Carolina // Tywin Lannister (...

Από rissarosewrites

41K 1.7K 53

Carolina Stark was going to get revenge for her brother Neds death but her heart didnt get the memo that Lann... Περισσότερα

2. Leverage
3. Treason is Treason
4. To hurt
5. Pet Wolf
6. Marry Me
7. There's your Peace
8. New mother
9. Arya
10. Young Wolf
11. Husband
12. Want. Need
13. M'Lord
14. Kiss
15. Guard Mountain
16. Taken the Castle
17. Daughters
18. Don't Panic
19. Cast Her Aside
20. Look at Me
21. Lots of Ale
22. Wolf Inside Us
23. Pinpoint
24. Casterly Rock
25. Don't do this
26. Taste You
27. Pet Whore
28. Mad at You
29. Killing Lions of Any Size
30. Shit's and Giggles
31. Eye for an Eye
32. Never Be Enough
33. Start Killing Lions
34. Show Me How Much You Hate Me
36. Celebratory drink
37. Clarity
38. You're Screwed
40. Vulnerable
41. Promise
42. Gone

35. They Would Celebrate

834 40 1
Από rissarosewrites

"She didn't have to be dragged down the aisle.' Sansa muttered.

"No, that's new." Caro agreed softly as Margaery was walked down by her father. "And her father is alive, that's strange as well."

"Very." Sansa agreed.

"Carolina.' Tywin whispered and she tipped her head back just slightly. "Perhaps we keep the threats to a minimum today?" Tywin offered.

"No promises." Caro informed him turning back to Sansa. "That's a pretty necklace." Caro remarked. "Speaking of, where did you get that?" Caro asked looking to Sansa's neck.

"Oh... a man, he... it doesn't matter." Sansa told her softly.

"Pretty." Caro offered. "A man, like a man, man or a creepy prevy man I need to-"

"Caro-" Sansa laughed out as Caro pulled her back into herself.

'Let it be known that Margaery of house Tyrell and Joffrey of the houses Lannister and Baratheon are one heart one flesh one soul cursed be to those who would seek to tear them asunder.'

"Let it be known, as though all of us standing here staring at them is not enough beknownment." Caro offered.

"Be... knownment?" Sansa asked.

"Yeah, it's a word. I just said it therefore, henceforth, beknownment is now a word." Caro informed her.

"I don't think so." Sansa told her.

"All words were made up until someone decided that it was true." Caro countered. "Like who the hell decided that the word-"

"Carolina, darling, please be quiet.' Tywin requested bringing a hand to her back.

"Oh no keep going this is fascinating much better than the bride and grooms false smiles.' Tyrion informed her and Caro glanced back at Tywin. With a Ha look.

'With this kiss I pledge my love,' Joffrey said bringing his lips to Margaery the crowd clapped happily as they were announced man and wife. King and Queen.

"His love... I don't think that is anything, anyone wants. I heard what he did to those whores." Caro offered and Tyrion snorted a laugh.

'We have a new queen.' Sansa said down to Tyrion.

'Yes we do,' he agreed holding back a laugh. "Caro, I love you."

"Thank you... this day might not be terrible after all." Caro offered. Caro's eyes drifted away from Sansa and locked eyes with Tywin. He offered her a genuine smile as he grabbed her hand.


''All taken care of.'

'you saw her on the ship?'

''All taken care of.' Bronn confirmed for the millionth time.

'And you saw the ship sail away?' Tyrion questioned.

'No one knows she's there except you me and Varys.' Bronn confirmed

'How do you know?'

'Because no one follows me without invitation or I am the last person they ever saw.' Bronn told him.

'Someone saw you, you mean?' Tyrion questioned.

'She is gone.' Bronn told him. 'I know you don't wanna believe it but she is. Now go drink until it feels like you did the right thing.'

Joffreys wedding was large and over the top but that was to be expected on the King's wedding. Sansa sat next to Tyrion, miserably. As Caro picked at the sweets along the tables.

The banquet music played and there was a feast the size of kings landing itself. Margaery listened to the music intently, as Caro poured herself another drink and another. Licking the residue from her lips as she piled her plate with everything sugary.

"Did you see the roast?" Tywin offered as Caro licked the frosting from her lips. 'roasted vegetables and fine meats." He offered.

"I don't like veggies." Caro told him picking up her glass.

"No?" Tywin's mind flickered to harrenhall. His cup bearer talking about her aunt, saying she thought she was allergic to vegetables.

"Never liked the taste." Caro said simply. Tywin stared at her, could that have been Arya Stark? It would explain how close they were so quickly. Did it even matter? She was here with him still.

'Very good very good off you go,' Joffrey said entirely bored with the presentation he threw coins at the musicians.

'Your grace.' Oberyn said politely as he approached Tywin, Caro and Cersei.

'Prince Oberyn...' Tywin replied with an edge to his voice. Caro noticed the tension and stepped forward.

"So nice to meet you Prince Oberyn, I have heard such wonderful things about you." Caro informed him and Oberyn kissed her hand.

"Really?" Oberyn chuckled. "You know I was hoping to meet you."

"Really?" she countered. "Why is that?"

"You seem an interesting woman," Oberyn told her. "We could get to know each other better."

"Oh that sounds lovely... who is your beautiful friend?" Caro offered and Oberyn smiled leaning back to Ellaria.

"yes, I don't believe you have met Ellaria this is Lord hand Tywin Lannister, Lady Carolina Stark, no Cassel, no Lannister... goodness how do you keep track?" Oberyn mused.

"I'm still partial to Stark." Caro informed him.

"The beautiful and skilled Lady Carolina Stark.'' Oberyn adjusted and Tywin's face pinched. "and Cersei Lannister the queen regent I suppose it is former queen regent now,' Oberyn said as charming as ever. 'lord hand, Lady Carolina and lady Cersei, this is Ellaria sand.'

'My Lord my ladies,' ellaria said with a small curtsy

'Charmed .' Tywin said his eyes focused on Caro though.

'I can't say I've ever met a sand before,' Cersei remarked

'We are everywhere in Dorne I have 10,000 brothers and sisters,' Ellaria told her

'Bastards are born of passion every day, we don't despise them in Dorne.' Oberyn informed them.

"I like that." Caro told him. "If I ever see my nephew Jon I will have to tell him," Caro chuckled. "Or maybe not because I don't want to picture my brother in a moment of passion." Oberyn chuckled stepping towards Caro. Tywin didn't like that his grip on her waist tightened.

'How tolerant of you,' Cersei said Stiffly.

'I expect it is a relief lady Cersei giving up your legal responsibilities wearing the crown for so many years must've left your neck a bit crooked,' Oberyn remarked and Caro had to bring a hand to her lips to cover her laugh.

'Prince Oberyn,' Tywin said looking to his daughters pinched face. 'it's a shame your brother couldn't attend the wedding. Please give him my regards with any luck the gout will abate with time and he'll be able to walk again.' Tywin suggested

'It is a rich man's disease it a wonder you don't have it,' Oberyn told Tywin smugly.

'Noble men in my position don't enjoy the same life styles as our counterparts.' Tywin told him.

'In Dorne people everywhere have their differences in some places the Highborne frown on the low born in other places they rape and murder women and children is considered distasteful...' Oberyn reminded them. 'What a fortunate thing for you former queen regent that your daughter Marcella has been sent to live in the latter sort of places.'

"I've always wanted to go to dorne." Caro admitted.

"Oh? You should come back with us." Oberyn suggested. "You and your niece." He nodded to Sansa. "We would love to have you. Take excellent care of you. I assure you."

"Carolina can take care of herself." Tywin remarked.

"What's the farthest south you have been?"

"Here." Caro admitted. "I'm a northern girl through and through." Caro told him. "I miss the snow."

"If you came to Dorne it would be like snow on the beach." Oberyn said grabbing her hands. "It would be strange at first I'm sure but so fucking beautiful." Caro chuckled.

"Snow on the beach..." Caro repeated nodding. "I hope to take you up on that."

"I hope you do." Oberyn agreed kissing both her cheeks.

'My love why don't you make the announcement?' Margaery said and Joffrey clinked his glass getting everyone's attention.

"Come on," Tywin suggested easing her back from Oberyn.

"So nice to meet you both." Caro told them as she let Tywin led her away. "What's with that face?" Caro offered touching Tywin's jaw, her finger trailed down to his chin. "I thought you wanted me to be nice today?" Tywin looked to her, hesitated a moment before kissing her. Sansa watched from the table as Caro didn't pull away. She couldn't believe her eyes, Caro was turning to the dark side.

'Everyone ,'he declared 'the queen would like to say a few words,' the crowd clapped as Margaery rose, Oberyn led Ellaria to her seat, Tywin pulled out Caro's chair for her.

"Oh such the gentleman." Caro mused. Tywin ran a hand along her thigh as Margaery spoke up.

'We are so fortunate to enjoy this marvelous food and drink not all of us are so lucky, to thank the gods for bringing the recent war to a just end, King Joffrey has decreed that the leftovers from our feast be given to the poorest.' Margaery told them and the crowd irrupted with cheers. Caro swirled her wine in her cup as she tapped a ringed finger along the rim clapping along with everyone, Margaery... maybe Caro was wrong about her. Or maybe she was right about her.

'Silence! Clear the floor! There has been too much amusement here today a royal wedding is not an amusement royal wedding is history time has come for all of us to contemplate our history.' Joffrey declared. 'My lords and ladies I give you... King Joffrey.' a giant Lions mouth statue was opened up a red carpet rolled out and a bunch of dwarves dressed in costumes riding fake horses wielding fake swords came running out.

'Lord Stark, Baylon Greyjoy, and the war of the five kings!' Joffrey declared excitedly.

"Someone should have told Joffrey to be nice today." Caro whispered leaning into Tywin.

'Away degenerates away away.' the dwarf portraying Joffrey said. The wickedest and jolliest smile adored Joffreys face, Margaery however was not pleased with this display while Joffrey cackled away.

Joffrey spewed his drink happily laughing as one of the dwarves portraying Joffrey took the severed wolf head placing it over his crotch dancing with it. Caro wasn't drunk enough for this. She downed another glass before looking to Tyrion.

'Our king everybody.' She muttered breaking a cookie into quarters and popping it into her mouth as she turned back to Tyrion and Sansa.

'well fought, well fought.' Joffrey said as every took a bow. 'a champion purse.' He held out a pouch of gold for them. 'although you are not the champions yet are you?' he slapped the pouch in his hands. 'a true champion defeats all the challengers. Surely there are others out there who dare to challenge by reign... uncle. How about you? I'm sure they have a spare costume...'

'one taste of combat was enough for my your grace.' Tyrion said ever so kindly. 'I would like to keep what remains of my face. I think you should fight him. This was but a poor imitation of your own bravery in the field of battle. I speak as a firsthand witness. Climb down from the high table with your new valerian sword and show everyone who a true king wins his throne... be careful though, this one is clearly mad with lust.' He pointed at one of the actors for joffreys little skit. Caro laughed out tipping back in her chair. Tyrion smiled down the table to her with appreciation. 'it would be a tragedy for the king to lose his virtue hours before his wedding night'. Tyrion sat back down and sipped on his drink, Joffrey however was not pleased he sauntered over to Tyrion and poured his drink on tyrions head.

'a fine vintage.' Tyrion said calmly. 'shame that it spilled.'

'it did not spill.' Joffrey told him.

"Cersei didn't discipline him enough. Brandon, my eldest brother everyone said he was cocky and arrogant but he wasn't cruel." Caro informed Tywin.

"Something to work on for our own children." Tywin offered and Caro took another piece of her cookie silently.

'My love come back to me.' margaery told him reaching a hand out. 'its time for my fathers toast.'

'well how does he expect me to toast without wine?' Joffrey questioned moving back to her. 'uncle... you can be my cup bearer seeing as you're too cowardly to fight.' Tyrion glanced back Joffrey begrudgingly.

'your grace does me a great honor.' Tyrion said as he got up.

'it was not meant as an honor.' Joffrey muttered. Tyrion walked around the table and reached out for joffreys cup but Joffrey dropped it to the ground kicking it away.

'bring me my goblet.' Joffrey demanded. Tyrion searched for it but it was sansa who found it bringing it to Tyrion. Tyrion brought it back over to joffrey, everyone else at the wedding was silent. Completely silent. The only sound was the waves in the distance and the birds in the trees. Sansa looked to Caro, looked to Tywin's hand around her waist, whispering in Caro's ear and to Sansa she thought she was losing her Aunt to the Lannister's.

'what good is an empty cup? Fill it.' Joffrey told him. Tyrin filled it, handing it back to him. 'kneel. Kneel before your king, kneel...i said... kneel!' Joffrey yelled.

"Gods this boy." Caro muttered.

'Look the pie!' Margaery said and everyone cheered, tyrion looked over at her and let out a deep sigh. Joffrey walked off the high table and took his valaryian sword he smashed the cake and doves soared out.

'Can we go?' Sansa questioned hopefully. Tyrion nodded getting up.

'uncle... where are you going?'

'I thought I might change out of these wet clothes...' tyrion told him,

'no, no, no you are perfect the way you are.' Joffrey said smirking taking another bite of the murdered dove cake.

"For once I think I will pass on the cake." Caro told him.

"Do you have a favorite?" Tywin asked and Caro looked away from Sansa. "Cake? Sweet?" he asked softly.

"Carrot cake." Caro told him. "Oh and cheery pie. I can't remember the last time I had cherry pie. Or apple. All the pies. Can never go wrong with with." Tywin smiled running a hand down her back. "Cookies I'm not picky as long as they have a crunch on the outside and soft and gooey on the inside."

"That's not picky?" Tywin countered.

"I meant for flavor." Caro clarified.

"When we were at-" Tywin began but Joffrey cleared his throat looking to Tyrion

'serve me my wine.' Tyrion moved slowly over to joffrey's cup which was right night to him, Tyrion locked eyes with Olenna Tyrell, Joffrey had attitude and lack of skill in anything except humiliating and hurting people.

'well hurry up this cake is dry!' joffrey demanded and Tyrion handed over the cup moving back to his seat as Joffrey started coughing.

'mmm good.' Joffrey said downing the wine. 'needs washing down.' Joffrey said and Margaery smiled sweetly at him.

'if it pleases your grace-'

'no... no... you will...' Joffrey started couching. 'you will wait here..' choking... coughing unable to breathe. He took another sip.

'your grace?' tyrion questioned.

'hes choking!' Margaery cried out as he grasped at his throat and stumbled off the high table.

'Joffrey! Out of the way!' Jaime came running, everyone watched as Joffrey fell to the ground. Coughing up blood, Jaime rushing to his nephews side.

"Carolina." Tywin whispered.

"I didn't do this." Caro hissed back. "If I was going to kill him I would have chopped his head from his shoulders." She informed him honestly. "I would want him to know it was me. I would want to see the light drain from his eyes as the blade severed him." Tywin ran a hand down her back. "Then I would display it for all to see and the entire seven kingdoms would celebrate." Caro informed him. "Honest they would."

It was almost a relief that Caro didn't kill Joffrey but that she had a plan on how she would, in vivid detail, probably a plan on how she would kill them all frightened Tywin.

'someone help him!'

'joffrey!' Joffrey what is it?' cersei questioned cradling Joffrey in her arms. Tyrion moved forward as well not believing what he was seeing. Sansa was gone but no one was paying her any attention. Caro included. Sansa glanced back at her a moment more. Tywin's hand on her back as they stared at Joffrey. She didn't want to leave her but this was her chance, she didn't know that Caro was going to leave anymore, had they bewitched her? Sansa ran.  Everyone was focused on Joffrey. His face turning pale as he gasped for breath.

'joffrey what is it?' cersei questioned again.

'Help him! He is your king!" Olenna demanded. Everyone seemed in shock, everyone, there gaze fixed back on the king. Joffrey reached out pointing at Tyrion, pointing at his cup, blood spilled down his nose as he died.

'my son,' cersei cried. 'hes gone. Our king is gone.' Cersei shouted as she held Joffrey his body limp in her arms.  'He did this. He poisoned my son. Your king.' Cersei said getting louder and louder with each word until she was screaming. 'Take him. Take him. Take him! Take him!' cersei demanded pointing at tyrion, joffery still in her arms.

Guards dragged Tyrion away.

Cersei was out for blood.

"Sansa?" Caro questioned softly, she was distracted she didn't even notice that Sansa was gone. "Sansa?" Caro called out running through the grounds. "Sansa!" Caro spun around nervously before running to Sansa's chambers. 'Sansa?"  Caro shouted but she was gone. Just gone.

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