Rishabala FF : Mistress Duolo...

By lazyakabookworm

95.6K 7.5K 1.4K

The story of Rishabh an emotionally dead man and his mistress, Madhubala. More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three

Part Twenty

3.5K 304 71
By lazyakabookworm

Hello everyone...

How are you all?

Just wanted to say two things.

I am binge watching Supernatural nowadays, so didn't get time to write any OS... so, Inn Shaa Allah, maybe in two weeks, I will post an OS.

I don't know what a mute button does, but if people who haven't commented on my stories ask me for story updates or complain about the delay in updates, then I am going to mute you.

p.s: this story has twenty-three parts + epilogue.

Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

"Okay." Rishabh agrees.

Madhu smiles in relief. "Thank you."

Rishabh smiles and cups her face. he lovingly kisses her forehead.

Madhu smiles and takes his lips in hers. Rishabh hungrily kisses her.

"Can we..." Rishabh asks her.

"I want to." Madhu tells him as she started pulling on his clothes.

"It's been too long." Rishabh hungrily whispers as he started removing her clothes.


Sighing happily, Madhu throws her hand and leg on Rishabh and snuggles him.

"Good night." Rishabh tells her as he kissed her on top of her head.

"Good night." Madhu replies as she kissed his chest.

Rishabh was sleeping off when Madhu calls him. "Rishabh..."


"When are we moving?" Madhu asks him curiously.

"After we finalize a place. Now, you sleep." Rishabh tells her as he pulled her closer to him and hugged her.

"Finalize a place?" Madhu asks shocked.

Rishabh yawns. "Do you want us to shift to a hotel till we find a place?"

"Why can't we stay in the flat?" Madhu asks shocked.

"What?" Rishabh asks shocked. "How can we stay there?"

"Isn't that your flat?" Madhu asks confused.

"Yeah, it is. My company build that flat so I got couple of flats in that building." Rishabh tells her. "You sleep, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"But why can't we stay there then?"

"Okay, we'll stay there till we find a place."

"Why not stay there permanently?" Madhu asks shocked as she looked at him.

"It's too small, Madhu."

"That is a three bedroom flat!" Madhu tells him outraged as she leaned up to look at him.

"Yeah, too small." Rishabh agrees.

"That is a big flat!"

"Madhu, one bedroom for us, one for the baby and then just one spare bedroom!!!! No servants room! it has no study, no library. And the building has public gym and pool. For God sake!"

"Rishabh!" Madhu sternly calls him.

"What?" Rishabh moans wanting to cry. "Can't we talk about this in the morning?"

Madhu ignores his plea. "Now that I married you, I'll try to bring up my life style couple of notches up and now that you married me, you'll bring down your life style a little."

"What?" Rishabh asks frowning.

"We are going to live the middle class..." seeing Rishabh's scandalized look, she says, "Upper middle class lifestyle."

"Why?" Rishabh asks her.

"Because I can't handle your silly fuss and larger than real, lifestyle all my life."

"But that flat?" Rishabh asks shocked.

"You agree then I'll let you sleep."

"Fine! I agree." Rishabh desperately says.

"Thank you." Madhu happily smiles and kisses him. "Now, you sleep."

"Why are you not sleepy?" Rishabh asks her curiously as he hugged her.

"I don't know." Madhu replies happily.

"Maybe we should have sex in the morning. Sex seems to make you full energetic."

Madhu chuckles and asks smugly. "Did I drain you out?"

"What's time now, Madhu?"

Madhu checks the clock. "3:25."

"And what time did we start?"

"10." Madhu grins.

"For the love of our baby, please let her father sleep." Rishabh begs.

"It's a her?" Madhu asks smiling.

"She is going to be exactly like you." Rishabh tells her as he pulled her down on him and hugged her tight, so she won't move again.

"So talkative at night, that she won't let you sleep?" Madhu asks grinning.

"God help me then." Rishabh moans but couldn't help the happy smile.


Next day, Madhu and Rishabh moved to the flat. Madhu made Rishabh inform his parents of their decision when she was in college. So, she didn't see how they reacted to the news and she didn't ask Rishabh about it.

Since she had packed her bag already and left it in his car before she went to college, straight from college, Rishabh took her to their flat.

"What about your stuff?" Madhu asks curiously as he kept her bag in their bedroom.

"I brought some necessary stuff. Mangesh will send over the rest." Rishabh tells her.

Madhu nods as she felt happy to be back in their flat.

"I love this flat." Madhu happily tells Rishabh as she hugged him.

Rishabh hugs her happily.

"So many memories here."

"Yeah!" Rishabh replies with a sexy drawl.

Madhu hits him realizing what memories he was hinting at. Rishabh chuckles.

"You're okay to stay here, right?" Madhu asks him worriedly.

"I'll learn the middleclass lifestyle."

Madhu rolls her eyes then she gently says, "I meant staying away from your parents."

Rishabh shrugs.

"We need a life of our own, Rishabh." Madhu gently tells him.

"Yes." Rishabh agrees. "And a toxic free environment for you and our baby."

"And you." Madhu tells him.

Rishabh smiles. Checking time, Rishabh tells her. "I have to go to office."

"How come?" Madhu asks. "Before you used to..."

"You had strict timings." Rishabh grins at her.

Madhu chuckles. "So, you used to work late so you could spend your afternoons with me?" Madhu asks with a sexy smile.

Rishabh leans down and takes her lips in his.

"I'll try to come early." Rishabh tells her.

"Okay." Madhu smiles at him.

Rishabh starts to leave then he stops. "I forgot. Your cards are here." Rishabh hands her debit card and credit card. "Buy whatever you need for yourself and the house."

Madhu smiles happily as she took the cards. "We're going to set up our home."

Hearing that, Rishabh's eyes fill up., and he had no idea why. He quickly hugs Madhu tight.


The next few days, Madhu got busy setting up their place. Rishabh and Madhu were getting adjusted to their new life.

"Madhu, I've a meeting in the afternoon. So, Patil will come to pick you from college."

"I can come by myself. I'll take a uber." Madhu tells him.

"I think you should learn driving so you don't have to depend on me or anyone to commute." Rishabh tells her.

Madhu nods then she asks him curiously. "Are you free tomorrow? Baba and Ma wanted to come visit us."

"I've some work tomorrow. I'll come by 4, tomorrow." Rishabh tells her.

"Okay." Madhu replies then she hesitantly asks. "Shouldn't we invite your parents also home one day?" then she hastily adds, "Not when my parents are here."

"They weren't very happy that we moved out. I'll invite them. if they want, let them come." Rishabh tells her shrugging.

Madhu nods. She wasn't very excited at the prospect of meeting Rishabh's parents but she didn't want to come between him and his parents too.


The next day, Madhu's parents had come for a visit.

"Madhu, why did you both move out of Rishabh's house?" Padmini asks her gently.

"Did his parents ask you to leave?" Malik asks her.

"No... they are not happy that Rishabh moved out." Madhu quickly tells them.

Padmini nods.

Madhu guiltily looks at her parents and confesses. "It was my decision. I didn't want to stay with his parents."

"Why?" Malik asks.

"They don't like me. So, I thought it is better and more peaceful we lived separately." Madhu lies.

Malik nods. "We were actually worried about you staying with his parents."

"Rishabh is okay with living away from his parents?" Padmini asks her.

"He seems fine." Madhu says, maybe too fine. "But at times I wonder if I separated him from his parents." Madhu worriedly confesses.

"Did you tell Rishabh that?" Malik asks her.

"No, I didn't."

"You should. You both should share everything. Every small and big thing." Padmini advices her.

Madhu nods.

"Rishabh did promise to keep you and your wishes above the rest of the world, so maybe that is why, he agreed to move out when you told him." Padmini tells her smiling happily.

Madhu softly smiles. "He did promise that."

Hearing the door bell, Madhu excitedly gets up. "Rishabh is here."

Madhu hurries to the door and opens it for him.

"hey." Rishabh says with a smile as he hugged her. "How are you?"

Madhu looks at her parents embarrassed when he hugged her in front of her parents. "Yeah... I am fine... Baba and Ma are here." Madhu tells him as she pointed to them.

"Hello..." Rishabh smiles at them as he walked to greet them.

Madhu watched happily as Rishabh politely spoke to her parents. he really wasn't that big a conversationalist but he was a good listener.

By dinner time, the food was delivered and Madhu and Rishabh starts to set the table.

"You're ordering food from out?" Padmini asks her.

"Breakfast and lunch I've from college canteen. Rishabh from office. Dinner we order." Madhu tells her.

"It is not good to have food from out always." Padmini tells her.

"I wanted to set up the place first. Now it is set, we'll be getting a cook soon." Madhu tells her.

"You should learn cooking too." Padmini tells her.

"She has college and studies." Rishabh reminds her.

Madhu makes a face at her mother making Padmini smile fondly at her.

"Uncle... Aunty.... Shall I fix you a drink before dinner?" Rishabh asks them as he walked to the bar.

Malik's eyes widen in shock, Padmini's mouth drops open in shock and Madhu glaring at Rishabh runs to him.

"You don't ask my parents whether you can make drinks for them! specially my mother!" Madhu tells him in a furious whisper.

"Madhu, I was going to have a drink. It would've been rude if I didn't offer them. I didn't know they are teetotalers." Rishabh explains to her.

"But you don't fix a drink for my parents!" Madhu glares at him.

"Madhu... Rishabh... we'll eat?" Malik asks seeing that Madhu was about to murder their son-in-law, and he didn't want that because he liked his son-in-law.

Madhu nods and walks to the table as she glared at Rishabh.

"Is it okay if I've one?" Rishabh asks her confused.

"Yes, Rishabh. you please have." Malik quickly tells him, smiling at him.

Dinner went fine till after dinner, Rishabh curiously asks Malik. "Uncle, do you smoke?"

"What now?" Madhu asks Rishabh exasperated.

"I was going to the balcony to smoke." Rishabh explains.

"I don't but I'll come with you." Malik replies smiling at Rishabh as he stood up.

Madhu watches as Rishabh and Malik walked out to the balcony. It was then that Madhu realized that Rishabh no longer smoked with her near him, he always went out to the balcony to smoke. Madhu smiles gently as she caressed her stomach. She was starting to notice that there were many things that Rishabh did for her without making it obvious or telling her about it.

"We'll leave after Rishabh finish smoking." Padmini tells her. "Your Baba has work tomorrow."

Madhu nods. "You and Baba should stay the next time you come."

Padmini nods as she smiled.

Madhu nervously looks at her and tells her, "Rishabh... he doesn't understand that..."

"Madhu..." Padmini gently stops her.

Madhu worriedly looks at her.

"Your world is different. Rishabh's world is different. Just because your normal is different from his normal doesn't mean he is wrong. You shouldn't have scolded him for this, especially in front of us."

Madhu nods.

"Now, after we leave, don't fight with him for this."

"I won't." Madhu says realizing that she shouldn't have made a fuss.

"And your Baba would have definitely accepted the drink if you hadn't jumped at your husband." Padmini cheekily tells her.

"Baba drinks?" Madhu asks shocked.

"At his work parties."

"I didn't know that he drinks." Madhu replies shocked.

"Only once in a blue moon. He is good at hiding things."


After Mohan hangs up the phone, Radha asks him curiously. "Why did he call?"

"He invited us to visit him and his wife in their new home." Mohan says in disgust.

"Where are they staying?" Radha asks frowning.

"I don't know some flat. He said he will message the location."

"Are we going?"

"Of course not! Till he comes to his senses and leaves that girl, he is as good as dead to me!" Mohan replies in hatred.

"that girl is not going to leave him so easily."

"You saw how he was screaming at me for her?" Mohan asks outraged at that incident.

"You gave her a chance." Radha snubs.

Mohan looks away not wanting to bring back that incident.

"Does the Kapoors know about his marriage?" Radha asks curiously.

"Everybody is getting to know about it. I had such grand plans for the company. Rishabh was to marry their daughter and join the companies." Mohan says angrily.

"So, they know." Radha deduces.

"Yeah, I hear they were talking to the Agarwal for an alliance between their daughter and their son."

"Find out if they would still be interested in Rishabh."

"But he is married."

"He can get divorced too." Radha points out.


"We are anyway a better match for them than the Agarwals."

"Even if they agree, how are we to get rid of this girl?" Mohan asks confused.

"Ask them to send their daughter to Rishabh's for a visitation. Once, Rishabh sees how beautiful and perfect she is compared to that thrash, he himself will give her divorce and send her out."

"I'll think about it." Mohan says.

"You don't have time to waste. If that girl manages to get pregnant while you are thinking, then I don't think it would be easy to be rid of her."


Madhu was in her bedroom when she hears the doorbell. Knowing Rishabh would open the door, she continues to remain in their room. then she hears a girl's excited voice. Curious, Madhu comes out of her bedroom and sees a girl hugging Rishabh.

End of Part Twenty

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- Lazy

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