The Chakraless Mercenary

By Hello19274

3.9K 79 4

Naruto was born without chakra. Due to this she grew up neglected and ignored by her family and godparents an... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

729 13 0
By Hello19274

A/n:That's Naruto when she is 18 but she doesn't have whisker marks. This is what she looks like at 12, also no whiskers.


Naruto watch from window as her 'family' and 'godparents' trained without her. The sight used anger and saddened her but she long sense learned not to care about it. Naruto no longer felt anything at the sight of those she is supposed to love.

When Naruto was born, they quickly found out that she had no chakra or even a chakra system. This was unheard of, they named it chakra deficiency. Many tried to 'cure' her but they found it to be impossible. This caused her older, by a year, brothers, Menma and Miko, who both have chakra in insane amounts on their own and half of the nine tailed demon sealed in each of them to be heavily favored by her parents, godparents, and village.

It only got worse when Jiraiya learned of prophecy and thought the person talked of in it could be either of brothers. Her parents began training her brothers along with their godparents and completely excluding her from everything, even things like meals and family time. When the villagers saw that she wasn't cared anymore by her parents some felt sorry for the girl but many more began to hate and treat her badly, even hurting or attacking her.

One while being beaten by a group of angry ninja at the age of 7 she encountered a man. He killed the men hurting her. After having a short conversation with the man she learned he was a mercenary. He was quickly chased away by some anbu but it was enough for her to decide she wanted to be come a mercenary too even without chakra.

She began training on her own. Naruto found she was incredibly quick to gain muscle and strength and become faster even simple exercises. By the time she was 9 she was able to beat the average genin easily. That year she also realized that chakra did not effect her. After that she began counting the days until she could leave Konoha.

Today, her 12th birthday, was the day could legally leave Konoha without her parents permission since she was a civilian. Naruto could now beat the a high level chunin and was certain of her ability to survive outside the village on her own. Done thinking her past Naruto turned away from the window and finished packing her bag.

Naruto then shouldered it and walked out of the room. She proceed through the house and out the front door. None of the six people gave her single look as she closed the door and walked to the gate of the compound. It opened with a loud creak and finally Naruto was looked at. Her mother, Kushina, called out to her, "Naruto, where are you going?"

Naruto turned to look at red haired woman and decided what to say. "To see a friend.", she lied. Naruto had no friends close enough to visit and/or say goodbye to. Kushina must have found it satisfying because she turned to training, saying nothing further. Naruto walked through the gate and closed it behind her. 'One gate down. On to the next.', Naruto thought to herself.

Naruto walked through the village ignoring the glares and murmurs aimed at her. One guy threw a rock at but she dodged it. Soon she reached the konoha gate that would release her from the confines of the village.

The chunin at the gate looked at her and moved to block her. "Move.", Naruto said and glared. The chunin looked like he was gonna laugh at her. Naruto pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "I'm a 12 year old civilian. I'm of legal age to leave Konoha and I want to leave. Now let me through.", Naruto growled menacingly causing the chunin to shrink back in surprise.

"Um. The Hokage...", the chunin started but Naruto. "Has no legal standing to keep me here.", she said with a sickeningly sweet smile. The man looked her for a moment and then relaxed and shrugged. "Your funeral.", he said and moved to the side. Naruto rushed through the gate at chunin level speed surprising the man. He wrote her name down in the report of who left to give to the Hokage, who later just skimmed it completely missing his daughters name.

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