Sophia Salvatore. The Vampire...

By damonsfuturewife

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Sophia Salvatore is the 16 year old sister of Damon and Stefan Salvatore. She has Damon's wit and Stefan's co... More

Damon's back!
The Desiccation Ramification
A Moment of Madness
The Doom from the Tomb
Speak of the Devil and She Shall Appear
The Aftermath
Sibling Love
I'm Elijah.
Drink, Drugs and Snapped Neck!
The Hybrid Beast
Left behind
Stefan Happened


844 14 13
By damonsfuturewife

I'm on a plane, about to land back in Virginia. Damon actually let me leave his sight. I've only been gone for 2 weeks, but it was a good 2 weeks. Zero drama. Zero Elena. Klaus. Overprotective big brothers and best of all, zero spankings. It's been heaven!

Damon picks me up from the airport, without Elena in tow. I'm surprised, yet happy with that fact.
"Welcome back, piccolo." He greets me, opening his arms for a hug. I oblige. I've missed the big oaf.
"Will I be happy to be back?" I question, not having any idea of what's been going on whilst I've been away.

I made it a point to not have any conversations regarding Mystic Falls, or it's cohabitants. I wanted and needed a clean break, just for a while. The only person I have spoken to, is Damon. Well, I have attempted to call and text Elijah, but I've had no reply.

On the drive home, Damon fills me in on everything. Klaus killing Mikael and freeing Stefan. Stefan stealing his coffins, Bonnie reuniting with her mum and that there is an actual murderer in Mystic Falls and it's not a vampire. It seems a lot has happened and I'm just glad I wasn't here.

Entering the boarding house, I see Stefan lounging on one of the sofas. He looks at me as I walk passed him, yet doesn't say anything. I notice that he has changed. He looks less cocky and smug. Kinda just looks angry now. I pay it no more mind, grabbing my things and taking them to my room.

I'm only in the house for less than 20 minutes, when I hear both my brothers arguing.
"I'm not going, Damon." Stefan is saying as I return back downstairs.
"Yes. You are." Damon says, using a no-nonsense tone.

"What's going on?" I ask, cutting through the tension.
"We're going to Klaus'. ALL of us. So get ready," Damon informs me.
"Like hell I'm going to his place." I huff as I flop on to the sofa next to Stefan. "I'd rather shit in my hands and clap. You go. I'll wait here." Damon vamps in front of, his eyes piercing in to my soul.

"I see spending 2 weeks with Maria has made you lose your god-damned mind!" Damon says, his voice getting higher throughout the sentence as he steps closer to me. "You get 1 free pass. Cuss again and watch what happens." I take a dramatic big breath but hold my tongue.
"You have both got 15 minutes to get ready and get your asses in my car. I'll be waiting." He says as he walks away, leaving no room for arguments.

Stefan and I share a glance at each other.
"After you..." I dip my head to the side, indicating that he should move first. He shakes his head but makes to leave. I begrudgingly follow behind him.

Damon is waiting in his car, just like he had said. Stefan gets shotgun and I jump in the back. It's a silent, moody drive as no one is saying a thing. We arrive at Klaus' not so humble abode and I am still fuming that they're making me come.

Damon knocks on the door, and to my surprise, Elijah's opens it. I try to mask the hurt that spreads throughout my heart at seeing him, caused by the fact that he just disappeared without so much as a goodbye. I turn my attention to the floor and that's where I leave it for the time being.

As we enter a room, the first thing I notice is the lighting from the fire makes the room look all cosy. The second is the 3 scantily dressed women, spread in a row, standing across the room. Then I notice him. Klaus. Smirking and looking like he is having the time of his life. I berate myself for thinking how fine he looks.

"Damon. Stefan. And the lovely Sophia. Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Very bold." He doesn't even try to hide his grin as he speaks.
"Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilised human beings, shall we?" Opening his arm, he gestures for us to take a seat at the prepared table. I didn't know we was coming here to dine?

The last thing I wanna do now is sit around the table with this lot, eat food and act all nicey nicey. I'll probably vom!
"It's better to indulge him," Elijah says, stepping past us.

"I didn't, uh, come here to eat, Klaus." Stefan says, vocalising my thoughts. Thank you, Stefan!
"Yeah, and I didn't want to come here at all, but I was forced to." I speak now. Klaus audibly chuckles.
"Well, we can sit and eat... ...or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. The choice is yours," he says, looking between Damon and Stefan as he himself takes a seat.

"I vote for the second option?" I say, raising my hand like I'm in school. Four pairs of eyes glare at me.
"What?" I say incredulously. "Oh, that's right. I don't have a choice in anything. Do I?" I grit out as I take a seat opposite Klaus.

I push the food around on my plate as I semi listen to Klaus and Elijah talk about their past. There is some back and forth between my brothers and Klaus, but I just stay out of it. Doesn't matter what I say or think anyway, does it?

"You lost your appetite?" Klaus questions.
"Eat up, Sophia. It's getting cold." Elijah finally acknowledges my presence.
"I don't even want it," I tell them both, but my voice is barely audible and I refuse to look at Elijah.
"Sophia..." he says my name in what I can only construe as a warning.
"I said, I don't want it, didn't I?!" My tone is less then respectful.

I can see him in my peripheral vision, wiping his mouth with his napkin before standing up from the table.
"Sophia, come with me." Elijah says as he comes to stand behind me.
"No," my reply is curt and straight to the point.
"It's not an option, Sophia," he pulls my chair backwards as he speaks.

Damon nor Stefan get involved as they know the relationship Elijah and I had before he disappeared.
"Elijah, back off and get the fuck away from me," I growl, turning to face him.

"Feisty," I hear Klaus say at the same time I see Damon jump from his seat. He looks ready to murder me.
"It's ok, Damon. Please, remain where you are and finish your meal. I will deal with this situation." Did Elijah just call me a situation? I laugh out loud as a response. He's fucking rude!

Without another word, Elijah picks me up off a the chair, from under my arms like a little kid.
"Get off of me, now!" I try to wiggle out of his grasp, not wanting to hear his excuses, as he drags me from the room.
"Stop this foolishness, immediately" he replies, lifting me up so my butt was sat on his hip, his arm tightly wrapped around my waist.

"Elijah... stop treating me like a am fucking 3!" I all but yell. He acts like I am not even speaking, still carrying me to where he wants me to be. I look to my brothers for help, but one look at their faces tells me that won't be happening. Dicks!

Elijah put me back on my feet when we are in the living room, away from everyone else.
"Sit down!" He says, pointing his finger at the near by sofa. I adopt a stern glare as I straighten my posture. "Are you challenging me?" His lips press in to a thin line and his eyebrows furrow.
"No!" I back down, reminding myself that I need to pick my fights. This one is one I don't need.

"Well, I believe we have a little catching up to do." Elijah smiles at me like we are best friends. Ugh! He sits down, pulling me down to the spot next to him. I scoot away from him, sitting on the opposite end of the same sofa.

"Sophia, what is wrong?" He turns to face me, his right leg needing to prop up on the cushion to accommodate his position. I snort at his question.
"What's wrong? Are you kidding me right now?" I can feel the tears building up behind my eyes. I look up to the ceiling, blinking rapidly, trying to force them back down.

"Sophia, I'm not understanding what is wrong with you, so I would appreciate it if you could speak to me about it." His voice remains calm. I wish I could say the same.
"Are you seriously that fucking dumb, that you don't know what my issue is?" I move to the edge of the seat, ready to run at any second.

"Sophia, my palms are itchy and it is taking me a lot of willpower not spank you, right here, right now." His calm facade has dropped a little. "But if you continue with these childish tantrums, or cuss just one more time, I promise you that I will put you over my knee and tan your hide in to submission. Do I make myself clear?"

I instantly get butterflies in my stomach. I don't doubt that he will do it, but I can't seem to calm myself down. He has hurt me. Hurt me a lot. How could he just leave me without even saying goodbye? I stupidly thought he loved me like I loved him.

"I don't care, Elijah. Just say what you wanna say and let me go back to my brothers." I am close to crying and it is taking everything I have not to just give in to them.
"Sweetheart.." he starts to say as he reaches out to touch my arm and I snap, yanking my arm away from him.
"SCREW YOU, ELIJAH!" I yell, jumping to my feet and running passed him.

"Oh no you don't..." Is all I hear as I feel Elijah grasp my wrist, pulling me back to him. He doesn't stop until I am over his lap. I don't resist as he lights my butt on fire, remaining stoic for as long as I possibly can.
"Sophia, don't do this," Elijah says, not slowing his swats.

Elijah knows I am refusing to submit as that is what he wants. Little does he know, I am sorely reaching my limit. The feeling of him tipping me forward is what breaks me.
"Elijah... please...." I keep it short as I don't want to beg him.

Without stopping, Elijah replies.
"You know what I want, Sophia." He ups the speed and strength behind each smack. After another minute, my dam breaks. Suppressed tears flood from my eyes.
"Ple-he-hease, Elijah. No-no more." I reach back and try to protect my swollen posterior as I choke on my sobs.

That was it, Elijah's stopping point. He pulls me up in to a tight embrace. I try to resist, pushing on his chest but it's useless. Besides the fact that he is too strong, I have wanted this for weeks now. I eventually give in, relaxing in to his love and hugging him back.

I pull away, looking at his tear soaked shirt and apologise.
"I, um, I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. All
Is forgiven." He smiles at me as he pushes my loose hairs behind my ear. "Now, do you mind telling me what is going on with you?"

I think about how I want to say this. I don't want to look pathetic and needy.
"You were gone." A tear escapes my eye. "And you didn't even say goodbye," I mumble. So much for not looking pathetic and needy, eh?

"Sophia, honey," Elijah begins to say as he pulls me back in for a cuddle. "Please know, I had no choice in the matter. I did not leave you intentionally. I did not have a choice."
I look at him sceptically, not believing what he is saying. How could he not have a choice? And why couldn't he at least call me?

"Niklaus, as you know, is quite impulsive." He continues.
"Well that's one way to put it," I say, earning myself a chuckle from Elijah.
"Unfortunately for the both of us, in a moment of anger, Niklaus daggered me. So you see, I did not have a choice and was unable to tell you what was happening."

I feel a weight lifting off of me, knowing he didn't just leave and left me feeling rejected on purpose.
"Klaus really did that?" I ask. "Huh. What a dick!" This earns me a firm swat on my thigh.

We both return to everyone else. I feel a lot lighter and more myself than I have for a while. My brothers and Klaus are wrapping up there conversation, with Klaus asking if they had a deal and holding out his hand to shake on it. I watch as Stefan walks around to him, putting his hand in Klaus'.
"Nice try, Klaus. But no deal" he practically whispers.

The next thing happened in a blur. Stefan screams as Klaus hurt his arm then leg, forcing him over to the fireplace whilst he shoves Stefan's hand in to it. The screams that come from Stefan are sickening. Damon goes to help him but Elijah stops him. Wtf?! I react, running over and pulling Stefan away.

Klaus still has a grip of Stefan.
"Now bring me my coffin before I burn him alive." He tells Damon.
"I'll get it," Damon snarls at him, turning away to leave the room.
"Go with him, brother," Klaus now speaks to Elijah. "You keep him honest."

I stay by Stefan, not wanting Klaus to hurt him any more. Within a couple of minutes of Damon and Elijah leaving, they both return.
"Elijah, why haven't you left?" Klaus questions him.
"Well, where are your manners, brother? We forgot desert." He says as he whips a piece of cloth off the tray that one of the slutty women is holding.

On top of the tray, 2 daggers are sitting. I watch in open mouthed shock as a boy and a man follow Elijah back in to the room shortly after. The younger one instantly walks up to Klaus whilst the older man grabs a dagger and rams it through Klaus' hand. He screams before turning to run, stopped by Rebecca, who plunges one in to his gut. He then falls back in to the arms of the younger boy.

I stare in frozen horror as the young boy restrains Klaus by trapping both of his arms behind him, leaving his chest and stomach open to attack. I don't think before I react as I throw myself in front of Klaus, protecting him from what is about to happen.
"No. Becca. Please don't hurt him," I beg her advancing frame, pushing my back up against Klaus' front. One hand reaching behind me to get a hold of him, the other spread out in front in a surrendering manner.

"You're free to go." Elijah speaks, talking to my brothers.
"Come on, Soph," Damon calls to me.
"No! I'm not leaving him!" I tell him.
"Sophia..." Damon calls again.
"It is okay. Sophia will not be harmed, you have my word." Elijah tells him. Both he and Stefan leave without another word, knowing I will not follow and Elijah will protect me from any harm.

Thankfully, they all back off and leave Klaus alone. He sits on the table and Elijah stands next to him. I work my way between them, acting like a barrier. They all converse and my heart breaks for Klaus as I can see him tearing up. Rebecca has a bratty moment and throws a vase against the wall, destroying a painting at the same time. I feel so uncomfortable, yet I can't leave him.

It feels like they're all ganging up on him. Telling him how much they hate him. Now don't get me wrong, he deserves everything that is getting said, but it doesn't stop me feeling sorry for him. Does that make me a schmuck?

They all move to stand together, facing Klaus, telling him that they're leaving and he will be alone. Klaus instantly has a temper tantrum all of his own. Screaming about how he is a hybrid and can't be killed.

To try and calm him down. I slip my hand through his, interlocking my fingers with his. It stops his tirade as he looks down at our entwined hands. The same action that is mirrored by everyone else. The older man shakes his head in disgust as he takes in my gesture.

With the deafening silence that now befalls us, the sound of the front door opening seems louder than it should, making everyone's attention turn towards it.

I am totally confused as I stare at the woman who walks in, dressed in old world attire and long blonde hair. I feel Klaus' hand squeeze mine tighter as a loud breath escapes his mouth. Is he afraid?
"Mother?" Rebecca chokes out.

The lady ignores Rebecca and the others, and just walks straight passed them before stopping in front of Klaus.
"Look at me!" She demands. I look to his face for the first time and see a tear roll down his cheek.
"Do you know why I'm here?" She asks him.
"You're here to kill me." I hear his reply and I also hear his lip quivering.

On instinct, I sidestep so I am between them, keeping a tight hold of his hand. If she is going to kill him, she will have to kill me too.
"Niklaus, you are my son. And I am here to forgive you." She tells him. Taking his other hand, she pulls him closer to the others. I let him go as she is no longer a threat.
"I want us to be a family again." She says to them all.

There is an awkward silence as no one seems to know what to say.
"Well, children." Their mom speaks, "I shall return shortly once I have bathed and feel more human again." She walks away, gracefully, without waiting for a reply.

Everyone still appears to be in shock. I mean, I get it. She was dead and now she is back. Creepy. I don't know how I would feel if one of my parents were to walk through the door.

It's the older guy, Finn I think his name is, who moves first. He leaves the room and is quickly followed by the younger guy, and then Rebecca. It is only Elijah, Klaus and I left in the room.
"Sophia, I shall drive you home if you wish?" He offers.
"Um, yeah. That's would be nice. Thanks." I gratefully accept his offer. "Would you mind if I spoke to Klaus first though? I'll only be a minute."
"As you wish. Come and find me when you are ready." He bows slightly and makes his way out of the room.

"Klaus?" I want to get his attention. "Are you okay?" I ask as soon as he looks at me. He just stares at me with a confused look on his face. "Klaus?" I try again.
"I thought you hated me?" He ignores my question, asking one of his own. "You should hate me."
"I don't hate you, Klaus." I think I am in love with you is what I want to say, but there is no way I can.

Klaus stands still, staring at me with his rigid posture. I don't know what to say to make him feel better, so I let my actions speak for me as I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. I wouldn't think it possible, but his body goes even stiffer for a second until he relaxes in to me, tentatively wrapping his arms around my waist and accepting my comfort.
"Everything is going to be okay," I whisper in to his ear, then peck him on the cheek.

I'll come and see you soon," I tell him as I turn to leave.
"Sophia?" I turn back to him. "Are you still drinking vervain?"
"Um, yeah. Why?" What a strange question for him to suddenly ask me.
"Will you stop? Just for a couple of days?"

His question has taken my off guard. Why would he want me to not drink it?
"Why would I do that?" He closes the space between us, taking my hand in his.
"I need you to. Do you trust me?" He asks. I want to say hell no. After everything he has done, how could anyone trust him.
"Yes." I answer instead. "But why?" I'm so confused.
"You will see..." He ominously replies.

He gives my hand a quick squeeze before moving it to my lower back as he guides me through his house until we find Elijah.
"I shall see you soon, Sophia." He gives me a smile that is probably the most genuine one I have ever seen him give.
"See you soon," I repeat back to him.

Once inside of Elijah's car but before he drives away, he turns to look at me.
"Thank you!" He says, earnestly.
"Huh? What for?" I ask, not having a clue why he would be thanking me.
"For what you did for Klaus. He needed that. He needed someone to stand up for him. Defend him and make him feel like someone cared." I nod my head, unable to answer him as I don't know what to say.

We arrive back at the boarding house not long after. I take off my seatbelt and twist awkwardly so I can give Elijah a hug goodbye.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" I ask him.
"Of course you shall, sweetheart." He replies. "How about I come by in the morning and we will go and have breakfast?"
"That sounds perfect!" I tell him.

Damon, Stefan and Elena are all in the living room when in go in. Neither one of them look happy.
"What's happened?" I ask no one in particular.
"The coffin is empty. Our only weapon to kill Klaus is gone." Damon answers.

My heart constricts as he says it. He doesn't know of my feeling for Klaus and probably never will. He would hate me.
"Worst thing is, we don't even know what it was." He continues.
"I do." I tell him as I audibly yawn and walk to the basement door to grab a blood bag. Today has been very draining.

Damon and Stefan are right behind me before I even make it to the handle.
"Well?" Stefan asks, wanting me to tell them.
"Well what?" I'm having a brain fart due to tiredness.
"What was in the coffin, Sophia?" Damon asks this time.
"Oh, right, yeah." I let out a tired laugh. "It was their mom."

True to his word, Elijah has came to take me to breakfast. Once again I find myself wishing he was my Dad. I've been up and ready since the asscrack of dawn as I didn't want to keep him waiting when he came. We go to The Grill.

Once we are seating and the food is ordered, we start to converse. I told Elijah all about my time in Atlanta with Maria. I earned a few eyebrow raises with the things I said, but he didn't comment on them.

As soon as I had finished my scrambled eggs on toast, my mind wandered back to last night. To Klaus.
"What are you thinking about, sweetheart?" Elijah asks me. "Your silence is quite alarming."
"Is that a nice way of saying that I never shut up?" I try to change the subject, not knowing how to broach it.
"I would never imply such a thing," Elijah chuckles with his hand on his heart.

A minute passes before he tries again.
"What's troubling you, Sophia?" I hadn't even realised I had gone quite again.
"It's Klaus. Last night, he asked if I would stop taking vervain for a couple of days, but I don't understand why?" When Elijah doesn't respond, I continue thinking out loud. "Why would he want to compel me? I mean, that's the only reason that he would want me to stop taking vervain, right?"

"Sophia, sweetheart. I can see you're worried about this, so why not just ask him?"
"I wanted to, but then he asked if I trusted him and in the moment, I did. But now I've had time to think about it, to let my mind run wild, I don't know if I do." I admit.

"Hmmm. Well, if it will put your mind at ease, I shall stay with you when you see him, if that is what you would like?" He offers.
"Do you think he will see that as a betrayal on my part?" I ask, "like I don't trust him?"
"No, sweetheart. I don't think he will."

I wait for Elijah to finish his breakfast and as we leave, I ask if I can come to his house and see Klaus.
"Of course you can, Sophia. You know you are welcome at our home anytime." He rests his hand on my shoulder as we walk to his car together.

I start to get a pit in my stomach, the closer we get to the mansion. I try to quash the feeling as it's making me nervous. Once we arrive, I walk through the door linking on to Elijah's arm.

What I see is not what I was expecting. Finn, Rebecca and the boy were all relaxing in the lounge area. Finn looking at a newspaper and Rebecca trying to learn, who I now know is call Kol, how to use a cellphone. They look just like a normal family.

"Hello darling," a voice from beside me startled me a little as I didn't see her there before.
"Oh, um, hello Ma'am." I'm not quite sure what to do here. Do I like, curtsy or something? I mean, I know she isn't royalty, but she is from a completely different time and I don't know how they greeted each other back then.

My hesitation must have been obvious as she holds her hand out in front of her for me to shake.
"My name is Esther. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"Hi Esther, my name is Sophia."
"Oh, I know who you are, darling." She says, ominously. "Would you like to follow me and I shall get you a refreshment?"

I don't really want to go with her, but I also don't want to be rude. I look up to Elijah, not sure what to do. He just smiles and nods at me, letting me know that it is ok to go. I trust him implicitly, so I agree to go with her.

When we reach the kitchen, I become aware that Elijah hasn't followed and my nerves stand on end.
"Don't worry, darling. I would just like to have a little talk, is that is ok with you?" How can I say no?

I watch as she pours 2 drinks of fresh orange juice in to 2 glasses. She hands me one and keeps the other. We both sit at the table and she starts to talk.
"For over one thousand years, I have watched over my children. Witnessed the evil they have created. The people they have slaughtered and I felt every last kill. I had no hope for either of them, especially Niklaus. I thought he was beyond saving. But then he met you."

I keep my mouth shut, listening to everything she has to say.
"A sweet and innocent girl, cursed in to this life of a vampire, but with a heart and soul to rival any mortal. Could you imagine my surprise when I seen the love you have for my sons. Especially Niklaus. A monster by any standards."

I want to be polite and courteous, but I can't sit here and listen to her slate Klaus and Elijah.
"Klaus is not a monster!" I grind out through my teeth. "He may have done bad things, but it doesn't make him evil!" I regurgitate words Elijah had once said to me, words that I now believe.

"And Elijah," I continue. "Is the most moral, selfless person I have ever met! Rebecca is sweet and funny, and I don't know the other 2 of your children, but I'm sure they have redeeming qualities too. You should cut them some slack. They didn't choose this life, you and Mikael did!"

I'm not sure what I expect after giving her some home truths, but it definitely isn't the motherly smile she is giving me.
"My darling Sophia. What a special little thing you are. I am so glad my sons have you."

I know she meant in a nice way, but she has made me feel like a toys or something. I don't comment on it though. I think I have said enough.
"It was lovely to meet you, Esther. But if you don't mind, I need to go and speak with Klaus." I stand up, letting her know that I don't want to continue having a conversation with her.

As Klaus isn't with the rest of his family, I assume he is either in his bedroom or in his studio. I check his studio first, planning on asking Elijah to check his bedroom for me if he isn't there.

As I approach the door to his studio, I can see him painting away on a large canvas. I still my feet and observe him adoringly.
"Good morning, love." He says, putting down his brush and turning to face me. "What a lovely surprise. Come in." He gestures with his arm for me to enter, walking over to greet me.

"Good morning." I return the greeting. "How are you feeling today?" I ask, really wanting to know that he is okay after last night.
"I am fine, my love. Thank you for asking." He awards me with another one of those smiles that I seen for the first time last night. My breath hitches in the back of my throat.

"So, what brings you here on this fine morning?" He sits down on a chair and looks at me expectantly.
"I, um, I..." I'm not sure how to start this conversation. Klaus waits for me to carry on, not putting pressure on me.

"It's about what you said last night. It's had me thinking a lot. Worrying even. Why would you want me to stop drinking vervain unless you wanted to compel me?" Now I have started, it all coming out. "And if that's the case, why do you want to compel me?"

Klaus stands from his chair and moves to directly in front of me.
"Love, I don't want you to worry. It is nothing bad. I just need to undo a mistake what I have done before."

If that was meant to not make me worry, he has failed.
"Yeah. So that's just amped up my worry if I'm being honest." I tell him. "What have you done to me that you need to undo?"

My mind wonders if he has compelled me to love him or something. It would explain the fact that no matter what he does, I can't stop feeling the way I do.
"I'm sorry, my love. It is not my intention to make you worry, or anything of the sort." He puts his fingers under my chin, lifting it up so I am looking at his face.

I hope I don't regret what I am about to say.
"O-okay. Well, I also came to tell you that I haven't actually had any vervain for over 2 weeks, as I haven't been around to drink it."
"That's good. So, love, do you give me permission to end my compulsion?" He asks.

I am wary, but I need to do this. I look deep in to his eyes and watch carefully as they dilate.
"I want you to remember. Remember what I told you to forget." He says, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

He then stands away from me, leaving me standing there confused. I wasn't expecting him to say that. What on earth could I have forg... my thoughts end as memories start flitting through my mind like a video.

Memories of Stefan, Rebecca, Klaus and I from a different time. A different era. We are in the 1920's, I'm sure of it. We are all laughing, and joking. Happy to be with each other. Then there is memories of Klaus and I. We seem to be intimate, without being too intimate if you get my meaning.

There is a memory of us both sitting at a piano as he teaches me how to play. I feel happy and content to be with him and he seems to return the sentiment.

I have memories and Rebecca and I. We was best friends. We did everything together. There is not a single bad memory that includes them. I was happy with them. Truly.

I take a deep breath as I come back to the present.
"I remember you. I-I remember everything." I ramble, unsure if I am saying it to him or myself.

With all the memories and feelings fresh in my mind, when I look up to Klaus, I can't control the urge I have to kiss him. I grab his face and bring it crashing in to mine, our lips smushing together with urgency. The second he opens his mouth, my tongue dashes in, trying to find his and dances around it when it does.

I eventually end the kiss. Pulling back, my lips feel swollen.
"I, er, I've got to go. I'll come back soon," I tell him, practically running from his presence. I don't even stop to speak to Elijah, opting to just run straight out of the house. I need to get away. I need to think about everything and clear my head.

I need to talk to someone...

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Alexandria is Damon and Stefan's little sister. She is 16, beautiful, a bitch and let's not forget a Salvatore. Alexandria has only returned to he...
3.9K 102 22
Daughter of Damon and Elena, Stefanie Salvatore 16, is half human and half vampire and has been since the day she was born. Damon and Elena are certa...