One Shots - Capt. Maya Bishop...

By Pirate_Psychologist

89K 1.5K 87

So late last year I took an interest in this show and I have been trapped ever since I started watching it an... More

Sei La Mia Luce. Sei Il Mio Cuore.
You are my Everything
Mrs. Cap
My sister in-law
Telling Everyone - Part 1
Telling Everyone - Part 2
Fire Princess
Things We Lose in a Fire
Blood does not a Family make
My Italian
My Italian - Part 2
I: It's Ours. Just Ours.
Part II: The Fight
Part II: It's Ours. Just Ours
Part III:It's Ours. Just Ours
Part III: The Fight
Part IV: It's Ours. Just Ours
Part V: It's Ours. Just Ours.
Part IV: The Fight
Part V: The Fight
Part VI: The Fight
Epilogue: The Fight

Part I: The Fight

2.9K 53 1
By Pirate_Psychologist

A/N: I created my own timeline for this one. I thought about Maya telling Carina about the blackmail and not Beckett. In the show, it seems as though Maya isn't particularly close with anyone (apart from Andy and I still have reservations about their friendship) and it probably has something to do with how she was conditioned by her father when she was younger. I feel like when everyone realises the truth of what she did, they'll ice her out even further and she's gotten used to it, that it's normal to her. I don't get how they can call themselves a family, just accept her demotion and not find a way to help her. I'm obviously not feeling her treatment of Carina, but I also know that she needs to address her issues in a way that she is comfortable with for the best possible outcome (running clearly isn't helping). So this is just me writing a version of what is happening but where Carina knows everything and they're handling it together. I don't know what to call this yet, so just go with the title for now...

There are time jumps involved. I don't want it to be too long
It's been 9 months.

Nine months ago, she threatened to expose Chief Ross for having an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate. Nine months of Captain Beckett treating her like trash, sidelining her, giving her chores like she's some probie, humiliating her and degrading her in front of the team. Nine months of the team speculating about why Beckett is treating her like she is nothing.

She tried to hide her actions from Carina, but Carina knew her better than she knew herself. Two months later, she collapsed while on shift due to dehydration, lack of sleep, barely eating and overworking. Lucky Ben was in the gym with her and got her in the Aid Car transporting her to Grey+Sloan. She couldn't hold what she had done from Carina. Carina was furious. Furious that Maya would risk her job. A job she took immense pride in. A job she was excellent at. Carina was furious that she would endanger the family they were trying to build. Furious that Maya would go as far blackmail to get her job back. Mostly Carina was furious that Maya would risk her life.

"Do you know what they could do, Maya! Beckett is your Captain and no matter how bad of a leader he is, if he gives you an order you have to follow it. Ross that good for nothing Fire Chief, that is more interested in keeping SFD happy, can and will order you to put your life on the line. You do not see that you are a threat to her. You will risk not coming back to me for a job, Maya. You told me, bambina, you told me you wanted football games and science fairs, you wanted Italian vacations and watching our bambini learn to cook and you told me you wanted to come home and watch our little versions of me running around our home. How are you going to do that when you're in jail or dead" Carina asked her. Maya couldn't answer but it was also the wake up call she needed to realise that while she still wanted everything with Carina, she also need to get her head right.

"Carina look at me" Maya whispered "Car, my love, please look at me" she said again and when Carina looked at Maya, she pulled Carina to the bed "come lie next to me". Maya shifted on the hospital bed making space for Carina "I'm sorry, Carina. I'm sorry, I hid this from you, I'm sorry I failed you and I'm sorry I hurt you. I told you, I would spend everyday of my life proving to you that you could trust me and I failed. I want everything, Car. I want everything with you. I want my babies to look like you. I want to celebrate their wins, our wins and I want them to know that it's okay to fail and it's okay to lose because we'll love them either way. I want them to know that they can be whoever they want and we'll be there to support them. We'll be their safe place no matter what. I need help, Car. I need help, I'll call Diane".

Seven months ago:

Seven months ago Maya started talking and learning to lean on Carina. Seven months ago they've started hormone treatment.

Their first try was unsuccessful. Carina knew the chances of her being pregnant were low since it was her first try, but it still hurt. Maya held her at night when her cycle started and told her it was going to be okay.

Six months ago:

Gabriella was in the US and as usual and showed up on their doorstep without letting them know she was stopping by. The hormone shots have made Carina moody and agitated. Gabriella cooked for them and made extra dishes that could be frozen so both of them wouldn't have to cook for at least a week. Gabriella told them of her time spent in Spain, the people she met, the conferences she attended and the surgeries she performed. She told Carina how she went to Andrea and her mama's beach in Sicily the first chance she could after Carina called her to let her know that they were going to start trying for bambini. How she sat and imagined a little boy run around on the beach. Knowing that having a family with Maya was everything Carina wanted.

Maya made Carina's coffee as a treat just because she was in town. After their wedding, Maya called Gabriella and asked her how Carina's coffee should be made and now she could actually make some for Gabriella.

"Ahhh Maya. You're now Italian. My lessons have paid off. Brava" she teases Maya and they laugh.

"How are things at the Station, Maya" she asks. Maya and Carina share a look "what? What was that look" she asks.

Maya tells her about the demotion because she defied an order to save a boys life. She tells her of how there was no investigation or hearing even though according to protocol she is supposed to have one. She tells Gabriella of the new Fire Chief that also refused to reinstate Maya to her position as Captain because she is not remorseful of her actions. She tells Gabriella of her suspicions of the current Captain being a drunk and how a subordinate in her Station might be having an affair with the Fire Chief. They spent the rest of their evening telling Gabriella everything that has happened. While Gabriella too is furious that Maya would risk her job and her life, she encourages Maya to fight for her position because she did the right thing saving that boy's life.

"You did the right thing saving that boy's life, Maya. When a patient is on my table, it becomes my responsibility to give them another chance. It becomes my responsibilty to give the best of myself. I may lose some patients, but their is a lesson in the loss and the patients that I do save, I know that I gave them another chance at life. Another chance to spend days with their families, another chance to love, another chance to live. That's what you gave that boy, that's what you gave that family. I know how exactly how you're going to get your job back".

It's been a week since Gabriella left. Maya was contacted by a friend Gabriella met who was an Attorney. He started an investigation into Maya's case. He met with Maya and Carina where Maya had told him of her time as Captain, how she was told to "play nice" with the police when they couldn't protect people but were only interested in doing what was best for SPD. She told him of 19's own run in with with the police where they were protecting a man that had kidnapped two young girls and how her team had ended up in jail. She told him of how they could not support their comminities during protests in their uniforms, but rather had to find alternative ways to support their community but also in their personal capacity as first responders attended so they could be there if anything were to go wrong. She told him how she defied an order to save a young boy. She told him of how on the best day of her life, when she married Carina, she got an email informing her that she is no longer Captain of 19. She told him of Beckett's drinking, of a newly appointed Fire Chief that promoted a probie who was a Battalion Chief to Lieutenant in her first week of the job, the same Fire Chief who told her she would not be reinstated as Captain. She told him of her suspicions of said Lieutenant and the Chief of having an affair and in a moment of weakness made the wrong decision of confronting the Chief and the Lieutenant about their inappropriate relationship and she would be reporting it if she was not reinstated. She told him of how Beckett was overworking her that could barely rest or eat and collapsed while on shift.

"This is alot of information, Maya. Information that I can work with and investigate. I am familiar with government institutions and how they work. I must be honest and tell you that this will not be easy and blackmail was not the wisest choice, the fact that you have been mistreated while at work shows that their is something that your Captain and the Fire Chief are hiding. I am good at my job, I rarely make mistakes. I give you my word that I will give my best, but I require your patience and your honesty at all times."

Carina and Maya agreed that they wanted to fight this. They wanted to put an end to Maya's mistreatment but they also wanted the truth.

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