Coincidentally But Eternally...

By AnastasiaBellerose

1.7K 176 254

Jake is trying to find Hannah when Hope joins the group. She says Hannah is her friend, but none of the other... More

Origin Story
What You Want
Broken Pieces Shine
Far From Heaven
My Immortal
Field of Innocence
The Only One
Better Without You
Wasted On You
Speak To Me
Epilogue: My Heart Is Broken

Bring Me To Life

147 17 44
By AnastasiaBellerose

I watched in fascination as Hope communicated effortlessly with the group. She explained that she knew Hannah from the local animal shelter. When Lilly demanded to know why she wasn't aware of her, Hope answered simply. 

Hope: We mostly see each other only at work. I'm sure that I wasn't important enough to mention.

She invited Lilly to check the shelter website and look for her name.

Thomas came back with a link. There was Hope's name and picture. She was listed as the animal shelter's director. 

Thomas: You didn't mention that you ran the whole shelter!

Cleo: Oh, wait. I remember you! You were there when picked up our puppy!

Hope: Yes. 🙂 Our adoption specialist was at lunch, so I helped your mother sign the papers.

Cleo: Right. 🙂

Thomas: That still doesn't tell us why your number was sent to me.

Hope: Probably because she wanted me to help. She called me four days ago and said there was something important she wanted to speak to me about, but then I never heard from her again.

Richy: Do you know what she wanted to talk to you about?

Hope: No. She said she couldn't discuss it over the phone.

The group each spoke to her briefly. They were at least communicating with her, which was more than I could say for their treatment of me. As soon as the group chat ended, I gave her access to my chat monitoring software and waited while she reviewed a chat between two group members. Then I messaged her.

???: Did you like it?

Hope: Oh, hello. 👋 You weren't in the group chat, were you? Are you Hannah's friend?

I frowned at her oblique responses. She was asking too many questions. So I called her, placing a filter over my video chat to hide my face and also masked my voice. I watched her look back at me calmly, her eyes roaming the screen. She had a slight, enigmatic smile on her face as I rattled off orders to her.

I immediately hung up after I finished speaking. She unnerved me, but I was not certain why.

Hope: I am here to help. I will gladly work on decrypting the files on Hannah's cloud. I take it her phone is shut off again, and that is why you don't try to access it remotely instead.

I paused in my typing as I read her message.

???: You seem to know something about programming.

Hope: Well, that's just common sense, isn't it? If her phone is off, then you can't create a connection to it. Besides, I tried calling her the day after she went missing when I found out she was gone. It went straight to voicemail, of course.

Hope: Anyway, I'm glad to be here to help. I will send you files as they become available. I hope you're having a nice day. 🙂

I was so stunned by her amicable behavior that I logged off without another word. I would have to be cautious around her. Distrust, indifference, and even hostility were things I could and did handle with ease. But she was being...nice, to me. I could not remember the last time that happened. 

I found myself eager to chat with her each time she sent me files. She was open, friendly, and treated me like a human being. This was something I had almost started to forget. She offered charming banter without being pushy. She seemed to sense that I needed to maintain boundaries and did not attempt to cross them. Yet, little by little, my resolve softened. Until one day, I found myself admitting my name to her.

???: It seems easier if you know my name. I am Jake.

Hope: Lovely to meet you, Jake. 😊 Thank you for trusting me.

Jake: I would like to trust you, but I don't yet know you.

Hope: I understand. Nonetheless. I understand the need for discretion. I hope you'll come to see that I'm trustworthy.

Jake: Well, perhaps if I ask you some questions about yourself. Are you dating anyone?

Hope: Me? Goodness, no. I get along better with animals than people. 

Jake: That seems unlikely. You have already befriended everyone in the group. Jessy seems particularly close to you. Dan and Richy seem to be in competition for your attention as well.

Hope: I'm sure that's just the product of me being the newcomer. I'm really entirely uninteresting.

Jake: Somehow, I doubt that.

Hope: Is it possible that you're simply projecting your feelings?

My face flushed, and I was embarrassed to notice that my palms started sweating.

Jake: I don't know what you mean.

Hope: Very well, then. 😉 I'll let you get back to work.

Frustrated, I wiped my dampened hands off on my jeans. I stared at the chat screen long after she logged off. I seemed to be trying to will her to come back and enchant me further. I finally shook my head to clear it and attempted to focus.

I watched with jealousy as she turned her charm onto the others. When Jessy decided to cancel her date with Dan, Hope drove to the Black Swan with Richy and coaxed a drunken Dan into her car to bring him home, while Richy followed behind in Dan's car. She probably saved that man's life and listened sympathetically as he bared his feelings for Jessy to her. 

After Dan was safe, I listened uncomfortably through her phone's speakers as Richy flirted guilelessly with her in the car when she dropped him home. When she asked if she could start bringing the shelter's fleet of vehicles to him for maintenance and repairs, he sounded ready to profess his love to her. My blood boiled as he called it a "date," to which she laughed good-naturedly.  

I waited until she returned home and then I could not take it any longer. I messaged her without any sort of plan.

Jake: Hello, Hope.

Hope: Well, hi! I apologize that there is a delay in sending you the files, but I was on a rescue mission. 😅 I'm sure you already noticed, though.

Jake: I hope you understand why I monitor the chats. Does it bother you?

Hope: I do understand, and it doesn't bother me at all. 

Jake: It doesn't?

Hope: No. I find it comforting, knowing that you're watching over me. 

Jake: ...I am glad you think so.

Hope: 😊 I promise I'll send you more files soon.

Jake: Hope, wait.

Hope: Yes, Jake? Did you need something else?

Jake: I would like to ask you some questions.

Hope: Ask anything you like.

Jake: What hobbies do you have?

Hope: Well currently, my hobbies include decrypting files and ferrying drunk men.

Jake: :)

Jake: And before?

Hope: I'm a solitary person. I spend time working, and I sleep.

Jake: I see. Perhaps we are not that different, then.

Why did I say that?

Hope: Perhaps not. We have other things in common as well.

Jake: Do we? 

Hope: Of course! We both care about Hannah and want to find her.

Jake: Is that all?

I asked with disappointment.

Hope: Perhaps not. Can you think of anything else?

"I wish I could," I murmured. 

Jake: Not at the moment.

Hope: Well, perhaps it will come to you later. 😉 I'm sorry to cut this short, but I should get to work. There's still time enough to get at least one file decrypted. 👋

Why did she keep leaving when I still wanted to talk to her? And why did I still want to speak to her each time she left? This was dangerous. Yet somehow, I could not stop myself. Each time our conversations ended, she provided me with enough rope to tether myself to her and then walked away. I was in pursuit of this fascinating woman, and I sensed she was letting me pursue her.

I liked this too much.

A short time later, Hope sent me another file without a word. It took restraint on my part to keep myself from commenting. I would take some time to examine the file and discuss it with her later.

The next day, Lilly tried to vote Hope out of the group. I scowled. I thought Hope had made headway with everyone, but perhaps I was wrong. Jessica, Cleo, Dan, and Richy all voted for Hope to stay. Surprisingly, Thomas voted against it, even though he was initially so keen on bringing her into the group. He claimed that he was swayed by Lilly's argument that the kidnapper would hurt Hannah if Hope stayed in the group.

They did not know that Hope was receiving threatening phone calls from the kidnapper and still was cheery and supportive to the others. They also did not realize the pain she went through each time a sick or injured animal at the shelter could not be saved. I heard her crying when she was alone in her office. She always mourned in solitude, and only after she comforted coworkers or patrons first. Hope felt every single pain and sorrow brought onto others.

And the secret that she was far too modest to share was that she went every day to visit Hannah's parents to see if she could help them in any way. She offered to go shopping, hand out flyers, or sit with them. She seemed to have met Mrs. Donfort before. Lilly didn't know about this, and Hope did not mention it, either.

I don't know if Hope realized how much I was monitoring her. I felt guilty for it, but I needed to be close to her for reasons I didn't fully understand myself. I didn't want to scare her away, but I also wanted to offer her comfort. So even though Lilly's attempt to exclude her failed, I still reached out to her.

Jake: Hope. Are you alright?

Hope: I'm fine, thank you. How are you?

Jake: I meant because of what Lilly did.

Hope: It's OK. Hannah warned me that Lilly can be closed-off and insecure. I'm glad that Thomas sided with her, though.

That was surprising.

Jake: Why do you say that?

Hope: Lilly needs to feel like someone is in her corner. I'm happy the others supported me, but if they had all voted for me to stay, then Lilly would have felt like she is on her own, as if she was the only one trying to protect Hannah. 

Jake: I see. Although she is misguided, she has good intentions.

Hope: That's how it seems.

Jake: Do you have doubts about her?

Hope: Not at this time. But I don't want to draw conclusions so early. It's vital that we don't make any mistakes.

Jake: I agree.

Jake: Is everything else fine with you? I--I know that you must have a very taxing job.

Hope: It's a job that I do out of love. It can be very painful sometimes. But it also brings me joy. Besides, I understand these animals and what they've been through. When I needed it most, someone saved me. So now I've dedicated my life to saving those who need it most.

I thought about her words. I wanted to ask so many questions. But I was being invasive enough, by monitoring her every move.

Jake: I cannot imagine someone like you ever needed saving.

Hope: Well, it happened. And I am forever grateful to the one who did it. I have never met anyone like him before or since, and that's why whatever he needs, I will do it.

Jealousy burned in my chest. I had to refrain from interrogating her about this person that she spoke of with such reverence.

Jake: Whoever he is, he is a lucky man.

Hope: I'm glad that you think so. 🙂

What an odd conversation. I was tempted to ask more when she ran off again.

Hope: Sorry to cut this short, but I'm behind schedule at work now because of Lilly's vote. I just need to get a few things done and then I'll work on more files for you, OK?

Jake: By all means. Please contact me if you need anything.

I drummed my fingers against my desk. When I first looked into Hope, I found nothing amiss. She had only established an internet presence when she moved to Duskwood, but I knew she was young. I supposed there were still some young people who did not gravitate toward social media as teenagers. But whoever this man was, that she admired so much, I saw no evidence of him in her public life. She also stated to me that she was not dating anyone. Perhaps this was a relative, or someone older, such as a mentor. I could only hope.

Whoever this person was, I envied him. I had an ever-growing list of things I would like to say and do if I ever saw Hope in person. If this man were an obstacle to my opportunity to spend time with her, I do not know that I would handle it well. 

Though I had no right to ask anything more of her than she already gave me. I was a wanted man, someone who could make no promises to anyone. Even staying in Colville for this long was a risk. It had been fine thus far, but now I was further exposing myself by having so much outside communication with unencrypted devices. But Hannah needed me. I had many regrets about how my past communications with her ended.

I was just getting out of the shower the next day to find pings and beeps sounding off from my terminal. Hair still dripping, I rushed to my desk.

Hope: Jake! You're in danger!

There was a link to a video, but I scrolled past it to see what else she had written first.

Hope: Please come online.

Hope: I'm sorry--I'm trying to take down the video, but I don't think I can do it fast enough. Lilly won't budge.

Hope: Please write to me as soon as you get this.

I went back and clicked on the link. "Shit, Lilly. You don't know what you've done." I winced at all of the information she published about me. She must have read the email thread between Hannah and me from all those years ago. I had not deleted it quickly enough.

Even worse, she was dragging Hope's name through the mud along with mine. I went to the screen where Hope's phone was mirrored and saw in dismay that she was already getting angry and threatening texts from strangers.

I quickly replied to Hope's messages that I would take care of it. She did not respond, but I could not delay. I called Lilly.

"What do you want, Jake?" she asked coldly, but there was a tremble of fear in her voice. "Are you finally ready to confess?"

"Lilly," I coaxed gently. "I know that you are frightened for your sister. I am as well. I only want to find her, and so does Hope. Will you please take down the video?"

"Or what?" she asked with shaky breaths. "Will you kidnap me as well?"

"No. I did not kidnap Hannah. I wouldn't do that, because...because we are family. I am your half-brother, Lilly."

"Wh-what? Nonsense. What are you saying? Did you tell Hannah this lie as well?"

"It is not a lie, I'm afraid. We share a father. I can prove it." I sent her a picture of my mother with our father. I heard her gasp.

"No. This can't be true."

"I am very sorry. I never meant for you to find out. I did not tell Hannah, and I did not intend to tell you, either. I did not wish to disrupt your lives."

Lilly's breath was ragged over the phone. "So my father cheated on my mother?"

"I--I can't say for certain. I am four years older than Hannah."

"Four years?" Lilly's voice brightened slightly, and she sniffled. "My parents were only married for a year before Hannah was born."

"That is good news," I said absently. "Lilly, I am happy to discuss this further. But meanwhile, will you please take down the video?"

"Oh." She huffed. "Yes, I suppose so. There, it's done."

"Thank you, Lilly. I am sorry, but I must go now."

"What? But you said--"

"I know, and I will contact you again as soon as I can. But unfortunately, the video caused safety issues for me, and now I must go into hiding."

"I'm sorry," Lilly whispered.

"It is alright," I told her. "In my absence, please try to make amends with Hope, won't you? She is on your side."

Lilly sniffled. "OK. Goodbye, Jake."

"Goodbye, Lilly."

I went back into the chat to tell Hope that the video was down, but she still had not responded. I was beginning to grow concerned. I was about to check her location when a warning sounded.

Quickly switching windows, I grimaced. My pursuers had found the video. I started hurriedly packing, but my mind kept drifting back to Hope. Where was she? When my text alert beeped, I immediately opened the screen.

Hope: Thank you for helping with the video. But you're still not safe.

Jake: I know. I am going to be offline for a while. Hope, I am sorry to tell you this in such a way, but I am wanted by the government.

Hope: I want to help you. Will you please let me?

Jake: That is kind of you, but I cannot put you in danger along with me.

Hope: Jake...

I heard a knock at my door, which startled me. No one ever knocked on my door.

Hope: It's me. Please, trust me. I only want to help. I have some things I need to tell you.

"Jake," I heard her voice whisper against the door. "Will you let me in? I have a plan."

A chill ran through my body. "How--how did you find me?" I asked in shock at the closed door.

"I'll explain everything, I promise! But right now we have to hide you from those bastards who are after you! Please, Jake. I can't stand it if you get hurt because of me."

I was rooted in place. "What do you mean, because of you? What did you do?"

"Itzal," she said softly. "I am Itxaro."

My breath came quickly as my brain went into overdrive. Itzal is the Basque word for Shadow, my codename when I worked on the project that changed everything for me. And Itxaro is Basque for... 

"Hope!" I cried and ran to the door. I opened it and saw her standing there, her beautiful hazel eyes large and liquid, staring up at me with adoration and concern. I held out a shaky hand to her. She smiled in relief and took it, thinking I was helping her through the doorway. But instead, I pulled her into my arms, shutting and locking the door behind her.

We clung to each other tightly. She was murmuring things into my neck that I didn't understand. I gently cupped her chin in my hand to tilt her face toward mine so I could hear what she said. But time stopped when I realized how close our lips were. Without thinking I closed the gap and my mouth landed on hers. She let out a murmur of surprise and threw her arms around my neck to keep me close. I drank her in like oxygen. Then it hit me what I was doing.

"I-I'm sorry..." I tried to disentangle myself from her. I felt guilty and odd like I was taking advantage of her. "You-you were a child--I shouldn't--"

Hope laughed softly. "Please don't be sorry. Yes, I was a child when we were at the facility, and I'm sure you saw me only as that, a little girl who needed saving. But we parted ways six years ago. Now, I'm an adult, and fully aware of what I'm doing. Besides, even if I hadn't known and idolized you before, I would hardly be mad at a man such as you wanting to kiss me."

I gulped at the look in her eyes and how her fingers stroked sensually at the back of my neck. I was having trouble thinking clearly until her voice broke through my fog. "However, we should get you to safety first, and then we can talk, and do whatever else you want." She leaned in and pecked my lips, but I hungrily attacked her once more, slipping my tongue into her mouth. She moaned, making me hard as steel against my jeans. My hands slipped down to her waist, pressing her against me, and I groaned when she willingly pressed back. "Jake," she murmured, "We should really go."

I reluctantly released her. "Where are we going?" I asked hoarsely, taking her hand in mine.

"You'll come with me?" she asked, eyes wide. 

"Now that I've found you, I cannot just walk away without at least spending some time with you. Besides, you have been hiding in plain sight for years. I imagine you know what you're doing."

A smile lit up her face, and she hugged me. "I'm so happy!"

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