The Prisoner And The Prince

By Mind-If-I-Slytherin_

20 1 3

In which a prince falls in love with a prisoner More


20 1 3
By Mind-If-I-Slytherin_

" stay put, do not move. " the guard spoke sternly as he locked the cell.

alexander fell backwards, falling onto the ground and hitting his head onto the wall, wincing slightly.

the guard rushed out, leaving alexander in the dungeons by himself, he heard some shouting upstairs but he believed it was nothing.

" father! listen to me! " teddy yelled out, catching his father's attention. " do not yell at me, son. " " then listen to m- " " prince teddy, king benjamin. " the guard interrupted, bowing to them, teddy bowing back. " yes? " the king replied. " we have caught the murderer, sir. " " and where is this supposed murderer? " " in a cell in the dungeons, sir. " " thank you, teddy, come. "

And so he did. benjamin and teddy made their way down to the dungeons where they found a shivering alexander. " oh... " teddy muttered to himself as he walked towards the cell.

" teddy move back. " alexander looked towards them. " i'm not going to touch your beloved son, sir. " he said with a smirk, getting up.

teddy watched him, tilting his head. " he doesn't look murderous... " " many don't, son, this is why you must be careful over those you give your trust too. "

alexander flashed a smile at the prince, looking to his father. " why am i in here, again? " " you are a murderer! you belong in these dungeons! " " right.. "

teddy frowned, he felt something was off, he just didn't know what. " who was murdered, father? " " a princess from your school, a very loved young girl. "

alexander watched the two, sitting himself down and resting his head back against the wall. " what was her name? " teddy turned back to alexander, wrapping his hands around the metal bars. alexander looked him, deep in the eyes, and sighed. " i cannot remember, my apologies. " he nodded. " that's fine. "

teddy let go of the bars, taking a step back. " how long does he have? " he turned to his father. " a lifetime, now come, you are going to be late seeing your mother. " " yes father. " and with that, benjamin walked out.

" here! " teddy removed his blazer and shoved it through the bars. " it will keep you warm, i hope.. " " why? " alexander took it slowly, wrapping it around himself. " you are human too, goodnight! " he bowed before rushing off, leaving alexander alone, holding a small smile.

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