Yellow Eyes: Safe Haven

By Browwnsuugarr

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Camdon and the group have made it out of Wyoming. The roads take them to a safe haven by a beautiful Lake. Lo... More

Road trip (Ch.1)
We need to talk(Ch.3)
Alone Time(Ch.4)
The Skinner(Ch.7)
Positive (Ch.8)
Decisions (Ch.9)
Trying (Ch.11)
So much(Ch.12)
The Path Ahead(Ch.14)
Numb (Ch.16)
Forgive me(Ch.18)
Taking it Easy(Ch.19)
Up & Running (Ch.20)
Two more (Ch.22)
The Neighborhood
Burn Bonus


106 8 0
By Browwnsuugarr



I'm laying in bed right now and cuddled next to Cam who is still asleep, we decided to sleep in the basement on the pullout couch which is surprisingly comfortable. Cam took it upon herself to clean and wash everything once everyone had come back to the cabin. I stayed in the front room talking with everyone until she was done.

Mun said he found good soil to plant a few things and he spent half the day teaching everyone on how to start gardening, which is nice and helpful.

Veer said he was dropping a little information here and there on what to do if you get stabbed, which is very informative as well. I think it's good to share the knowledge we have with each other, it makes us more capable and stronger in a way.

I haven't moved from my position with Cam because I'm too comfortable to, but the sun that shined in through the tiny window has other plans as it shined directly into my opticals.

Cam gave me some clothes to put on she found upstairs in one of the rooms, a muscle t-shirt and some blue shorts. She found herself a grey v-neck shirt and some white basketball shorts to wear to sleep.

I sat up and tried to walk to the bathroom but my legs began to tremble immediately causing me to sit back down. I feel like I can't do this but I have to because I have to pee so bad. So with my urine pushing on my bladder I stood up determined, "I will not fall.", I say to myself. As soon as I took my first step I felt strong hands grab me from behind and swoop me off my feet in bridal style.

"Cam, you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you were asleep." I say laughing as she carries me to the bathroom.

"I was, But I heard you say that you didn't want to fall."

"How the hell did you hear that? I swear that super hearing of yours creeps me out sometimes."

"Yeah, Okay let me know when you're done." With that she closed the door and let me finish my business.

She carried me back out the restroom and she gave me a few kisses before she went upstairs to retrieve me something to eat. It's her fault I can barely stand and only partially mine. I didn't use the safe word.

Sex is a specatcular thing, But the only down side is pregnantcy scares. Condoms are a must, We unfortunately haven't found any on the road yet. Pulling out is another form of birth control but quite literally the least secure. Plus pulling out is the last thing on Cam's mind when she cums. If i'm being honest it's the last thing on mine too.


What is that? Is someone knocking? But who would be knocking?
Suddenly Cam opens the door and tells me not to come upstairs no matter what. She's crazy to think I'm not going to help them if something were to go wrong. I'm not who I was a few months ago, I don't think any of us are, we have all changed for the better. So if push comes to shove I'll be ready.



I made my way to the kitchen to find Vi and I something to eat on, Which in this point in time isn't hard to do because the lumberjack guy is stocked up on a lot of resources, I mean this guy has everything one would need in an apocalypse. It's amazing we've found this place. The others don't know about the sinister things he might have been doing and they don't need to know. It'll just creep them out and give them another reason for us to actually go to New York. But what they don't know is that we've struck gold with this Cabin.


Am I hearing correctly? Did someone just knock at the front door?

I stop what I am doing and grab a large kitchen knife that is sitting in front of me, Then I head toward the basement stairs to make sure Vi is good. I opened the door to the basement and whispered loud enough for Vi to hear me.

"Don't come upstairs no matter what."

I shut the door back and continue creeping towards the front door, Sofia and everyone is walking down the stairs just as puzzled as I am. They reach the bottom and I motion for Sofia and Mun to go out the back door and be in positions on both sides of the cabin with their guns ready.


They're knocking again. It sounds like whoever they are, they're getting impatient.

Veer stayed on the stairs with a shotgun aiming at the door and Sol and SaKai flanked to the left of me with their guns drawn aiming at the door.

I stepped towards the door because I feel I am ready to face what's on the other side. As I wrapped my hand on the cold metal door knob, I took a deep breath in, then out. Okay now I'm ready.

I swung the door open with my knife in hand and laid eyes on the one knocking on our door. He's a tall white man with a cowboy get up on, a red bandana hung around his neck. He has dark brown hair that matches the large dusty brown cowboy hat that sits on his head. His eyes were a deep shade of blue and he had a goatee surrounded by stubble. His hair reached just past his ears and the part that I could see was matted and untamed.

The first thing to really stick out about this guy was his smell, he reeked of old sweat and onions.
His crew were only two men who shared his smell but not his height.

We both looked each other up and down, neither of us speaking yet, Just cold hard stares.

"Well this is awkward." He spoke first.

"How rude of me to knock on your door and not introduce myself. My name is Dennis, Dennis Rogers of course, and you are..."

I completely ignored his introduction and swiftly stepped out of the door frame with my knife coming straight to his jugular and my hand gripping his matted hair and pulling it back.

"How many of you are there?" I question pushing my knife to his neck farther, breaking the skin causing a thick drop of blood to slowly fall.

"It's just us I promise." He says with his voice shaking and beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"You should know by now that you're trespassing." I spoke still with a knife to his throat.

One of the two people that came with him went to pick up his hat that fell when I grabbed his hair and a shot went off. The man fell to the ground screaming in agony with blood pouring from his knee. The other man went to grab his gun from his hip and another shot went off. I pushed Dennis to his knees and he began pleading for his life.

Sofia and Mun approached the porch and stuck their knives into the two's heads, finishing the kill.

I feel like they didn't need to die but what's done is done. They moved the wrong way and now they're dead because of it. Should it really be this easy to take life?

"I'm sorry! We just wanted some shelter and food. We ain't mean no harm! Please don't kill me!"

"I won't kill you." I say

"I thank you so much, bless your heart."

"But only if you tell me how you found this place."

"RIght, of course, We w-were walking on the highway, ummm... I-80 and we saw an unavoidable crash right. S-so we took a back road that led us here. I promise." He said

"Please I'll leave this place and never come back. Just let m-me go."

"Okay, You can g-"

Just then Vi came from behind me, she took my hand and pressed the full length of the kitchen knife into Dennis' neck.

"You aren't going anywhere Dennis." She said

Blood rushed to his open wound spilling everywhere and his face drained of any color that was once there.

"Aviva! What the fuck was that!?" Her brother shouted

He expressed the shock we were all feeling.

Moody much?


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