All is forgiven - wanda nat

By dexnumber

10.8K 203 176

After the battle in Sokovia, Wanda is left a mess from hydra and the death of her brother, Pietro. However, w... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 4

892 17 39
By dexnumber

Natashas pov:
I'd woke up that morning with a heavy sweat from the previous nightmare. It was recurring, except every time it felt more real. It was excruciating to experience all over again. My heart was racing, my lungs collapsing barely allowing me to breathe. I tumble out of bed panting, trying to make my way to the bathroom. I hold myself up resting on the sink, rinsing my face. Every beat my heart makes I could feel in my chest. The walls felt like they were slowly closing in on me, the door was still wide open though. I could see into the bedroom but to get into it felt like it was an impossible task. I try to stand up on my own but failing miserably, causing me to fall onto the floor and back into the corner. I'd had panic attacks before but never this bad. They were usually about the same thing, but why was this one worse? Black spots started to appear in my vision. I wasn't going to let myself pass out, but I didn't know what else to do. No one was around, nor would i let them come to help me. I started to go deaf in one ear. Why did this have to happen?
"Help" I croak trying to get someone's attention. It didn't work though. Digging my nails into the floor I try to gain some feeling in my hands. Everything was numb. Attempting to gasp for air, I couldn't breathe. I was shaking.

Wandas pov:
I needed to talk to Natasha about training today. I needed her to know that I was trying and she should try to help me so I could be some what of a challenge towards her. I got up out of my bed getting dressed for the day. Leaving my room, I walked up to Natashas door. Was she in there? I knock on the door hoping to get her attention.
"Natasha?" I say knocking again waiting for a response. Still none. I was getting worried now. Maybe she went out for a run with Steve? But it was 10am they'd be back by now. I wait for a second thinking my plan through. I gently pull down the handle of the door peaking inside to hopefully find the red head. But she wasn't there. Now I was really anxious.
"Natasha?" I speak.
"Help" I heard a croaky voice say from the bathroom on my right. The door was wide open but from where I was standing I couldn't see inside fully. Was she hurt? Walking up towards the door I spot the red head uncomfortably on the floor digging her nails into the ground. She sat there with her knees to her face, taking incredibly short breaths. I could feel her panic in her mind. I didn't even have to enter it to know that. She was having a panic attack. I was familiar to these as I'd experienced some extreme ones since the battle and hydra.

Natashas pov:
I see a blurry figure stand in the doorway of my bathroom. I didn't see much as I quickly hid my face. I couldn't let anyone see me like this. God knows what they'd think of me after. I briefly look up again seeing the girl now sat not too far from me, next to the shower. Tears forming and black spots appeared. I had a major headache. The girl was trying to say something to me but I couldn't hear anything. I was starting to get flashbacks again. The walls were very close to me, almost like I was trapped in my position. If I moved they'd get 10 times closer. It was unbearable. Closer, closer, closer until they were two steps away from me. I couldn't control it. I needed to try to take some deep breaths and distract myself. I was never going to make it out. But with what felt like two collapsed lungs and a very busy chaotic mind, that was never going to happen. So I tried to focus on the girl. I needed to focus on something to get another one of my senses back. I started with her face she had her hair tied up in a plait. She had green eyes and soft pink lips. She was wearing what looked to be sports wear. Maybe she was planning on training. She looked panicked but tried to remain calm.

I continued to point out her features in my head until I started to regain my hearing.

"Natasha can you hear me?"

I look up to her face and slowly nod. My hearing definitely wasn't back to normal but it was still there.

"Okay, please try to take some deep breaths with me."

It took me a while to process what she said but once I did I attempted to follow her instructions. A while later of doing this she spoke again.

"Good, well done, can I touch you?" She asked in a calm tone.
I hesitated and took a while to answer but eventually I nodded back. She slowly moved closer too me placing her hand on my knee. I could tell she was trying her best to help, and so far it had kind of worked.

"Do you know where you are Natasha?"

I take a second, processing again.

"Good, what colour are the walls?"

I slowly look up at the walls trapping me. They'd moved further back from the last time I checked but were still too close for my liking. I still felt cornered and surrounded. No matter how hard I tried to make them go back they wouldn't.

I snap out of the tangent.
I hear the girl speak again and feel her place her hand on my shoulder refocusing my attention on her. I stare at her blankly forgetting about the question she just asked.

"What colour are the walls?" She says again expecting an answer.

"Grey" I say in a broken tone.

"Great, and what colour is the sink?"

I glance over at it. It was a white marble sink. It was fancy but of course, it was funded by Tony.


"What colour is the tshirt I'm wearing?"


"Do you know what building you're in?"

"The compound" I say staring off into the room through the door. The walls had started to back off more by now and seemed a lot more normal. I look at the brunette girl who looked slightly more relieved than she did before. Wanda had came and saved her from that.
"Thank you" I say attempting to smile.
The girl leaned in and gave me a hug. I hesitated not knowing what to do but gave in and returned it. My heart was still pounding and wanda could feel that, so we sat with our arms wrapped around each other for a while whilst I calmed down.

Wandas pov:
I'd never seen this girl in such distress before. She was good at hiding her emotions usually. I knew at times she must have a hard time with that so I was not surprised she had a panic attack. I had just done what I knew worked best in this situation.

"Thank you" the red head spoke softly.
Maybe I'd finally gained the trust of the other girl. Happy that the other girl started to recover, I wrapped my arms around the girl pulling her into a hug. I could feel her heart pounding practically through her chest. I felt terrible for Natasha.

After a while of sitting there in that position, I pull away giving her a gentle smile.
"Do you feel any better?"

"I guess" she said partially smiling back.

"You must be exhausted, I know when that happens I get extremely tired too, so let's get you to bed." I say standing up holding out my hand for the other girl.  She groans but takes it slowly pulling herself up.

3rd person:
Attempting to fully stand up the red heads knees give way. Wanda gently put her hand around the woman's lower back and natasha's arm around her shoulder guiding her to Natashas bed. The witch sits the assassin down on the bed pulling the blanket over the girls body. Natasha still looked terrified, her mind drifting back to them thoughts.
Wanda gets up to leave the room when she hears the familiar raspy voice.

"Please can you stay? I just don't want to be alone, sorry."

She turns around to look at the girl and smiles softly.
"Of course." Wanda goes over to the other side of the bed, picking up a book from the bedside table. She sat on the bed crossing her legs and opening the book. Natasha turned onto her side in the bed to look at the brunette next to her. She felt a weird feeling inside of her, a warm feeling. Wanda had helped her, she was very thankful for that.

The witch had noticed Natasha was staring at her and turned to look. Her eyes looked lost in thought, but not scared anymore.

Natasha had noticed she was staring and looked away for a second pushing herself up into a sitting position. She looked back at wanda and before she knew what she was doing, she had pulled her in for another hug. Natashas head was resting on wandas shoulder. Wanda was shocked at the girls move but gave in anyways. It was comforting.

"I trust you." The raspy voiced girl said.

That's all wanda needed to hear before her eyes were coated in shiny tears again. She was glad she'd gained trust from the assassin, she'd thought it would never happen and she'd be hated forever.
Natasha pulled away and laid back down trying to go to sleep.


She had slept a long time and well. When she woke up she reached out her arm to see if wanda was still there but she found no one. Upset by that, she got up and left the room to go find her, still in her oversized hoodie and shorts which she had slept in. It was a lot later on in the afternoon so she had no idea where she'd be. The kitchen or lounge? Not there. Her room? Not there. She saw Steve in the hallway and went to ask where she was.
"Hey Steve have you seen wanda?"

"Yes but why? God you're not going to kill her are you." He says slightly panicked.

"No idiot."

"Oh thank god. She's in the training room if u need her that desperately."

"Thanks fossil." I say smirking and heading downstairs to the training room.


Wandas pov:
I'd left her room whilst she was still sleeping a few hours later. I didn't know if she'd want me staying or not so I left to not make it awkward. I decided I wanted to continue practicing to get better at training so I went into my room to change into some sportswear.

I'd been practicing in the training room for longer than I thought, I hoped it would pay off. I throw a punch at the punching bag and hear the door open. It was the assassin, she looked happy to see me? I don't know what our relationship is like. It was all incredibly confusing. She walks towards me with her hands in her grey hoodie, her hair a partial mess. She looked nice, she always did.

"Hey" she says


"Why are you training?"

"Just thought I'd try and get better for our next session" I say looking into her deep green eyes. I could get lost in them for hours.

"Huh, really? Let me go get changed and test that." Smirking she walked off and closed the door.
I continued with practicing my attacks, awaiting her return. When she did, I couldn't help but stare she was in a black and red high neck sports top and some skin tight black shorts. She spoke bringing my attention back on topic.

"Ready?" She said placing her water bottle and towel on the bench next to the treadmills.

"As much as I can be"

Natashas pov:
She'd been practicing so she could beat me. Cute. We stand on the mat, ready. She makes the first move and I block, but she doesn't stand down. She fires her other arm up grabbing mine for a second the flipping me upside down and falling on the mat. She kneels on my stomach.
"Shit" I exclaimed
I looked into her eyes and felt a weird sensation in my stomach completely throwing me off. She got up holding out a hand. But i just lay there for a second.

"This would much cooler with my powers."

I laugh taking her hand. However, I took her by surprise and tried to knock her over.

"Nice try, sorry." She says blocking me and punching my stomach making me stumble backwards.
I give her a death stare trying to gather my strength.

"сука (bitch)" I mumble under my breath. Wanda looked scared but I wasn't going to let her win. I ran towards her getting ready to block her attacks. I manage to get behind her within a minute and I kick her back making her fall onto her knees. Still she didn't give in.

'She's learnt, good.'

I walk towards her getting ready trying to predict what she'd do next but to my surprise she got on one knee and swung her arm behind her smacking me across the face. With one had I feel where she hit and the other grabbing her arm and twisting it backwards turning her to face me. I reach my arm out and hold her chin to look at me.
"You've learnt" I say giving her a stare. She didn't show any intimidation on her face.

"From the best." She says smirking at me. Her eyes stare into my soul, what once green were now turning red. I felt her red wisps clasp my hands pulling them off her, making me stood stationary for a second.

"Cheater." I say with a glare.

"I thought u said there was no rules to fighting. Isn't that one of your phrases?"
By this point wanda was stood behind me. She was slightly taller but not by much. I couldn't move and it was irritating. She knew that and was making the most of it.
The witch leaned in close to my ear and whispered slowly "What's this? The black widow, not fighting back? How weird."

As much as I hated the fact she was winning I felt something go inside me. What was this feeling? I'd never experienced anything like this before and it was hard to control. I struggled trying to get out of the witches magic but it just wasn't working. She walked infront of me. I looked at her dead in the eyes trying to scare her, but she just stared back with a smirk. She gave a small laugh and said "come get me."
The red wisps around my arms and legs had gone and she stood there waiting. For some reason I knew she was finished using her magic. I could tell. She wasn't out of energy or used it all up, she just didn't seem like she was going to use it again. Wanda was trying to challenge herself. The witch thought I was going easy on her so she pissed me off. She wasn't even trained that well.

"Well done, your plan worked you've pissed me off" I say throwing punches left and right. She dodged some and took others but still not giving in.
"How long have you been training for?" I ask because this clearly wasn't her only session.

"Well Steve helped and others too. I still wouldn't say I'm as good as you but the look on your face before did say I had managed to intimidate you. Might as well have fun with it."

"You're good I'll give you that. But you're definitely being a pain in the ass."
She uppercut my chin, I shake it off grabbing her neck and backing her against the wall. "You should know im a better fighter when I'm pissed off." I death stare her. She struggled in my hand. She turned to the side and kicked me back. I started to fall and almost let her out my grip but quickly grabbing her wrist and pulling her down with me. It was starting to hurt a little. When she fell onto the floor I quickly turned over pinning her with my knee and my arm keeping hers down. I stared at her and she had rosy cheeks. I felt that weird feeling in my stomach again. God, what is it that Steve calls it? Butterflies? Wait, no, that's when you have a crush on someone. I really don't have a crush on her. We were just friends. In fact did she even think of me as a friend? I don't know but I cant get distracted.

I hear the door open to the training room and me and wanda look over. It was Steve.

"Hey wanda? Has nat-" He glared at us without attempting to finish that sentence. I wonder why he was looking at us weirdly and then I realised what he was seeing. I was on top of wanda.
"Well yous have clearly found each other- uhm- yea continue or something bye-" He said and closed the door instantly. I feel my face heat up and immediately get on wanda walking over to the bench to get a drink from my bottle. On my way there, I hear wanda giggle. It was cute. I turn to look at her and smile.

"Well done you've gotten good. You'll still need to do practice though. And no powers please you know I don't stand a chance." I say as I walk back, giving her bottle to her.

"Thanks." She smiles and takes the water.
I lay on the mat next to her in silence. I was trying to figure out what the hell I was feeling not only in my body but in my brain.

A/N - I really enjoyed writing this chapter and it's quite a bit longer than the other so I hope you enjoy it too. :)

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