Comet || An II Lightbulb AU.

By Anonamiss12

1K 20 25

Lightbulb has lost some of her best friends, MePhone has mysteriously disappeared, And she's accidentally hur... More

Art-termission 1
The Waterfall
Pre-Christmas special
More of the same
Sick Day


269 4 15
By Anonamiss12

(For best experience, Listen to music above as you read.)

Lightbulb laid against a pole. She could have slept in the hotel, Yes, but she preferred it outside. Where she wouldn't get caught.

Her tail was plugged into a socket on this pole, As she glowed dimly in the night. The wire-like tail was one of her secrets. She needs to charge. Whatever powered her could last 72 hours, but it took 8 hours to charge. She found that out the hard way when she was just small. She passed out in that dimly lit concrete room, waking up with her tail in an outlet on the couch with her family sitting near her. Now, she was more careful. She was in this competition now, surrounded by others, so she only plugged in when she was sure no one would be around. She had learned to find the electrical boxes for the streetlights and plug them in there. It was easier than it used to be. And it was how she survived.

She needed to get away from the crowd. She needed to get away from everyone. She needed to be alone and recharge. But she could not let her aversions known. She had to hide her fears and act normal. She had to act like she was a normal contestant. She was not a normal contestant. She was a special girl. A girl who needed to be alone. She was a girl who needed to charge. She was a girl who was afraid of being alone. She wasn't normal. Not fully. That's what mother always told her.

Lightbulb's tail was plugged into a socket on this pole, As she glowed dimly in the night. The wire-like tail was one of her secrets. She needs to charge. Whatever powered her could last 72 hours, but it took 8 hours to charge. She found that out the hard way when she was just small. She passed out in that dimly lit concrete room, waking up with her tail in an outlet on the couch with her family sitting near her.

Now, she was more careful. She was in this competition now, surrounded by others, so she only plugged in when she was sure no one would be around. She had learned to find the electrical boxes for the streetlights and plug them in there. It was easier than it used to be. And it was how she survived. She did strange things like eating things humans aren't supposed to, making cookie pizzas, and having a pet crab, but these kinds of things could be chalked up to Lightbulb just being a bit odd. And the other contestants didn't seem to notice the electricity that much. Except when she accidentally shocked Fan with that ball.

She was just a bit stressed and got ahead of herself. Lightbulb was happy with the friends she made. She was happy with the friends she had. She was happy with the friends she had made. But she needed to be alone. She needed to be alone and recharge. She sighed, Looking at the stars. They were so close, almost like if she reached out far enough, she could take one. And yet so far away. Warm electricity pulsed through her body. She felt so peaceful. But a noise from behind her took her out of her calm trance.

"Lightbulb?!" She was dazed for a bit, but spun around, quickly unplugging her tail. Knife came from the bushes. "What was that thing?!" He exclaimed. "What thing?" She asked. "That thing! With the sparks!" He exclaimed. "What sparks?" she asked. "The sparks! And that cable!" He exclaimed. "What are you talking about?" she asked. "I knew there was something off about you! You're not just weird! Are you... some sort of robot or alien or something?! Why were you plugged in like that?!" he exclaimed.

"I-I-I" she was at a loss for words. "Answer me! What are you?!" He exclaimed. "I-I-I" she was still at a loss for words. "Answer me!" He exclaimed. "I-I-I'm just a girl! A-A-A normal girl!" she exclaimed. It's the truth!" she exclaimed. "Oh yeah?! Let me see!" He attempted to spin her around, but she pushed him away and ran off, carrying it in her arms. She didn't stop. She ran as fast as possible, But he was close behind. "Please! Come back! I'm not gonna hurt you! I just wanna know what you are!" he exclaimed. "I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I AM!" she screamed back.

She ran into a small cave, but MePad stopped her. "I'm sorry, Lightbulb, but you are about to leave the show's boundary- '' They were interrupted by Lightbulb pushing them out of the way. "Sorry!" She ran past them and into the cave's entrance, but it was a dead end. Her heart raced. He slowly approached her, and she backed into the wall. "Please, Just leave me alone!" she exclaimed. "I can't do that! I need to know what you are!" he exclaimed. "I'm just a girl! A normal girl! I promise!" she exclaimed. "Then why were you plugged in like that?!" he asked. "I-I don't know! I-It's just how I am!" she stammered.

"There's something you're not telling me!" he exclaimed. "No! There isn't!" she exclaimed. "You're lying to me! You have to be!" he insisted. She was backed into a corner with nowhere to go. He was getting closer and closer, And she was getting more and more scared. She didn't know what to do or say. She was trapped like a deer in headlights. And then, without warning, An electric pulse came out of her body, throwing the boy's body like a ragdoll.

He hit the wall and slid to the floor, Unconscious. Lightbulb was horrified. She didn't mean to do that. She just wanted him to leave her alone. But now he was lying on the ground, Unconscious.

Lightbulb was horrified. She didn't mean to do that. She just wanted him to leave her alone. But now he was lying on the ground, Unconscious. And she didn't know what to do. "Oh, God! Knife! Are you okay?" she knew there probably wouldn't be an answer, But she had to try. "Knife?!" she repeated, a little louder this time. But there was still no answer. She checked his pulse. He was still alive. She breathed a sigh of relief.

But she knew she couldn't just leave him here. She had to take him back to the hotel. But how? She couldn't carry him all the way back. And then she remembered her power cord. She could use it to drag him back! It would be a lot of work, But it was better than leaving him here to die. So that's what she did. She wrapped the cord around his waist and started dragging him back to camp. It was slow going, But she eventually made it back. "Lightbulb! What happened?!" OJ looked at them, shocked. She bit her lip while she explained what had happened. "He just.. sort of.. passed out." "Well, we need to get him to the infirmary!" Basketball exclaimed. "Right!" Lightbulb agreed. The infirmary was a small room with a bed and a few medical supplies. It wasn't much, But it would have to do.

They laid Knife down on the bed and Baseball went to get the doctor. While they were waiting, OJ asked Lightbulb what happened out there. "I-I don't know... I-I was just trying to get away from him and then.." she trailed off, not wanting to think about it anymore. A few minutes later, The doctor arrived with Basketball. He examined Knife for a few minutes before turning to them and shaking his head. "He must have gotten shocked. He'll probably be okay, but.. He'll be out of it for a few days."

Lightbulb felt relief wash over her. He was going to be okay. But she still felt guilty about what happened. It was an accident, But she couldn't help but feel responsible.

She had to tell someone about what happened, but she didn't want to worry them. But she also knew that she couldn't keep it a secret forever. She would have to tell them eventually. But she knew who she could talk to.

She knocked on the door of the two gossip girls, Salt, and Pepper. They were the only people who she felt enjoyed her company.

"Lightbulb! Come in!" Salt exclaimed as she pulled her into a hug the moment she walked through the door. "We were just talking!" Pepper added as she pulled away from Salt and walked over to where Lightbulb was standing. "What were you saying?" Lightbulb asked, trying to sound casual, but failing miserably.

"Oh, just what happened with knife. It was weird that he was gone for a while, but, like, it was pretty nice." Salt explained. "Good riddance, honestly. He's, like, such a jerk." Pepper added. "And we get the spotlight!" They both said in unison before breaking into giggles.

Lightbulb sighed as she sat down on the bed. "You guys, I need to tell you something." She whispered, her voice shaking slightly. "What is it?" Salt asked, suddenly serious as she sat down next to Lightbulb and Pepper sat on the other side of her, both girls leaning in close to hear what she had to say.

"I-It's about Knife.." She began before taking a deep breath and continuing. "He... He knows about me." "What do you mean he knows about you?" Pepper asked with a confused expression on her face.

"He knows that I'm not human." She explained quietly. "Wait, What?!" Salt gasped in shock. "You're like, Not human?! That... So cool!" Pepper squealed in excitement. "What?! No!" Lightbulb insisted quickly. Pepper's legs bounced. "We're gonna be like those girls from Andromeda: Queen of Ceres!" She squealed. Salt scoffed. "You're such a nerd, Pepper." She teased. Pepper pouted. "Says the 'Throne of Swords' fan."

Lightbulb chuckled a bit. They were always teasing each other like that. "At this point, you two should just kiss already." She joked. They both blushed and looked away from each other, but not before she saw the small smiles on their faces. "So, what are you gonna do?" Salt asked after a few minutes of silence. "I-I don't know.." Lightbulb admitted with a sigh. "I just... I don't want to worry anyone." "But you can't keep it a secret forever." Pepper pointed out. "You're right.." Lightbulb sighed as she stood up and began pacing around the room nervously. She had to tell them eventually, but she was so scared. She didn't want anyone to look at her differently because she wasn't human. But she knew that she couldn't keep it a secret forever...

"It's not as simple as just telling them... I mean, What if they ask me questions I don't have an answer to? What if they call me crazy?! WHAT IF THEY SEND ME OFF TO A LAB TO GET PROBED?! I-I just.." she trailed off, her voice shaking as she began to hyperventilate. Salt and Pepper both stood up and walked over to her, wrapping her in a comforting hug as they tried to calm her down. "It's okay, Lightbulb," Salt whispered. "We're here for you." Pepper added.

"You don't have to tell anyone anything that you don't want to." Lightbulb took a few deep breaths and slowly began to calm down. "Thank you." She muttered as she pulled away from them and wiped the tears from her eyes. "But I think I need some time alone." She added before walking out of the room and heading back to her room, her mind racing with thoughts the whole way there.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't even hear Baseball walking up to her until he was right in front of her. "Lightbulb! There you are!" he exclaimed. "I've been looking all over for you!" "What is it?" she asked, her mind still racing. "It's Knife! He woke up a few minutes ago and he's asking for you!" Baseball explained. "He's awake?!" she gasped in surprise before quickly following him back to the infirmary where Knife was sitting up in bed, looking a lot better than the last time she had seen him.

"Knife! You're awake!" she exclaimed as she rushed over to his side and hugged him. "Oof... Careful." He winced as he tried to return the hug, but his ribs were still sore from where he had hit the ground. "Sorry." She muttered as she pulled away from him and took a step back, not wanting to hurt him anymore. "So, what happened?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Sorry." She muttered as she pulled away from him and took a step back, not wanting to hurt him anymore. "So, what happened?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I-I don't really know.." Lightbulb admitted quietly. "We were arguing and then you just.. Fell." "Did you hit me?" he asked. Lightbulb shook her head quickly. "No! Of course not!" she insisted before sighing and sitting down on the edge of the bed, Taking his hand in hers again as tears welled up in her eyes.

Knife could see the guilt in her eyes and he knew that something was wrong, but before he could say anything else, The doctor walked into the room with Basketball right behind him carrying a tray with some food on it for Knife since he hadn't eaten anything since before the challenge started days ago."How are we feeling today?" The doctor asked with a smile as he checked Knife's pupils again for any sign of concussion since it was common for people who had gotten concussions to experience problems like nausea or dizziness even after they woke up.

"A little better." Knife answered with a small smile before glancing at Lightbulb out of the corner of his eye and noticing that she looked like she was about to cry so he squeezed her hand reassuringly before turning his attention back to The doctor, "Though I'm still feeling pretty dizzy." The doctor chuckled. "That's normal." The doctor assured him. "It'll probably take a few days for that feeling to go away completely." Knife shrugged it off, "But other than that I'm feeling pretty good." The doctor smiled. "Good."

Knife yawned. "Can I eat yet? I'm starving." "Yes, but take it easy at first since you haven't eaten anything in a while." The doctor smiled and nodded. "Here you go then," OJ said as The doctor stepped out of the way so that Basketball could put the tray down on Knife's lap before handing him a fork and stepping back again while Knife began eating slowly since at first, his stomach was growling so loudly that everyone could hear it from outside, but after awhile his stomach settled down enough for him to eat at a normal pace.

Everyone else just watched quietly until finally Lightbulb couldn't take it anymore and decided to break the silence herself by clearing her throat loudly which caused everyone else besides knife who was too focused on eating to jump slightly out of surprise before turning their attention towards lightbulb who blushed slightly with how loud she was.

"What is it?" Pepper asked curiously. "Um...Nothing much just gotta clear my throat." Lightbulb muttered under her breath. "Must be nerves cuz you're about to spill your guts soon."Pepper whispered. "Yeah...maybe." Lightbulb shook her head."Anyway, continue what we were saying earlier, please." Pepper snapped up. "Right. Sorry. Anyway, like, I said earlier, we both think it's time to come out clean with everyone. Especially, like, Baseball. He seems really worried about you. Plus, he's been asking a bunch of questions which we try our best to answer without giving too much away. You know how boys can be sometimes" Lightbulb looked away. "Basketball does seem kinda worried...I wonder why though..." She shrugged.

"Probably because he's a sweetheart deep down inside." Pepper smiled. "Oh stop being such sap, Pepper." She looked away. "Whatever. Anyway, we're getting off-topic here. Point is, we need to tell them everything. Especially basketball, cause if we don't, He's just gonna keep worrying. Plus, sooner or later others start noticing how weird you've been acting around them recently. Especially OJ, who's already suspicious. Anyway, I might have come clean, gotten everything off my chest once done hiding everything, and felt a lot better." Lightbulb looked nervous. "Promise?" Pepper smiled. "Promise." Lightbulb paused."Okay...You're probably right...I'll tell them everything tonight during the campfire..."

"Attention everyone!" OJ's voice echoed through the hotel, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and turn their attention towards him as he continued speaking,"As you all know, we will be having our campfire tonight, and I have a special announcement to make, so I hope to see all of you there!" With that, he walked away, leaving everyone to wonder what the announcement could be about.

"I wonder what that's about." Basketball muttered. "Who knows?" Lightbulb shrugged. "Probably just some stupid game or something," she added with a roll of her eyes before standing up and stretching a bit. "I'm going for a walk." she announced before walking away, her mind racing with thoughts again as she tried to figure out what she was going to say during the campfire. She knew that she had to tell them eventually, but she was still so scared. She didn't want anyone to look at her differently because she wasn't human. But she also knew that she couldn't keep it a secret forever... She was so lost in thought that she didn't even realize that she had walked all the way to the edge of the property until she felt someone grab her arm and pull her back.

"Lightbulb! What are you doing?!" Basketball exclaimed as he pulled her away from the edge. "What does it look like I'm doing?" she snapped, shaking him off. "I'm going for a walk." "But you could have fallen!" he insisted. "I would have been fine!" she insisted, rolling her eyes. "You would have shattered, that's what would have happened." He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked away from her. "Look, I'm sorry." She sighed after a few minutes of silence. "It's just... I need some time to think." "About what?" he asked curiously. Lightbulb bit her lip, not sure if she should tell him or not. But she knew that she couldn't keep it a secret forever...

"Its... It's nothing." she lied. "I'm just... I'm just worried about the campfire tonight." "Why?" he asked, still not convinced. Lightbulb sighed. "I-I don't know... I-I just have this feeling that something bad is going to happen." "Like what?" he pressed. Lightbulb shook her head. "I-I don't know... I-I just.." she trailed off, not knowing what to say. Basketball sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, clearly not convinced by her story. But he knew that there was no point in pressing her any further since she clearly didn't want to talk about it.

"Fine." He muttered after a few minutes of silence. "But promise me you'll be careful, okay?" "Okay." She promised with a small smile before standing up and dusting herself off. "Now let's go back inside before OJ starts wondering where we are."

They both chuckled as they walked back towards the hotel, their minds racing with thoughts as they tried to figure out what the other was hiding from them...

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