couldn't understand most of what he was saying. It was frustrating time for all of us.

"No one asked you to be here, Bonnie?" Leo remarked. I glared at him trying to lift Bree up. "Don't you have to get back to Clyde."

I sighed. I had no right to be mad but Bree needed serious help right now.

"Leo!" Bree exclaimed. Leo reached for her other side. Finally, he decides to be useful.

"Let's get you up." We finally got her to stand. It was more difficult navigating with her limp body. "Here we go." Leo groaned.

We made it to a stool that was in front of a landscape painting before Leo dropped her onto it. Much to his luck, it had wheels. He could just wheel her back to their mansion.

"Okay. Once we get outside, I'll upgrade you to a nice shopping cart. How's that?"

Oh no. Downgrade Picasso is approaching.

"Bree! There you are." He said not questioning her current state. What a loving boyfriend or a really self-centered one.

"I'm about to unveil the centerpiece of my exhibit." He said gesturing to the other side of the room. He quickly tucked his hands behind his back and faced Bree, "Are you okay?"

Never mind, I take it back, he cares.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. She's fine. Your art is just so good, she getting..." Leo reassured him but struggled to find the right word to not offend him.

"Emotional." I finished his statement. I took Bree's other arm helping Leo keep her standing up.

"That's good. That's good." Bree approved.

"Come on. I've been waiting all night to show you this. I wasn't kidding when I said that you were my muse." Owen lead us to a huge painting being covered by a black sheet. I was invested. Compared to his sculpture, I wonder how this will turn out?

Leo and I placed Bree on the column. It didn't go according to plan as she was slipping. Leo was quick enough to stop her from falling to the ground.

"You've inspired me to create my best piece yet."

With my help, we were able to get her standing before Owen turned around.

"I call it 'my most deeply meaningful piece yet.'" He pulled the sheet off dramatically to reveal a portrait of Bree. It was impressive for sure. An upgrade from the controller mask. Leo felt the same as he forgot about Bree and went to take a closer look at the painting.

Which made me stumble, not ready to take all the weight we were sharing between us. I struggled to get her knees to stop bending and started to fall with her.

"That's not totally horrible. What is it?"

"Yeah, a real masterpiece." I strained out.

"It's paintball art: two thousand paintballs fired with precise accuracy to create a portrait of you sister."

I don't know whether to be impressed by his accuracy or patience. I wonder if Marcus would appreciate a drawing like that. I've had my fat share of abstract paintings. I once did a drawings using my uncle's cigarette ashes. As far as I know he still has it framed on his fridge.

"It's about beauty, inspiring mankind to repurpose the tools of pseudo-violence as art." His monologue was tuned out by Leo and I as we struggled to get her to the bench. We sat between her giving the illusion that she was fine and dandy.

"So, what do you think, Bree?"

We smiled innocently as Owen turned around.


Bree tried to speak but it came out as gibberish. Oh, how I worry for her love life.

"She had the same reaction to the Mona Lisa." That was a really good save. Who knows how he'll take it that his painting was compared to the Mona Lisa. We stood up again hoisting Bree up as best as we could. "Well, we have to go."

The two siblings went back and forth incoherently arguing. She slipped out of my grasped as all of her body shifted to Leo while arguing. Leo noticed and accidentally threw her into Owen while trying to adjust her.

"Yeah, that's enough, that's enough." Leo took back his sister and I went to help him but her body kept moving unsteadily.

"Leo, hold on." I said not sure if he heard. It was too much for his scrawny body and he was waving her around like a rag doll. It was so much that he wasn't able to stop her from falling through her portrait. I covered my mouth feeling the despair of the sight of the ripped painting.

"We'll take it." Leo smiled. He rushed back to Bree and dragged her out the building by her leg. I waved at her and she smiled at me.

"Bye, Owen!"

Owen and I looked at each other not knowing what to do. I waved and sheepishly smiled at him. I turned back around glancing at the destroyed art before walking through the doors. I spotted Marcus talking with some people. They were holding two of my painting.

When I reached my section they had left and Marcus put the money away.

"It's everything okay? You were gone for a while."

"Yeah, kind of. Somethings was up with Bree. I'm sure she's gonna be fine though." I briefly explained. I sat next to him resting my head on his shoulder. I felt him tense at the contact. I was about to pull away when he relaxed and wrapped his arm around me.

"How much longer do we have to be here?"

"For about another hour." Marcus answered. I groaned, it's my fault for putting my hope so high. I'd thought he would've said a couple of minutes not another hour. He started to play with my hair instantly making me feel sleepy.

"I suggest you stop or I'll end up sleeping on you." I warned trying my best from sounding drowsy.

Marcus chuckled, "I don't mind. Besides you could use a nap. You've had a long day."

"You know, there's an easy solution to that." I lifted my head looking straight into his beautiful brown eyes. I forget how memorizing they can be.

Wait, does that mean I find Douglas's craftsmanship... memorizing? I have to ask him more about Marcus.

"We are not leaving."

Marcus's respond brought me back, forgetting about my thoughts and I groaned again.

"Damn." I laid my head on his shoulder again contemplating my time here. My protests were cut short as I felt something on top of my head. Did— did he just...

I looked up about to question him when he leaned down and pecked my lips.

Well that's one way to make someone stop complaining.


Season 2 ep 4: Quarantined

Word count: 2633

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