A Billionaire's Mistake

By Believeeexoxo

1.5M 47.6K 6.3K

Lincoln Nash has it all - except someone to share it with. Content with his bachelor life, he sabotages his m... More

Standalones in the A Billionaire's Mistake series
1|The Mistake
4|The Serpent
6|The Revision
7|Eye Candy
9|New Girl
10|Use Me
13|Third Party
16|Good Morning
29|The Letter
31|The Flu
33|Figuratively Speaking
34|Favorite Dish
37|Only You
40|Do You?
41|Tough Love
48|The Real You
50|The Footage
51|Dirty Minutes
63|The Future
65|Person of Interest
66|Our Girl
67|Boss Lady
72|Never Again
73|Hidden Truth
75|Handle It
76|Easy Fix


21.3K 825 119
By Believeeexoxo

Chapter Thirty-Two: Water


Two weeks later, Archer still hasn't found time to look into Sienna's sealed file with her ex. I wish I had asked her his name, but now, if I brought it up randomly, it'd be too suspicious. Since Reed doesn't know his name, I'll have to figure out a different way to get it and speed this process up, putting all of my law enforcement schooling to good use.

Letting out a sigh and resting back further into my chair, I pull up my email and send one to my security team to get any updates on Sienna's ex and see if they've noticed anything out of the ordinary when Margo knocks on the door. I wave her in.

"Sienna will be here at three to go over the status of the renovations and dive into the launch event details," she says.

I narrow my eyes. "Here?" Sienna never wants to meet here. She's never met here.

"I'm your best friend, Linc, I have to get to know her at some point, you know? I just told her to meet here instead because it would work best for your schedule, which technically isn't a lie. You do have a meeting with Brock at four."

Fucking hell. I know how Sienna is about going to new places, and especially now that I'm aware of her past with her ex, I'm more protective over her than I've ever been with anyone.

"I didn't reach back out to her when she confirmed to see who all she was bringing with her, so you might want to ask." Her eyes dart to my computer, sharing a pleading look with me to give in, and suddenly, that's when everything starts to click together.

"Anyone you're expecting to see?" I ask teasingly.

She forms her lips into a thin line and rolls her eyes. "No, I just want to make sure I have enough chairs set up in the boardroom. That's all."

I'm still grinning at her, clearly not believing that bullshit excuse, and finally Margo huffs out a sigh and grips the handle of the door. "Whatever," she grumbles, "forget I said anything."

"Her name is Riley, and she doesn't work for Sienna's company. She owns a flower shop with her best friend on the upper East side right down the street from our favorite sub shop, thus the reason she brought the arrangement here for me to send to Sienna," I tell her. "All you had to do was ask."

"I wasn't—" Margo stops herself when I'm still smiling, and when she realizes she's lost this battle, she sighs again and mutters, thank you before stalking back to her desk. I hope she seeks Riley out. I'm not sure how Riley feels, but Margo felt the connection important enough to ask me about seeing her again, and in Margo's world, having her be interested in someone is like the universe tilting upside down. I've never seen it happen.

Sienna meeting Margo makes me a nervous fucking wreck. They're both strong-willed, independent women who don't take shit from anyone. Plus, Margo hasn't met a woman that I've dated because I haven't dated before. Sure, she's met flings that I found at bars and took home for the night, but I never introduced them to her as someone important to me, because they weren't. And their meeting at my office for the first time is the wrong impression. I wanted it to be more special than this I guess, and I didn't want to have the stares of my entire office watching our every move. If they find out we're together, I'm sure they'd all have the same reaction that Margo did. This is too important of a contract for me to be sticking my dick into.

It's happening whether I like it or not, so as long as I'm on my best behavior, everything should be fine. I can keep my hands off of her for an hour or two. I think.

Opening up my email, I send a new one to Sienna.

To: sstone@stonemedia.com

Subject: Easing Fears

Sorry about having to meet here today. I had a lot of meetings I couldn't get away from. I've attached the blueprints to my office for you. Escape routes galore.

See you soon,



Sienna shows up five minutes before three, right on time. I withhold a groan when I see her in that same dress she wore when I first visited her office. The one with the zipper that runs from the top of her spine, down to her ass. Her hair is slicked back into a high ponytail, lips are freshly glossed.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

I exit my office before Margo has the time to reach her first, extending my hand out to give Sienna a handshake. It's so fucking comical that this is what I'm deciding to do right now, something so formal, but I have to put on a show. My employees can't find out. "Ms. Stone," I say warmly with a smile. Her eyes run all over my suit before they meet my eyes, and holy hell, she better stop looking at me like that before I pull her into my office and bend her over my fucking desk. I don't even care if it's see-through glass. I'll put on a show for everyone.

"Mr. Nash," she replies, "thank you for having us."

Reed is standing to her left, and it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes. I can't let her know how much I truly despise him though since she's unaware of her ex possibly being back in the picture, so I send him a nod and turn toward Margo. "This is Margo, my secretary, but she's also my best friend from high school."

"It's so nice to finally meet you," Margo gushes like she's a fucking fan meeting Justin Bieber for the first time. "I know we've communicated through emails, but it's so nice to meet you in person. You're such an icon right now in the business industry. I didn't know you were just in Time magazine for being in the top hundred of the wealthiest females until last week when I saw it trending on Twitter, but that's just so inspirational, you know? How kick ass."

I've never heard Margo talk so much in one sentence. Who the hell is this? The other employees lingering by their desks are sharing the same expression that I am if I had to guess. Mean and bossy Margo is practically falling at my girlfriend's feet.

I'm also trying to ignore my cock that stands on attention because Sienna is so fucking wealthy. It's so hot to see her successful. I didn't know about that article in Time magazine, but it makes me more turned on than ever, and again, I want to bend her ass right over my desk and show her just how proud I really am of her.

"Thank you," Sienna replies. "I was surprised when I saw that article, too." Then she lowers her voice and adds, "Lincoln tells me you're a fan of The Bachelor? We should compare notes sometime on who we think will be the final three."

"I'd love that," Margo practically squeals. Did she hire Sienna because she had a crush on her? I'm trying to hide my smile, but Margo is downright embarrassing herself right now. On the plus side, I guess I don't have to worry about them not getting along. I'm pretty sure Sienna could say Margo was just dirt on the bottom of her shoe and Margo would salivate at the mouth.

"If you'll follow me, I'll take you to the board room. Everything is set up for you all." Margo strides ahead to show us the way, Reed following behind her with about six folders tucked underneath his arm, a laptop case at his side.

When we turn down a hallway away from the rest of my employees, Sienna grabs onto the jacket of my suit, pulling me down close to her ear to whisper, "Thank you for the blueprints. If it weren't for your offices being see-through, I'd find a way to show you just how much I appreciated that."

And now my cock is hard. I let out a deep breath and place my hand on her lower back to guide her further down the hallway. Reed and Margo are a couple of feet ahead of us now, so I take the opportunity and squeeze each one of her ass cheeks over this fucking dress that I want to rip off.

"Keep talking and I'll pull you into my office," I mutter low into her ear. "I know you think about it just as much as me. Right in front of the windows, in front of my entire office to watch. I'll sit in my office chair while you ride my cock. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Letting them see just how much of my cock can fit in that sweet little cunt of yours?"

Sienna clears her throat as I move my hand back up to her lower back, chuckling when I add, "Two can play this game, Sienna. Don't tempt me."

She removes my hand with a smile on her face when we reach the end of the hallway. The board room is made of see-through glass as well, and when I first made this decision to change everything to glass when I first took over the company, I thought it had been a good idea. After my father...did what he did, I couldn't deal with closed spaces. I needed a change of scenery, so I told Margo to make all of the office walls glass. She thought it was just to upgrade the interior design. Little did she know the real reason behind my decision, but now, as I'm desperately trying not to watch Sienna's ass as she makes her way over to one of the chairs around the large, family-style table, it's the first time I've regretted the glass walls.

"Would anyone like a drink before I leave you to it?" Margo asks.

"Water," Sienna blurts. "Please."

I cover my mouth with my hand to hide my smile. Reed declines the drink offering, as do I, so Margo scurries out of the room as Reed begins to distribute the folders underneath his arm. "So, our first order of business is selecting which location to host the launch at," he says.

"Los Angeles," I reply. "That's the smartest option. The clientele we're after is primarily based there, and the influencers we'll need to post about it mostly all live there. It'll save us traveling expenses in the long run."

Reed and Sienna exchange glances before she smiles broadly at me. "You've been studying," she says, and if it weren't for Reed being in the room, I probably would have blushed, but I tear my gaze away from her and stare down at the folder again. The photos of the progress of the hotels look incredible, and although they've only just started, I can already see their image coming to life.

"If you want to move forward with the Los Angeles location, we'll focus most of the construction priority there to make sure it's finished in time. If all goes well, it's looking like March will be the launch month. I do think it will be beneficial to go there sometime soon to do some media work. Let the community know what's happening. Get them excited about it. If we can get people talking about the launch, it'll be better for us come March, and it also might cause a spike in stays right now, which you desperately need," Reed says. March is almost an entire year away, but if Reed thinks it'll help make money to do a little media beforehand, I'll go as soon as they need me.

"I'll make the time. Just let me know when I need to go," I tell them.

Sienna nods and opens up her planner, scanning through the calendar before she says, "We should go at the beginning of September. Two weeks from now."

"We?" I ask, looking incredulously at Sienna. "No way. Reed and I will go to Los Angeles. You can stay here." There's no way I'm letting her go where that son of a bitch lives. The place where all of her pain stems from. Having her go there will just be putting her in even more danger.

Reed isn't supposed to know about Sienna's ex, so he remains silent as Sienna narrows her eyes at me. "You are one of my clients, Lincoln, and I'll be attending to make sure everything is going to plan. It will be fine." The way she emphasizes fine is a warning for me to shut up, but I can't. I won't put her in danger like this.

"I'm attending with Reed. That's final."

"Reed, will you excuse us for a moment?" Sienna asks. The tone of her voice is frightening.

Reed nods and quickly steps outside. Since it's all glass, he faces away with his back toward us looking awkward as hell. Thank the lord these offices are soundproof because I have a feeling Sienna is about to light into me.

"What the hell was that, Lincoln? You can't talk to me like that when we're in a business meeting. You don't own me, and you most certainly won't order me around like that."

I lean forward to rest my elbows on the table. "You're going to tell me that you're fine going to Los Angeles where your parents and psychotic ex still live? I'm not letting you be around that. I'm not going to let you get hurt."

"You aren't my protector, Lincoln. I'm going to Los Angeles because I want to go. I wouldn't volunteer to go someplace if I didn't think I was ready. I haven't heard from my psychotic ex or family in years, so they won't know if I'm going to LA for two days. At the end of the day, this is my company that you hired for your re-launching. When we're in our offices, our romantic relationship is separate. I'm the woman you chose to hire to do this, so I'm calling the shots. Do you understand me?"

Fucking hell if my cock isn't hard as a rock right now. I didn't think I'd get turned on by her being so...bossy, but Jesus. I'm riled up. She's all the way at the opposite end of the table, but all it'd take is four strides before I'd be able to pull her up from that chair.

If I can't stop her from going, then I'm making sure my security is on her ass our entire stay. We'll stay in the unused hotel rooms. I'll make sure my room is right next to hers. I'll do whatever I can to ensure that she's safe. The last thing I want to do is step on her toes and make her feel like she's not the independent and badass woman that she is. I have to trust her. If she says she's ready, then she's ready.

"Do you understand?" She repeats more slowly.

My eyes darken as I scan her over, causing her to gulp. "Yes, ma'am."

She laughs. "Don't tell me this is turning you on."

"Oh, it very much is. Not to worry, though. As soon as Reed walks back in here I'll get soft again. He tends to have that effect on people." I can't stop my own laughter when she erupts into giggles along with me and rolls her eyes at how immature I am. "I'm sorry I was a dick just now. I know you're more than capable of handling yourself. You know that, right?"

She straightens the folder in front of her and clicks her pen, waving Reed back into the room. "Good, because as much as you get to me, Lincoln Nash, I'll never need another man to save me."

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