A Year Agreement (PUBLISHED!)

By OutOfMyLimit17

25.1M 718K 168K

Jenna Howard is not your regular 19 year old. She's been by herself since she was just 5 years old. After bei... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27..
Chapter 28...
Chapter 29...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 38...
Chapter 39...
Chapter 40...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2...
Bonus Chapter 3...
Release Day!!

Chapter 8...

499K 15.8K 4K
By OutOfMyLimit17

Dedicated to StoneQueen for the AMAZING cover of this story!!! I love it, thank you so much! <3

I stared at Liam frozen. In less than 24 hours I will be meeting his family for the first time, and pretending I am deeply in love with him. I don't think I can do this. No I can't do this. As I stood there almost hyperventilating a voice in the back of my mind starting talking.

Jenna it doesn't matter if you can't do this, you are going to have to. You got yourself in this mess and your going to have to get out of it yourself. This is not about you anymore. You are going to suck it up, stop whining, realize this is happening and deal with it. From now on you are going to have to fake that your in love and happy with Liam. Stop acting like a little girl.

I realized that the voice was right. My time of whining, and thinking about how stupid I am to take the deal is over. It has happened and I am going to have to deal with it. Time to start acting mature and not like some high school teenage girl. I can do this.

"Yes I am ready." I said swallowing and tilting my head up. With a nod to Liam that I had everything I needed I walked past him towards the garage. It took a minute before I heard his footsteps following me, walking out to the garage I stood off to the side waiting for him to grab the keys.

Without saying anything he grabbed a random set hanging by the door before walking over to the Audi that wasn't there last time I was in here. I stood there gawking at it while Liam was already inside the drivers seat waiting impatiently for me. Realizing he was waiting for me I quickly walked to the passenger side and slide into the dark grey leather seat. The inside of the car was just as sleek as the outside.

Dark grey leather graced the seats, the dashboard was black and smooth. There was a touch screen stereo that could also hook to a phone. Clicking my seatbelt on I ran my finger tips across the dash. This car probably costs more than my life and everything I own doubled. I have always loved cars and even in high school I took an auto class all 4 years, it was by far my favorite class. Learning what makes a car tick fascinated me for some reason. To me it is easier figuring out what's wrong with the car and fixing it, rather than communicating with people. Cars are simple, people are not.

Liam backed out of the garage and soon we were flying down the driveway onto the road. Surprised at first from the speed we were going I gripped the door handle but after a minute I let go and relaxed into the comfortable seat. Going fast didn't bother me it made me feel free, like nothing could touch me.

As we came closer into town the car slowed and weaved around others. I watched as we passed by tall buildings and cute little shops lining the street. People dressed in suits and pant suits walked briskly passed one another either heading home or back to work. I noticed a few tourists for they walked slowly on the sidewalk pointing at things.

A minute later Liam pulled up to the curb in front of a building. Opening my door I stepped out and gasped at the building we were at. Tiffany and Co. I'm getting a ring at Tiffany's?! A hand on my lower back brought my back and I turned to see Liam next to me. I leaned away from him but his hand wrapped around my waist pulling me to his side.

"Don't. We are out in public." He hissed down at me. Swallowing hard I nodded and stepped back into his side. He opened the door and pushed me inside following after me.

The moment I stepped inside I felt like I had died. Cases upon cases were filled with diamonds. Multiple people stood around dressed in black holding their hands in front of them waiting to help someone. Just standing at the entrance made me feel so small and dirty compared to this place. I never thought I would ever be able to come in this place. It is every girls dream to get a ring at Tiffany's, even a poor girl like me who never would be able to afford one in a million years.

"Mr. Stanford?" A female voice asked. My gaze left the cases of rings to the right of me to the woman standing in front of us. She was a middle age woman with brown hair to her shoulders. Her brown eyes were staring at Liam in shock.

"Hello. I am here to pick out a ring with my fiancé." Liam said his arm tightening around me. The lady turned her gaze to me and I felt her scrutinizing me, I felt like an ant beneath her feet. I watched as her brown eyes narrowed at me before turning back to Liam and sending him a wide grin.

"Of course Mr. Stanford. I am Karen I'll show you what we have." As she turned to lead us somewhere I glanced down at my outfit and couldn't help but wonder what is wrong with it. A big hand wrapping around my wrist pulling me along and I looked up just in time before I hit Liam's back. He looked down at me and clenched his jaw before turning back to Karen. God what is up with everyone today?

Even though it was 4:30 the place was still busy as we weaved around people. We passed by a case and my eyes widen at how huge the diamonds were on just one ring.

"Mr. Stanford here are out finest rings. We have white gold, gold, silver, platinum bands. Any cut of diamond you want we do have or can do, as well as color." I stood to the side of Liam and watched as Karen pulled out cases filled with different types of rings. I stared down at them not having known there was so many different rings to choose from. Who knew you could get pink, yellow, blue and even green diamonds.

"Honey go ahead and take a look." Liam said. His term of endearment surprised me but I didn't show it. I sent him a fake smile and stepped away from him closer to the rings. I felt both of their eyes on me but ignored them as my eyes danced from one ring to another.

There were so many to choose from that someone could easily become overwhelmed. As I looked at the ones in front of me I didn't see any that popped out at me. Sure they were beyond gorgeous, big diamonds centered in the middle with little ones around the band. There were round, princess, oval, pear, emerald, heart, square cuts. I could tell the lady was getting impatient, which was stupid for a sales person, so I pointed at one.

"Can I see that one?" I asked politely, I didn't know if I was allowed to just grab one. She nodded and handed me a pretty ring, its band silver with a few diamonds near the top and a big circle diamond in the center. I slide it onto my ring finger and looked down at it. It was obviously to big for my little finger and kept sliding down. You know what, this is going to be my only wedding I might as well pick a ring I really want and like. Maybe at the end of the year Liam will let me keep it.

"Here." I said sliding it off and handing it back to the lady. Without waiting for her to put it back I turned and started walking towards another case. I let my eyes wander through multiple cases with hundreds of rings before something caught my eye to my right. I leaned over the counter and looked down at the ring that caught my attention. I immediately knew it was the one. The band consisted of white gold or silver with little diamonds all around it, at the center was a huge pale blue circle diamond; it was surrounded by more little diamonds in a square. The more I looked at the the more I loved it. I loved that it wasn't a normal white diamond but blue, my favorite color.

"Can I see this one?" I asked turning around seeing both the lady and Liam standing in the same spot. Karen looked at Liam and he nodded before walking towards me. As I waited for Karen to come and unlock the case I looked back down at the ring. It was simple and unique, perfect for me.

"This one is an aquamarine, circle, 7 carrot white gold ring." She handed to me and I gently took it. I slowly slide it on my ring finger and grinned as it fit me perfectly. Staring down at my hand I knew I wanted it. The diamond was huge but if it was smaller you wouldn't see the blue so well. Almost like I would break it I ran my fingertip across it. It felt weird wearing a ring on that finger and seeing one there.

"I love it." I breathed out.

"It only costs about $60,000." Karen said as my eyes widened. What?! No that's way to much. Sighing inwardly I slide it off and started handing it over. Guess I'll have to keep looking for one less expensive. Just before the lady could take it from me Liam's big hand stopped mine.

"We will take it." I turned to him to argue saying it was to much but Karen interrupted me.

"But sir that isn't one of our finest rings. There are plenty of other ones you-"

"I said we will get it. If my fiancé wants it than she can get it." He said his voice hard. Karen swallowed and nodded quickly.

"Yes sir. Let me go get the paperwork and clean it up than you can go." She quickly walked off giving me time to turn to Liam.

"Liam! That is too much money for a ring." I hissed at him.

"No it is not."

"Yes it is. I'll pick another one less expensive." I argued.

"Do you have to argue about everything Jenna? I said we are getting it." He looked down at me his blue eyes dark and hard. I opened my mouth to reply but Karen's voice interrupted me. Wow that was fast.

"Mr. Stanford I just need you to sign here and here." She pointed out. Liam did as she asked before handing her a credit card which she took and left again. I wanted to argue back with him about the ring but I knew I wouldn't win and a small part of me was excited to actually get an engagement ring that pretty. This will probably be my only wedding so I might as well enjoy it.

We stood next to each other not saying a word until Karen came back with stuff in her hands.

"Here you are Sir." She handed him back his credit card. "Also here is the receipt for the ring as well as the box it comes in, I figured your fiancé would like to wear the ring now. We have a lifetime guarantee on any wedding rings so if the band becomes loose, tight, or even rusts a little which is normal; just come in and we will fix it for free." Instead of handing me the ring she handed it to Liam. "Thank you for your business Mr. Stanford." She shot him a wide smile.

"Thank you Karen." Liam than turned to face me locking eyes with my green ones. His hand reached for mine and grabbed it pulling it towards him. I stared into his blue eyes almost transfixed as his fingers gently caressed mine. I felt the touch of warm on my finger and quickly looked down away from Liam's gaze to watch him slide the ring onto my ring finger. I looked from it up to Liam as he raised my hand to his mouth before laying a kiss on my knuckles. I felt my cheeks heat up and felt Karen's and a few other eyes on us.

The feeling of his soft and smooth lips against my knuckles made a shiver run down my spine. His blue eyes stared intently at mine as his lips lingered longer than necessary. As soon as he pulled away I felt my knees weaken. It wasn't even a real kiss but it still had the power to make my legs feel like jello, it made me wonder what would happen when we do really kiss.

With a final nod at Karen, Liam pocketed the receipt as well as the ring box before grabbing my ring clad hand and leading me out the door. With no words he helped me into the car before coming around and sliding in the drivers seat. I looked down at my left hand and gazed at it in wonder. It felt weird wearing such a huge ring on my finger and seeing it there. It was kind of heavy and when I turned my hand the blue diamond sparkled as the sun hit it. It's so beautiful. I thought.

"Thank you." I softly said to Liam. I didn't expect an reply and I didn't get one.

We drove him in silence and I couldn't help but think this was all a dream. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever get a ring at Tiffany's and Co. let alone even get married. I had always figured I would die alone, or be one of those crazy cat ladies but with dogs instead. The feeling of the car slowing down made me exit my thoughts a realize we were pulling into the garage.

"So..." I said a moment before Liam turned the car off. "We need to get our story straight."

"We met at a coffee shop by work. Talked went on a few dates than feel in love." Came his quick response before getting out of the car.

"Liam that isn't believable." I said hurrying out of the car after him. His long legs made his stride longer so every step was 2 for me. He didn't answer me and kept walking down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Liam Stanford you are going to stop and listen to me right now!" I yelled at him stopping exactly where I was putting my hands on my hips. Someone has to be the one to take this seriously and apparently it is going to be me.

"What did you just say?" His voice low as he stopped and turned around. I should have felt scared at his expression but I wasn't.

"You heard me. We need to come up with a believable story that your parents and your sister will believe. The moment we tell them yours they will know this isn't real. So quiet being an ass and help me with a story." I said my voicing coming out just as low and threatening as his. "And don't look at me like that." I snapped. "If you really want this to work so you can get the business then you need to start taking this seriously."

I walked passed him towards the kitchen to grab a drink and maybe some food. After I minute I heard him following me. I don't care if I pissed him off he has pissed me off to many times already and I will not sit by being the only one serious about this. This is what he wants me to do and I will do it but not by myself. Grabbing a glass I filled it with water before taking a seat at the bar.

I watched Liam angrily open the fridge before taking out a container of food. He stomped around the kitchen like a 5 year old who was told they couldn't have candy. He didn't even glance in my direction as he dished his food.

"Do you even cook?" I asked out of the blue. I haven't really had time to go grocery shopping yet but I will later this week. "Microwaving food gets old." He still didn't reply and I rolled my eyes. What a baby. Liam grabbed his bowl after the microwave beeped heading to the small kitchen table by the door, farthest away from me. It irked me the way he was acting. Getting up I went and sat across from him smiling at his glaring eyes.

"Where should we say we met?" I looked at him but he just silently ate his food. "I like that idea about the coffee shop. We could say I worked there and we ran into each other one day. How does that sound?" I stared at Liam waiting for him to answer. "Liam I swear to god if you don't say something I will come over there and cut your balls off then I'll tell your parents what is really going on." I threatened him. "You are acting like a child."

"That story sounds fine to me. You saw me and than asked me out that day."

"Liam." I groaned. "Your not helping!"

"You said answer and I did." He replied. I let my head fall down onto the table and a bang echoed through the room. Ignoring the pain from my forehead I sighed deeply.

"You know what your no help. We'll just wing it tomorrow apparently. But one thing we do know is we met at the coffee shop across from your work...what is it called?"

"Juice N Java." he said than stood up taking his plate to the sink. (Sorry for any copyright to that name because it is a REAL place that has the best coffee in the world! Yes wayyy better than Starbucks)

"Okay fine that is our plan." I lifted my head off the table and stood up. My stomach rumbled and I finally noticed the time. It was a little after 7 and I haven't eaten since noon when Lennon let me eat at the mall. I went to the fridge and pulled out a random container of food. The kitchen was silent and I figured Liam had left. Putting my plate in the microwave I turned and almost jumped seeing Liam standing there staring at me.

"W-What?" I stuttered out.

"Thank you." Liam said his voice gruff. Without saying anything else he walked away.


As I stood there waiting for my food I looked down at my hand. I don't know when I will get use to seeing it there. Once my food was done I grabbed a fork and headed to my bedroom to eat. The sun was starting to set making the hallway glow a light pink and orange. Everything was silent as I made my way to my room and shut the door. Going to my bed I stopped noticing a small red velvet ring box. Remembering Liam had it and that he was kind enough to put it on my bed, a small smile appeared on my face.

I ate in a matter of minutes before sitting there staring at the tv in my room. I honestly forgot about having one in here until now. Deciding to turn in early I went and changed into my pjs, washed my face, and slipped my ring into it's case. Grabbing my dishes I padded barefoot to the kitchen. After I put it in the dishwasher I was heading back to my room when I heard a groan. Wondering what it was I headed down the opposite hall and up the stairs towards a light coming from a room.

When I came to the room I peeked my head around the corner and saw Liam sitting at his desk his head in his hands and fingers pulling his brown hair. I wanted to go in a see what is wrong but knowing I would only get yelled at made me stay where I was peeking at him. I wished Liam would just cooperate with me and try to be nice. It wouldn't hurt him to do so. Knowing there wasn't anything I could do I turned and quietly made my way back downstairs before I got caught.

Closing my bedroom door I leaned against it wondering about tomorrow. It was going to be very interesting to say the least. I guess I better get my acting on because if not this whole deal will be for nothing.


Two updates in less than 4 days!! WOW you guys I'm amazing :) I wanted to update today because I just OFFICIALLY finished my first year of college, and I passed all my classes! 4 A's and 1 B I'm pretty legit.

Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter I was going to make it long with Jenna meeting Liam's parents but than decided it would be better as it's own chapter so I could add more detail and not rush it. Chapter 9 will be up soon I think :) Oh yeah and isn't that ring above gorgeous!?!?! I took me a few hours to decide on a ring because I wanted something simple yet unique. I personally would love that ring as my own because I don't like all those flashy thousands of diamond wedding rings. My mom's is beyond gorgeous and i'm already starting the process of getting her to give it to me even though that will BE A LONG WAYS away because that involves a guy to even notice me. (Sorry long rant there)

So enough of that...Hope you guys enjoy and let me know as well :)




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