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By hannahmei18

6.8K 83 13

Five just oridanry kids somehow got caught on all the madness. Chipa, who lost her phone, Mika, Miles & Solei... More

Escape Room
Authors Note
The Fate Of Danger: Part 1
The Fate Of Danger: Part 2
The Danger Force Awakens
Soleil Thunderman
Say My Name
Ray Goes Cray
Villians' Night
Mime Games
Chapa's Crush
Return of the Kid
Mika in the Middle
Down Goes Santa: Part 2
Vidja Games
Lil' Dynomite
Twin It to Win It
Radioactive Cat
Need Ur Guy's Opinions/Votes!
Miles Has Visions
Authors Note! (IMPORTANT!!)

Down Goes Santa: Part 1

183 2 0
By hannahmei18

" what did you do to him?!"
[ Soleil's Christmas sweater 🖕]

The Danger Force kids got an emergency text from Chapa in middle of  the late evening. Soleil and the twins got shot up from the tube of hearing loud emergency alarm blaring

" what's going on?!" Soleil yelled hoping if Chapa could hear over the loud blaring

" what's the emergency?!" Miles asked next but Chapa only put her pointer finger up to shush them

Soleil's pj's haves a white lace top with white pants but a black lace bow attached to the pants in the middle, her hair is tied in two neat braids

Before anyone could question why Chapa shush them Bose's school chair shot up from the Man's Nest and he approached the four

" sorry I'm late!" Bose apologized which made the other four turn to him,  " I had to leave in the middle of my shift"

Soleil eyeing on Bose's outfit. He's wearing a worker outfit with a microphone attached behind his ear so he could still hear the costumers from the other side, and a patch on the uniform that haves a Nacho Ball logo on it

" did you get a job at Nacho Ball?" Soleil questioned at the brunette boy ones she's done checking his outfit out

" I got a career at Nacho Ball" Bose corrected as pointing to her

Soleil furrowed her eyebrows at him

" and when did this ' career ' start?" Soleil asked curiously while doing air quotes when she said the word Career

" I went to get some lunch yesterday and I guess they thought I had the look" Bose explained

" dude, you got discovered!" Miles exclaimed happily for his friend

" they handed me this thing and said ' you're working drive through kid, Buena suerte." Bose continues then he got another costumer on the line, "that'll be twelve thirty nine please pull up to the first window"

Miles clapped for him while Soleil and Mika just nodded with smiles

" so what exactly is the emergency?" Miles asked the red superhero of getting back on track

" uh, it's two days before Christmas and we still haven't sat around in Christmas sweaters, read a Christmas book while drinking hot chocolate by a Christmas fire" Chapa explained and looked at the yellow superhero, " I'd say that's an emergency, Miles!"

" do... You, love Christmas?" Mika wondered as pointing to Chapa

" no, I don't love Christmas" Chapa answers


It took about an hour when they set a TV screen to a fire place side effect. They got some blankets and mats to sit on, Soleil wrapped a red blanket around her body and she's sitting between Mika and Bose, her laying down by her stomach. They all changed to wear Christmas sweaters, to top it off Soleil decided to wear cute Christmas reindeer headband

" I'm obsessed with Christmas" Chapa answers

She's sitting on a sofa with a Christmas book and a cup of hot chocolate

" dang girl, you took a long time to answer that question" Mika mentioned and Soleil pointed at the girl next to her to agree

Bose leaned over to his microphone that's laying on the floor

" would you like to nacho-size those balls?" Bose asked the costumer on the other line

Soleil quickly sat up when Chapa zapped his microphone

" well there goes that story" Bose said to himself

Soleil layed back of her original position. Chapa began reading a Christmas story about Father Christmas deliver presents to the all nice boys and girla all over the world. Soon Ray entered in the Man's Nest

" sorry I'm late. I got stuck in the drive through line at Nacho ball, I guess some jerk just left in the middle of his shift" Ray explained

Bose quickly hid his microphone, not knowing the costumer before is his boss

" grab a sweater, I'm reading a Christmas story" Chapa explained to him

" oh. You guys wanna hear a Christmas story?" Ray asked with an evil smile and grab a book

" Ray..." Mika began

" sit, just sit" Ray ordered the kids

They bickered for a few minutes as Ray put on his Christmas sweater and Soleil sighed

" here he goes..." Soleil said to herself

" I heard all the ' tradisional Christmas stories '. But there's a lot more to Christmas than what they ' teach ' you in ' schools." Ray continues when he does air quotes

" do you know how air quotes work?" Miles questioned

" yea" Ray answers as pointing to the male twin

Ray tried to move Chapa out of the sofa but she kept rejecting it, eventually Ray got the seat and Chapa fell on the floor

" you guys wanna hear... The real story of Christmas?" Ray asked the kids

" no" Soleil answers like it's obvious

" you wanna... It's rhetorical" Ray began as taking a Christmas book out from under him

Ray read a story of a tail of two brothers. One was jolly and all happy, and another is like a tom boy and naughty, they're parents are mother nature and father time. One day the naughty brother who's name is Krampus turned evil and how he wants revenge on his brother that's everyone know is Santa Clus, while this the four didn't belive him but Soleil stayed silent because she doesn't want to do ten or more push-ups like Miles and Mika did. Schwoz was also playing his guitar during Ray read and he told the scientist that he can still play his guitar unless it goes to the story

Miles finished his ten push-ups and stood up

" I don't belive any of that" Miles said with disbelief as walking over to his boss after Ray was done with his story

" Krampus touch!" Ray yelled as reaching a hand over to Miles

Miles screamed and fell backwards while Schwoz played his guitar, Ray laughed maniacally as walking towards the metal doors and left the Man's Nest

Soleil couldn't wait 'till Christmas because it's the year of lovebirds do they're own thing and the new years. Miles encouraged Soleil tell how she feels about Bose on the right time, and Christmas or New Year Eve's would be the right time. She just needed to be alone with him and figure what she needs to say


It's later of the day and Mika, Soleil, Miles and Bose brought a small tree in the Man's Nest to try Christmas up a bit. Mika the one who put a star on the tree as Soleil held the tree in place, after the two are done they stood up but the tree bended down and Soleil sighed

" okay, this isn't much" Soleil commented and folded her arms against her chest

Mika nuged the Thunderman girl of being rude and Soleil looked at her

" but I think Chapa will appreciate us trying to Christmas up the Man's Nrst a little bit" Mika said

" I dunno, that tree's a beater" Bose disagreed

" but it's our beater" Miles tells the brunette boy

They didn't realized Schwoz walked in the Man's Nest with this magical looking ball that he powered up

" and Christmas isn't about trees or decorations, or--" Mika began but was interrupted when Schwoz threw his magical ball towards the four kids

After a second the Man's Nest switched with beutiful Christmas decorations with many different colors and a actual Christmas tree. The kids glanced around impressed on Schwoz new advention

" this is so much better!" Mika yelled happily

" I could never not love this more!" Miles smile as he kept looking around the room

" this tree is the worst!" Bose said as he pointed at the small tree

Soleil activated her electrokinesis and form of lights appeared on her palms, she combines the beams of lights and it began to form a giant ball of electricity

" I hate this stupid tree!" Soleil yelled with a smile and zapped the small tree with her electrokinesis power

The tree got burned and Mika kicked the tree, Soleil de-activated her power

" I just hope this one stays alive until Christmas" Bose said as gesturing to the bigger Christmas tree

" it's Christmas Eve, man" Miles mentioned

" it is?" Bose questioned and Miles nodded, " I forgot to tell Santa what I want!"

" well the big man will be here in five, you can tell him yourself" Schwoz said as he walked over to the four kids

" the big man?" Soleil questioned the scientist puzzled

" you mean Shaq?" Bose asked with a grin

" no sillies, I mean Santa" Schwoz answers like it's obvious

That made the kids excited even more

" like, Santa Santa?" Miles asked excitedly

" the actual Santa Claus?" Mika asked as jumping up and down

" is coming to town?" Bose asked next

" for reals?" Soleil asked with a smile

Schwoz nodded at the Thunderman girl

" for reals, he'll be here in five" Schwoz informed, "I tune up his sleigh every year before Christmas, how do you think he makes it around the whole world in one night?"

" I thought it was his reinde--"

" do not say it's his reindeer! It's not his reindeer, his reindeer did not invent a postitronic fuel injector!" Schwoz snapped when interrupting Mika's sentence

" Schwoz, did you invent a positronic fuel injector?" Miles wondered

" maybe... " Schwoz shrugged

Before anyone could speak they hear in all too familiar truck melody from outside, the four kids grinned at each other

" the corn lady!" they yelled in sync excitedly

The twins and Soleil ran to Schwoz's side and Bose bended down and do a begging pose

" Schwoz, the corn lady is down there in her Corn Truck!" Miles explained

" please buy us some corn from the Corn Lady's Corn Truck" Bose pleaded

" please?" Soleil asked next

" The Corn Lady's Corn Truck has the best corn" Mika finished

Everyone leaned little closer to Schwoz and Soleil did her puppy eyes. It always work when she doesn't get things she wants, Schwoz saw the puppy eyes and gave in

" okay, come on!" Schwoz smile and the kids cheered

They got out they're gums and stand in the middle of the Man's Nest. After the gum popped they transformed into their winter outside outfit

" but first let me turn off out Protective Aeril Neutralizing Threat Systems" Schwoz said to himself but the kids weren't listening

After they got transformed they turn to Schwoz

" I don't want our air defenses to blow Santa out of the sky!" Schwoz joked

The kids agreed as they walked towards their school chairs and got shot down to get some corn from the corn lady


Schwoz, Mika, Miles, Soleil and Bose return from the Corn Lady but she didn't have any corns left so they just had ice cream cons instead. The five of them got shot up to the Man's Nest by their school chairs not noticing Chapa and Ray

" surprised that the corn lady was out of corn!" Miles said dissapointed as they turned around the corner

" yeah, all she had left was this stupid ice cream" Bose agreed

" ice cream's are good" Schwoz argued

" they're not when your heart is set on corn" Mika argued back

That started a little bicker between them but Soleil ignored it and ate her vanilla. She noticed Ray and Chapa sitting casually and a ball of yarn on Ray's lap and Chapa was also pretending to knit, Soleil lowered her ice cream con down with a specious look on her face

" are you two knitting?" Soleil questioned curiously as pointing at Ray and Chapa

" what's that?" Ray and Chapa asked in unison

" they are!" Miles gasped as they walked over to the duo

" and knitting well... " Bose added as walking over to the red superhero, " that's a four-row yarn over button holes if I'm not mistaken"

" sometimes, you scare me" Soleil mentioned as gesturing her ice cream con to the brunette boy

Bose just smile and shrugged of a response and Miles gasped

" you're covering a seeds!" Miles said as pointing to the two

That made the two quickly object it

" what?" Ray asked with a nervous smile

" buncha hooey" Chapa scoffed

" while we were down there not getting any corn..." Mika began angrily

" oh, I'm sorry " Ray quickly apologized for some reason

" thank you" Mika thanked him before continueing," we saw some lighting in the sky above the Man's Nest"

" this Man's Nest?" Chapa questioned

Soleil nodded

" the same" Soleil replied

" and what's out there under that sheet with the sign says ' none of ur byazness?" Miles added as he turned to the back door to see a sign that says that

Soleil looked over her shoulder and to see the sign on the door also

" pretty sure it's not of your byazness!" Chapa replied as she stood up and folded her arms against her chest

" did my friend Santa Claus ever stop by?" Schwoz asked the two

" Chapa zapped him!" Ray blured out and Soleil widen her eyes shock of the news

" dude!" Chapa yelled with a glare and zapped Ray's head

" ow!" Ray whined as he quickly stood up

" you zapped Santa Claus?!" Soleil asked them with disbelief

" we thought someone was attacking the Man's Nest!" Chapa explained

" so we did what anybody would do when they're caught with their P. A. N. T. S down" Ray continues to explain as glaring at Schwoz

" we pulled 'em back online and I blasted Santa Claus out of the sky!" Chapa finished, " and I feel terrible okay! Is that what you want to hear?!"

Soleil took a step back from the red superhero from her spot

" wait, is Santa okay?" Bose wondered and the duo shared looks before turning back to the others

" eh..."

Chapa and Ray explained how Chapa brought Santa Claus back to his unconscious state but Santa doesn't remember who he is

" Santa Claus doesn't know who he is?!" Miles yelled at them after the duo explained

" he must have hit his head when he fell because Chapa insisted on blowing him out of the sky" Ray explained but Chapa again zapped him in the forhead

" ahhh! Stop it!" Ray yelled at the red superhero

" so where is he?!" Mika yelled

" yah, is he running around Swellview on Christmas Eve not knowing who he is?!" Schwoz asked

" no" Ray answers, " Chapa and I stashed him behind that door with a bunch of our corn"

" what corn?" Bose asked them sadly since they only got ice creams from the Corn Lady

" who cares!" Ray yelled,  " what's important is that Schwoz figured out a way to science Santa's memory back. Until then, the big man is safe and sound behind this door"

Ray pressed a button on remote as they walked over to the mental door. Only to be find a cut out Satna Claus on the wall when they peered behind the door

" you were saying?" Soleil said to her boss

" huh" Ray and Chapa said in unison with blank expressions

" I'll be darned" Ray said to himself

Chapa turned to the five with an awkward smile to only be met with annoyed looks


Danger Force brought Santa's sleigh from outside and Bose and Schwoz are under the sleigh to try and fix it while Chapa and Ray pacing back and forth

" this thing's toast, I can't fix it" Bose said as he coming out from under the sleigh

" aww, nice try" Mika tells the brunette boy

" welp, you tried" Miles shrugged

Bose stood up and Ray patted his back. Right after that, Schwoz came out from under the sliegh

" but I think I can fix it" Schwoz tells them and that made all of them relieved

" ah, thank god" Mika sighed with relief

" I thought we were doomed" Soleil said as she ran a hand through her hair

" problem solved!" Ray smiled and they all turned to him,  " and to make up for what Chapa did"

" whoah!" Chapa said offended as turning to Ray with a glare

" I'm going to give you guys Christmas Day off" Ray continues with a smile

Soleil smile of hearing that

" yes!" Bose cheered

" but Christmas night you're working" Ray finished with a serious face as pointing to the kids

Soleil smile dropped

" no!" Soleil yelled at him

" the problem is not solved!" Mika yelled which made the duo look at the silver superhero confused

" what's her deal?" Ray whispered to Chapa

Mika about to attack them but Soleil quickly held her back since she's beside her

" her deal, our deal, everyone's deal is that because of you two Santa Claus is running around the streets of Swellview without a brain!" Miles yelled as pointing at them

Chapa and Ray dramatically gasped

" I think he has a brain, okay? It's just not working very well" Ray defended himself

" yeah" Chapa agreed

The Thunderman girl ungrib her hands on Mika

" could be worse" Bose shrugged and they turned to him with a glare

" see, now why would you say that?" Miles asked the brunette boy a bit annoyed

Before he could answer they hear a voice yelling and saw fog outside the back doors. The team turned around and to see the doors swung open and Krampus came in, acting all cool and stuffs

" hey, I was right! It's worse" Bose smile

Soleil waved a hand to get the fog away from out of her face at least


" where's my brother, uglies?" Krampus asked them and pressed a button on his watch

" sick burn, Krampus!"

Soleil furrowed her eyebrows at him on why he haves a watch that makes voices

" that's gonna sting!"

Mika leaned over to Miles and Soleil

" I hate him" Mika whispered to them and shook her head

" what's the problem, hooba-stanks? Never seen Christmas-hating desert demon look this hot before?" Krampus asked as doing some shuffeling on his feet and end it with a cool pose

" defining hot" Soleil whispered to the twins and they nodded

" I also hate him" Miles agreed with the two

" me too. Get outta here, Krampus!" Ray said as walking forward, " why don't you go back to San Bernardino where you belong"

" oh, I'll go back to the Nine-Oh-Nine, but not before I destroy my brother and Christmas, forever!" Krampus replied as leaning forward making them take steps back

" any of you baby wipes see a magic bag of presents in here?" Krampus asked as he walked forward and Schwoz, Mika, Soleil and Miles took steps back and Krampus got on Santa's sleigh, " if I'm gonna put the Kramps on Christmas, I'll have to destroy that thing too dude"

" oh. I think you'll find that bag, shockingly close" Ray replied and eyeing on Chapa and Soleil

Soleil smirked and activated her electrokinesis. Beam of lights appeared on her palms and Soleil put her palms together, making the lights combine and form into a giant ball of electricity

" do you mind?" Ray asked the two girls

Chapa and Soleil glanced at each other and nodded they're heads like their thinking of same thing

" not at all" Chapa answers

Chapa and Soleil tried to zap Krampus but he immediately teleported away. Soleil de-activated her powers and a woosh was heard and they turned around to see Krampus leaning onto the metel door, that made them all startled and screamed

" sorry, can't catch Krampus! But you do, consult a pbysician but you'll be sick!" Krampus said and pressed the button on his watch again

" side effects include hotness and diarrhea!"

Soleil pretended to gag when she heard the word diarrhea

" oh my god, shut up!" Mika yelled while she used her super scream on Krampus

But he teleported away and they turned around, Krampus kept taunting them how they always miss of catching him

" hey! I can teleport too, you know!" Miles yelled at Krampus

" so?" Krampus shrugged

That made them agreed but Bose asked Krampus if he actually can cause diarra

" where's my brother?" Krampus asked which made them stop talking all in ones and Krampus sniffing in the air, " oh yeah. I can smell his Santa stench all over this place"

While he sniffed Krampus walked over to Chapa's chair and sat on it

" okay, nobody say anything!" Ray ordered them

" he left!" Bose informed as pointing to the ground and they all turned to him annoyed

" seriously?" Soleil questioned the brunette boy

" yeah" Bose shrugged, " you told he lost his memory and ran off, remember?"

They all groaned in annoyance

" sweet! Looks like you after school specials did half my work for me!" Krampus laughed and held out a fist for a fist bump, " bump it, lil' dude"

Soleil quickly try to run to Bose but Chapa and Ray pulled her away before she could and the rest of them yelling at him of don't do it but Bose already went to Krampus and fist bump him. A green light swirled around the brunette boy and in seconds when it was done, he was now dressed like some sort of a rockstar clothing

Everyone was shock of what just happened to they're Danger Force member. Krampus and Bose began to dance until Bose notice his friends stares and turn to them

" what are you doorknobs lookin' at?" Bose asked them rudely

Soleil glared at Krampus

" what did you do to him?!" Soleil yelled at the demon as trying to struggle free from Ray and Chapa's grip

The twins and Schwoz glanced over at Soleil of her sudden protectiveness took over. Only the twins knew why she was acting this way, unless.. They think. Mika look at her bff with sympathy and Miles just shook his head of looking back at Krampus

" I got a brother to find, a snack to snatch and a beloved holiday to ruin. Krampus out!" Krampus said and teleported away

Chapa and Ray releases Soleil ones Krampus teleported away and Soleil calmed down slightly but inside, she wants to put someone in a body bag but not before ending them

" that guy is sick" Bose said with a bright smile when he turned to them

" okay, this is bad" Miles said to himself with a nod

" yeah, you're all definitely working Christmas now" Ray said as pointing to the kids

Soleil slapped Ray across the face

" ow!" Ray yelled and rubbed the spot Soleil slapped him

" if we don't find Santa Claus before Krampus does, there won't be Christmas for us or anyone in the world!" Soleil explained

" then let's go get him so Schwoz can fix his brain" Chapa replied and Ray pulled out two weapons

" copy that" Ray said and handing one of them to Chapa and she took it, " Volt, we're going Santa huntin'"

" no" Mika objected as approaching the two, " you two have harmed Santa enough for today"

" yeah. Mika, Miles and I will go look for Santa" Soleil explained

" and you two go find his magic bag of presents" Miles added as looking at Chapa and Ray

" how are we gonna do that?" Chapa scoffed

" okay, I know I'm the only one here who has set up their phone to get news alerts" Mika began and everyone else says how boring the news nowadays

" news alert, you're all Jingle-Dorks" Bose laughed but they ignored him and Bose sat down on Chapa's school chair

" but sometimes the news alerts come in handy" Mika continues and turned on the news

Trent and Mary informed that a bag of presents have fallen from the sky and possibly landed on these two orphan kids. After that, Mika turned off the news and they turned back to Ray and Chapa

" go!" Mika ordered as pointing at the two

" fine" Ray and Chapa groaned and headed to the tube

" oh! Hey Chapa, is there anything else we need to look for?" Miles asked as they walked infront of the tube

" yeah, like what happened to the reindeer after you blasted Santa's sleigh?" Mika added

Soleil chuckled

" did they just fly away?" Soleil joked and the twins smile at her

" who cares about the reindeer!" Schwoz snapped which made them startled

" sorry" Mika apologized to the scientist

" down the tube!" Chapa and Ray said in unison and the tube shot them down

After the tube got shot down the twins and Soleil got they're gums out and blow some bubbles, when the bubbles popped they transformed into their superhero selves

" alright, let's find Santa before Krampus does and cancel Christmas" Miles tells his sister and bff

" then let's roll before we become a troll" Soleil replied

The twins chuckled and the three did a fist bump before heading to the tube

" Christmas is the worst!" Bose yelled at the three, " best holiday? Taco Tuesday! Amirite, nerdz?"

Soleil shook her head

" I'll work on the sleigh and keep an eye on him" Schwoz tells the three

" I got a scorching case of Krampus. Symptoms include finger-tats! And sick guitar riffs!" Bose smile and began playing his guitar

The guitar didn't sound like a profesional but sound like heavy metal instead

" please hurry!" Schwoz tells the three and Soleil pressed a button on her belt that's around her waste on her superhero suit

The tube encase the three

" down the tube!" the three shouted in unison and the tube shot them down

Soleil hopefully safe Christmas, or if's that too big. Safe Bose, hopefully when they return they'll figure something out....

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