Assassin Love ✓

By sihle0071

71.8K 3.3K 432

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Big Case?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Secret Admirer?
Flirtatious conversations?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Appreciation date?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Spare my life?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
We need to talk?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!

Alternative plan?

541 21 0
By sihle0071

Sthembiso's POV

"At least your competition wasn't a broke person." she says and i chuckle. "Out of all things you can say you choose to say this." I say. "Am I wrong?" "No you not wrong but you weren't supposed to say that." "I'm sorry for finding humour in a very dark place." I chuckle.

"So now what are you gonna do with this critical piece?" she asks. "What do you mean by that?" I ask. "It's not like you can go kill Siyanda cause she's his wife and he will come after you so you need to have an alternative plan." "I'll talk to my dad and then we will tell Manqoba and we shall take it from there." "Does this mean Bonnie and Clyde might be over before it even began?" "It might be but I just pray it doesn't end because i have an itch that needs to be scratched."

"That explains her being 'doctors without borders' and all that nonsense he told me." she says. "What an interesting qualification she had." I say and we chuckle. "How come he let her sleep with you?" "I don't know."

"Honestly i dont get that part where you have to sleep together cause they could have gotten you arrested and left it at that because the mole was working for them."  she says. "I think it was a way of manipulation so that i don't see her true colours and also to see if I will tell her about my other life." I say. "You know this other time I was eavesdropping she said that she is gonna miss your dingleling." I chuckle.

"She really said that?" I ask. "Yeah but then Nthabiseng was like you can reminisce after we win so now that she didn't win is she reminiscing about those sessions.." she says and we laugh. "You making fun of her situation and that's not nice." "I'm not I'm just wondering." "Your wondering never ceases to amaze me."

"Is her daughter really her daughter?" she asks. "Yeah cause they still hanging out playing happy family." I say. "Does she look like Melokuhle?" "No she looks more like Siyanda. Even if we were trying to figure out the paternity without the tests it would be impossible cause her genes are strong." She nods.

She takes the box and cups and puts them in the kitchen. I'm actually shocked to say the least. Who knew that Siyanda and Melokuhle are together. I was expecting a nobody thats tryna become a big shot and all that but him...hai I never expected it. His family is successful so what good reason do they have to be after us.

Even if they told me go through the list of suspects I would never think about him. Him and i don't know each other on that level and it's not like i wronged him in any way. I don't know if my dad wronged him or his family cause I know my dad and his tendencies of making unnecessary enemies.

"I think it's time for me to go back to my apartment." she says. "Why?" I ask. "Haibo buti I don't live with you and i don't believe in vat 'n sit." "But I was enjoying your presence." "I don't want any more visitors coming here to disrupt our time together." "But you don't have to leave." "I miss my bed and own privacy."

"So there is nothing I can do or say to change your mind." I say. "Nope all you have to do is just enjoy my last night being here." she says. "So you leaving tomorrow?" "Yes." "Okay. Let me enjoy your last night being here." I carry her bridal style and she squeals.  "Is this how you enjoying my last night?" "Yes of course madam." She giggles. I'm definitely going to miss her being here.

"Uhamba ntambama or manje?" I ask. (Are you leaving later or now?) "Ntambama." she says. (Later.) "Okay at least i can get one more round before you leave." "There is no one more round nix." "Hawu mara.." "Hai Sthembiso I'm to young to walk with a stick." "Electronic wheelchairs were invented for a reason."

"Ngimncane for kuhamba ngewheelchair." she says. (I'm to young to be using a wheelchair.) "You just gonna say you got into a car accident." I say. "Not a car accident a dick accident." I laugh. "That's what you going to say i was just giving you nice excuses." "Hai no your libido is too high." "But you weren't complaining last night."

"Hello that was then and this is now." she says. "Just say you enjoy this high libido of mines." I say. "I wonder who told you that I enjoy it." "Is this you now?" "Yes it's me." I roll my eyes and she laughs. "Go Sthembiso I want to watch good girls by myself without being disrupted every twenty seconds."

"Phela kukwam la." I say. (This is my place.) "It's fine kukwakho vele mara nami ngicela ispace away from you." she says. (It's your place but I'm asking for space away from you.) "Let me get going before I get carried to my car." "Good boy my girl now chop chop time waits for no man." I chuckle. "Okay give me a kiss then I'll go." She pecks my lips and i roll my eyes.

"You didn't specify which kiss." she says. "Okay a French kiss." I say. "No man just go." "So eager to kick me out of my own house. I wonder why." "Manny Montana is waiting for me." "Okay fine bye." "Bye my love." I chuckle.

I get inside my car and drive to my dad's house. I shuffle my playlist and the song Been around the world by August Alsina ft Chris Brown starts playing. I don't how my dad is going to feel about this whole situation. First its the Mngomezulu's after him or should i say us and now its the Ndaba's. When are the attacks ever going to stop.

As we have all established earlier there is a reason behind the attack yaka Mngomezulu. It's not like Ayabonga needs to take over this empire because he wants more money he already has a lot of money so there is an ulterior motive behind this whole attack and sooner rather than later i think we all going to find out the reason. Let's just hope it's a good excuse.

I get there and go inside. I pass by the kitchen and find my mother taking something out of the oven. "Hi mama." I greet.. "The prodigal son is alive." she says. "I'm not dead." "Nowadays you are really scarce so one can't help but assume the worst about you." I chuckle.

"Uright?" I ask. (Are you okay?) "I'm okay knowing that you still alive." she says and i chuckle. "I see you enjoying this relationship of yours because you laughing more often." "Hai mama let's not go there." "Don't change the subject. Kahle kahle sit down I need to ask you a few questions."

I sit on the bar stool and she pours me a glass of juice. "You pouring me a glass means these questions are about to get real." I say. "No I'm just making sure you stay hydrated." she says. "With juice?" "Yes with juice." We chuckle.

"How's the relationship going?" she asks. "It's going like any other relationship I guess." I answer. "Compare it with your million relationships you've had without us knowing." "It's the same cause I have to make sure it's normal and real."

"Do you like her or do you feel anything for her?" she asks. "No." I answer. "You were so quick to answer that." "That's because i know the answer." She rolls her eyes. "Okay whatever. Just know the reason why you got into that relationship." "It's not to have fun but to be on guard." "That's right." I wish I can tell her about my feelings but I can't and i won't.

"What brings you here today?" she asks. "I've got some big news for you guys." I say. "I wonder what this big news is." "Let me go look for your husband so you can find out." "That husband of mines is your father." "Yes I am very much aware of that."

I go to his office and i find him busy with work. "You must be in love cause you have neglected us." he says. "I didn't neglect anyone. I saw you guys a while back." I say. "Uright?" (Are you okay?) "Ngiyaphila wena."(I'm good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila. Ubekwe yini la?" (I'm good too. What brings you here?)

"Come to the kitchen you shall find out." I say. "I hope you didn't make anyone pregnant." he says. "Nope." "Siyabonga Jesu." (Thank you Jesus.) He follows me to the kitchen and we sit at the bar stools.

"What's so serious that you couldn't tell us over the phone?" asks dad. "Siyanda was married and i just found out who her husband is." I say. "Whose her husband?" "It's Melokuhle Ndaba." "Are you serious?" "Stru."

"Melo and Siyanda." she says. "Yes those two are a married couple." I say. "Ubhidlizha umuzi womunye ndoda." he says. (You are ruining a man's house.) "Technically I was seduced so that's making it seem like i did that but I didn't know she was married." "Why would Melokuhle come after you and the Vilakazi's?"

"That's a question that needs to be answered." I say. "We need to tell Manqoba." says dad. "Yes I know that's why I came to you guys first." "Lets set up a meeting for Monday at my office." "What time?" "12." "Okay." "Are you still getting rid of Siyanda?" she asks.

"That was my plan and Manqoba asked me to get rid of his witness that lied about him. But I need to have an alternative plan just in case we can't kill them anymore cause we can't let them get away with it." I say. "I hope you didn't do anything to them back in the days to get them that mad." she says. "No i didn't do anything to them." says dad. "Did you do anything to the Mngomezulu's?" He sighs.

That was a sign that he definitely did something big. "Let me go i have a life to live." I say. "You mean you have a girlfriend to take care of." says ma. "No i have somewhere to be." "Okay enjoy that somewhere." "I definitely will." We both laugh.

"Salen'kahle." I say. (Stay safe.) "Bye." I stand up and leave. I get inside the car and drive to Bonginkosi's house. This is the catch up session I promised him a while back.

He is the only friend I have and we've been friends for about 10 years now. I'm not one to have a big friend group just that one person that I know i can rely on and will always be there for me no matter what is fine. The rest of the people I know are acquaintances or passers. I get to his house and his wife is busy with the plants. I get out of the car and greet her.

"I honestly thought you were dead." she says. "I wasn't its just that the case stressed me out." I say. "You don't look stressed out moes you even glowing." "Decided to put me first." "Or you decided to find a girl." "There is no girl." "Keep on denying." We chuckle.

"Where's your husband?" I ask. "Office." she says. I get inside and go straight to his office. I get inside and i see him reading a book. I need to invade his reading nook a bit I'm sure i can find something nice. "Yah wena." "Hawu is this you." he says. "No its my twin."

"Your twin looks better than Sthembiso." he says. "What are you trying to say about me?" I ask. "That the old Sthembiso used to bath with water and this one bathes with milk and almonds with a pinch of honey." I chuckle. "I've always used such products." "No you were ugly back then but now i can scream at the top of my lungs and claim you as my best friend."

"Are you done insulting me?" I ask. "Yes I'm done now. Uright?" he asks. (Are you okay?). "Ngiyaphila wena."(I'm good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila." (I'm good too.) I sit down and take the book out of his hand. "Politics?" "It's nice." "I thought you had something better." "I do you have to check the nook."

"I'm here now we can start the catch up session that you demanded." I say. "Okay. How have you been since the case." he says. "I've been okay I'm just glad it's off my shoulders." "Were you scared that you going to be a bantiti." (jailbird.) "Not really."

"Unamanga you can admit that you were scared it will stay between me and you." he says. (You are lying..) "Don't lie wena." I say. "I'm serious." "I wasn't scared cause I knew my attorney was gonna pull it off." "Thatha wena I trust my attorney." "I should cause she is a good one."

"I know she is." he says. "Why didn't you come during the trial?" I ask. "You know having a wife and child requires your full attention but you wouldn't know that cause you have neither of the above but I think it's going to change due to this glow up I'm seeing." I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry i wasn't there to support you." "Forgiven."

"Now tell me who is your girlfriend?" he asks. "What girlfriend now?" I ask. "We both now that you not single." "How do we both know that?" "Because you are denying it and i am seeing this all of a sudden glow I have never seen before." "I'm not dating."

My friends never knew about Siyanda I guess i was still waiting for the right time to come for me to formally introduce them but I guess that time will never come which is a good thing.

Uluthando walks in and serves us cooldrink. "Thank you." I say. "Stop denying it Sthembiso we can all see it." she says. "Yabona even she sees it you have to tell us who you dating." he says. "Okay i am seeing someone but I can't tell you who that person is." "Okay its fine you will tell me the person's name once she leaves the room." "That applies to you too."

"I'm your best friend so I have a right to know." he says. "And i also have a right to privacy." I say. "Hello what if she kills you then who am I gonna go hunt for." "She won't kill me." "He'll tell us when his ready." she says. "Thank you." He rolls his eyes. "Throwing tantrums like a little child."

"Anyways let me tell you izindaba ezimnandi." he says. (let me tell you juicy news.)  "Uhlezi unendaba I wonder uzithathaphi." I say. (You always have news I wonder where you get it from.)  "The same way a lady doesn't kiss and tell it also applies to guys." I chuckle. "I'm listening."


I get back to my penthouse and i find the house empty. I can't believe she left without saying goodbye. The reason why I didn't want her to leave was that i had gotten used to her presence. I know in the situation I'm in I committed a huge felony but I enjoy having her around.

I guess her being gone will do me good cause at least I'll get my act together without her being around....

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