Our Cruel Puppet Masters

By xxruweydaxx

49 2 1

This is a monologue i wrote for my english cousework in college. it is a dystopic theme. please read and give... More

Our Cruel Puppet Masters

49 2 1
By xxruweydaxx

(A homeless tramp sits in the busy town centre beside his dirty starved Staffordshire terrier next to a big dustbin at 12 o’clock midday.  He is surrounded by ‘the on lookers’ played by everyday working people, viewed by the camera and audience from who is viewing this monologue. The tramp looks around suddenly getting angry at the ‘onlookers’)

Yes yes, look at the tramp! Look at my filthy tattered clothing resting on my famished remains. Gawk why don’t you at my over grown hedge of hair and at my poor helpless dying dog. I hold responsible all of you; you selfish mindboggling fools of puppets for believing the nonsense at which society and the government have been feeding you. You disgusting bunch of sheep.                                                                                                                                                                   (Looks away suddenly sad and remorseful)

You know I used to be just like you.  Attached to the metallic strings of society, that holds us captive. I was fooled; deceived even deluded to think that the life I was living was spectacular and immense. Like how you might say you spent your Saturday afternoon. No. I was played around with; tossed around like a chewed toy. It happened so fast and life seemed so great I hardly noticed.                                                                                                                      We are all wasting away!

Tell me sir? Have you any control over your life? Have a say on what you will do in life and what you will accomplish? I think not. I think none of you do

 (Becomes angry and walks away whilst ranting)

What you wear, What language you speak, What kind of education you have, What kind of music you like, What kind of job you have, what standing you have in your community, what kind of haircut you have, your nonverbal communication, child rearing practices, tastes in food, your religion, even your physical body is influenced by society. Nearly every aspect of your being is a product of society.

Tell me do you not see this?!

(He becomes quiet and distant)

We don't have as much control over our beliefs and attitudes as we'd like to. The truth is that almost nothing about you or me is entirely unique.

God gave us free will! He gave us the brain and intelligence to think for ourselves. To be whom we truly are! Not for it to be used against us and manipulated into doing what others want!

(Shouts this at the ‘onlookers’ he raises both his hands and angrily says)                                             Why should we bow down and submit ourselves to society’s will as slaves?! Why can’t we be our own person? Why won’t you fight it?

(Yells at ‘onlookers’ in an emotional voice. Near tears)                                                                                 As members of society we laugh, work, play, build, and so on, but behind the scenes of the pleasant facade there are those who pull the strings, perhaps pull all the strings that make us dance one way or another.

This society that you all worship so compliantly, lapping up all the lies it is feeding you like a bunch of starved dogs (the tramp scoffs) did u know a dogs personality is shaped mostly by its owner? I guess not. Why would I expect you to? After all you are dogs, and what do dogs do? Be obedient, loyal, wag its tail and roll around on the floor. I wouldn’t be surprised if you all started wearing dog collars because a celebrity started the trend. I must say this society is smart. I have to hand it to them, it must not be easy to try and fool thousands of eager idiots to do what they want.  It’s funny really.

Ugh you make me tired.

(Sits on the floor and puts his head in his hands)                                                                                           Just go away. I don’t feel like talking to you about your own messed up lives. Look at you standing there staring at me, feeling sorry for me. I don’t need it and I certainly don’t need you. I’m living the life, with nobody to control me but myself. Not long ago was I just like you, stuck in the boring; none ending realm of fake reality. I had 23 years of education, got my GCSE’s, A-levels and my fucking degree to just work in bloody accountancy. What was I even doing with my life? Lucky I smartened up and saw what the world was truly turning into. I got out in time and guess what? I’m happy. The happiest I’ve ever been. I have no children, no love but I’m happy. Trust me.

(Stands up and looks at the ‘onlookers’ smiling softly)                                                                                    You know society gives rules for living in it. So if society gives rules, subsequently it is in their control. However, since we are a part of society we can choose to break rules or break away from society. Thus, society is not in control if you aren't a part of it or you willingly choose to defy the rules. Be like me, a fantastic handsome rebel that does what he pleases. You choose. Choose whether you want to live your life in freedom and away from societies invisible handcuffs or as a robot, forever deluded into thinking your living the high life. I mean, you aren’t Royal. No because royals at least have some aspect of control over their pathetic lives. They have money and here in the 21st century, money buys everything!  It buys everything, sitting in their mansions sipping tea whilst covered in satin. They are living the high life. Not you.

The funny thing is that it is just human controlling human. Other humans against us set on making us more machine than human.

(Sighs and sits down petting his dog talking to the dispersing ‘onlookers’)

Anyway enough with my rambling, I don’t care for you all. You can go ahead and waste away for all I care because I’m free. Dirty but free.

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