By shellyraichand

185K 6.5K 108

A heart surgeon but knows nothing about heart. A civil engineer who keeps on trying to build a bridge betwee... More

1. Ishitha singh
2. The party
3. Arjun Dahiya
4. subash Nagar
5. I Like him
6. I am not virgin
7. Engaged
8. Trust
9. Mrs.Dahiya
10. Hoodie
11. perfect
12. Alone
13. Home
14. period
15. pregnant?
16. secret
17. Abdhul Goni
18. Date night
19. Heaven
20. Day off
21. Australia
22. Babe
23. He is a Gentleman
24. paratha
25. come soon
26. Forty eight hours
27. Roja Mahal
28. Don't unfold
29. pendrive
30. Haldhi
31. Stay
32. Angel
33. cupcake
34. Are you drunk?
35. Enemies
36. Marriage
37. I don't wanna talk about it
38. papa
39. pizza
40. Green Diary
41. shot
42. what about him?
43. where to pretty lady?
44. Barcelona
46. My feelings are true
47. I love you
48. My home
49. Forever
Bonus chapter.

45. I am here wifey

2.8K 116 1
By shellyraichand

Arjun's pov:

"It's nice having you around young man"

"Glad that we met uncle" I shook his hand

My dad's close friend Mr. Aravindh Athreya has been living in Korea, working as a doctor in a famous hospital.

These last few weeks I stayed with him,dad insisted of course. He still is a bachelor don't ask me why.

"When are you planning to come India?" I asked  while stepping out of the cab

"Maybe to your kids birthday party" I laughed drily 

There's never a day went by without me thinking about her

"Okay then bye, take care" I hugged him

"You too young boy and convey my regards to mom and dad"

"Definitely" My bodyguard took me to our private plane.

I didn't get a call from her which was expected, but I am glad and excited to meet her, after these many days I am sure she is ready to talk to me.

The work kept me too busy that I didn't even talked to mom and dad properly, few days back ishan told that ishitha resumed her work ,to say I jumped in happiness would be an understatement I can't wait to be with her anymore. She is finally safe and sound without any fears.

It's late in the evening, she might be watching some movie or sports with her dad. It will be midnight by the time I step into mumbai city so I will meet her tomorrow morning,nice and fresh.

I am grinning like a maniac thinking about her.

I slept through out the journey, these last few days I didn't get a good sleep but gladly the work went as planned, I wish I was there with my wife, it would have been lot of fun with her in Korea.

Raghav came to receive me at the airport

"You are supposed to be at her house right?" I asked confused

"I assigned other person and came to meet you personally and give you some information sir" I nodded at him understandingly.

"Mansion sir?" Driver asked

"No, to the apartment" I replied

I opened the door it smells different like flowers and candels, is she here?

"Sir Mrs. Dahiya ordered to clean the house" Oh it's mom. I sighed, my excitement died instantly

Door bell rang making me and raghav alert

"Sir,a corier for you" Raghav announced from the door

"Happy birthday sir" The delivery boy gave me a small package with a baloon tied to it.

What the fuck? I smiled a bit.
Seeing her name on the package

'Happy birthday sweetheart!
                       Your Ishitha'

God I love her so much, she did remember my birthday and planned this, how lucky I am to have her in my life.

I opened the wrapped box and saw a beautiful bracelet  with my name on it. Soon tears blurred my vision, I wiped them away with my hand to admire her gift.

I removed my phone from my suit jacket to dail her number but stopped seeing that I already got a voice mail from her. I clicked with so much anticipation

"Uh hi arjun"
I chuckled at her sweet but shy voice

"I don't know how to say it, I thought it would be easy but it's getting hard"
her voice is shaking making my smile drop from my face

"I uh I thought we are made for each other but no . .... "
she took a long breathe

"I said I love you but no I was just fascinated by you and thought it's love but it's only an attraction between us. I am sorry to end up things like this between us" My heart stopped beating at her words, is this some kind of prank?

"I hope you will find a woman of your dreams one day, happy married life in advance" she chuckled 

"I am being silly" 
Yes you are ishitha

"Ok what ever it is I hope you will understand me and my decision, good bye arjun"
The voice mail ended

Raghav placed an envelope before me, I opened it with shaky hands, I pulled out some papers and opened them and got biggest shock in my life, they are divorce papers!

What the fuck is she thinking while signing on them? And that too without me?

And there's another paper along with divorce papers, I opened it this time with out any trepidation, there is her writing in black ink on a ruled paper

"Please don't follow or find me arjun, I need some alone time. Hope you respect my wish!"

Respect my foot? You can't just leave me like this ishitha. You have done a big ass mistake, why are you doing this?

I am sweating and crying profoundly re reading and listening her sent message.

My temper is getting out of hands, I don't wanna end up like this I have to do something.

I dialled ishan's number

"The heck arjun?"

"Your sister" He sighed

"Happy birthday looser" He chuckled

"How could you laugh fucker, I am dying here" I shouted

"What do you want me do,  I love her so much that I can't deny her decision" He sighed again

"Whatever I want her phone number and area"

"Hope she don't kill me for doing this" He mumbled into the phone "I just messaged it, see"

"How is asha doing? " I asked

"Good and is sleeping peacefully" I can hear him smiling

"What's the time there? " I asked

"Six in the morning " He yawned

"Okay then bye" I feel guilt for disturbing them.

"Hey wait,what are you
gonna do?" He rushed

"I am going to get her" I gritted out, what do they expect me to do? Sit alone and cry my eyes out? Definitely a no, I will find her and bring her back home,to our home.

"RIP in advance brother inlaw"

"Bye" He laughed and we hang up.


"Yes sir"

"Find her adress in Barcelona, within two days"

"Okay sir"

"I need to be at hospital by eight thirty tomorrow morning" I ordered and walked inside the bedroom to change into some comfortable clothes.

As expected sleep didn't came.

Despite my chants inside my brain to stay strong my eyes became wet.

Why do I end up unhappy everytime?

With ishitha's entry in my life I thought I found my home, and I don't know what I did wrong that made her leave me.

I know she loves me so much, I can see that in her eyes, the Sparkle when ever she caught my sight, she is my angel, I can't loose her, I know I don't deserve her but I am selfish for her.

I can't live without her. I opened what's app to click on the number sent by ishan

It might be around nine there I should call her

"Hello who is this?" Came an accent

"I need to talk to ishitha"

"She is in a meeting right now, may I know your name sir? " The person asked

"Who are you?" I am fuming, who the fuck is he?
What is this guy doing beside her at this time

"Excuse me"

"You heard me"

"I a am her assistant... An"

"Who is that jin? " Her sweet voice came from other side, and my heart leaped with excitement, once talk to me baby.

"I don't know but he is so arrogant" The person hushed but I heard him, dumbass is whispering near phone.

"Who is this? " Finally my wife spoke

"I miss you baby" I whispered

"Arjun?" She whispered back after few seconds

"Come home baby" I didn't got any reply , she hang up, I guess she is crying too , her trembling voice says that.

I will bring you back baby

I got off the bed to make myself a cofee

The brewing smoke filled the balcony, the sky is full of stars and is beautiful so beautiful just like her.

She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life. I love you ishitha, more than anything.

It's four in the morning and I still can't sleep so decided to go on a run.

"Heard that your wife left you" I halted listening this, I turned left to see rohan leaning on a tree in his jogging dress

"Fuck off rohan"

"My brother is swearing?" He chuckled and got off the tree to make his way to where I stood.

"I know how much it hurts to see the person you loved leaving you" I clutched his collar

"Shut up rohan" His eyes watered making my anger simmer

"I am sorry bhai, I love her so much but she choose you over me " My grip loosened
"I am so furious and said bad about you but she always supported you" He gave me a gosht of a smile
"I am tired of chasing her bhai after hearing her last confession I have decided to give up on her" He sniffed

"I fought a loosing battle bhai despite knowing the failure, scars, and pain" He looked up

"Forgive me bhai, I am
leaving" His eyes held guilt

"Where are you going though?" I asked him softly

"Somewhere peaceful"

"Take care rohan and I forgave you" I hugged him and patted on his shoulder cause I can feel his pain.

I took a long shower to collect all my thoughts in this small  cubicle

Everything is so complicated,and messy

All my life I have learnt one thing ,to fight for what you want and I know what we had is real, so damn beautiful, I won't let my beautiful dreams with her to get burn.

I reached hospital around 8.30 am, sat in cafeteria to have food. I still remember the day I saw her waiting for me in this cafeteria for the first time, I am a dumb ass for behaving like that with her back then.

After eating eggs and wheat bread with avacado I left.

"Yes sir?" My assistant doctor and varsha came inside

"I am leaving to Europe in two days so arrange as many surgeries as you can in the mean time"

"I don't know when I will come back so you will deal  with all of my surgeries" I said to my assistant doctor, I observed that he is quite intelligent.

"I think you won't disappoint me" He nodded with a gentle smile.

As I asked my two days are filled with back to back surgeries only break to eat which I appreciate so much.

The next day morning when I was in my cabin eating food I got a call from raghav

"Tell me good news raghav"

"Sir we found mam's house and the office adress in Barcelona"

"Good, inform the pilot about Barcelona, pack your bags we are leaving tomorrow"

"Yes sir"

I am coming wifey

The day went busy with many surgeries, I need to go to mansion, mom literally scolded for not going there.

"Finally see who is here?" Mom accused tone wished me the second I stepped inside

Dad is busy on call, he didn't see me yet

"Sorry mom"

"You always forget about these old people" She is so furious

"Come on he is dealing with so much lately" Dad snaked a hand around her shoulder

"Whatever, I am hungry come let's have food" She walked away

"How are you arjun?" Dad came to me

"I am good, dad I am leaving Europe and don't know when I will come back. Please take care of hospital on my behalf"

"You are going for her right?" He asked

"Yes dad" I nodded at him

"That's my boy, don't loose hope" He patted my shoulder and then we made our way inside dining hall

"Whoa mom you arranged a feast or what?" I chuckled seeing all the dishes on tabel.
Instead of an answer I got a glare, I lowered my head in surrender.

"Everyone is leaving me, ishitha left and now you are  being distant with me" She started sniffing

I got up from my seat to hug her  "I am going to bring her back mom, please don't be mad at us, ishitha will be heart broken if known her favorite mother in law is disappointed in her"

"I am her only mother in law" She huffed out loud, making me and dad chuckle

"Yes you are her one and only amazing, cool mother in law" I cooed

"She said she loves me but she left me"

"She said that to me too mom" My eyes watered  remembering the day clearly

"Okay enough eat now you are Looking like a zombie" She pulled away to sit beside dad

"You know about zombies?" I am shocked

"Yes ,ishitha and I watched a zombie movie" I chuckled sadly ,oh how many people are suffering cause of you ishitha.

After having dinner I am off to bed to rest, I woke up around ten the next morning cause of lack of sleep the past two days

"Hello papa" I greeted my father in law in his cabin, he was busy checking some important files

"Uh hii arjun you uh come sit here" He might be surprised to see me here after what happened between ishitha and I.

"Please Call maa here ,I need to talk to you both" I sit on couch

"She is coming, want some snacks?" He asked

"No thanks" The door opened revealing my mother in law, she is looking so weak.

"Arjun beta how are you?" She rushed forward and sat beside me on the couch

"I am fine maa, how are you two?" I looked at both of my inlaws, they didn't answer.

"I am so sorry for what happened, please forgive me. I am leaving europe to bring my wife back"

"But she is no...... " Papa was stopped in the middle by maa

"You don't have to say arjun, she is your wife and no need of apologies, parents will never stay angry at their kids" I held her hands in gratitude.

"All the best" Papa patted on my shoulder.

At noon I had lunch with mom and then packed three big luggage bags.

"You ready raghav?" I asked smiling at him while we are on the plane

"As always,yes sir" He saluted and left.

I have no plan cause I don't know the problem yet but I hope everything goes well.

I can't wait to see my wife.

I kept reading  all the papers given to me by the investigators about ishitha, I learnt everything about her new job, assistant, office, house and all.

The things that frustrated me the most are the pics of ishitha and that jin, they are being so close and comfortable. I will kill that bastard if he has any ill intentions towards her.

Around nine o clock in the morning we reached the said apartment building ,the one in which ishitha has been staying at

Raghav rented the flat just beside hers so soon we both got freshen up and left.

The car stopped before a famous and luxurious looking cafe, it has open serving too.

There I saw her my wife, Mrs. Ishitha Dahiya, she is looking as radiant as always, sunrays on her face makes her look like an angel.

"They often eat here sir" Raghav enlightened me.

"Let's go" I stepped out of the car to reach them.

That jin is there with her, they are discussing something on a paper seriously might I add, damn she is looking so cute in that orange winter coat.

I sat beside her at the tabel, picked a half eaten sandwich in her plate and took a bite

"I can make a better one,it doesn't taste nice ishitha" I said eating the remaining.

I turned to her and God dang it, her face looks so hilarious, mouth and eyes reached their maximum dilation point. The assistant is nothing different.

"What uh you unh here? " She is looking around, I chuckled at her confused face.

"I am here wifey"
I kissed on her cheek
Her face is  so priceless.

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