Forever and Always. [Legolas...

By legoriel_fan

65K 1.3K 2.2K

You are Captain of the Guardsmen at Rivendell, And best friends with Arwen, Lord Elrond asks you to attend a... More

The blondie
The Fellowship
Saying goodbye.
Crebain from dunland
Lets hunt some orc
Part two: the two towers
Orc trail
The maiden of Edoras.
Sweet revenge
Bad dreams
Bets and Battles
So it begins.
Glares and glances
Return of the king
Drinking games and walks.
Okay to not be okay
Blaming yourself.
'Young' love
Fixing roofs
Answering the call of Gondor
A diversion
Side by side with a friend
King Elessar
Lullabies and goodbyes
The Elleth
Dancing in the rain
A drunk Elleth
A wedding
A familar face
Shampoo stealing
Training Elflings
A day to remember
Thank you!!
An heir
Goodbyes and coronations
A walk in the gardens
Picnic by the riverside
A duel and a wedding
Telling Y/n
A battle against a dark lord
Forever and always

Mines of Moria

2.3K 39 94
By legoriel_fan

We make it to the walls of Moria, I stayed next to Legolas the whole time, we told each other stories to pass the time.

"The walls of Moria!" Gimli said in awe.

Legolas sat down in front of the lake. I sat down next to him.

"Have anymore stories?" He asks.

I thought for a moment.

"Actually, yes, I do."

A big grin went across his face like a child. A knot formed in my stomach. He's so cute! No, stop it, y/n l/n!

"Me and Arwen have been friends since we were little, and I would always seem to get her in trouble." I started
"And I still do." I added with a grin.

Legolas raised an eyebrow, "that doesn't surprise me."

I punched him in the arm and continued. "Anyways, one time I spent the night in Arwen's room, and we decided to go swimming after dark. She had this window that had a beautiful view of this lake. After dark we grabbed towels and snuck out of the window. We had a great time splashing each other and swimming. In about ten minutes we decided to go inside. We got out and wrapped ourselves in towels, I went through the window first and stopped dead in my tracks, Arwen went through the window and did the same. Lord Elrond stood there with his arm crossed, "Arwen Undómiel!" He scolded her."

Legolas looked very interested.

"Let's just say I was sent home that night." I giggled

Legolas smirked, "surprising." He said sarcastically.

I faked looking offended and shoved him. He returned the shove and I giggled

"Alright, you two, stop flirting." Aragorn said suddenly.

"Aragorn!" I squealed. i got up quickly and  tackled him to the ground.

Aragorn chuckled and I got up to see Legolas's bright red face.

Merry threw rocks into the water

"Do not disturb the water." Aragorn orders while getting up.

A few moments later the door opens.

"Come on. Legolas" I say reaching a hand out to Legolas.

He gives me a small smile, takes my hand, and I help him up.
We walk inside the mines.

"Soon, master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves. Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine! A mine!" Gimli said to Legolas.

Boromir saw a corpse on the ground, "this is no mine! It's a tomb!"

"Oh no! Nooo!" Gimli cried

Legolas picks up and arrow and throws it to the ground. "Goblins!"

Legolas, Aragorn and Boromir draw their swords, I do the same.

"We make for The Gap of Rohan. we should have never come here." Boromir stated.

The hobbits start backing up to the door.

"Now get out of here, get out!" Boromir exclaimed.

We head towards the door. Suddenly Frodo is grabbed by a tentacle and pulled towards the water. I run towards him and try to slice the tentacle.

"Frodo!" The hobbits cry at once.

Another tentacle emerges and grabs me. I scream, On accident, I drop my sword.

"Strider!" Sam cried out. "Get off them!" He starts hacking at the tentacles.

Frodo is released only to be grabbed again by his foot. The tentacle pulls Frodo into the air. I try to wiggle out of its grasp but it quickly lifts me in the air and over the water. I scream out in terror, tears fall down my face.
Legolas shoots the tentacle holding Frodo, Boromir catches him. Then Legolas shoots the tentacle holding me, I scream and start falling. I splash into the water a hand pulls me up, it was Legolas. He helps me to shore.

"Into the mines!" Gandalf ordered.

"Legolas, aim for the eye! Come on!" Boromir shouted.

Legolas shot the beast in the eye. I grab my sword and we all race for the mines.
Gandalf's staff lights up

"We now have but one choice. We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world." Gandalf said.

I'm shaking and I must still be crying because Legolas comes up to me and says,
"Ha's Alright, ceri- ú- n- Afraid" [it's alright, do not be afraid]

I crash into him and hug him tightly.
"Thank you.. for everything."
"Y-" Legolas starts
"We must go." Aragorn interrupts.
We pull away and head up the stairs with the others.

"Quietly now. It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed." Gandalf tells us.

"You're a tough one." Aragorn smiles and walks ahead.

I grab Legolas's hand, he turns to look at me and smiles.

Pippin loses his footing and slips onto merry.
(The fourth day in Moria)

I stayed close to Legolas for the past three days, we continued to tell each other stories to keep occupied.

"I have no memory of this place!"

Everyone sits down to rest while Gandalf thinks.
I sit down next to Legolas, while the hobbits carry on a conversation.
I look in his gorgeous blue eyes while he smiles at me, my stomach flips and I return the smile. I playfully ruffle his long perfect hair.

"Hey!" He fixes his hair.

I stick out my tongue childishly and he chuckles. An evil grin crosses my face and I playfully throw dirt at his chest. He throws dirt back at me.

"Hey! Only I can do that." I giggle

"Oh yeah?"

He throws more dirt at my chest smirking. Giggling, I lunge at him and shove him to the ground. I try my best to keep him pinned, but he quickly pins me instead.

"Give up?" He asks with a cocky smirk on his face.

I nod. We sit up and i shove his shoulder.

"I win." He states cockily.

I roll my eyes. "You always have to win."

"Ah! It's that way." Gandalf suddenly exclaims and grabs my attention.

"He's remembered!" Merry says excitedly.

"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down there. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose." Gandalf tells him.

We get up and continue walking.

"Let me risk a little more light."
Gandalf's staff brightens. It shows tall pillars arched ceilings as far as the eye can see.

The Fellowship looks in awe at the place.

"Behold, the Great Realm an Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf." Gandalf says.

"Now, there's an eye opener and no mistake." Sam says in awe.

We walk through a hall Gimli sees a ray of light coming from room. Corpses lay all around the ground.
Gimli heads towards the room.

"Gimli!" Gandalf orders, but Gimli doesn't listen and runs into the chamber.

He kneels down by a crypt.

"No! No!" Gimli sobs.

Boromir places a hand on Gimli to comfort him.
Me and Legolas bow our heads in respect for a moment.

We walk inside, Gandalf Walks forward.

"Here lies Balin, Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria." Gandalf translates. "He is dead then. It's as I feared."

Hearing this, Gimli wails.

Gandalf picks up a book from a corpse and dusts it off.

Legolas turns to Aragorn, "We must move on. We cannot linger!"

Gandalf reads, "They have been taken to the bridge, and the second hall. We have barred the gates, but we cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums, drums in the deep." He turns the page. "We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out... they are coming."

A big crash causes me to flinch. I look over to where the sound originated, there stands pippin, looking embarrassed. He cringes every time It hits something.

Gandalf slams the book shut. "Fool of a took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" Gandalf shouts at pippin rather rudely.

I stand next to pippin defensively. "Gandalf, he didn't mean to! Cut him some slack!"

Gandalf glares at me.

Drums echo up before anyone else could speak. Frodo's sword glows blue.

"Orcs!" Legolas shouts.

Great. Just what we need.

"Get back! Stay close to Gandalf!" Aragorn orders the hobbits.

Aragorn drops his torch, runs to Boromir and closes the doors.

"They have a cave troll" Boromir states.

"Things just keep getting better." I mutter under my breath.

Legolas chuckles at my comment.
He throws weapons to Boromir and Aragorn to block the door.

The fellowship draws their weapons. Gimli hops up on top of Balin's tomb with his axe.

"Arghhhhhh! Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria that still draws breath!" Gimli shouts.

Orcs begin breaking down the door. Legolas, me and Aragorn shoot them through the holes. They break the door down and battle begins.
Me and Legolas shoot orc after orc while they come in. I put up my bow and draw my sword. I slash any orc that comes my way, Aragorn does the same.

A cave troll smashes through the doorway, Legolas shoots him; he growls, Sam looks up, sees the troll swinging his mace down at him, and runs under his legs. He swings twice at Gimli, hitting the tomb then an orc.

Legolas kills orcs on the ledge of a wall, the troll swings his chain at him, Legolas doges it. A wave of relief hits me. Legolas swings on top of the trolls head, he shoots it and jumps off.
The cave troll doesn't die, he heads towards Frodo.

Orcs come up to me and I start paying attention to what is going on. I slash the Orcs coming for me. I sigh when all the orcs are dead, or I thought they were.
I feel a stabbing pain go across my arm I cry out in pain. I turn around and kill the orc.

The cave troll heads for Frodo, I run his way, but it is too late, a spear goes through Frodo.

"Frodo? Frodo!" Sam cries.

"Yahh!" Merry and pippin shout.

They leap onto the troll, and start stabbing him. I run over and help them. The troll throws merry onto the floor. The fellowship attacks the troll, Legolas shoots him in the mouth killing him.
The troll collapses, pippin is thrown against the floor and knocked out.

Aragorn runs to Frodo and turns him over making Frodo groan.

"He's alive!" Sam exclaims.

That's all for this chapter, hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day Mellons!

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