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"You're not gay Jungguk" "But I want to be for you, Just for you tae" A journey of being nothing more than ju... More

Darkest night
Ray of Hope
Life Or Death
Shreds & pieces
Past¹ - Mother
Past² - Misery & Hyungs
Past³ - time travel
Innocent & pure
Ice cream
Side by Side
Fried chicken
Dream or Real?
One sided
Wedding bells
Leave him
Don't love me
Where is he?
Save Her
Who is he?
He died?
Want you
Stay With him
With care
With love
First Date
Love In Rain
First touches
Far yet Close
Love in Paris
Missed You
Honeymoon- Part¹
Honeymoon- Part²
Bonus Chapter Not Epilogue
Thank you❤️


2K 102 4

A week later

~Taehyung's IV got removed and Medication had started. As it had been a week since he woke up but couldn't discharge due to slow progress in his health. So he was kept in ward for another week until he gets stable to move. His injured ribs had healed to maximum extent and now that brace around his ribs was also getting removed. That caused him go through intense pain while inhaling and exhaling but the pain was nothing compared to one in his heart.

Yet He was able to walk himself to bathroom on his own now. His physical health was improving slowly but not his mind and soul. Doctor said that he will be fine and energetic within some time when he will take proper therapies and medication for his mental health.

So doctor held a therapy session with him which would be continuing even after his discharge from hospital. He was prescribed medicine for sleep for first 2 weeks. After 2 weeks Taehyung had to be active enough to do other measures.

Jungguk set the next appointment with doctor already and let him be Taehyung's permanent therapist until he get recovered. Taehyung wasn't in state to argue about anything so he would just listen to whatever they say and barely nod. Jungguk was determined to make Taehyung fine once again.

But the question here was, Was Taehyung ready for it? Did he want to be healthy and happy again?


He wasn't.

He barely talked to anyone after that day he woke up, there was nothing had left in him to talk. He was getting skinny day by day as he didn't want to eat most of the time rather than just to fill his stomach to swallow the medicines yet deep inside he didn't want to be fine again.

Boys were trying their best. They tried to joke around him usually like before that could burst Taehyung into happy laughters and giggles but nothing worked out, not even a single sign of smile was there on his lips. It was like past was being repeated but in worst way ever they could imagine.

Tae wasn't accepting his self after everything that happened to him, His mind was repeating it on loop that

You're disgusting

You're tainted

You don't deserve to live

You won't be happy ever again

These unnecessary thoughts were messing his mind whenever he was alone. So he just ended up crying in a corner of bed. His demons were scaring his soul more with every passing day.

While Jungguk made sure to visit him everyday. He would come late due to high loads of work in his office but he made sure to talk out every single second he would be there and sometimes take Taehyung out for a walk just inside hospital. He Would also make him talk even they would be just small words and nods.

After that he used to only leave in the early morning after making sure Taehyung was sleeping well.

After whole 7 days of being in hospital finally
came the day for which tae wasn't ready, physically may be, but not mentally. It was the day when he was going to be discharged. Means he will have to face the world again. At this point, tae was like a toddler who was scared to fall again. That's why he wasn't able to take any further step. He will have to force himself to do the things he didn't want to anymore. He was scared for his counting breaths.

Today was also the day, when they were going to Court after tae's discharge and he wasn't going to stay at his apartment at all. They didn't want taehyung to be alone at all. So Jungguk was taking him to his own mansion.

And as Taehyung wasn't able to process on his own. He needed to be with someone to escape from the never ending chain of his thoughts.

But still in such condition he didn't want to disgust them too. Didn't want to be burden anyone yet he didn't want to be alone too. He knew if he would be alone, he will not be able live. he might

Anyone out of them could take him with them but Jungguk wanted to be the one he would go with. Plus after contract they should be living together for safety.

Jungguk was a famous CEO and his mansion was in a very lavish neighborhood with strict security arrangements, so it was safe to take Taehyung there.

After taking taehyung's discharge and all prescriptions from doctor, Now Jungguk and Taehyung were sitting in jungguk's car, not driving yet only sitting.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungguk asked breaking the thick silence.

"T-that it's not right. You don't have to risk everything for me, it'll not be easy Jungguk." Taehyung replied lowly in saddened voice.

"Not easy yet Not more difficult than leaving you alone to suffer again. we both know very well that you need this tae."

"I'm scared gukk and you're not helping it, how will I face others after this? Y-your parents?" Taehyung gulped thinking what will be their reaction. They will be disappointed or may be start hating Taehyung. After all it was their son's life.

"If they meant to care. They'll understand the reason, Now please stop taking stress, will you?" Jungguk took his hand in his own and caressed it soflty to comfort him. 

Taehyung couldn't say anything, so jungguk just drove them off.

Hyungs met them in court. It had been hectic for all of them equally, yet non of them wanted to make Taehyung feel left out or stressed. Spending years of life together, now they'll leave their friend saying they don't have time? It was not in their blood. They had rooted in each other so deeply that it will hurt them to not see even a single one of them not doing fine.

They were all outside the court, a little bit nervous also but Yoongi was satisfied in all of them. He knew they were gonna work it out and it was for Taehyung's best. Namjoon held lawyer for them and it took them only some time till the process was done. 

Taehyung wondered as in why doing the signatures he wasn't restless about it, may be because he believed Jungguk more than himself. He was sad and broken yet still oddly relieved with this decision. Lawyer took both of their's signatures and then proceeded it to the judge. Once done the agedly judge wished them Good luck. 

If only I had good luck, we wouldn't have been here today. Tears threatened to form in his eyes as he thought. 

With the decision that nothing will change between them and whenever Taehyung or Jungguk would feel safe to end this contract they will just get divorced, they held with each other in presence of all of the evidences. But only if they knew that they were gonna share the life they never did before. Nothing was going to change yet nothing was gonna remain same too.

Soon Taegukk reached and jungguk halted the car infront of the entrance gates of his mansion, he lowered the window glass and at the sight of him security guard speedily opened the gates and let the car in, while Taehyung was just so lost in his thoughts that he didn't listen to what Jungguk said when he parked in the garage.



Taehyung flinched when Jungguk touched his shoulder to get his attention without his knowing and looked at him with wide eyes, Jungguk could see the hesitation and inability to accept things in his eyes. Yet he softened his gaze at older and told him to get inside the mansion as they had reached.

"Let's get inside" he ushered politely, to which Taehyung merely nodded and got out.

Jungguk punched the passcode and Soon the front door was also wide open revealing a luxurious living room of jungguk's mansion.

Inside, wide Stairs railing was laying in centre of the hall leading to 2nd floor and sides were leading to other hallways. The said mansion had everything anyone could desire for in their life. Beside the fact that it was luxurious and spacious in area, it had only few butlers assigned for everything except cooking.

Cooking and jungguk's room was personally done by jungguk. Kitchen and dining were beside each other. While some of the part of mansion also included a home office for his office work and His personal gym where he lived the most since he shifted here.

He waited for Taehyung to enter and followed him closely behind. It wasn't tae's first time in jungguk's house. No, he had been here before too but surely he never thought to come here like this. It wasn't his place but fate took him here. With a unstable mind he took a shaking breath and went inside.

He was wearing a bear brown full sleeve shirt with loose off white pants, after many days of being just in hospital gown. While Jungguk was in his normal black button up dress shirt and grey checked dress pants.

"Want something to drink?" Jungguk asked when he noticed how Taehyung was again spaced out and wasn't looking anywhere but his shoes. Taehyung shook his head in denial as he was not thirsty.

"W-where can I stay?" Tae blinked hesitantly as the person infront of him wasn't his childhood best Freind or his gukk, but a stranger. Jungguk was getting more concerned over the thought. He couldn't let that happen..

"You can choose any room on your own hyung, and please we're not strangers, we have shared a lot of things in life, this house isn't a big deal, right?" Jungguk raised his brows with a slight crease between them, expecting a response but Taehyung couldn't answer. So he stepped closer to older and made him look at himself. Taehyung blinked chewing on his lower lip mercilessly as it was something he did in distress.

"Right hyung?" Jungguk asked again and successfully he got a slow nod from Taehyung. Jungguk smiled and lead him to a room next to his own.

A neat clean, luxurious and spacious in area, it had all necessary things Taehyung could have needed and also a balcony separated by sliding glass door.

"it's fine gukk" Taehyung said distracted by the view of the outside balcony. Jungguk smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Fine then, you gonna rest here until I'm gonna whip something for us in kitchen. You want to eat anything special?" he asked raising his brows pleasantly-

"N-no gukk, you don't have to be bothered by my presence." Taehyung mumbled fumbling with his fingers on which Jungguk could only sigh.

He gently grabbed tae's hand to make him sit on bed and then kneeled down near his knees.

"You'll never be a bother for me tae, if anything i'm glad that you trusted me and took this decision, i promise i'll protect you with my everything i have, so don't ever say that you're a bother, i can anything to make sure that you're doing good." he said looking up at tae whilw caressing his hands in his own so featherily soft. 

"I believe You'll be all fine once again, till then just let me help you through it, You can take out your frustration on me as i never mind and won't ever as long as you'll talk to me, talk about anything you're ready to discuss, I'll listen to everything hyung but please not this silence, it hurts me." Jungguk gave him his soft bamby eyes and pouty lips which were Taehyung's favourite. So he barely smiled sadly or more like his lips barely twitched which didn't go unnoticed by jungguk.

"i don't know if i want to be fine anymore or not gukk, I'm just a-afraid." Taehyung mumbled hopelessly.

"Afraid of what tae? tell me?."

"Of my own self, I hate myself, hate for being so weak for not fighting back, for letting people hurt me whenever they want, I hate my self for not being enough for anyone gukk."

"I feel suffocated, it hurts to even breath under this burden of life. because I don't have anything in me to be hurt again." Taehyung closed his eyes out of vulnerability only to silently burst in tears. Jungguk's chest ached in pain for his best friend as he softly cupped Taehyung's fluffy cheeks in his big hands and soothed out the trails of tears rivering down. 

"You can't be blamed to feel like this, it's natural, but try not to let these feelings stay longer.  Take all of your time hyung but please, I beg you, please just don't give up." Jungguk sounded undeniably vulnerable.

"You'll have to keep trying cause my tae don't give up and I'll keep reminding you this again and again till my last breath." Jungguk said before engulfing him in a warm hug around his shoulders. Taehyung sniffled and hugged him back, hiding his face in his chest he ripped out painful sobs while jungguk kept caressing his back. Tae had been waking up every morning with the hope that today he'll not cry but failed poorly, everyday.

"I'll shift your luggage till tomorrow, tell me anything important you want to have?" younger  asked when taehyung's sniffles died down and they slowly pulled away. All the things those were important for him few days ago felt useless at the time so he just shook his head in return.

"Fine then, You don't have to move a lot okay? Just rest here." jungguk said as he helped tae laying back against the comfy mattress and then covered him with the duvet just to prevent tae from moving when his chest and ribs injuries still needed care. 

After that he left taehyung in his room and went straight to kitchen, trying to bring Taehyung's mood up and to cheer him, good food could help in situation right now. Taehyung was still not allowed to eat unhealthy but only soft food. so Jungguk choosed healthy stuff to make something eatable for him and when Taehyung will be fine completely he will surely make stuff Taehyung will love to eat.

After Jungguk left the room, Taehyung kept wondering about the things Jungguk just said.


Chapter 11 ✅

Words record 2400

So Taegukk are married ~~phew

Please do vote the chapter and
Stay tuned for next.

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