Power Rangers Megaforce and S...

By BFerg122

86.5K 1.4K 544

When the evil Warstar aliens attack Earth, the supernatural guardian Gosei, assigned to protect the Earth by... More

OC Info
Mega Mission
He Blasted Me With Science
Going Viral
Stranger Ranger
United We Stand
Harmony and Dizchord
Who's Crying Now?
Robo Knight
Prince Takes Knight
Man and Machine
Ultra Power
Last Laugh
Dream Snatcher
Gosei Ultimate
The Human Factor
Rico the Robot
Staying on Track
The Human Condition
The Messenger
End Game
Quick A/N:
Super Megaforce
Earth Fights Back
Blue Saber Saga
A Lion's Alliance
Samurai Surprise
Spirit of the Tiger
Silver Lining
Power of Seven
The Perfect Storm
Love is in The Air
United as One
The Grass is Always Greener... or Bluer
In the Driver's Seat
All Hail Prince Vekar
Vrak is Back
Emperor Mavro
Black Out
Legendary Battle

Going Green

3.3K 43 16
By BFerg122

(This is the first out of two fan-made chapters. I did my best to make it as long as an original episode and keep the same arc; the Rangers face a challenge at school or in regular teenage life, they then face a monster and lose, they return to their lives affected by their loss, and face the monster again, beating him.)

Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

Aaron, Noah, and Jake walked out of class with smiles when they saw something hanging from the ceiling that made the three stop dead in their tracks. A blue and green banner that read five large words and a few smaller ones.

"Harwood County High Masquerade Prom!

Saturday, April 13"

"Dudes," Jake said with a grin on his face. "Prom's this Saturday! And if it's Monday today, that means I have five days to ask Gia." He then glanced dreamily at the Yellow Ranger, who was busy getting her stuff from her locker. However, since Jake was dreamily watching, she was gathering her stuff in slow motion. He then sighed giddily as he smiled.

"Jake?" Noah asked, his voice sounding like he was underwater to the daydreaming Black Ranger. "Jake? JAKE!" Jake then snapped out of his fantasy.

"Sorry," he said. "What about you guys? Who are you all going to ask?"

"I was thinking about asking Tulip," Noah said, looking at a very beautiful black haired girl who was walking down the hall. "What about you, Aaron? Are you thinking of asking Emma?" Immediately, Aaron's cheeks and ears turned a deep pink.

"Maybe," he said. "But even if I did, I don't think I have a shot with her."

"Why would you say that?" Jake asked.

"Because pretty much every guy in school has their eye on her and unless the two of us are together with the rest of the team, she doesn't even know I'm alive."

"If I may offer a word of advice," Noah said.

"I wish you wouldn't."

"That word would be 'confidence'." Aaron turned to see Noah, who had a look of determination on his face. "You're the Green Ranger, with the Courage of a Dolphin! And you single handedly fought Creepox in a one-on-one duel before Troy defeated him. You can do anything. Now go get that girl." Just then, Aaron felt a smile appearing on his face.

"He's right," Jake said. "You got this." Aaron's smile then got wider.

"You're right," he said. "I got this. I can do this." Gripping his backpack with determination, Aaron set out to find Emma. Meanwhile, aboard the Insectoid Mothership, Admiral Malcor growled with rage.

"Creepox has been defeated!" he yelled at Vrak. "He was one of our greatest warriors! How do you suggest we defeat those pesky Power Rangers now?!?"

"I have the perfect solution," Vrak answered calmly. "While you were busy shouting in anger over the loss of Creepox, I have summoned his teacher out of retirement to battle those Rangers and finish them off."

"You summoned Lobo, the lone Wolf Spider?" Malcor asked, getting impressed. No one had ever summoned Lobo out of retirement before.

"Yes," a voice like ink answered, "he did." Emerging from the shadows was an aging warrior that looked to be a combination of a wolf and a spider, a red scar running down his right eye, which glowed with a yellow light. In his hand was a peculiar weapon, a spear with small axe blades protruding from beneath the point.

"Ah, Lobo," Malcor said to the mighty warrior. "If your reputation is as legendary as yourself, you'll make short work of the Power Rangers."

"Of course," Lobo answered coolly. "My venom will stop them dead in their tracks, and no one will be able to protect the Earth from your invasion."

(I have no idea of an actor for Aaron, but he says his name with his helmet between Noah and Emma, then it shows him riding his skateboard while punching Loogies. Whatever actor you can think of that matches Aaron's description, that's who plays him to you.)

As school ended, Aaron saw Emma at her locker, gathering her stuff like the end of every normal day. Taking a deep breath, Aaron pulled out a mirror to check his teeth, threw some mints in his mouth and exhaled.

'I got this,' he thought. Gripping his backpack straps, he started walking toward Emma, but then some other boy walked up to her.

"Hey Emma," the boy, Jason, said. Jason was a cool kid from Mr. Burley's class, but he was perfect in every way; star quarterback for the football team, dazzling teeth, and great hair. "The prom is this Saturday, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me." Aaron didn't hear the rest of the conversation, for he hung his head and walked away. As he walked away, his morpher chimed.

"Yeah?" he asked with half energy.

"Rangers!" Tensou said, his voice sounding frantic. "There's an alien attack in the city! Right next to your school!"

"Okay," Aaron said, forgetting about Emma for a second. "I don't know where the others are. Probably getting dates for the prom, but I'm here! I'll handle it." Hiding his morpher again, Aaron ran out of the school and skated toward the monster attack. In the center of town, Lobo was frightening people as he laughed.

"Very good," he said. "Show me your fear. I can smell it." He then howled like a wolf as the spider face on his chest shot out a spider web tying the people together. As he continued to capture people, Aaron hid behind a building and saw this.

"He seems older than past monsters we fought," Aaron said. "And with the guys and girls getting dates, I can handle him. I have to." He then pulled out his morpher. "It's morphin time!" Placing his power card inside the open mouth, he said the three words he always said before morphing. "Go go Megaforce!" Closing the mouth and activating his card, Aaron morphed. "Megaforce Green!" Lobo then took a looming step towards the frightened citizens.

"You have nothing to fear," he said in his oily voice. "You are just bait. I wish to draw out the Power Rangers here. You won't be harmed, but I will need more screams -" The alien was cut off by a laser blasting him in the shoulder. Turning around, he saw Aaron standing there, pointing his blaster at him.

"Let them go!" Aaron said. "You want a fight? I'm right here!"

"Ah, the Green Ranger," Lobo said. "I heard you're the bravest of the six. Shall we put that to the test? Loogies, attack!" Just then, ten loogies appeared from the ground, chittering as they charged toward Aaron, who was unmoved.

"Bring it!" the Green Ranger challenged as the henchmen charged. "Dolphin Spear, activate!"

"Summon battle gear," Gosei said as the trident appeared in front of Aaron. The battle was quick and easy, for Aaron was able to block the loogies' blades and slash them with his mighty weapon. Once the henchmen fell in an explosion, only Lobo and Aaron stood.

"Not bad," Lobo said as he drew his own spear. "You have courage, but I am fear."

"Oh yeah?" Aaron asked. "Well, Fear, hate to tell you, but I'm not that afraid."

"You will be," Lobo promised. "You will be." The two then charged towards each other, clashing their weapons time and again, with one attacking and the other blocking the attack. They appeared to be evenly matched. Pretty soon, while this clash continued, Aaron kicked Lobo away, who growled as he gripped his chest.

"Not bad," the wolf spider said a second time, "but not good enough! Howling Spider Web!" Emerging from the spider's face on his chest was a steam of white silk, which tied itself around Aaron.

"What is this stuff?" the Green Ranger asked as he tried to break free. "This silk's like iron! I can't break it!"

"That makes you the perfect target for my ultimate attack," Lobo said, raising his spear so the point was right at Aaron, like a compass needle finding north. "Now, Green, prepare to fall before Lobo, the legendary Insectoid Warrior!"

"Think again!" a feminine voice said. Leaping above Aaron were Troy, Jake, and Gia, all fully morphed. "Tiger Claw!"

"Snake Axe!" Jake added.

"Dragon Sword!" Troy finished, the three Rangers slashing at the grizzled warrior, only for his mighty spear to stop their blades dead in their tracks and throw them off with ease.

"When you mess with one of us..." the Blue Ranger said as he and the Pink ran up toward the scene with their weapons in their hands.

"You mess with all of us!" Emma finished. "Phoenix Shot!"

"Shark Bowgun!" Noah added as they fired, but the legendary warrior blocked the attack with his spinning spear. While Lobo was busy, Troy and Jake cut the citizens free from the web, causing all the people to run.

"Good," Lobo said as he deflected more shots. "You're all here. Time for you all to fall prey to my venom!" He then turned to face Gia running toward him. "You first, Yellow." He then pointed his spear at her and the tip started glowing with light blue energy, the three blades spinning like a drill. "Toxin Fang!" The energy drill then fired at Gia, striking her dead in the chest. Crying out in pain, Gia was blown sky high before landing on the pavement, demorphing as she groaned in pain.

"Gia!" Jake said as he ran toward her. Troy then ran toward Aaron and cut him free. "Guys, Gia's burning up with a fever!"

"Correct," Lobo said. "This is the power of my venom. You'll be fine in a few hours, but you won't be able to even morph during that time!"

"What?" Jake asked in disbelief as Gia still groaned in pain.

"No!" Troy said.

"Is that even possible?" Emma asked.

"I don't know," Noah answered.

"Your turn, Black," Lobo said, pointing his spear at Jake. "Toxin Fang!" He then fired another energy drill. Jake tried blocking it with his axe, but it proved fruitless, for the blue cone still slashed through him, causing him to fall and demorph like Gia, is face also burning with a fever.

"You're not going to take that shot with me!" Troy said as he ran toward Lobo, his sword in his hand. Aaron followed with his spear. "Dragon Sword!"

"Dolphin Spear!" Aaron said as the two Rangers went on to fight Lobo, who expertly fought them both off with ease.

"I might be getting old," Lobo said, "but this is the easiest fight I've ever had. I fail to believe you all defeated Creepox, my student."

"Creepox was your student?" Troy asked in disbelief as he locked blades with Lobo, who had just slashed Aaron and sent him rolling away.

"Indeed," Lobo answered. "And now you shall pay for his downfall!" He then threw Troy aside, aiming his spear tip at him. "Toxin Fang!" He then fired, which caused Troy to demorph and fall with another dangerous fever after he got blasted.

"Troy!" Noah shouted as he and Emma lept into battle. The three remaining Rangers did their best to fight him off with Aaron doing close combat and Noah and Emma using their weapon advantages by keeping their distance. However, after knocking Aaron away, Lobo slashed his spear with blue energy which struck the two Rangers who were out of distance.

"Toxin Fang!" Lobo echoed again, firing his strongest attack at Noah, causing the Blue Ranger to demorph and fall.

"Noah!" Aaron said. Lobo then turned to face him.

"You're next, Green," he said, pointing his spear tip at him. "Toxin Fang!" He then fired his attack, but Aaron was ready for it.

"Trident Wave!" the Green Ranger countered, slashing his Dolphin Spear toward the attack. Emerging from his weapon's three tips were three waves of green light, which seemed to clash with Lobo's attack head on. The two attacks stood there in mid air for a few seconds, trying to overpower the other, when finally, they both just exploded, sending Aaron and Emma flying one direction and Lobo the other.

"Impressive, Green," Lobo said to his rival as all three struggled to stand back up. "You were able to counter my Toxin Fang at its full power. But unlike you, I don't need to rest. That is the ability of the wolf." He then stood all the way back up and pointed his spear at Aaron again. "Toxin Fang!" The drill then fired.

"Aaron!" Emma shouted in worry. She then ran over to Aaron, who was still struggling to stand, and pushed him out of the way. The drill then struck Emma head on, causing her to fly higher than the others and for her to demorph even before she hit the ground. She then groaned in pain as she gripped her side.

"Emma!" Aaron said as he ran to his fallen teammate. "Everyone! Are you okay?" He then touched Emma's forehead, only to pull away again from the intense heat. Breathing heavily, Aaron faced Lobo and pointed his spear at him. "That tears it!" He then charged toward the alien in blind rage, only for the alien to calmly dodge his attack and slash him across the chest, sending the Green Ranger flying and demorphing when he hit the ground.

"I admit you are strong, Green Ranger," Lobo said, "and I could defeat you here and now. But, unlike your past foes, I am a man of honor. We shall finish this at sunset. When you're strong enough. By the sea. If you have any honor as a warrior, be there. If not, then your friends and your world will fall for nothing." Lobo then turned his back on Aaron and walked away. Aaron struggled to stand, only to fall back onto his knees in pain. Later, Aaron stood in the command center with his five friends, who were laying down. The Green Ranger busied himself with draping cold wet towels over their burning foreheads.

"And then," Aaron said to Gosei and Tensou, relaying the events of that battle, "he tried blasting me, but Emma pushed me out of the way, but she took the full blast before she could move. The monster said his venom was effective for a few hours, and he expects me to meet him by the sea at sunset, so before even the team is better, to face him one last time, or they'll fall."

"It's as I feared," Gosei said. "That alien was Lobo, an ex-commander for Admiral Malcor's army. He made even the mighty fall before his venom, destroying them afterwards. If what you say is true, then Aaron, you must face him again, and come out victorious."

"How do I do that?" Aaron asked. "He almost blasted me the first time before the others came to my rescue. What if that happens again?"

"You need to believe in yourself. I know that you are capable of facing him. You must face him. Don't be frightened."

"Well, I'm afraid!" Aaron admitted. "I am afraid of him. He nearly destroyed all my friends because of me. Because I couldn't take him down myself. I'm sorry, but I can't do this." Grabbing his backpack, Aaron walked out of the command center, slinging his pack over his shoulder, and as he walked away, the unfamiliar feeling of fear in his stomach started opening a dark black pit that wanted to eat him alive. Aboard the Insectoid Mothership, Malcor was furious.

"You WHAT?!?!?!?!?" the admiral shouted at Lobo. "You let him go?!? He was right there, able for you to attack with your Toxin Fang, but you let him go! Even one Power Ranger has proven to bring trouble! That is how Creepox fell to the Red Ranger!"

"I will face Green again," Lobo promised. "I just wish for me to duel him in the name of my honor."

"He's right," Vrak said, emerging from the shadows. "Lobo has always shown honor and courage in his duels, always making sure they're fair. Now that the playing field is evened out, he will destroy the Green Ranger, and the other Rangers shall follow. And soon, the Earth shall be ours!" Meanwhile, back on Earth, Aaron was walking down the street when he saw something.

"Leave me alone!" a little girl said as a large boy pushed her down onto the pavement.

"Or what?" the bully asked. Just then, the girl's big brother came in and pushed the bully away.

"Stop picking on my sister!" he shouted.

"Yeah?" the bully asked. "Looks like we got a hero! Are you afraid of me?" True, the bully was bigger and stronger than the brother, but he was unmoving.

"Yes," the brother answered coolly, "but I put that fear aside when you hurt my sister." Aaron then looked down at his own trembling hand as flashbacks of the fight with Lobo went. As he looked down at it, he remembered his father's words.

"A strong man stands up for himself. A stronger man stands up for others."

Aaron then exited the memories as he looked back at the scene. The bully started shaking as the brother held his chest out with pride.

"Whatever," the bully said, beginning to walk away. "I'm not gonna cry or anything." He then walked off. Aaron then looked down at his hand again, and noticed it stopped trembling.

'He's right,' he thought. 'I gotta put my fears aside to face Lobo again. And this time, I'll be ready.' Clenching his hand into a fist, Aaron turned around and ran toward the woods, right toward the training ground. Once he was there, he took off his jacket and pack and pulled out his morpher.

"Summon battle gear!" Aaron said, playing his card. "Dolphin Spear!" He then wielded his weapon and went on to do some staff routines. As he trained, he was unaware of Gosei and Tensou watching.

"Oh, boy!" Tensou said excitedly. "Aaron's finally put aside his fear!"

"I knew he could," Gosei answered.

"But Gosei," Emma said, struggling to sit up. "Lobo's really strong. Do you think he really has a chance?"

"Of course, Emma," Gosei said. "Aaron will be fine. Although, I do believe he will need some assistance."

"But we're too weak to fight," Noah groaned.

"That's not what I'm meaning. When two Rangers share a powerful bond, I believe they can access each other's weapons. Emma, Aaron cares for you. Deeply."

"He's right," Jake groaned as Emma looked at him. "He wanted to ask you to the prom, but I don't think he did."

"Is that what he was doing?" Emma groaned. "I guess, deep down, I wanted him to ask me." She then pulled out her Phoenix Shot card and looked at it. Meanwhile, Aaron was still training until the sun was almost setting. Finally, gripping his spear, he threw it and it flew right through a tree.

"Yes," he whispered. Grabbing his spear and putting his hoodie back on, the Green Ranger set out to the beach, where he found Lobo waiting.

"Hey!" he shouted, causing the wolf spider to turn and face him.

"So, you finally show," Lobo said. "Before we begin, let me ask you a question. Do I scare you now?"

"More than anything," Aaron answered, "but I put that fear aside when you hurt my friends. A strong man stands up for himself. A stronger man stands up for others."

"Well put," Lobo said. "Now, shall we begin?" Giving off a slow and single nod, Aaron threw his trident into the air as he pulled out his morpher and placed his power card in it.

"Go go Megaforce," he said calmly, closing the mouth. As the symbol on Gosei's forehead began glowing, the golden wave pattern on his uniform's chest appeared in front of him, a large green version of his Dolphin symbol flashing behind him as green energy ebbed over him like four lost spirits, circling his mortal body. The wave symbol zoomed onto his chest, and in a flash of light, he was fully morphed just as he caught his spear before it hit the sand.

"Courage of the Dolphin," he said coolly. "Megaforce Green." The two then dug their feet into the sand. Aaron then pointed his spear at Lobo, who seemed undaunted.

"I admire your courage," Lobo said, "but this is where the Earth shall fall. With your defeat." Lobo then spun his spear around in a threatening manner.

"Well, then, one shall stand..." Aaron said, holding his trident so the points were facing the sand, "one shall fall." Suddenly, the two then charged, engaging into fierce combat.

(1:48 - 2:44. I imagined their legendary fight to go something like this. I know it's not long, but it was the best representation I could find. Only it's Lobo and Aaron on a beach, with rocky terrain. Also, BTW, Aquaman = Aaron and Ocean Master = Lobo.)

Standing in the water, thigh deep, Aaron pointed his spear toward the sky, while Lobo spun his around in a taunting manner.

"Aaron," Emma's voice said over his morpher.

"Emma?" Aaron asked, still standing in his position.

"When two Rangers share a strong bond, they can access each other's weapons. I know you've been doing so well on your own, but I think it's time you finished this with a weapon of my own." In the command center, after saying these words, Emma placed her weapon card in her morpher. "Phoenix Shot, activate!" She then activated the card, only it didn't form in front of it's owner. It formed in front of Aaron. The Green Ranger then grabbed it out of mid air and leapt to the sky.

"Thanks, Emma," Aaron said. "You know, you're one of the only things that helps me through a fight. Weapons, combine!" Pressing the extended staff of his spear into the handle, he connected the trident points onto Emma's Phoenix Shot, forming a whole new weapon. "Trident Cannon!" Landing on the other side of Lobo, the two turned to face each other, pointing their weapons at one another.

"Bring it on," Lobo challenged, his spear tip glowing with energy. "Toxin Fang!" The energy drill then appeared, firing toward Aaron, who was not moving.

"Bond Between Sky and Sea, energize!" Aaron said, playing a power card that showed the Sky wings and the Sea waves on top of Emma's Shot. The card then extended and the weapon began glowing with energy. "Trident Cannon, ready! Triple Storm Shot!" He then fired not one or two, but three beams of golden energy, which took the form of a trident and zoomed right toward Lobo's attack, stopping it dead in its tracks. Eventually, the three points of energy broke through the drill and blew right through Lobo.

"Thank you, Green Ranger," Lobo said as he sparked with energy. "I can now rest with honor and dignity." He then fell onto the beach in an explosion.

"Mega Rangers," Aaron said, knowing his friends could hear him, "that's a mega win!" Aboard the Insectoid Mothership, Malcor growled with anger as he turned to face Vrak.

"The mighty Lobo's fallen!" he said. "Send your abominations at once!"

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, Admiral," Vrak said. "Since my zombats are technology, they need to recharge in order to achieve their abilities in regrowth. And since they are charging now, the Rangers have won this round."

"Bah!" Malcor said in anger. "Those pesky Rangers! I loathe them so much!" Back on Earth, Aaron ran back into the command center, where the Rangers were now standing, being as strong as ever.

"Aaron!" Emma said with a smile when she saw him walk in. "You're okay!" She then ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. He then chuckled as he returned the hug, smiling into her shoulder. The two then pulled away. "I know that you wanted to ask me to the prom."

"What?" Aaron asked. "How did - I mean, I wanted to, but - wait, what about -" His stuttering was cut off by Emma placing her finger on his lips.

"I'd love to go with you."


"Yes." Aaron then nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Give me one second, please." Turning around he exited the command center, but his voice was heard. "YES!!! I'M GOING TO THE PROM WITH EMMA!!!!!" He then returned back into the base with his composure regained. "So, uh, maybe all of us could go together as a group."

"Yeah," Jake answered before turning to face Gia. "I mean, would you want to go with me?" Gia then looked at him, and seeing the desperation in his eyes, sighed.

"Fine," she said. Jake then pumped his fist.

"Congratulations on a job well done Aaron," Gosei said to Aaron. "You managed to conquer your fears not once today, but twice. I made an excellent choice choosing you for my Green Ranger."

"Thank you, Gosei," Aaron said as the six left the command center. The week was then relatively peaceful with Noah and Troy getting dates, the guys shopping for suits and masks, and the girls shopping for dresses. Finally, Saturday night rolled around and the six entered the school's gym wearing their outfits with their dates.

(Troy outfit and date)

(Troy Mask)

(Troy Date Mask)

(Noah outfit and date)

(Noah and date masks)

(Jake outfit)

(Jake Mask)

(Gia outfit and mask)

(Emma outfit and Mask)

(Aaron outfit)

(Aaron Mask)

After the group walked in, they all saw so many people on the dance floor.

"Whoa," Jake said over the music. "This schoolhouse rocks!" Just as the group walked in and onto the dance floor, the DJ spoke into his microphone.

"Alright," the DJ said, "the time has come. So gentlemen, grab your lady and dance to the King and Queen's Waltz." Troy and his date, Summer, then went off into the crowd with Noah and Tulip following. Jake and Gia went off in a different direction, leaving Aaron and Emma there on their own.

"So... wanna dance?" Aaron asked nervously, holding out his hand.

"Sure," Emma said with a smile, taking it. The two then made their way to the dance floor as the music began. Gulping nervously, Aaron placed his hands on Emma's waist as she draped hers around his neck and they began dancing.

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone?

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

Aaron then grabbed Emma's hand and twirled her around, dancing an actual waltz instead of a regular slow dance.

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Unaware of the two Rangers, the spotlight shined down on them as they danced around the center of the circle of couples, taking up a lot of room for their dance.

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath

Every hour has come to this

Pretty soon, Jake and Gia noticed how Emma and Aaron were dancing, looked at each other and started to back away from the center even more, to give them more room.

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Troy and Noah then looked at the dancing couple in the center of the gym before looking at each other with smiles of recognition on their faces.

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Slowly and quietly, Aaron began singing along to the words as he and Emma continued dancing.

I'll love you for a thousand more


Aaron then stopped singing, but Emma began singing to the chorus with her beautiful voice in a bare whisper.

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Picking Emma up, Aaron twirled her around, and spun her when she landed back onto the gym floor. And to everyone watching they appeared to be dancing a true waltz that was in a princess movie.

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

When the song ended, Aaron and Emma looked at each other, glancing at the other's lips, and moved their heads closer together, and...

Were interrupted by a loud pop song playing. The two then pulled away sheepishly, thanking goodness that the gym was dark, or they would've seen the blush on each other's faces.

(And that's it. I hope you found this chapter enjoyable and somewhat similar to an original Power Rangers episode.)

Word Count: 5,099

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