Rise Of The Owl House

By Anthony7410

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The first mystic warrior of the Boiling Isles in centuries. Follow AJ and Luz the humans in mystic and magic... More

The lying Witch, a Warden and a Mystic Trainee
Witches before wizards
Origami tsunami
We were teenage abominations
The intruder
Hooty's moving hassle
Lost in language
Once upon a swap
Something ventured, some kids framed
Escape of the palisman
Sense and insensitivity
Owl-pellet adventure shorts
Adventures in the elements
The first day
Really small problems
Understanding Willow
Enchanting grom fright
Wing it like witches and warriors
Agony of a Witch and Mystic Warrior
Young blood, Old souls, Endless hope
Separate tides
Escaping exspulsion
Echos of the past
Through the looking glass ruins
Hunting palisman and Mystic Warrior
Eda's reqium
Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door
Eclipse lake
Not everything is in black and white
Yesterday's lie
Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Christmas Special!
Elsewhere. Elsewhen. Elsewho?
Black as night, bright as white
Any sport in a storm
Reaching out
Them's the breaks, kid
Not so happy returns Vol. 1
A dream become reality Vol. 2
Tale of the Yokai Vol. 3
Insane in the Battle Nexus Vol. 4
Happy Pride Month
Merry Christmas (Thank you)

Keeping up A-fear-acnes

991 23 16
By Anthony7410

Young Eda: *Narrating* It always starts the same way.

A young Eda suddenly gasps and sits up, panting in complete darkness.

Young Eda: *Narrating* I wake up someplace dark.

She stands up and looks around with a frightened expression. A shadow flashes past behind her, getting her to turn around to look at it.

Young Eda: *Narrating* And then it appears.

The Owl Beast appears. It steps on the ground, causing it to shake, It stretches its neck towards Eda spinning it's head a full 360 degrees, stops in front of her, and screeches. Eda cries out in surprise, then turns around and runs away, panting and crying. The scene then transitions into her in her room. She is sitting on her bed, telling this to a healer from the Healing Coven and her mother.

Young Eda: And eventually... I wake up and I know I turned into... that thing.

Healer: I see. Here, take this. *Hands over a large yellow gem to Eda* It will tell you when the beast's energy is bubbling to the surface. Also, I hear gems are quite fashionable for young witches.

Gwendolyn: Oh, what a beautiful little stone. *To the healer* May I speak with you outside? *Ushers him outside; to Eda* Just a minute, hon.

Eda's mom closes the door. Outside the room, she starts scolding the healer. Eda gets up and eavesdrops on their conversation behind the door.

Gwendolyn: What the heck was that? I thought you were in the Healing Coven, not the Bauble Brigade.

Healer: Mrs. Clawthorne, we have never seen a curse quite like this. I'm not sure it can be healed. Perhaps if we consult the Potions Coven, they may know a way to keep it at bay.

Gwendolyn: Keep it at bay? Oh, no. My daughter is suffering and I want that thing out! Cut it out if you have to.

Upon hearing that, Eda gasps and covers her mouth. She pants and clutches her chest. Then, she looks up and notices that her window is open. The wind blows, causing it to swing and squeak.

Gwendolyn: *Pushes door open* Edalyn, I'm taking you to someone else. *Looks up* Huh?

Gwendolyn notices the open window.

Cut to Eda running through a forest. She eventually stops to catch her breath, then starts walking taking in her environment.

Young Eda: I never knew this was back here.

Eda trips over something and falls down. She turns around to see what made her fell.

Young Eda: Huh?

Eda notices a suitcase-like thing buried in the sand. She picks it up and wipes off the dirt on its surface, revealing an eye shape. The eye then flashes, and the suitcase flies off Eda’s hand. It folds open, with a key turning the lock, unlocking it. A door then opens, revealing it to be a portal leading to an unknown realm, with a green forest.

Young Eda: *Squints* What?

Gwendolyn: *Distant*bEdalyn! Edalyn, is that you?

Eda hesitates, then runs through the portal. The portal folds up, blinks and disappears right before Gwendolyn comes out from behind a bush.

Gwendolyn: *Looks around* Edalyn! Edalyn!

Gwendolyn stops and looks down with a sad expression, then looks up to her right with a determined expression.

Gwendolyn: I will find a way to cure you, Edalyn. No matter what it takes.

Back at the Owl House in the present. An alarm clock is screaming. Eda grabs it and throws it at the wall, destroying it, the peices land on other remains of destroyed alarm clocks. She gets out from her nest, goes up to her mirror, and screws in her fake gold fang.

Eda: *Opens her mouth wide* Mweh!

After that, she shaves feathers off her leg. She then opens a cupboard stocked up with elixirs. She takes one out, drinks it and gags in disgust. Back in her room, she puts on a new dress and tears the front part of it off.

Eda: Ah, there we go. Mama like.

At the kitchen, Luz sleeps with her head atop a pile of books while snoring and AJ is there too laying his head down on a notepad, snoring in his sleep next to her and is seen in a new outfit. It consist of Black pants, gray boots, his Hamato shirt Eda made for him and a green flannel jacket.

(Outfit on the right)

Eda: Beans!

Luz jolts up, cries out and falls backwards dragging AJ down with her, getting a loud groaning yelp from him.

Eda: We ran out of apple blood. *Kicks the fridge door close and turns to them* Still no luck?

Luz: *Gets up with AJ* None. And we were up all night. I read every tome, book, notepad, and tea leaf. *Shows Eda a cup, with the tea leaf forming into a shrugging person* But nothing explains how to make a portal to the Human Realm.

AJ: *Gathers their papers together and books* I tried to see if I could make a portal to the human realm. I'm not one hundred percent sure if my ancestor created a portal home through the door or used their mystic powers. But every portal I make to go back home, they just go to random locations in Bonesborough, or collapses.

Eda: I wish I could help ya, kids. My door was already pretty old when I found it.

Luz: How long did you have it?

AJ: And, *Sets their notes and books down gently in neat stacks* how'd even you even find it?

Eda: Well...

From somewhere, Lilith starts screaming. Eda, AJ and Luz gasp before they run to the living room, just in time to see Lilith beginning to turn into her beast form.

Lilith: *On the ground reaching out to them* Help... me.

Eda rushes over and takes out a bottle of elixir from beneath a pillow on the couch. She then runs towards Lilith. Luz hugging AJ's arm and AJ covers his mouth with a free hand, both walk up to them.

Eda: Calm down, just calm down. *Feeds Lilith the elixir* The curse acts stronger when you're stressed.

Lilith's feathers shrink down into her skin.

Lilith: *Pants, rubbing her temples* That was... horrible. How have you managed all these years?

Eda: Well, it's been hard. *Helps Lilith up* But since we split the curse, at least the elixirs are working again.

Lilith: That's a relief.

AJ: *Notices sometimes strange* Uh, need a hand there, big butt?

Lilith: *Furrows her brows* What are you-

AJ points down to Lilith's hand, she looks down and notices her left hand gone. She makes a terrified noise while Luz cries out in shock, clutching onto AJ tightly.

Eda: *Bends down to pick up Lilith’s hand* Oh, yeah, sorry. Side effect of the curse. It's actually fun once in a while. *Sets the hand back in place*

AJ: So it wasn't old age.

Eda: No. *To Lilith* Now don't worry. I've stashed elixirs all over the house. *Reveals hidden elixirs under the couch seat, behind a flower pot and pulls one out of Luz's hood* Whenever you start feeling feathery, just help yourself to one of these bad boys.

Luz: *Releases AJ and Claps her hands* Ooh!

AJ: *Golf claps* I'll admit, that was impressive.

Lilith: *Regretfully* I had no idea this is what I did to you. I am so, so sorry.

Eda: Eh, at least I got company now. *Hands Lilith a bottle of elixir* And you got me if you need anything.

Eda pats on Lilith's shoulder and walks out. Lilith then lies down on the couch, and notices a few bottle of elixirs taped to the ceiling.

Lilith: *Smiles* Hmm.

Cuts to Eda, AJ and Luz outside the Owl House and the teens walk up to Eda.

Eda: As I was saying, I've had the portal door for years. But I originally just found it in the dirt. Never figured out who made it or where it came from. I just kept it to myself.

Luz: Why wouldn't you tell anyone?

Eda: *Raises eyebrow* Why? Suddenly curious about my past?

Luz: *Serious expression* Always. Always curious.

AJ: Well, how would you people would react to hearing someone say, "Hey everyone! I found a strange door that can take me to the human realm! Wanna see?" *Crosses his arms* People would think your crazy.

Eda: That and, well, I may have been using it to hide from someone.

Luz: Hide from who?

Gwendolyn: *From a distance* Probably me!

A sudden strong gust of wind starts blowing, forcing Eda, AJ and Luz to shut their eyes and shield their faces. The wind is coming from a tornado, with a bird flying atop of it.

Luz: *Surprised* Magic bird tornado?

AJ: *Coughing* Yeah, and it's *Coughs* kicking up a *Rubbing his eyes* dirt-nado in my eyes! *A leaf flys into his mouth, chokes a little before spitting it out*

The tornado stops, and Gwendolyn lands in front of them. The bird lands back on her staff, turning into a palisman.

Gwendolyn: Hello, little witchlet. *Vanishes her staff, then runs forward with open arms* Come here.

Eda: Gwendolyn. *Stops Gwendolyn from coming closer by pressing her hand on her head*

Gwendolyn: Oof. Are we still on that? I'm your mother. Call me "Mom".

Luz/AJ/Lilith: *Lilith pops out from the window; Shocked* Mom?!

Gwendolyn: It is so good to see you again. *Squeezes Eda’s face with both hands* How are you feeling? Are you eating well? I heard all about the Petrification Ceremony. Trust me, I have a lot of strong words for that Belos.

Lilith: *Jumps onto Eda's back and stands in front of her* Mother! Mother, you know, I was there too.

Gwendolyn: Oh, hello to you too, sweet flea. *Touches Lilith’s hair* Still dyeing your hair, I see. Well, it's very sleek. Now give me a moment with Edalyn, dear. It's important.

Lilith looks surprised, looks down saddened and backs off.

Gwendolyn: That's right! Today, I am about to complete a 30-year mission.

Eda: *Annoyed expression* Oh, no.

Gwendolyn: Your mother has finally succeeded.

Eda: *Pinches her eyebrows* Here it comes.

Gwendolyn: Today, I shall be curing *Spins her staff and jabs it on the ground* your curse!

Eda: *Digs her pinky in her ear* No, thanks.

Luz/AJ_Lilith: What?!

Eda: I said, "No, thanks." I got my elixir system. I'm good.

Gwendolyn: But... But who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?

Eda: Actually, I do. And... *Grabs Gwendolyn's staff* would you look at the time? *Makes Gwendolyn sit on her staff* I got a lot to do today. So sad to see you go. Okay, bye!

Eda slaps on Gwendolyn's staff and sends her flying away. She then dusts off her hands.

Eda: Moms. Am I right?

Luz, AJ and Lilith look at Eda with a completely shocked expression on their faces. They walk up to her in disbelief.

Lilith: *Frustrated* I haven't seen Mother in forever! And she was handing you a cure on a silver platter!

Luz: I'd kill to see my mom right now, and you just launch yours into the sky?!

AJ: *Shing his head dissapointed* You have lost so much respect from me, Edalyn.

Eda: Oh, listen, she comes around every year, toting a new cure for my curse. *Starts walking into the house* But they never work, so I am done getting my hopes up.

Lilith: *Disbelief* Mother visits Edalyn... regularly? *Follows Eda into the house*

Luz and AJ looks to her left. Gwendolyn lands, then walks away with sad expression. Luz makes a pitiful sound, she looks to AJ with puppy eyes.

AJ: No need for the puppy eyes, I'm in.

Luz smiles brightly before dragging him over to Gwendolyn.

Luz: Mrs. Clawthorne?

Gwendolyn turns around.

Luz: Wait! *Runs up to Gwendolyn with AJ* I'm Luz and this is AJ. Eda's apprentices. I think what you're doing is so sweet. Eda can just be so...

AJ: Stubborn? Arrogant? Unyielding?

Luz: I was gonna say "Eda sometimes." But.. yeah, those too.

Gwendolyn: Call me Gwen, dearies. But please don't blame Edalyn. It was the curse that created the rift between us.

Luz: I understand. Right now, there's an actual rift between me and my mom in the Human Realm.

AJ: Same here. And after destroying the portal door, we're stuck here until we find a way to rebuild it or *Summons a katana* see if I can create a portal home.

Gwendolyn: *Inspects his katana* Hmm, so you're the Mystic Child.

AJ: *Desummons katana* Please, don't call me that.

Gwendolyn: Oh, hehe, sorry. But human Realm? Hmm. *Gasps* My dears, I may know how to fix both our rifts.

Luz: *Excited* Really?

AJ: How?

Gwendolyn: I've heard some information that may assist you both on your quest. Help me cure Eda's curse and that information is yours.

Luz looks to AJ with her eyes glittering, AJ Chuckles and nods his head.

Luz: *Exhilarated, hugs AJ tightly and hops with him in place* Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Where do we start?

Gwendolyn, AJ and Luz are standing in front of a stone door. Gwendolyn walks up to it and displays her necklace. The door flashes, then opens up, revealing a cave. The trio walk into the cave. Inside, shows an old witch with four hands is sitting on an altar and a gremlin with boils on his eyelids kneels in front of him.

Gremlin: Please, they're so itchy.

The old witch waves his hand, casting a spell circle. A circle of purple light surrounds the gremlin and lifts him up. The light then flashes, and after that, the gremlin is healed. Gwendolyn and Luz gasps at the sight of that, with Gwendolyn looking happy with Luz and AJ looking shocked. The gremlin is then put down on the ground.

Gremlin: Boils, they're... they're gone! Thank you, Wortlop. Thank you. *Runs away, crying happily*

Gwendolyn: That's Master Wortlop. He's a traveling curse expert who's perfected next-level healing magic.

Master Wortlop gestures for Gwendolyn to come over.

Gwendolyn: Ooh.

Gwendolyn pushes Luz and AJ to side and passes her staff to Luz. She walks up to Wortlop and kneels in front of him.

Master Wortlop: Gwendolyn, my pupil. Your aura is shining bright.

Gwendolyn: It took many months, but I was able to gather the sacred items you requested. *Takes out an egg* The copper egg from the Snowy Rib Cage, *Takes out a dagger* the silver dagger from the Swampy Toes, and *Takes out a chalice* the golden chalice from the desert of Palm Stings.

AJ: *Whispers to Luz* Wait, what do any of those have to do with healing a curse?

Luz: *Whispers back* Maybe it's to see if she's worthy for the information?

AJ hums uncertain.

Master Wortlop: You're a dedicated mother, aren't you?

Master Wortlop summons a tome out of thin air.

Master Wortlop: Inside this tome is the healing ability you seek. *Passes it over to Gwendolyn* But keep it away from the eyes of non-believers, for many will be blinded by the power it holds.

Gwendolyn looks at the tome in awe.

Gwendolyn: I understand. *Stands up and bows to Master Wortlop* I am in your debt, Master Wortlop.

Gwendolyn turns around and walks away with Luz and AJ. Luz stops, looks at Master Wortlop admiringly, then runs off to catch up with Gwendolyn and AJ.

Cut to outside the Owl House. Gwendolyn drives a sign into the ground while Luz writes "APPLE BLOOD" and draws an arrow pointing away from the house and AJ holds many other signs in his arms still looking uncertain about all this. King looks at them from inside the house through a window with Millie sitting next to him.

King: Isn't it amazing, Millie? If Eda's mom can just pop up, who says my dad can't?

Millie: Mreow, meoo. [It could be possible, but it's unlikely.]

Luz and AJ follows Gwendolyn deeper into the forest and AJ lags behind a little with all the signs in his arms. Luz quickly walks back to him and takes a few signs out of his hands, they smiles to each other before catching up with Gwendolyn. King stretches his arms, closing his eyes.

King: Nyeh! Better get my hugging arms ready.

Lilith: Ha!

King opens his eyes and stares at Lilith with Millie doing the same. Lilith is lying on the couch eating out of a tub of ice cream with a empty tub laying upside-down on the coffee table next to her.

Lilith: Yeah, good luck with all that dad stuff. *Munches* Sometimes it doesn't matter how dutiful you are or successful you are, parents just won't give you the time of day.

Millie: Mreoow. [Leave him alone big butt.]

King: Don't listen to her, Millie. My dad won't be like that.

Lilith: *Sneers* Right. Your mysterious father, who didn't even stick around to watch you hatch.

King stares at Lilith with a devastated expression and hugs Millie close to him.

Lilith: *Dejected* Looks like you and I are in the same boat, King.

King whimpers and clutches Millie closer to himself. Millie tries to comfort him with licks but it doesn't seem to work.

Scene cuts to the forest. Luz ties up a rope and wipes off sweat from her forehead and AJ is hammering in the last sign into the ground.

Gwendolyn: Nice work, kiddos. *Her palisman drops her on a stone* With Wortlop's tome, Luz's ability to lure Eda out of the house and AJ's support, we'll be curing that curse in no time.

Luz: Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's always down for more apple blood.

AJ: *Wipes his forehead tossing his hammer to the side* I probably should've asked this thirty minutes ago, but is there a reason why we're setting up elaborate traps for Eda?

Gwendolyn: *Summons her tome and turns to a page* In order to cure her curse, we need to drive the beast out of her. That way we can take care of the problem directly.

AJ: Okaay..?

Luz: So, *Stands up* that Wortlop guy was really something. You're his pupil?

Gwendolyn: *Looks up from her tome* Oh, yes. But first, I had to prove that I was worthy of his secrets. So I spent the last year on a bunch of dangerous quests. And *Flashes her bicep muscles* I didn't even get that many scars.

Luz: *Amazed* Cool. Also, dang, girl, *Compares her bicep to Gwendolyn's* your bicep game is ridiculous.

AJ: I'm kinda jealous. *Flashes his bicep* I just have thick noodles for arms.

Luz: *Pats his arm and giggles-giddily* I don't know, I kinda like it.

She does this for a few seconds, not noticing the stares from AJ and Gwendolyn. AJ jolts up feeling her pinch his bicep.

AJ: *Chuckles nervously, Pulls his arm away* Babe, I'd let you pat my bicep, but not in front of others.

Someone steps on a stick and causes leaves to rustle.

Gwendolyn: *Gasps* Our signs must've worked. *Runs away with Luz and AJ*

Eda: *Follows the signs into the woods* Oh, baby, time to stock up on Mama's night juice.

Gwendolyn, AJ and Luz overlook Eda from a tree branch high up.

Gwendolyn: According to Wortlop's tome, we start by lowering the beast's defenses with special crystals. And they're supposed to be quite calming.

Eda: Whoa!

Eda narrowly avoids a falling crystal, spins her staff to shatter the rest, then narrowly avoids another falling crystal.

AJ: *To Gwendolyn* How is that calming?!

Eda: *Stares at the ground oddly* Knife season came early this year.

A large shadow looms over Eda. Eda looks up, screams  jumping back, narrowly avoid a large crystal. She lies on the ground, looking shocked. A bunch of feathers pops out of her neck.

Luz: *Gasps* She's stressed.

Luz takes out an elixir from her pouch. She is about to throw it to Eda, but Gwendolyn grabs her hand and stops her.

Gwendolyn: Oh, no, no, no. The texts say those feathers mean we're driving the beast out.

Luz: Oh. *Stares down at the elixir with a worried expression, then to AJ, who looks hust as worried*

Gwendolyn: *Puts her hand on the elixir* Don't worry. After today, Eda will never have to drink those nasty little things again.

AJ just sighs and looks down to Eda still worried about where this might go.

Luz: *Smiles* All right. What do we do next?

Gwendolyn: Next, we're gonna put that beast *Releases a puff of smoke from her bag, which forms a cloud with a face* on ice.

The cloud spouts out ice from its mouth.

Back at the Owl House, Lilith and King are lying on the couch with alot of empty tubs of ice cream around them. They both groan from eating too much ice cream and Millie lays in a bun watching this in concern for her friend.....s.

King: How do you get a parent's attention?

Lilith: Heck if I know. Mother wasn't even at my Coven Initiation. *Munches another spoonful of ice cream*

King: At least you know what she looks like. *Sits up* All I have is an old wall carving. What if that's just graffiti?

Hooty: *Opens the door* Heh, that's, uh, *Stretches into the living room* that's an awful lot of ice cream you guys are eating. *Stretches towards Lilith with a wary expression* You know Eda gets that stuff from the Night Market, right?

Lilith: *Points at Hooty accusingly* Are you my mother? Because that is an awful lot of judgment.

Millie: *Stands and jumps over on the arm rest, towering King* Meooow mereow. [King, I think you had enough ice cream.]

King: *Turns to Millie* Oh I'm sorry Millie, I'm just eating my feelings. Is that so wrong?

Millie: *Shrinks her head down* Meoo... Mereow meow.. [No, it's just.. I cant help but worry about you..]

King: *Blushes lightly* R-really..? I'm sorry it just..*Grunts* it stinks. *Throws away the ice cream container on his head* If my dad doesn't care about me, why should I care about him? Hmm? Well, I'm not going to him. He's gonna have to come to me! *Lies down with his arms crossed*

Lilith: *Sits up angrily* And I am sick of being overlooked. From now on I... *Stands up angrily* I have no mother! And I... I'd say that to her face!

King: *Stands up* Yeah!

Millie: Meoow? [Are you serious?]

Hooty: *Hesitantly* Isn't that taking it a bit too far?

King: It's not taking it far enough. Go tell her. *Gestures towards outside* Go on. She's right outside.

Lilith: *Surprised* She is?

King: Yeah, I saw her go off with Luz. I think they're gonna heal Eda's curse or whatever.

Lilith: *Realization* Uh, oh. Is that so? Mother paying attention to Edalyn... again. I mean, *Waves her hands* it's not like I care.

Lilith sets her arms her hips and grins. Suddenly a bunch of feathers pop out of her face. Hooty slowly retreats away from her and Millie stands next to King.

King: *Hesitantly* You got, uh, uh... *Points to his face* You got a little, uh, hmm...

Lilith gasps, then turns around to lift up the couch seat but finds There are nothing but feathers.

Lilith: Where-

Lilith lifts up the flower pot and finds no elixirs.

Lilith: Are-

Lilith opens the cupboard door, finds it empty as well.

Lilith: The elixirs?!

Lilith starts covering her face and sobs. She drops to the ground on her knees, still sobbing. King and Millie pop out from behind the door.

King: *Hesitantly* Lilith?

King walks into the room with Millie and Hooty following him. Lilith suddenly jolts up and lets out a terrifying scream. Her eyes turn black and her voice becomes deeper. Hooty, Millie and King watch Lilith turn into the Raven Beast with a terrified expressions. Her shadow looms over the trio.

King: *Tries to offer his ice cream* ...Weh?

Scene cuts back to the forest with Eda now climbing up a cliff with more feathers

Eda: This... better be... the oldest, strongest, stinkiest apple blood *Looks up* ever.

Eda sees a sign which says "IT REALLY IS ¡THAT GOOD!" and screams in frustration. She then begrudgingly keeps on walking, but accidentally steps on a plant that spew out a green slime, sliding her down the ledge.

Eda: Ah! *Balances herself, looks down at her shoes and groans* I just stole these.

Eda keeps on walking, but accidentally steps into a trap covered with leaves, which sends her flying upwards, screaming. Gwendolyn looks at this with a serious expression while Luz and AJ are shocked at the sight of this.

Gwendolyn: It seems like the curse isn't my daughter's only problem.

Eda screams and lands on a bush. Her Owl Staff flies to her.

Eda: *Reaches out to her staff* Help Mama up.

AJ: Alright, that's it, *Goes to stand* I'm going down there.

Gwendolyn: *Puts a hand in his shoulder* No, this is good. If this keeps up we'll be able fix her curse.

Luz: Gwen, *Turns to Gwendolyn* we tried freezing the curse out, we tried sweating the curse out, we even tried *Shrugs* flying snakes for some reason.

AJ: Exactly! But the flying snakes are possibly one of the coolest things I've seen here in the Boiling Isles.

Luz: Oh, no argument there.

Down below, Eda is running away from two flying snakes, screaming as Luz, AJ and Gwendolyn watch on.

Luz: I don't think this stuff is working. Did Wortlop ever say where he learned this stuff? *Looks to Gwendolyn*

Gwendolyn: *To a crow phone* Yes, I'm sending it right away. *Hangs up call, crow caws and flies up*

AJ: *Him and Luz stand* Who you were talking to just now?

Gwendolyn: I was speaking with Wortlop, it turns out *Slips some gems into a pouch* the ancient tome is only the first *Hands over the pouch to the crow*of a series. So, I'm trading in a few paltry family heirlooms to get the rest. *Flips open the book to read*

AJ: *Furrows his brows* "Series?"

Luz: *Dubious* Let me see that book. *Walks towards Gwendolyn*

Gwendolyn: *Stops Luz* Halt. Only people who have scaled Wortlop's *Displays her necklace* "Pyramid of Study" can touch the tome.

AJ summons his mystic sword, creates a portal next to the tome in Gwendolyn's hands and snathes it out her hands.

Gwendolyn: Hey! *She goes to grab it through the portal but it dissappears before she could.

AJ hands the tome to Luz, who opens it and looks through the pages with AJ.

Luz: What is this? Jar of bees for existential dread? Aromatherapy for broken legs?

AJ: Bird songs for sufferers of stuffy noses?! *Turns towards Gwendolyn* Gwen, these cures are bunk! Wortlop is scamming you.

Gwendolyn: You really think I'd spend my life savings *Takes back the tome from Luz* on a fake?

Luz: I know you want what's best for Eda, and so do we. *Takes out an elixir from her waist pouch* But I'm calling this off. *Walks off and kneels down on one leg*

Gwendolyn: Luz, *Grabs her arm* AJ, I really thought *Takes away the elixir* we were all on the same side. According to Wortlop, poison like this is made by healers and potion makers who simply *Flips open book* want money.

The pages shows two of of a green haired witch clutching his nose, facing away a potion with a picture of a skull is hands with the words "Don't spend money on this". The second page shows Wartlop pointing to himself with the words "Spend it on me!" Under him. Luz and AJ look to them in anger and disbelief with AJ's right eye twitching.

Luz: Are you kidding me?! You just... *Pinches her eyebrows*

AJ: *Groans, facepalming* Forget it. We'll just go back to the owl house and get more elixirs. *Goes to create a portal*

Gwendolyn: I'm afraid that will be a waste of your time.

Her palisman drops a sack filled with elixirs in front of Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn: Hawksley cleared out every bottle hours ago.

AJ: *Glares at Gwendolyn* What?!

Luz: Whoa. *Stands up angrily* Why would you do that?

Gwendolyn: Because I am a mother who will do anything for her daughter.

Gwendolyn tries to throw a bottle of elixir away, but AJ, who tosses his disappearing katana away, and Luz pounce on her and trying to grab the elixir, causing them all to fall.

Eda: Ugh. *Throws away a flying snake stuck in her hair before examining her feathery arm* Woo, this ain't good.

Behind Eda, Gwendolyn, AJ, and Luz scream as they fall from above. They land behind a bush while the elixers shatters when the bag hits the ground, which grabs Eda's attention. They grimace in pain, with Gwendolyn rubbing her forehead and AJ sitting up.

Eda: Hey!

They look up to see Eda glaring at them.

Eda: What is going on here? *Looks at them*

Gwendolyn: Witchlet, *Pats off leaf on her shoulder* it's okay. *Puts a hands on Luz’s shoulder and holds her staff in the other* Luz, AJ and I are working to heal you.

Eda: What? This was all you? *Grows angry as more feathers pop out of her body* You weren't healing me. You nearly killed me!

Luz: Eda, please try to stay calm.

Eda: Why? Why should I be calm? I have a right to be upset!

While speaking, Eda closes her eyes, when she opens it again before finishing the last word, they turns fully black. She transforms into her Owl Beast form in front of Luz, AJ and Gwendolyn.

Inside Eda's mind, she is lying her face down in the shadowy void with her eyes closed. The Owl Beast steps in front of her, rumbling the ground. Eda opens her eyes, stands ln her feet and notices the large Owl Beast standing in front of her.

Eda: Ooh, let's get this over with.

Eda turns around and starts running away, panting.

Cuts back to the forest, Eda in her Owl Beast form is closing in on Gwendolyn, Luz, and AJ who is standing in front of Luz protectively while growling.

Gwendolyn: Don't worry. According to this, *Casts spell circle to summon tome and look at it* we just have to... *Hesitates* Uh...

Luz: Have to what?

AJ What does it say?!

Gwendolyn: *Turns around to show Luz and AJ the tome* Buy the next volume...?

Luz takes a deep breath, then makes an exasperated grunt and AJ's eye twitches again before smacking the book out of her hand.

Eda roars and takes a step closer towards them. Behind them, King screams and runs out from a bush with Millie behind him. He notices Owl Beast Eda, cries out in shock and Millie stands in front of him hissing at Owl Beast Eda.

Luz: King?! Millie?!

AJ: What are you two doing here?

King: So Lilith was feeling stressed and, uh, the light glyph didn't really work. So, uh... uh... uh...

A large shadow flies past them from above. They all look up, some gasp. Lilith in her Raven Beast form turns around and lands in front of them, revealing herself to be much larger than Owl Beast Eda.

King: *Clutches onto Millie* She turned into that thing!

Gwendolyn: *Shocked* Sweet flea?

AJ: How and why is she bigger?!

Lilith lets out a loud roar. Eda roars and rushes towards her, with her rushing towards Eda as well. Lilith then snatches Eda and flies off with her, while Luz, AJ, King, Millie and Gwendolyn look on in total disbelief. Luz picks up the Owl staff and rides atop it, ready to take off. AJ summons his mystic bo staff with a rocket on end and Millie hops on his shoulders.

Gwendolyn: *Disbelief* That... was my little sweet flea? That means she's also...

King: Cursed! Yes! Were you not paying any attention to her? *Climbs up the Owl staff and sits behind Luz*

Luz: We have to help them. Will you *Reaches out her hand* come with us?

Gwendolyn: *Hesitates* This... This must be part of the process, right?

Luz: *Closes her eyes* I can see you still need a little time. *Opens eyes*

AJ: *Runs forward* Come on, Mortons shop should still be open! *Hops on his rocket staff, taking off to the skies* Let's go!

Luz: We're behind you! Alright, Owlbert. *Owlbert hoots* Let's fly!

Gwendolyn looks at Luz and AJ flying away with a hesitant expression while clutching her necklace. She then turns around and flies towards the other direction on her staff.

Gwendolyn: *Clutches her necklace* Wortlop... he's not a fake, is he? *Lands in front of the cave door* After everything I did for him...

The cave door is not fully closed, leaving a gap for Gwendolyn to peep inside. She sees something and gasps. Inside, someone has hung up Master Wortlop’s clothing accessories and a mask of his face. The cave also reveals four gremlins surrounded by piles of snails, one of the gremlins is trying on some jewelries and a fire pit with fire bees in it can be seen in the middle of the cave.

Gremlin #1: Hey, what do you wanna call this one? *Dugs up a pile of dirt with his hands and put them in a jar*

Gremlin #2: *Staring at his jewelries* Eh, I don't know. Cleansing mud?

Gremlin #3: Yeah, from the Healing Bogs of the Hips or whatever. What do you think? *Looks to Gremlin #4*

Gremlin #4: I think *Turns around covering his eyes* we're gonna be rich! *Puts down his hands, revealing some fake boils on his eyelids*

All four gremlins laugh. The fire suddenly becomes bigger, causing them to scream and scamper away. The fire is then separated by Gwendolyn using a spell circle. She gazes ahead with a furious expression as three of the gremlins rush to the altar and put on the clothing accessories, pretending to be Master Wortlop with his head put on backwards.

"Master Wartlop": Mrs. Clawthorne? *Clears throat, changes to a deeper voice* What a fortuitous surprise.

Gwendolyn: *Sternly* You know, right after Eda was cursed I joined the Beast Keeper Coven. *A fire bee lands on her finger, then flies away* I thought they surely would know what to do. *Walks towards "Master Wortlop"* But the beast keepers told me the curse couldn't be tamed. And the healers told me it couldn't be *Changes to sad expression* healed. Eda told me she found something that made it manageable at least. But I didn't listen.

"Master Wortlop": I could give you the next volume. 5% off? 10% off?

Gwendolyn: *Sternly* Leave.

The fire behind her becomes larger, startling "Master Wortlop". Gwendolyn gives him a death stare with the fire burning behind her.

Gwendolyn: *Sternly* And if I ever see you in Bonesborough again, every beast in the forest will be after your head!

The three gremlins jump out from under the robe, scream and immediately dig their way underground. The fire immediately dies down back to the original fire pit size.

Gwendolyn: *Chuckles* Still got it.

Cut to a shot of Bonesborough with Owl Beast Eda fkying above town and Raven Beast Lilith gives chase after her. Lilith manages to catch Eda and pins her to the ground, damaging some buildings among the process and causing people to flee in terror. Eda kicks Lilith off her and flies away. Lilith growls and pursues Eda again. They continue fighting each other in air and eventually, both crash to the ground.

Luz and King fly past on the Owl Staff with AJ and Millie flying with them on his mystic staff, just in time to see this.

Luz: *Anxiously* Gotta think fast.

AJ: *Sees a store up ahead and points to it* There!

Morton: *Dejectedly* No one's bought anything in a while. *Reaches to the wooden panel handle* I should close up shop.

Luz/AJ: *From a distance* Morton!

Morton: *Looks up* Hmm?

Luz, King, AJ and Millie in front of Mr. Elixir, almost crashing into Morton, causing him to cry out in surprise.

AJ: Morton it's an emergency, we need every last elixir you have.

Morton gasps happily cupping his cheeks.

Luz: Also, do you accept *Takes out a drawing of Morton from her pocket* payment in hyper-realistic pencil portraits? *Grins at Morton*

Morton becomes unhappy and closes the panel door in front of them.

Luz: Shoot! I thought I was improving. *Looks down at the drawing sadly*

AJ: *Pats her shoulder* You're great at sketching. But we seriously need to start carrying money around with us.

Gwendolyn: *From a distance* Don't worry!

Luz, AJ, King and Millie turn around in surprise. Gwendolyn lands in front of them and spins her staff. She is carrying a large bag of snails.

Gwendolyn: Mama's here. *Shows the bag of snails*

Scene cuts back to Eda and Lilith. Eda roars at Lilith. Lilith attempts to bite Eda, but she manages to dodge her and fly away. Eda then lands atop a roof, while Lilith catches up with her and pins her down. Luz, King, AJ, Millie and Gwendolyn watch them from another roof across the duo.

Luz: You sure this is gonna work? *Glances over at Gwendolyn*

King: Yeah, *Squints at Gwendolyn* are you like, secretly sending us to our deaths?

Gwendolyn: *Sternly* No, I'm making things right.

Gwendolyn pulls off her necklace, throws it down and steps on it, breaking the necklace into pieces.

AJ: *Gives a small smile to her before looking forward* Let's fly!

He lets out as him, Millie, Luz and King ride off on their respected staffs. Eda stands ,screeching as Gwendolyn casts a spell circle, summoning some flying boards with eyes and wings to her. She approaches Eda and Lilith by stepping onto the boards.

Gwendolyn: *Regretfully* My beautiful daughters, I failed you.

Eda and Lilith turn towards Gwendolyn, Eda snarls and walks towards her.

Gwendolyn: Edalyn? You're in there, aren't you?

Eda growls at Gwendolyn, but she puts her hand on Eda's hair anyway. The camera zooms into Eda's eye. Inside of Eda's shadowy void mind, where Eda is still running away from the Owl Beast. While she's doing so, Gwendolyn's voice can be heard coming from outside.

Gwendolyn: I should've listened to you. I know now why you pushed me away.

Eda: *Stops running* Uh, Mom?

Gwendolyn: I made you think your curse was something to be ashamed of.

The Owl Beast rushes towards Eda and screeches at her, while Eda stares down at it.

Gwendolyn: Whether we want it or not, it's a part of you. And I love every part of you.

Eda stops the Owl Beast with her hand. Light flashes in between her hand and the Owl Beast making it screech, gradually shrinking. It eventually becomes small, and runs away tweeting.

Eda: *Calls out* Mom, I can hear you. And you...

Eda pounces on the Owl Beast and pins it down, putting it in a chokehold.

Eda: My turn to drive.

Cut back to Gwendolyn. She shuts her eyes and puts her forehead into Eda’s forehead.

Gwendolyn: *Regretfully* I'm so sorry.

Eda: Mom?

Gwendolyn opens her eyes to find Eda staring back at her, her eyes already revert back to normal.

Gwendolyn: Witchlet! *Hugs Eda*

Lilith sees this, enraging her as she roars and attempts to pounce at Eda, but Eda grabs her wrist and pins her down.

Gwendolyn: And Lilith... *Kneels down in front of her* you were always so self-sufficient.

Lilith tries to resist but Gwendolyn caresses her cheek, calming Lilith down.

Gwendolyn: *Regretfully* But I didn't give you the attention you deserved.

Upon hearing that, Raven Beast Lilith starts sobbing. Gwendolyn shushes her and embraces her, caressing her head.

Gwendolyn: *Looks up and shouts* Now!

Luz, King, AJ and Millie flies towards them from above. AJ jumps down from his staff as is dissappears, with holographic arms and Millie still on his shoulders.

AJ: Saving, like a boss!

He pins Eda and Lilith down by pulling down their ears. Luz pulls out the bottle corks with her teeth, and dumps the elixirs into Eda's and Lilith's mouth. A cloud of air appears and surrounds the duo. The strong airflow forces Gwendolyn to shield her face and blows AJ and Millie backwards forcing AJ to lose his holographic arms. They almost roll off the roof, but Luz lands just in time to catch AJ and King does the same for Millie. The cloud expands and flashes brightly, then forms then shape of a bird. Eda and Lilith is pulled upwards. The cloud eventually bursts and gives off a bright flash.

Luz: *Helping AJ up, both holding hands; Impressed* Dang, that is good elixir.

Gwendolyn walks forward. Eda and Lilith descend from above, right into Gwendolyn's arms. She sits down with them in her arms and stares at Eda lovingly.

Eda: *Opens her eyes and smiles at Gwendolyn* About time, Mom.

Lilith: *Sobs* Mom, I heard you but I couldn't stop myself. I... I couldn't do anything. *Continues sobbing*

Gwendolyn: *Hugs Lilith* It's okay. Everything is okay now. *Hugs Eda together* I'm here for you both.

Luz and AJ both smile gladly at the sight of this, while King comes to a realization.

King: She was... trying to do her best, huh?

AJ: *Turns to King* Mothers tend to make mistakes most of the time, *Looks back to the Clawthorne family* but some of the best mothers try everything to make their kids happy.

Gwendolyn hugs her daughters tight and smiles lovingly as Luz, AJ, King, and Millie look at them from aside.

Cut to nighttime in front of the Owl House, Luz, AJ, King, Millie, Eda and Gwendolyn are standing outside the Owl House.

Gwendolyn: I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, but I—I just wanted to help. I should've trusted you more.

Eda: Yeah, you *Jokingly punches Gwendolyn* should've. But, hey, don't be a stranger. Okay, Mom?

Gwendolyn smiles at Eda.

Lilith: *Kicks open the door* Mom! I'm ready! *Carries a bindle on her shoulder*

Eda: *Squints at Lilith* Huh?

Lilith: *Walks towards Gwendolyn* Well, we were talking and I've decided to go home with Mother and make up for lost time. *Smiles at Gwendolyn*

Luz, AJ, Eda, King, Millie and Hooty are surprised at this announcement.

Luz: What?

AJ: Really?

Eda: Lily?

King: You lived here?

Millie: Meow? (Your just now leaving?)

Hooty: What?

Gwendolyn: *Sad expression* Edalyn, Lilith told me how she gave you the curse. I am *Grabs Lilith's hand* so, so sorry to *Grabs Eda's hand* you both, to have this secret weighing you down. *Regretfully* I wish I knew sooner.

Lilith: *To Eda* There's still a lot to be learned about this curse, but... it'll be nice to spend some time home and reconnect with Dad. *Eda looks away hearing the last part*

Gwendolyn: We'll be away for a while, but we have plenty of *Takes out a few elixirs from her hair* elixirs stocked up!

Luz: Someday my hair is gonna be big enough to do that too. *Looks at Gwendolyn admiringly*

King: *Incredulously* You actually want that?

AJ: *Furrows his brows* You're not letting your hair get that long.

Luz: *Squints her eyes at him* You can't stop me.

Hooty: *Cries, stretches towards Lilith* No! Lulu, you can't!

Lilith: *Touches Hooty’s cheek* Hootsifer, I have to. But don't worry, we can be penpals. *Turns around and leaves*

Hooty: *Cries, falling to the ground* But I can't hold a pen!

Gwendolyn: [Gratefully.] Luz, if it weren't for you I might still be wrapped up in Wortlop's lies. So here's what I should've told you from the start. [Bends over towards Luz and AJ* You're not the only human to have lived in Bonesborough.

AJ: Yeah, we know.

Gwendolyn: Wait, really?

Luz: Yeah, *Puts a hand AJ's shoulder* AJ's ancestors came to the human realm. They're also the reason he has mystic powers.

She says as AJ creates a mystic tonfa in his hand and holds up to see.

Gwendolyn: *Surprised* Oh. Then I geuss you also know about titans blood?

AJ/Luz: *AJ drops his tonfa* Titan what now?

Gwendolyn: *Gets her smile back* There's a rare substance called Titan's blood. It is extremely powerful and sometimes causes leaks between our realms. Plants, animals... And you guys have a lot of garbage, by the way.

AJ: Yeah.. we humans suck.

Gwendolyn: But humans are rare. My great-grandmother told me about a human who once lived here. But one day he just vanished. Rumor has it he left something in the library, and if you can find out more about him...

Luz: *Hopefully* Maybe we could find out how he got here!

AJ: *Hopefully* And we just might find a way back home!

Gwendolyn: Exactly. *Winks at Luz and AJ*

Lilith and Gwendolyn look back and smile, then fly away together on their staffs. Hooty is still crying.

Eda: Well, I'll be on the couch for the next twenty-four hours. *Yawns and starts walking into the house* Goodnight.

King: No, wait! Me and Millie, call couch.

Millie: Meow! (No old hags allowed!)

Luz: *Puts her hand over her heart and looks up to the sky* We'll be home soon, Mom's.

AJ: *Side hugs Luz, who Leans her head on his shoulder; looks saddened* Summer camp's probably ended by now.

They look up to the sky with sad expression while Hooty is still crying in the background.

Luz: They must be so worried.

Cut to the human realm with an exterior shot of the Noceda residence. It is night and lights can be seen coming out through the windows on the right side of the house. Cut to showing Camila sitting on a couch inside the living room, covering her face with her hands while crying.

Camila: *Straightens up, wipes off tears with her finger* I'm sorry. These animal documentaries *Turns off TV with remote control* make me such a mess.

"Luz": Here, Mama.

A hand offers Camila a tissue box. Scene changes to show another Luz sitting on the couch, but her face is covered in darkness, concealing her facial features.

Camila: Thank you, Luz. You always know what to do.

Cut to the kitchen, Erin has tears in her eyes and a few drip down her face.

Erin: AJ... AJ please.

She wipes her eyes with her right forearm revealing a knife in her hand. She sets the knife down next to slices of onions.

Erin: AJ, I need paper towels please.

"AJ": Sure thing, Mom.

"AJ" speaks in a more lighthearted tone than usual as he hands Erin, two paper towels. She takes them and wipes her eyes.

Erin: Thanks Bear, dinner will be done soon.

She doesn't see, "AJ" standing there with his eyes shadow out by his hair, his left eye glows purple as his right glows orange.

"AJ": Awesome.

Every time he opened his mouth, it glowed a light blue. Everything around fades to darkness leaving a glowing red outline of "AJ" with his glowing purple and orange eyes and blue smile before letting a familiar gremlin like laugh.

1:28 to 1:30

To be continued...

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