Tomorrow Was Robbed (Remake)

By OreMysticCoolcumber

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Cover art by Nur'Ain Shariffuddin on ArtStation: More



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By OreMysticCoolcumber

Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., United States Of America, 6 months before...

A man, probably in his 50s adjusted his red tie  and stood up on a presidential pedestal in front of a camera in the white house, it was the president, Lincoln Rockwell was presenting a short speech,  he spoke, "We, the American Government would like to clarify that the development of a new weapon isn't a danger to neither the US nor the whole world, rest assured our brothers and sisters and the United Nations..."


They snuck down the stairs to the source of the sound. They peeked through the small crevices of the stair frames to see the intruder and found it was a nerdy-looking Chinese man in his 20s walking into the house. Holding up their guns, Aidan and Diana went downstairs and Aidan said, "Hold your horses, what do you think you're doing here."
Their sudden appearance scared the man. In response, he lifted his pistol. In Chinese, Aidan ordered the man to drop the gun. He complied and Aidan kicked the gun aside. Speaking fluent English, the man said, "I am a survivor, I was from Perlis!" whilst raising both his arm.

Aidan remained holding his gun up at him.
Diana said, "Aidan, calm down, he doesn't seem to be a threat!"
and she approached the man to apologise and welcomed him. Diana checked that he was alright and introduced herself.
"Ahh, my name is Chris, nice to meet you both, sorry for scaring you two earlier..."
"It's alright!" Diana assured. Aidan on the other hand, maintained a cold look.
"Aidan," Aidan said as he coldly shook Chris' hand.
"Don't worry, he'll warm up to you," Diana told Chris,"Come, let's all head upstairs."
Noticing the communist armband on his hand, Chris asked, "Wait, are you communist?"
Before Aidan could say something, Diana cut in and said, "No, no he isn't, he wore that for fun."

"Diana, come aside please," Aidan said.
"Yes?" she said with a smile.
"Why did you simply allow someone to join just like that!" Aidan whispered.
"Aww, you jealous?" Diana teased.
"I am serious, Diana."
"Don't worry about it, I am sure he is a good man," Diana assured him.

They sat in the room, Diana talked about their plan while Aidan glared at Chris. Even though Chris showed discomfort at the glare but he shrugged it off.
"What are our plans?" asked Chris
AIdan refused to say a word.
Diana said, "Well, we are planning on going to the refugee centres in Kuala Lumpur."
"Neat plan, when are we making our move?" Chris asked.
Aidan chimed in and said, "Tomorrow we leave for the heart of Perak."
"But, you said next week," Diana said.
"I changed my mind, we go tomorrow, understand?" Aidan sternly said. Diana nodded.

That night, Aidan stood by the balcony, looking over the messed-up streets filled with zombies of the town once known as Taiping. Footsteps clicked on the wooden floorboard, making the ambience of it more creepy. Turning around, he held up his pistol and said, "Who is it?"

Diana appeared from the shadows with her hands up, "It's just me," she said. Aidan lowered his gun and let out a relieved sigh.
She joined Aidan by the balcony and asked, "What is it? You seem tensed?" she said.
"It's... It's nothing," Aidan replied.
"Then, what was with that attitude from earlier?" she asked.

Aidan remained silent at the question.
She then asked, "Are you feeling jelly?" Diana smirked.
Hiding the blush on his face, Aidan denied being jealous, but deep down, that may have been the reason to his earlier actions.

Diana changed the subject and asked, "Do you believe it other universes?"
"As in?" Aidan asked.
"As in another world where this whole apocalypse didn't happen,"
"No, I don't, that's stupid!" Aidan said.
Diana shrugged and said, "Come, let's go and sleep, tomorrow will be a tiring day."
She then said, "I shall stay on guard instead."
"You should get used to the jet lag..." Aidan said.
"You can't tell me what to do," Diana said with a giggle.

Aidan rolled his eyes as he rested on the bed in the room facing Diana who sat on her bed.
"Good night," Aidan said.
"Good night," she replied sweetly.

The next day, they walked along the roads of the deserted paths in a palm oil plantation leading to Ipoh, Perak.
"How long has been?" Chris asked while panting, considering the three of them had been walking under the sun, not to mention the zombies they have been killing along the way.
"Around an hour at least I think." Aidan replied.
"So Chris," Diana said, "Do you believe in alternate universes?"
"Alternate universes? Of course!" replied Chris.
Diana perked up at the response and asked, "So you believe that somewhere out there, there is a universe where all of these don't happen?"
"Yeppers," he replied. Then they went on their merry way, talking about alternate universes.

Aidan on the other hand, remained silent. As they walked, they noticed there was an abandoned train on a railway track.
"Wanna explore it?" Chris asked.
Aidan was about to say no but Diana cut in and said, "Yeah, let's go!"
Seeing her so happy, Aidan silently agreed. As they got closer, they could see zombies pushed up against the windows and doors, looking like it could break anytime. Seeing their presence, the zombies pushed more against the glass, hoping to eat the free meal right in front of them.

The three of them walked on over to one of the doors. Peeping through the window, they saw the insides were empty.
"Shall we go in?" asked Chris. Diana nodded while Aidan didn't respond. It was easy for them to open the door as it was already unlocked. They creeped in, trying not to make a sound. The interior of the train was completely trashed with blood stains staining the seats. Each step they took were the crinkles of broken glass pieces.

"I have always loved trains," Chris said.
"Oh really?" Diana responded to which Chris nodded enthusiastically. "Then you know how to operate trains?" Diana asked.
"More or less."
"Then, are you able to drive us to KL?" Aidan suddenly asked.
"Well, judging by the condition, I don't think it can work," Chris replied disappointingly.
"Well then we wasted our time here." Aidan said.
"Do you hear that?" Diana said as she looked around for the source of the sound. She looked out of the train window. As the sound of got closer, they got scared. Chris noticed the rail tracks were vibrating.
"There's a train coming, run!" shouted Chris.

The headed towards the carriage door.
A loud crash and bang rang through the carriage as Diana and Chris ran out, Aidan on the other hand, didn't make it out...

Aidan opened his eyes at the sound of his name being called. Opening his eyes, he saw he was resting against his car's fender.
"Sleep while standing?" Diana said with a smirk, "You have talent." she teased. Aidan was scared, he looked around and saw that he was at the airport, same as that day when he picked up Diana.

"You look panicked, are you alright?" Diana asked, still holding her bags.
"It's nothing, I'm alright," Aidan said, still confused. He helped Diana put her bags and luggage in the trunk of his car.
"So, where will you bring me?" Diana asked as she yawned, feeling sleepy.
Aidan was still driving, seemingly ignoring her questions.
"Hello, Aidan?"
"Ahh sorry..." he replied. Diana looked worried about Aidan.
"Are you alright?" she asked.
"Yes... Yes..." Aidan said with a dead tone.
"C'mon, I thought you'd be happy to see me!" Diana added along with a playful punch.
Aidan let out a tired laugh and said, "Don't worry, I am alright..."
Diana kisses Aidan on the cheek and said, "Hope you'll feel better."
His mind was going crazy.

"Will you be bringing me anywhere for our anniversary?" Diana.
Already in a state of shock and confusion, Aidan asked, "Anniversary?"
Diana replied with a shocked look.
"You forgot our anniversary?" she asked worryingly.
Aidan tried to get hold of himself, he said, "Ahhh, sorry baby, I don't remember, I have been rather tired lately..." his tone was rather insincere like he was attempting for an Oscar but failed. Although, Diana bought his excuse.
She let out a disappointing sigh but said, "We have been dating for 3 years now."
"Oh yeah, now I remember," Aidan said awkwardly trying his best despite knowing nothing.

The whole situation was being processed in his mind. It all seemed Greek to him. Was the zombie thing all a dream? If so, why was it so real? He had no time to think, he had to drive.

"Diana," Aidan said, "Do you believe in the existence of alternate universes?" as he gave a quick glance. He realised Diana has fallen asleep.

"Such a baby," Aidan thought to himself. Everything went the same as the day he picked up Diana in his so-called 'dream'. A few days passed and he found himself in a familiar setting in the same convenience store in Kuala Lumpur.

He once again heard the shatter of glass and someone screaming. He was about to walk over to the source with the other customers there.
"Sir," a voice said that snapped him back into reality, he was daydreaming, the clerk behind the counter said, "Sir, RM24.30 ." Aidan paid for his stuff and left.

Nothing was going on at the store, he got to his car and returned to the homestay where he was staying with Diana. Opening the door, he was welcomed by a yawning Diana who walked over to peck him on the cheek.
"Welcome home, baby," Diana said before yawning again. Aidan has already gotten used to Diana's affectionate actions. Although she hasn't gotten used to the jet lag. She was about to fall asleep in Aidan's arms. He stroked her hair and said, "Come on now, stay awake, you have to get used to the jet lag." In the background, the television was playing usual broadcast of the daily news about some economic growth in the country.

The week passed smoothly and they were on the way back to Penang. Despite the shining afternoon sun, Diana was deep asleep in the passenger seat.
"Such a stubborn girl," Aidan whispered to himself with a slight chuckle. Upon reaching the Penang Bridge, it was all smooth traffic, not a single sign of any soldiers or police roadblocks. That night, he laid on his bed, Diana next to him, using her phone, he kept on wondering about what happened these past weeks. He was drowned in thoughts that he didn't realise that he closed his eyes.

When he woke up, he realised he was in an old run-down house, lying down on a dirty mattress. He was once again struck with confusion. Suddenly, he heard voices walking up the staircase, one of a voice of a worried female and one of a reassuring male voice. Aidan felt weak and tired to do anything. Two figures appeared up the stairs, the sunlight shining in blocked him from seeing who they were.

A voice, easily recognizable as Diana said, "Aidan!" and she ran into hugging Aidan who just sat up on the mattress.
"Hey ba-, Diana," Aidan said, "Wh-what happened?"
"We thought you went missing," the other figure chimed in, recognizable as Chris.
"A train hit the carriage we were in, you didn't make it out in time and fell unconscious," Diana said worryingly.
"After that," she continued, "We carried you here, and once you were out of sight, you suddenly disappeared." Diana was in tears.
Aidan hugged her, making sure to comfort her.
"There, there, I'm back now."

"Where did you go?" Chris asked.
"I... I... I..." Aidan could not find the answer,it was all so complicated that he didn't know how to explain. Diana said, "Don't worry, it's alright, as long as you're fine, that's all that matters now." Aidan nodded and rested back on the mattress.

A few days passed, they prepared their bags and weapons.
"Everything checked?" Aidan asked.
"Weapons, check," Chris said, "Bags check."
"Food check," Diana added.
"Speaking of food," Aidan said, "How is our food supply?"
"I have estimated that if we manage to conserve our supply, we could possibly survive for another one or two weeks estimate," Chris said with a humble look.
"Then, we have to restock soon," Aidan said.

They continue walking under the sun, only blocked by the baseball cap they wore over their heads. this time they along the main highway
"Maybe we should make our moves at night next time, " Chris said.
Diana replied, "Walkies are rather active at night, it is dangerous."
They continue to debate about what is safe and what is not safe, Aidan was walking ahead of them, still recounting what had happened.
"Was it all in my imagination? But it all was so real like I existed there with my mind and soul..." he slowly began to trail further behind the pair...

"Aidan!" Diana called out. Right back into reality, Aidan realised he was a few yards behind.
Aidan was about to catch up with them but standing between them were zombies, they were surrounding Aidan. He shifted his armband and held up his gun. 
"Fire!" Aidan shouted to ask Chris and Diana to join the shooting. They aimed for the head of the zombies. Aidan managed to break through the chain of zombies standing between him and his friends. Aidan made it towards them.

"Alright, let's push on!" They gun down the zombies ahead of them while Aidan defends them from behind.
"There is a clear path," Diana said. 
"Alright, run!" Aidan shouted and they ran as fast as their legs could carry. They finally reached a tunnel. The insides were dark and seemingly endless. Aidan looked around, he remembered there was a staircase leading up to the small forest above the tunnel. And he saw it, a moss-covered concrete staircase, next to the tunnel entrance, leading up to the forest above.

They slowly walked up the stairs, making sure not to slip, especially for Aidan, wanting to not embarrassingly slip in front of Diana. They finally reached the top, they stopped to catch their breath, at the same time, they looked behind to see the zombie hoard slowly walking like a bunch of tortoises, hard to think that at night, they are nightmare predators.

Aidan, Diana and Chris proceeded through the jungle, despite the quiet environment, they are wary about zombies.
"Diana," Aidan said, "How do you manage to know about alternate universes."
"I thought you don't believe in them," Diana said with a smug look.
"I- I- I don't !" Aidan defended himself, "I am just curious, you know..."
"Well, a little story time, I already told Chris," she said, which Aidan scoffed internally at the mention of that name, Diana continued, "Back when I was about 12 or 13, I was cycling on the way to school." Diana kicked a pebble in the process and continued, "As I reached a junction, I was hit by a car."

She took a deep breath then said, "I woke up on a bed in the hospital, that was when I felt something wrong, my parents... They seemed way nicer, more caring, than what I knew."

Diana looked up to the sky, the sun piercing through the crevis of the leaves of the tall trees. Tears started forming in her eyes. Aidan wanted to stop her, but then again, he wanted to know more.

"Strange enough, I thought they were always so strict, it was like a stroke of luck changed my world," Diana asked.
"Yeah..." Aidan showed doubt
"Well, in this world, they didn't, they instead took really good care of me, they even offered to send me to school." She began crying as Aidan put his hand around her shoulders. Chris on the other hand, couldn't care less, can't blame him, he took over the lead and was focused on not getting killed.

Diana then said in between sobs, "I have been having these strange memories of things that never happened in this timeline. Ever since then, I have been experimenting and then I found out that I can travel between alternate realities by meditating."

Just as Diana was about to say something, Chris said," Look guys!" and they saw pointing at the city of Ipoh ahead of them, the city was still far away but was in view from up on the tunnel. They can see smoke rising from the buildings.

5 fighter jets flew over them, almost deafening them, the jets were heading towards the forsaken city. And soon, explosions were heard.

"They are bombing the cities..." Chris said in despair...


A radio played inside Diana's backpack, mellow music, although the volume was soft, they didn't want unwanted attention. The sun was already seen setting upon the green horizon and between some buildings in Ipoh. They decided to stop by the Ipoh General Hospital. They were aware of the risks of zombies but they decided to risk it. Upon reaching the hospital, the place already looked like some group took over the building, there were red banners with a hammer and sickle logo on it hanging vertically outside on the hospital walls.

"Ahh, a Communist stronghold," Aidan said to them. They held up their guns and walked around the premise to find a way in. They could see behind the walls with fencing was another line of metal fence along with guards walking around, defending the place. As they walked around, a woman suddenly called out, "Halt!" and the sound of a gun clicking which stopped them where they were. They were scared to turn around as the sound of not one but two pairs of boots was heard. A man said, "Turn around, who are you guys?"

Aidan, Diana and Chris turned around and were met with a man and a woman, both wearing green outfits, similar to the ones worn by Mao's people during the revolution back in China along with communist armbands. They were holding AK47s as they slowly approached the three of them. The woman seemed to notice Aidan's armband and whispered to the man. The man looked up and down Aidan and said, "Are you communist?"
"Well, actually-" Aidan said
Diana interrupted and said, "Well yes, we are communists."
"You don't seem communist," the woman said to Diana, pointing her gun at Diana. Aidan chimed in and said, "I can assure you, she's a communist."
The two communists looked at her and then at Aidan and each other. They nodded and allowed the three of them in.

"Which division are you from?" one of them asked.
"Division?" Aidan asked in confusion.
"Which state were you assigned to by HQ?"
Aidan was still confused but tried his best to play along.
"Ahhh well, I wasn't assigned to any division."
"Oh," the communist said, "you were that group..."

The three of them were greeted and welcomed by some of the communist members in the hospital lobby. The lobby was surprisingly well maintained by the group. In fact, the whole hospital seemingly was well maintained except for the outside of course. Some of the members were welcoming, while some shared a sceptical look considering the three of them, well Aidan and Diana only were dressed in military outfits except for Chris......

Hat Yai, Thailand. About 30km away from the Thailand-Malaysia border.

Shots rang through the air as the Thai military was fighting their strongest to hold onto Hat Yai which was under attack by zombies. The UN troops were seen evacuating people from their homes whilst jet bombers dropped bombs over the hoard of zombies. They were running a deadly risk as the sun is on the verge of setting and the walkers are getting stronger and stronger by the hour.


"Ready for the attack?" Aidan asked Diana and Chris to which they agreed.

A month had passed since they were accepted into the communist group, even though they were provided food and drinks that came from the main supply which they were told were from Putrajaya and even a ward in the hospital for the three of them, despite their good life, they were uncomfortable being in a group, some of the members have hit on Diana several times.

Night fell, and the hospital fell quiet along with it. The three of them stayed awake, preparing for this moment. In the one month, they were here, they gathered information about what room has what, where and how the guards walk and such. The three of them held up pistols and a pillow each.

As it seemed that it was lights out, they got out of the ward they were in. They went their separate ways. The silence was broken by the sound of their guns although suppressed mostly because of the pillow. Suddenly, a scream was heard along the hallway, it was recognizable as Diana's voice. Aidan shot one of the group members and headed towards the source of the scream. He ran as fast as he could, almost tripping over some medical trays on the floor.

He heard another gunshot as he reached the corner. He turned the corner to see Chris, holding Diana in his arms, in an intimate hug as Diana had tears flowing out of her eyes. next to them was the dead body of one of the communist members. Aidan too held back from tears and heartbreak. He held back until Chris and Diana pulled from the hug. Aidan then ran to them and asked, "Diana, are you alright?"
"Yeah... yeah I am," she said as she glanced at the body of the dead communist. Aidan tried to hug Diana but she seems to hesitate. Aidan embarrassingly put his arms down.
"Let's... Continue..." Aidan said coldly......

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